11th RUSSIAN-JORDANIAN INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION EXPO-RUSSIA JORDAN 2013 11 – 13 March 2013 Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Amman, Royal Convention Center, Le Meridien Hotel Organizers: Zarubezh-Expo, JSC The International Association of Peace Foundations Jordan Chamber of Commerce With support of: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Embassy of Russian Federation in Jordan Embassy of Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in the Russian Federation Embassy of Republic Iraq in the Russian Federation Embassy of Russian Federation in the Republic of Iraq Embassy of Russian Federation in Syria Russian-Jordanian Business Council Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
E X P O -R U S S IA J O RDA N 2 0 1 3 The exhibition purpose: restoration of the Russian, Jordan and Iraq cooperation and development of business relations with Jordan and the neighboring countries. Organizing committee: Zarubezh-Expo, JSC 10, Prechistenka Str., Moscow, Russia, 119034 Tel./Fax: + 7 (495) 721-32-36, 637-36-33, 637-50-79 +7 (499) 766-99-17, 766-92-82 info@zarubezhexpo.ru; www.zarubezhexpo.ru Jordan Chamber of Commerce Tel. : + 962 - 6- 5665492 info@jocc.org.jo www.jocc.org.jo
INFORMATION PARTNERS media PARTNERS General information sponsor
• RUSSIA TODAY RUSSIYA AL-YAUM, TV channel • Geoinformmark Ltd., Information Agency for Geology • Oil and Gas Geology, Journal • Mining Industry of Russia, Annual Directory • Slant, Publishing House • Prime-Tass, Business News Agency • Water, Magazine • The Industrial Weekly, Journal • Mineral Resources of Russia, Economics and Management, Journal • Avtosila, Journal • Tekhsovet, Journal • VESTSNAB, Journal • Loginfo, Journal • Energy and Regions Electric Power Supply, Journal • Voice of Russia in the Middle East • Mining Industry, Journal • Informexpo, Information exhibition agency www.sambros.ru • SAMBROS CONSULTING, CENTER • Focused Press, Publishing House • Agrobusiness and Food Industry, Magazine • Agropress, Journal • Petra, Information agency in Jordan • Jordan Business weekly • Al Rai • Ad Dustuor • Al Ghad • Al Arab Al-Ayum • Al Waseet • The Star • Jordan Times 4
E X P O -R U S S IA J O RDA N 2 0 1 3
INFORMATION PARTNERS INTERNET PORTALS • www.ruscable.ru • www.arabinform.com – Portal “Arab world” • www.elektroportal.ru – Central Electro portal • www.specserver.com – the Special Equipment Portal • www.transserver.ru – Transport portal • www.tractor.ru – Tractor resources • www.ekskovator.ru – Excavator Portal Safeprom.ru • www.exponet.ru – Russian and World Exhibitions • www.promportal.ru – All about industry production • www.vmost.ru – Information agency • www.ex-po.ru – Exhibition Portal • www.ridjey.ru – Exhibition Portal • www.elec.ru – Electrical portal • www.obrazcity.ru – Educational portal • www.lesopromyshlennik.ru – the Internet Magazine • www.energyland.info – Online community portal of fuel and energy complex • www.webtruck.ru – Transport Portal • www.eoil.ru – Internet portal of the oil industry • www. idk.ru – Internet portal of the agricultural sector • www.safeprom.ru – Internet portal of industrial safety • www.expolife.ru – Internet portal • The Timber Industry Worker – Internet journal ÆÓÐÍÀË ÆÓÐÍÀË Î Î ËÅÑÍÎÌ ËÅÑÍÎÌ ÊÎÌÏËÅÊÑÅ ÊÎÌÏËÅÊÑÅ
EXPO -RUSSI A JO R DA N 2013 Сергей Викторович Лавров Министр иностранных дел Российской Федерации
Участникам и гостям выставки «Еxpo-Russia Jordan 2013» Сердечно приветствую участников и гостей российской промышленной выставки «EXPO-RUSSIA JORDAN 2013», которую с 2002 года по традиции принимает Амман. За прошедшие годы форум зарекомендовал себя как востребованная площадка для работы по расширению контактов между деловыми кругами России и Иордании, предпринимателями из стран региона, что способствует укреплению взаимовыгодных торговоэкономических связей, продвижению совместных проектов. Насыщенная программа, широкий спектр обсуждаемых в ее рамках вопросов помогают более эффективно использовать весомый потенциал сотрудничества нашей страны с арабским миром – причем не только в экономике, но и в гуманитарно-культурной, образовательной, туристической сферах. Россию и государства Ближнего Востока связывают традиции дружбы, доверия, взаимного уважения, обоюдного учета интересов. Готовы к наращиванию взаимодействия в различных областях на благо наших стран и народов. Желаю всем участникам выставки продуктивных переговоров, а гостям – ярких, интересных впечатлений. С. В. Лавров
