Test booklet for Daddy-Long-Legs by Jean Webster

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Test Booklet For Daddy-Long-Legs by Jean Webster, edition for Russian schools

Marshalova Evgenia

Content TASK 1 ................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Exercise 1 ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 Exercise 2 ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 TASK 2 ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 Exercise 3 ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 Exercise 4 ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 TASK 3 ................................................................................................................................................................ 6 Exercise 5 ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 Exercise 6 ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 Exercise 7 ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 TASK 4 ................................................................................................................................................................ 7 Exercise 8 ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 Exercise 9 ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 TASK 5 ................................................................................................................................................................ 8 Exercise 10 ..................................................................................................................................................... 8 Exercise 11 ..................................................................................................................................................... 8 TASK 6 .............................................................................................................................................................. 10 Exercise 12 ................................................................................................................................................... 10 TASK 7 .............................................................................................................................................................. 12 Exercise 13 ................................................................................................................................................... 12 Exercise 14 ................................................................................................................................................... 13


1. Guess what is meant by the following definitions, using Word List 1. 1) to deal with someone or something in a different way from usual on a particular occasion only 2) intended to help people who are poor or ill, or who need advice and support 3) something that must be done in order to obey a law or rule 4) to be officially forced to leave a place or organization because of bad behaviour 5) to try to make someone or something seem silly by making fun of them in an unkind way 6) an area of land containing all the main buildings of a university 7) secretly rather than publicly 8) to fail to notice or do something 9) a baby that is left in a public place, so that it can be found by someone who will look after it 10) to invent a story, poem etc. 11) intelligent and usually young and likely to do well at school or in their careers 12) feeling rather sad 13) feeling sad and alone because you are far from home 14) to get away from a very unpleasant situation/person 15) to make something better/ to become better

2. Fill the following sentences with the word combinations given. PLEASE, CHANGE THE WORD FORMS IF IT’S NECESSARY!!! to bring up a question

to pay board and tuition

to feel sympathy

to take notice

to wear an expression

to give a liberal allowance

wiry and tough

to get lost

to pepper with

to turn one’s back

to make a speech in smb’s favour

1) Police had to rescue 16 people who _____________ in the Cairngorms after they had relied on smartphone apps to plot their routes. 2) At 78, Clint Eastwood is still ________________ looking, but his posture (осанка) is bad and his famous whisper sounds, occasionally, like the frailty (хрупкость) of age. 3

3) Ed Joyce has __________________ on England in favour of resuming his international career with his native Ireland. 4) Anybody interested in improving primary education should ________________ of this report which recommends testing children for the sake of their progress. 5) Some students have to work long hours to ______________________________. 6) Do all parrots _____________________ of disgusted disapproval or is my one broken? 7) Troy ________________________ of disappointment, but nevertheless he understood that if he ever wanted to be with Cassidy, perhaps it was necessary to let her go first. 8) Jack held the estate (поместье), out of which he, like a dutiful son, __________________________ to his mother, and she expended a great proportion in dressing her daughters. 9) The reason I __________________ for her was that she brought up her children alone. 10) My girlfriend _________________________ I didn’t know the answer to. 11) Three persons were killed when they were ___________________ bullets by armed men yesterday in Taguig City. 12) Jim told Penny what a great impression her pictures had made, that he himself had got up and ______________________________________, and that there was a general feeling of regret that she had not put her name down.


3. Match the synonyms. Write the letter before the number. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

1. dictatorial 2. confused, puzzled 3. cook 4. pan 5. not to succeed 6. calligraphy 7. satisfactory 8. to investigate 9. to get 10. to continue doing smth. 11. full of calories 12. rude 13. friendly

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m)

impertinent a hand adequate nourishing to fetch companionable chef to be stuck to fail casserole bossy to look up to stick to smth.

