9 minute read
West Knox Acupuncture
It’s Life Changing
IRREVERSIBLE IS NOT a word you want to hear from your doctor, but it’s a common one if you’ve been diagnosed with Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy, or CIPN.
Gary R. survived testicular cancer only to be living life in constant pain. He felt as though he was walking on pins and needles, becoming weaker and weaker every day. “I was beginning to be worried that one day I would be wheelchair bound.”
Chemotherapy meds travel throughout the body and attack cancer cells. Sadly, they can also cause severe damage to healthy nerves. CIPN can begin within weeks of starting treatment and can worsen as treatment continues. A high number of really unfortunate people will be forced to endure the symptoms associated with CIPN for months, or even years, after they’ve completed chemo.
When asked how CIPN was affecting his quality of life, he responded, “It was difficult to even walk up and down stairs and do other things we usually take for granted.”
The most common symptoms include: • Pain, tingling, burning, weakness, or
numbness in arms, hands, legs, or feet • Sudden, sharp, stabbing, or shocking pain sensations • Loss of touch sensation • Clumsiness and trouble using hands to pick up objects or fasten clothing • Loss of balance and falling
For some, their nerves will recover over time. For most, the nerve damage is irreversible. Gary had been told just that by a series of doctors and specialists. Essentially, they could cure his cancer but couldn’t fix the damage done by the drugs used to cure his cancer.
Then Gary made a call to the doctors at West Knox Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine right here in Knoxville. They are using the time-tested science of acupuncture and a technology originally developed by NASA that assists in increasing blood flow and expediting recovery and healing to treat this debilitating disease. “I remember thinking ‘that’s become mighty easy for me.’ I didn’t have to hold on to the handrail or anything! It’s life changing to have this mobility back!”
Again and again, we meet with patients who were once diagnosed as “untreatable” or “incurable” but after receiving treatments are now living lives free from pain and suffering.
For almost 20 years, Drs. A.J. & Monica Sarrat have been reversing the effects of CIPN and other varieties of Peripheral Neuropathy, including those caused by diabetes without invasive surgeries and medications that come with uncomfortable side effects.
If you’ve recently beaten cancer only to find that you’re living a life in constant pain and discomfort or you’re struggling with the same symptoms as a result of either Idiopathic Neuropathy or Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy, the incredible team at West Knox Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine can help! Call 865-275-2444 now to schedule a consultation.
West Knox Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine
9125 Cross Park Drive Suite 150 Knoxville, TN 37923 865.275.2444 www.WestKnoxAcupuncture.com
Random Acts of Flowers’ Volunteer Spirit
THE GROWTH OF Random Acts of Flowers since its beginning in 2008 has been quite remarkable. During the past 12 years, Random Acts of Flowers has delivered more than 139,000 bouquets of re-purposed flowers to individuals in healthcare facilities here in the Greater Knoxville area. With a staff of just three full-time employees, the only way Random Acts of Flowers can create and deliver this many personal moments of kindness is thanks to its dedicated, funloving, and hard-working volunteer base.
During the past 12 months, even with all of the Covid-19 challenges, Random Acts of Flowers volunteers still were able to put in more than 6,500 hours into delivering hope by collecting flower donations from grocery stores, florists, and events around the area - sorting and preparing the flowers, repurposing them into beautiful individual bouquets, and delivering them to local healthcare facilities.
Volunteers come to Random Acts of Flowers for a variety of reasons: Some volunteer to enjoy the comradery of being with others that enjoy giving back to the community; some volunteer as part of a corporate day of service; some find floral arranging therapeutic; some volunteer in honor of a friend or family member that received one of our bouquets; and some volunteer because they themselves have been the recipient of a Random Acts of Flower bouquet! Whatever the reason for their participation, our volunteers are critical to our being able to carry out our mission of delivering hope and personal moments of kindness to those in our local healthcare community that most need one.
During the past few months, more and more healthcare facilities have opened back up to receiving floral deliveries from Random Acts of Flowers, and the volunteers are eager to increase the deliveries of floral bouquets and smiles back to pre-Covid levels. The focus of the volunteers in 2021 has been - and continues to be - to engage in activities that help others in a time of need and to continue to put forth their best efforts to ensure that Random Acts of Flowers maintains its minimal environmental footprint.
As Random Acts of Flowers continues to increase its output and grow, there is always room for more volunteers. Even if you have never worked with flowers or made a bouquet, not to worry! Experienced volunteers teach and train newcomers until they are comfortable and confident. Come join the fun and know that your effort is making someone else’s day better!
For more information about becoming a Random Acts of Flowers volunteer, visit www.RAFKnoxville.org, send an email to info@rafknoxville.org, or call the workshop at 865-633-9082.
Volunteers engaged in making bouquets. Flowers that were donated to RAF and collected by a volunteer.