E X P O -R U S S IA J O RDA N 2 0 1 3 Sergey Lavrov The Russian Federation The Minister of Foreign Affairs
To «Еxpo-Russia Jordan 2013» Participants and Guests I kindly greet all the participants and guests of the “ЕХРО-RUSSIA JORDAN 2013” Russian Industrial Exhibition which from 2002 has been traditionally arranged by the city of Amman. Over the last years the forum has proved itself as a popular site for cooperation on the extension of contacts between business communities of the Russian Federation and Jordan, entrepreneurs from the regional countries, which facilitates strengthening mutually beneficial trade and economic relations, promoting any joint projects. The highly topical program and wide range of issues to be discussed allow to use effective potential of cooperation between our country and Arab countries – both in economic, humanitarian, cultural, educational and tourist spheres. The Russian Federation and Middle East countries are tied by traditions of friendship, trust, mutual respect, consideration of each other’s interests. We are ready to enhance the cooperation with respect to different issues for the benefit of our countries. I wish the exhibition participants to conduct effective negotiations, and I wish our guests interesting memorable impressions. S.V. Lavrov
EXPO -RUSSI A JO R DA N 2013 Сергей Николаевич Катырин Президент Торгово-промышленной палаты Российской Федерации
Участникам и гостям 11-ой Российско-Иорданской промышленной выставки «Еxpo-Russia Jordan 2013» От имени Торгово-промышленной палаты Российской Федерации приветствую проведение в столице Иорданского Хашимитского Королевства российско-иорданской промышленной выставки «Еxpo-Russia Jordan 2013». Особую значимость этому мероприятию придает тот факт, что оно проводится в год 50-летия установления дипломатических отношений между нашими странами. Проведение данной выставки в Аммане уже в одиннадцатый раз подтверждает целесообразность этого мероприятия, является показателем устойчивой заинтересованности России и стран Ближнего Востока в расширении традиционного взаимодействия в торгово-экономической сфере. Выставка «Еxpo-Russia Jordan 2013» предоставляет дополнительные возможности для установления прямых контактов между российскими и арабскими предпринимательскими структурами, росту товарооборота, более полному использованию имеющегося потенциала российских и ближневосточных производителей. Желаю участникам выставки плодотворной работы и успехов в достижении намеченных целей. С.Н. Катырин
E X P O -R U S S IA J O RDA N 2 0 1 3 Sergey Katyrin President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
To Participants and visitors of The 11TH Russian-Jordanian Industrial Exhibition «Еxpo-Russia Jordan 2013» On behalf of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation I welcome the holding of the Russian-Jordanian Exhibition «Еxpo-Russia Jordan 2013» in the capital of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The fact that it is held in the year of 50th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries contributes a special importance to this event. The holding of this exhibition in Amman for the eleventh time now confirms the expediency of this event, is the indicator of stable interest of Russia and Middle East countries in the expansion of conventional interaction in trade and economic. The Exhibition «Еxpo-Russia Jordan 2013» offers additional opportunities for establishing direct contacts between Russian and Arabian business organizations, growth of commodity turnover, more comprehensive use of available capacity of Russian and Middle East producers. I wish the participants of the exhibition a fruitful work and success in succeeding intended objects.
