How to care for a horse by Sophie Young

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Date: 05/05/17 Issue no. 1

Working in malta with Everything is Possible Warm and sunny welcome to this issue of Working in malta, In this issue we will be following Sophie a former student of Kirklees college, who previously joined us on a previous project, this time Sophie joined other students to help out at in malta for two weeks.

So what did she do during her stay? She and the other students did volunteer work for two weeks at the Tomasina Cat Sanctuary and the RMJ Horse rescue. They had to help feed, water and clean over 30 cats and the horses too! So with this she must of Learned alot during her stay, Lucky for us Sophie was happy to put together a How to guide on Caring for a horse; One of the animals that she had to care for.

Date: 05/05/17 Issue no. 1

How to care for a Horse So Caring for a horse can be quite daunting but with these fairly straightforward steps they can help you prepare to be able to care for one with supervision. So the first thing is horses need is food and water. And because of their size they make a lot of mess, so after topping up their water (Food comes later ) you have to do is clean their paddock the tools you will need are a shovel, sweeping brush and a wheelie barrow.

Once the horse have got a clean paddock and fresh food and water you can then groom them. Grooming helps horses have a clean coat, it removes dirt and excess oils that build up on the coat. First you have to tie the horse up so the horse doesn't try to wander away from you With a head collar you slip the nose piece over the horse's nose then buckle up the head piece behind the ears then with a lead rope tie up the horse with a quick release knot.

Date: 05/05/17 Issue no. 1

To brush them we can use a soft hand brush and with this you brush with the hairline. Make sure you always brush with the hairline or else it may irritate the horse if you brush it in the other direction. So that is the basics of caring for a horse, there is so much more about them to learn about and on your trip to Malta you will learn more and maybe get to ride one too.

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