Plagued by Chronic Pain? Get Your Life Back!

Whether it’s the numbness and tingling of NEUROPATHY, the painful burning sensation that accompanies SCIATICA, or the unbearable swelling and stiffness of your joints from ARTHRITIS, the doctors at West Knox Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine are here to help!
West Knox Acupuncture utilizes non-pharmaceutical, non-surgical innovative medical solutions to TREAT your problems! With a focus on treating chronic pain, failed surgeries, rheumatoid conditions, and complex, chronic cases, we are often the last resort with the best results.
Now, a clinic that brings a missing link of healthcare to Knoxville. Skillfully layering therapies such as ATP BioTherapy and O3 Resonance for amplified and lasting results. Our treatments will help you feel better and get you back in the game of enjoying life.
“I was getting weaker and weaker, and I was beginning to be worried that one day, I would be wheelchair bound. This morning, I walked down the stairs, and when I reached the bottom, I thought, ‘My goodness, that has become easier for me.’ I couldn’t be happier!” - Mick B
Imagine staff and a community of people who not only UNDERSTAND your condition but will truly SUPPORT you through your progress!

Migraines Failed Back Surgery Chronic Knee Pain Fibromyalgia Peripheral Neuropathy Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

CALL TODAY 865.275.2444

Do You Have Pinhole Leaks?
It Might Be Your Water…
IHAVE HEARD pinhole leaks are a huge pain. Not from personal experience, but from the clients I have worked with. Stories of massive floods, ripping out drywall, hidden mold growing behind the wall, and $10k-20k re-plumbing jobs having to be done. And the sad part is most people think it’s just their old plumbing, and there is no alternative but to invest in totally gutting the plumbing. Luckily, we have saved many clients from turning their home into a job site by fixing the water that travels through those old copper pipes.
Chlorine is corrosive to copper. It reacts with the copper to create a chemical compound: Copper chloride. This compound slowly but surely corrodes copper from the inside, which results in those tiny but destructive pinhole leaks. Also, hard water (an abundance of calcium and magnesium) can create pitting in the copper.
Our systems remove the chlorine, chloramines, and hardness that destroy old copper pipes. We also add a special filter between the system and copper pipes to recoat the lines from decades of damage. After installing hundreds of these to fix our clients’ pinhole leak issues, we can say with 100% certainty that it works.
We’ve been saving our valued clients from $10k-20k re-plumbing jobs and from turning their home into a job site. And not only did they save their plumbing, but they also get all the other benefits of installing a whole house water filtration system. We are so confident that we have a turn-key pinhole leak prevention system that we will refund your investment if, for some reason, it doesn’t stop your pinhole leak problem. Call or text 865234-1970 to schedule your free pinhole leak assessment and get your questions answered.
Aqua Clear Water Systems
1767 Kevin Lane Lenoir City, TN 37772 865.234.1970 www.aquaclearws.com
Beat the Heat This Summer with Ice-Cold, Pure Water!
Your Best Investment for 2021

865-234-1970 aquaclearws.com
designs you can T R U S T
C E L E B R A T I N G 10
If you're like me, you're eagerly anticipating being together with your friends and loved ones this holiday season. After spending so long apart, this season will feel even more special than before.
Adding a few fresh touches before your guests arrive - start now.
Often times you can completely revitalize the look of a space with a few small touches. Here's a few ideas to consider: custom window treatments, fresh wall art, a larger rug, wallpaper or a new coat of paint, accessories, or a new seating area.

Or maybe it's more the function of your spaces you're wanting to change, like additional seating. Benches are a great way to incorporate more seats at a dining table, and ottomans are great flexible seating options in a room and can double as storage.
Do you have too much glare on your television or computer? We can make it go away with properly fitting shades and window treatments.
Your home will be the perfect backdrop for all of your new memories together. Call us today and we'll help your home become your favorite place to gather.