S.N. Katyrin
E X P O -R U S S IA J O RDA N 2 0 1 3 Senator Nael Al Kabariti Chairman of Jordan Chamber of Commerce
EXPO -RUSSI A JO R DA N 2013 Константин Иосифович Косачев Руководитель Федерального агентства по делам Содружества Независимых Государств, соотечественников, проживающих за рубежом, и по международному гуманитарному сотрудничеству
Уважаемые дамы и господа! Дорогие друзья! От имени Федерального агентства по делам Содружества Независимых Государств, соотечественников, проживающих за рубежом, и по международному гуманитарному сотрудничеству (Россотрудничество) приветствую участников и гостей Российско-иорданской промышленной выставки «Expo-Russia Jordan 2013». Символично, что «Expo-Russia Jordan 2013» проходит в год 50-летия установления российско-иорданских дипломатических отношений. Народы России и Иордании связывают давние прочные узы дружбы, взаимная симпатия и поддержка. Это отношения двух стран, которые сегодня на уровне стратегического партнерства тесно взаимодействуют в политической, гуманитарной, экономической и деловой сферах. За 11 лет своего существования выставка «Expo-Russia Jordan» стала международным деловым форумом, объединяющим представителей деловых кругов не только России и Иордании, но и всего региона Ближнего Востока, объединив на своих площадках бизнесменов из Египта, Саудовской Аравии, Сирии, Израиля, Йемена и других стран. Желаю всем участникам Российско-иорданской промышленной выставки «Expo-Russia Jordan 2013» успешной и плодотворной работы во имя дальнейшего укрепления дружбы и доверия между народами. К.И. Косачев
E X P O -R U S S IA J O RDA N 2 0 1 3 Konstantin Kosachev The Head of the Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation
Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear friends! Let me welcome the participants and guests of the Russian-Jordanian Industrial Exhibition “Expo-Russia Jordan 2013” on behalf of the Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo). This is really symbolic that 2013 is not only the year for the “Expo-Russia Jordan 2013” to be held but is also the 50th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and Jordan. The peoples of Russia and Jordan have for long been bound together by unswerving ties of friendship, mutual attraction and encouragement. Strategic partnership of our countries involves close cooperation within the political, humanitarian, economic, and business spheres. Over the 11 years of its existence, the “Expo-Russia Jordan” Exhibition has become an international business forum that unites not only Russian and Jordanian representatives of business communities but also those of the entire Middle East region bringing together businessmen from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Israel, Yemen and other countries. I wish all the participants of the Russian-Jordanian Industrial Exhibition “Expo-Russia Jordan 2013” effective and fruitful work for the sake of further strengthening of friendship and confidence between the peoples. K. I. Kosachev
EXPO -RUSSI A JO R DA N 2013 Александр Михайлович Калугин Чрезвычайный и Полномочный Посол Российской Федерации в Иордании
Приветствую всех участников и гостей российской промышленной выставки «EXPO-RUSSIA JORDAN 2013». Этот уже ставший доброй традицией форум является заметным событием, гармонично вписывается в проводимый Россией курс на углубление торгово-экономического сотрудничества с арабским миром, продвижение на ближневосточный рынок российской продукции, включая такие значимые отрасли, как машиностроение, сельское хозяйство, транспорт, информационные технологии и т.д. У России и Иордании имеются хорошие перспективы расширения взаимодействия в этих и других сферах. Надеюсь, что нынешняя российская выставка в Аммане предоставит новые возможности для налаживания полезных контактов между представителями российского и иорданского бизнес-сообществ, которые при поддержке госструктур призваны внести весомый вклад в наращивание взаимовыгодного партнерства в различных областях. А.М. Калугин
E X P O -R U S S IA J O RDA N 2 0 1 3 Alexander Kalugin The Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
I welcome all participants and visitors of the Russian Industrial Exhibition ÂŤEXPO-RUSSIA JORDAN 2013Âť. This forum, which has already become a heartwarming tradition, is the prominent event, harmonically fits into the course, run by Russia, for intensification of trade and economic cooperation with the Arab world, promotion Russian products to the Middle East market, including such significant fields as Machine industry, Agriculture, Transport, information technoloqies, etc. Russia and Jordan have good prospects of expansion of interaction in these and other fields. I hope that the present Russian Exhibition in Amman will provide new opportunities for forging useful relationships between the representatives of Russian and Jordan business communities, which with the support of government institutions are called upon to make a weighty contribution to build up mutually profitable partnership in different fields. A M. Kalugin