4. Translate the word-combinations into English. 1. добродетельный поступок


2. быть свободным от обстоятельств


3. протекать


4. пожимать плечами


5. догнать, нагнать кого/что-либо


6. передумать


7. меня охватывает страх


8. докучать подробностями


9. покончить с чем-то


10. указывать на что-либо кому-либо


11. чистый лист


12. писать без остановки


13. никак не собраться с мыслями



5. Describe actions or notions that you see using the words from Task 3.

__________ _________ __________ ____________ __________

__________ _________ __________ ____________ __________ 6. Match the synonyms. ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

1. keep smb. busy 2. intact 3. run for 4. be used to smth. 5. do smb. justice 6. ancestors 7. count 8. nondescript 9. immortal 10. appropriate

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

ordinary fathers living forever pay attention suitable undamaged be familiar with smth. occupy smb. be a candidate appeciate

7. Translate the word-combinations below into English. 1. 2. 3. 4.

задерживать дыхание ______________________________________________________________ владеть ситуацией ________________________________________________________________ происходить от кого-либо __________________________________________________________ иметь невообразимую страсть к деталям ______________________________________________ 6

5. простая девушка __________________________________________________________________ 6. угождать кому-либо _______________________________________________________________ 7. занимать чье-либо внимание, досуг _________________________________________________

8. Match the words and word-combinations with their definitions. _____ 1. humiliating _____ 2. to deserve smth. _____ 3. to wipe _____ 4. hint _____ 5. classics _____ 6. immaculate _____ 7. contest _____ 8. guardian _____ 9. assassinated _____ 10. disappointed _____ 11. to deliver

a) smth. that is very good and has been popular and had a lot of influence for a long time b) someone who is legally responsible for another person such as a child whose parents have died c) so clean and tidy that there is no dirt d) it is right that you get it, for example because of the way you have behaved e) making you feel very embarrassed and ashamed f) something that you say to show what you are thinking or feeling, without saying it directly g) unhappy because something that you hoped for or expected did not happen or because someone or something was not as good as you expected h) to be killed, especially for political reasons or for payment i) to take something, especially goods or letters, to a place j) a competition, especially one in which people's skill in a particular activity or sport is tested k) to clean or dry something by moving it over a surface

9. Give English equivalents to following phrases. 1. Жить согласно каким-либо принципам


2. На пороге


3. Исполнять чьи-либо поручения


4. Доставка


5. Задеть чьи-либо чувства


6. Ежемесячный журнал


7. Изучать домоводство


8. Несправедливо обвинять кого-либо


9. Хорошо зарабатывать


10. Убирать беспорядок


11. Выбросить из головы


12. Участник соревнований


13. Плыть на каноэ

_________________________________________________ 7

14. Быть очень веселым


15. Время от времени


16. Пропустить вечернюю службу


10. Guess what is meant by the following definitions, using Word List 5. 1) odd, strange 2) grateful to someone for their help 3) smb. who is very proud and thinks they are very attractive or special 4) a feature of something that makes it less useful than it could be 5) something that you do for someone or that you give them as a way of showing your feelings towards them 6) a serious or difficult responsibility that you have to deal with 7) to choose one thing or person from a group 8) to behave in a way that is intended to attract people's attention and make them admire you or smth. you have 9) take smth. away from smb.or prevent them from having it 10) careful to do things that other people ask or expect you to do 11) to behave towards someone in a particular way 12) the type of family, social position, or culture that someone comes from 13) to think/start to think that something is normal or natural because you have experienced it regularly over a period of time 14) in or near the centre of a town or city, especially the business or shopping areas 15) to start liking someone very much, or loving them 16) a child who behaves badly if he does not get what he wants, because people have always given him everything they want

11. Find an equivalent phrase in either language. 1. Потакать прихотям 2. Keeping quiet is the same as giving permission. 8

Льет, как из ведра. To bring people closer together. Как тебе это нравится?? To give the government the money for using public services 7. Насущные глобальные проблемы 8. To achieve what you wanted. 9. Назначать стипендию 10. Tasteless food 11. Попасть в шторм 12. To give back what you has taken 3. 4. 5. 6.


