Indonesia By Eve Tedja
Indonesia Today
Facts: Islands17,508 600 Ethnic groups and languages 5 Religions 33 Provinces
Kingdoms of Indonesia
Kingdoms of Sriwijaya and Majapahit
European Colonization
The Netherlands
United Kingdom
Japanese Occupation (1942 -1945)
Indonesian Independence 1945
The New Order (1966 – 1998)
Reformation 1998
2004 Tsunami
Indonesia Today
250 million people
60% productive age 2030
By , Indonesia will have productive working people
180 million
Only third of Indonesian students – in a country where 57 million attend school – complete basic schooling.
Indonesia Today
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Bali: A Paradise Created
Eat, Pray, Love
Bali: Not Indonesia
Population 3 million Visitors 2,8 million (2012) Hotel rooms 40,000
Culture and Religion
Terima kasih
Yayasan Act Global Indonesia Jalan Gelogor Carik Koala Lane 4A Denpasar Bali 80221, Indonesia Act Global CIC ActGlobalCIC
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