EXPO -RUSSI A JO R DA N 2013 Евгений Григорьевич Новицкий Председатель российской части РоссийскоИорданского Делового Совета
Уважаемые организаторы, участники и гости выставки! От имени Российско-Иорданского Делового Совета и от себя лично искренне рад приветствовать вас в связи с открытием одиннадцатой российско-иорданской промышленной выставки «Expo-Russia Jordan 2013» в столице Иорданского Хашимитского Королевства, городе Аммане. Данная выставка, ставшая одним из самых заметных российских событий в жизни Иордании и других близлежащих стран, выводит на более высокий уровень торгово-экономическое, научно-техническое и инвестиционное сотрудничество российских предприятий и компаний Ближнего Востока. Выставка, проходящая при содействии Российско-Иорданского Делового Совета, деятельность которого нацелена на развитие долгосрочных торгово-экономических, инвестиционных и научнотехнических отношений между бизнес-структурами России и Королевства Иордания, открывает интересные возможности российским и иорданским компаниям для участия в крупных совместных проектах, заключения контрактов в таких областях двустороннего взаимовыгодного партнерства, как энергетика, связь и телекоммуникации, радиоприборостроение, мирное использование атомной энергии, машиностроение, строительство, сельское хозяйство и др. Желаю всем организаторам, участникам и гостям выставки «Expo-Russia Jordan 2013» успехов в переговорах и налаживании деловых контактов во имя благополучия и процветания двух дружественных стран. Е.Г. Новицкий
E X P O -R U S S IA J O RDA N 2 0 1 3 Evgeniy Novitsky Chairman of the Russian Part of the Russian-Jordanian Business Council
Dear organizers, participants and visitors of the Exhibition! On behalf of the Russian-Jordanian Business Council and on my own behalf I would like to welcome you to the 11th Russian-Jordanian industrial exhibition «Expo-Russia Jordan 2013» which is opening in Amman, the capital city of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. This exhibition, which has already become one of the most significant Russia’s events in the life of Jordan and its neighboring countries, promotes trade and economic, scientific and technological as well as investment cooperation between Russian enterprises and the Middle East companies. The Exhibition, that is being held under the auspices of the RussianJordanian Business Council which activities aim at promoting the development of long-term trade and economic, investment, scientific and technological relationships between business structures in Russia and the Kingdom of Jordan, opens up to Russian and Jordanian companies interesting possibilities for taking part in large-scale joint projects, entering into contracts in such areas of the bilateral mutually beneficial collaboration as power industry, communication and telecommunication, radio engineering, peaceful use of atomic energy, machine building, construction, agriculture, etc. I wish all organizers, participants and guests of the «Expo-Russia Jordan 2013» Exhibition every success in their negotiations and good luck in establishing of good business contact for the benefit of well-being and prosperity of both friendly states. E.G. Novitsky
EXPO -RUSSI A JO R DA N 2013 Алексей Евгеньевич Лихачев Заместитель Министра экономического развития Российской Федерации
Уважаемые организаторы, участники и гости! Рад приветствовать Вас по случаю проведения в столице Иорданского Хашимитского Королевства в 2013 году российской промышленной выставки. Проводимая ежегодно в Аммане выставка «Expo-Russia Jordan» является крупнейшим российским экономическим форумом как в Иорданском Хашимитском Королевстве, так и в регионе Ближнего Востока. Российская Федерация всегда выстраивала свои экономические отношения с ближневосточными государствами на равноправных, партнерских условиях. Нынешний экономический курс России также основывается на взаимовыгодном сотрудничестве со всеми странами, желании совместно работать, развиваться, обмениваться наработанным опытом и достижениями. Президент Российской Федерации В.В. Путин и Его Величество Король Абдалла Второй в очередной раз в марте этого года подтвердили взаимную заинтересованность в дальнейшем развитии двусторонних отношений во многих областях экономики. В ближайшее время будет запущен механизм Российско-Иорданской межправительственной комиссии по торговоэкономическому и научно-техническому сотрудничеству. Выставка «Expo-Russia Jordan» наглядно демонстрирует взаимное стремление наших государств, деловых кругов к торгово-экономическому взаимодействию, способствует увеличению торгового оборота между Россией и Иорданией, а также другими странами региона. Желаю участникам и гостям выставки плодотворной работы, интересного делового общения, удачи в достижении намеченных целей. А.Е. Лихачев