12. Fill the following sentences with the word combinations given. PLEASE, CHANGE THE WORD FORMS IF IT’S NECESSARY!!! to support oneself steady work an exemption from smth.

to omit

to button up

to make trousseau




in the best of taste flattering

to draft a book to be no laughing matter

a matter of course

second thoughts

to blush to coincide to have confidence in smth.

to be a strain on smb. to stray from home to make fuss over

1. "You're beautiful," she said. I must have looked sceptical because she was quick to assure me that she was sincere. "It's just that I rarely hear _____________________ comments about my looks," I explained. 2. A woman was talking about the small attendance at church. "It gets so bad," she said, "that when the minister says `Dearly beloved' it makes me _______________." (It’s a joke, so THINK!) 3. Important details had been _______________ from the article. 4. You're not having _____________________ about getting married, are you? 5. It wasn't easy to find ___________________ in the city. 6. The opening ceremony _________________ with the worst storm of this century, which wasn’t to become a happy memory. 7. He always believed that the company would ___________________ him for his efforts. 8. Our extra spacious "Deluxe" double rooms are decorated _________________________ and will surely meet every need: fine spring matrasses, ensuite with bath and shower cubicle, separate lavatory, hair-drier, parlour, safety deposit box, telephone and television. 9. Multi-published author Jenna Bayley-Burke explained the reality of deadlines and publishing schedules and showed three methods to ____________________ in less than a month. 10. A wound on your foot is _________________________ when you're a diabetic. 11. It's quite ___________________ me when he's drinking heavily. 12. Traditionally, the embroidery was used to _____________________ for the bride or dowry (дар) to be taken with her to her husband’s home, and girls learnt to embroider it from their mothers from childhood. 10

13. Brad Pitt ______________________________ by dressing as a giant chicken to promote El Pollo Loco fast-food restaurants. 14. Spontaneous movement as a response to music seems to happen as_________________________. 15. Very knowledgeable and experienced, she has a frank personality and doesn't _________________________ small things. 16. There are quite strict guidelines laid down which students must meet before the Department of Education will grant __________________________ Irish language class. 17. On average, just 40% of people in OECD (Организация экономического сотрудничества и развития) countries said they ________________________ in their national governments, down from an average of 45% in 2007. 18. Dogs which have _____________________________ maybe be lost and at risk of injury. Please call the dog warden (смотритель) on 07624 494475 and give a clear description of where the dogs is or was last seen and a description of the dog. 19. He ______________________ his coat tightly, then turned to throw a last glance at Bessie. 20. In one experiment, more than twice as many smokers who thought they could resist ________________ lit up a cigarette in a no-smoking test as those who realized they didn't have so much control. 21. ____________________ cereals and meat products contained the highest nitrite concentrations.


13.Translate into English: 1. Так как на следующий день у нее был один из самых серьезных экзаменов, ей пришлось не спать всю ночь. 2. Всю неделю она носила черное, так как оплакивала смерть близкого друга. 3. После стольких лет переписки, у Джэка все равно было подозрение, что Мари не реальный человек. 4. Несмотря на то, что он неуважительно с ней обходился, она не переставала его любить ни на мгновение. 5. Родители не поддерживали его нетрадиционные взгляды, и даже немного боялись их, почему часто его ругали. 6. Судя по его требованиям, он считает, что мы все ему что-то должны. 7. Его точка зрения звучит неубедительно, будто он сам не верит в то, что говорит. 8. Не будь он таким заносчивым, его бизнес бы процветал. 9. Не стоит воспринимать его слова буквально. 10. По большому счету он просто неисправимый лгун.


14.Fill the following sentences with the word combinations given. PLEASE, CHANGE THE WORD FORMS IF IT’S NECESSARY!!! distressing to lose one’s mind


to abolish

to be robbed of



make out

1) Nightmares are especially frightening to a young child who has not learned what's real and what's__________________. 2) According to the police, the store ______________________ more than 5,000 dollars. 3) He almost ____________________ after hearing such a ____________________ news. 4) From what I can _______________ it's somebody's medical records, or doctor's notes or something. 5) The world is very different now, for man holds in his mortal hands the power to _______________ all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. 6) When the good news came the headmistress forgot formality and tapped into her __________________ side to jump up and kiss the inspector. 7) Teachers can give ____________________ writers a sense of success by helping them overcome difficulties in learning to write.


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