E X P O -R U S S IA J O RDA N 2 0 1 3 Aleksey Likhachev Deputy of Minister of of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
Dear organizers, dear participants and guests! I am glad to greet you on the occasion of the Russian industrial exhibition which is conducted in the capital of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in 2013. The Expo-Russia Jordan annual exhibition in Amman is the largest Russian economic forum both in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and in the Middle East region. The Russian Federation has always built its economic relations with Middle East states on equal partner terms. The current economic policy of Russia is also based on mutually beneficial cooperation with all countries, desire to work together, develop together, and share our accumulated experience and achievements. Last March, Russian President Vladimir Putin and His Majesty King Abdullah II once again confirmed their mutual interest in further development of bilateral relations in many economic areas. The mechanism of the RussianJordanian intergovernmental commission on trade, economic, scientific and technical cooperation is to be launched in the nearest future. Expo-Russia Jordan demonstrates the mutual desire of our states, their business communities for trade and economic cooperation, promotes growth in the trade turnover between Russia and Jordan, as well as other countries of the region. I wish the participants and guests fruitful work, interesting business communication, and success in achieving their goals. A.E. Likhachev
EXPO -RUSSI A JO R DA N 2013 Анатолий Евгеньевич Карпов Президент Международной Ассоциации Фондов Мира, Первый Заместитель Председателя Комитета Госдумы по экономической политике, инновационному развитию и предпринимательству
Сердечно приветствую участников и гостей XI Российско-Иорданской выставки «Expo - Russia Jordan 2013», посвященной 50-летнему юбилею дипломатических отношений. Наши страны связывают столетия тесной дружбы и сотрудничества, духовная и культурная общность. В эпоху глобализации гуманитарные связи гармонично дополняются торговоэкономическим сотрудничеством, развитию которого активно содействует выставка «Expo-Russia Jordan 2013», организуемая компанией «Зарубеж-Экспо» и Международной Ассоциацией Фондов Мира. Как отмечалось в ходе встречи Президента России В.В. Путина с Королем Иордании Абдаллой II в Москве 19 февраля 2013 года, сейчас наиболее актуальной становится проблема формирования РоссийскоИорданской межправительственной комиссии по торгово-экономическому, научно-техническому и культурному сотрудничеству. Являясь одним из руководителей профильного Комитета ГД, полагаю, что выставка «Expo-Russia Jordan 2013» внесет традиционно весомый вклад в обсуждаемую лидерами государств совместную программу развития предпринимательства, в которой первостепенное внимание будет уделено внедрению инноваций. На мой взгляд, данную тему прекрасно охарактеризовала Президент Королевского научного общества Иордании, принцесса Сумайя бинт Эль Хассан, заявившая на Международном форуме «Я хочу, чтобы наука и инновации служили народу, а не только элите». Представляется, что эти слова могли бы стать девизом «Expo - Russia Jordan 2013». Желаю всем участникам выставки личного и служебного благополучия, стабильности, взаимовыгодных контактов, успехов во всех начинаниях и плодотворной работы. А.Е. Карпов 20
E X P O -R U S S IA J O RDA N 2 0 1 3 Anatoly Yevgenievich Karpov The President of the International Association of Peace Foundations The First Deputy Chairman of State Duma Committee for Economic Policy, Innovative Development, and Enterpreneurship
I heartily welcome the participants and visitors of the 11th Russian-Jordanian Industrial Exhibition «Expo-Russia Jordan 2013», dedicated to the 50th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations. Our countries are tied by hundred years of fraternization and cooperation, spiritual and cultural commonality. In the globalization epoch humanitarian relations are harmoniously complemented by trade and economic cooperation, the development of which is promoted by the Exhibition «Expo-Russia Jordan 2013», organized by the company Zarubezh-Expo and the International Association of Peace Foundations. As was noted during the meeting of the President of Russia V.V. Putin with the King of Jordan Abdullah II held in Moscow on February 19, 2013, now the issue of formation of Russian-Jordan Intergovernmental Commission for trade and economic, scientific and technical as well as cultural cooperation is becoming the most topical. Being one of the chiefs of the relevant committee of the State Duma, I believe that the Exhibition «Expo-Russia Jordan 2013» will lend a traditionally weighty contribution to the discussed by the nations’ leaders joint program of entrepreneurship development, in which the paramount attention will be paid to innovations implementation. In my point of view this issue was perfectly described by the President of the Royal Scientific Society of Jordan, the Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan, having declared at the International Forum: “I wish science and innovations would serve the people, not only elite”. It seems these words could become the motto of «Expo-Russia Jordan 2013». I wish all the participants of the Exhibition personal and work-related well-being, stability, mutually beneficial contacts, success in all undertakings and fruitful work. A.E. Karpov
EXPO -RUSSI A JO R DA N 2013 Давид Робертович Вартанов Председатель Совета Директоров ОАО «Зарубеж-Экспо», Председатель Оргкомитета XI РоссийскоИорданской промышленной выставки «EXPO-RUSSIA JORDAN 2013»
Искренне приветствую участников и гостей XI Российско-Иорданской выставки «Expo - Russia Jordan 2013», которая приобрела статус наиболее престижной площадки для общения деловых кругов Востока и Запада. Именно о таком аналоге Великого Шелкового пути мы, сотрудники компании «Зарубеж-Экспо», мечтали в далеком 2002 году, воплощая в жизнь идею возрождения на территории Иордании основных функций знаменитой «Багдадской ярмарки». В текущем году выставка приурочена к 50-летнему юбилею дипломатических отношений наших стран и главной целью станет реализация договоренностей достигнутых на переговорах Президента России В.В. Путина с Королем Иордании Абдаллой II Бен аль-Хусейн бен Талалом в резиденции Ново-Огарево 19 февраля 2013 года. В ходе деловой программы будут обсуждены перспективы совместных проектов. Желаю участникам использовать возможности выставки для общения с коллегами с целью перехода в стадию делового сотрудничества, установления долгосрочных контактов, достижения взаимовыгодных договоренностей и приятного пребывания в Иордании. Д.Р. Вартанов
E X P O -R U S S IA J O RDA N 2 0 1 3 David Vartanov Сhairman of board of directors of JSC “Zarubezh-Expo” Chairman of the organizing committee of the 11-th Russian-Jordanian Industrial Exhibition “EXPO-RUSSIA JORDAN 2013”
I sincerely welcome the participants and guests of the 11th Russian-Jordanian Exhibition “Expo - Russia Jordan 2013”, which has acquired the status of the most prestigious area for business communication between the East and the West. Such analogue of the Silk Road was a dream for us, the employees of the company “Zarubezh-Expo”, back in 2002, when we were putting into effect the idea of rebirth of main functions of the famous “Baghdad fair” at the territory of Jordan. The exhibition of this year is dedicated to the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between our countries, and its main goal shall be implementation of agreements reached at negotiations of the Russian President Vladimir Putin and the King of Jordan Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein bin Talal in Novo-Ogaryovo, on February 19, 2013. The business program will include discussion of prospects for joint projects. I wish the participants to use opportunities of the exhibition in communication with colleagues in order to reach business cooperation, to conclude long-term contracts, to achieve mutually beneficial agreements and to have a nice stay in Jordan. D.R. Vartanov
Yaroslavl region
The heartland of Russia – the place for your history-making decisions Territory Region’s territory - 36,400 km2 Population Region’s population - 1,312 million people. Region’s administrative centre - the city of Yaroslavl was founded in 1010. Population - 603 thousand people Geographical position Yaroslavl is the largest fast-developing administrative and business centre in the area to the northeast of Moscow. The distance from Yaroslavl to Moscow is 280 km, to St. Petersburg – 850 km
E X P O -R U S S IA J O RDA N 2 0 1 3 62, Svobody street, Yaroslavl, 150014, Russia Tel.: +7 (4852) 32-88-85 E-mail: tpp@yartpp.ru www.yartpp.ru
Yaroslavl Chamber of Commerce and Industry Yaroslavl Chamber of Commerce and Industry was established in 1992. YarCCI is a non-government and non-profit organization that assists to create favorable environment for business in the region. Members of YarCCI are more than 460 enterprises and organizations. Long standing partners are: Yaroslavl region administration, Yaroslavl city administration, Yaroslavl region legislative assembly, Yaroslavl Custom. YarCCI offers for foreign partners: Search for potential partners in Russia, Placing commercial proposals of enterprises in the YarCCI web site and magazine, Marketing research and consulting, Organization of B2B meetings and presentations of foreign companies, Trademarks registrations, Certifying force-majeure cases, Invitations for foreign businessmen coming to Yaroslavl, Facilitation for accreditation of foreign companies’ representation in Yaroslavl region, Interpreting and translation services. 150049,Russia, Yaroslavl, Magistralnaya str., 20 Tel.: +7 (4852)48-60-48, 48-64-20 E-mail: inta-centr@list.ru www.inta-centr.ru
InTa-Center, JSC JSC InTa-Center was founded in 1991. The main activity is parking and auxiliary heaters fuel equipment production in accordance with Russian and International Quality Standards ( ISO 9001-2001). International Alliance ADM Business Consulting (France) approved the Company as one of the best within Russia and awarded with the honorable diploma “The Best Enterprise of 2001”. The Company delivers its products to well known in Russia automotive industry plants. 27
EXPO -RUSSI A JO R DA N 2013 Proezd Mashinostroiteley 1, Gavrilov-Yam, 152240, Yaroslavl region, Russia Tel.: +7 (48534) 232-64,24364, 209-64 E-mail: agat@gmzagat.ru www.gmzagat.ru
Gavrilov-Yam Machine-Building Plant “AGAT” , JSC (GMZ “AGAT”) The plant was founded 1968. The key direction of activity: • Manufacture and repair of fuel-regulation equipment for aviation engines of military and civil aircrafts : Su-27, MiG-29, Il-86, Tu-160, Tu-154 and others Batch production nomenclature has got more than 50 articles for aircraft machinery. • Manufacture and repair units for gas-turbine installation. • Manufacture and repair of hydraulic equipment for mobile load-lifting and road-building machines. • Manufacture of component units for automobile engines. • Manufacture of motor-blocks “AGAT”. GMZ “AGAT” is an industrial enterprise, which is well-equipped with modern metal-working machinery; it is makes use of the latest technologies and boast highly skilled and wall-trained staff
E X P O -R U S S IA J O RDA N 2 0 1 3 150040, Russia, Yaroslavl, October pr., Bld. 74 Tel.: +7 (4852) 78-02-50 Fax: +7 (4852) 78-02-55 www.eldin.ru
Yaroslavl Electric Machine Building plant, JSC (ELDIN) JSC “Yaroslavl electric machine building plant” (“ELDIN”) is one of the main producers of electric motors in Russia. The induction motors of the new series including 13 frame sizes (from 71 up to 355 mm) produced at present, not only correspond to the foreign analogs but exceed them in power and starting characteristics, sound level, power consumption, specific consumption of materials, reliability, service life and also in design. Our Products: • Standard three phase low voltage induction motors • Special motors • Marine motors • Elevator motors • Motors for controlled–velocity electric drive • Explosion-proof motors (GOST standard) • Multiple-speed motors • Direct current motors You can download our technical catalogue from our website www.eldin.ru. Our production has many international certificates and corresponds to worldwide standards.
EXPO -RUSSI A JO R DA N 2013 84 Sovetskaya street, Nekrasovskoe settlement, Yaroslavl region, 152260, Russia Tel: +7 (48531) 4-13-02, 4-12-01 Fax: +7 (48531) 4-34-99 E-mail : bs-ru@rambler.ru www.bigsalts.ru
Big Salts «Big Salts Restoration treatment hospital» is situated within 50 km from the city of Yaroslavl and 30 km from the city of Kostroma. The history of the hospital (a former resort «Big Salts») began in 1915. Our specialization: pain, heaviness in spine, joints stiffness. Rehabilitation experience is more than 95 years. Staff: 20 doctors, including vertebrologists, manual therapeutists, reflex therapy doctors, exercise therapy doctors, 70 nurses, including 16 massage therapists, 14 exercise therapy instructors, subspecialty nurses. Treatment and additional SPA services: several types of massage, exercise therapy, aqua aerobics, pearl bath with mineral water, underwater traction in mineral water and other traction metodics, manual therapy, special training devices, electrophototherapy, acupuncture, Turkish bath or Cedar barrel, drugs therapy, consultations, 5 types of mineral baths, face and body care. Accommodation and facilities: single, double, family, suite rooms, restaurant, 26 treatment rooms, 5 types of baths (Russian bath, cedar barrels, Turkish bath), ayurveda room, water pool with mineral water (25 m long). The specialists of the medical SPA educated in Moscow, France, Spain, Germany, and India. They use consumables of world-famed marks Thalgo, Bruno Vassari, La Sultane de Saba, Babor, Skin Ceuticals, Ericson Laboratoire. Contacts of representative office in Yaroslavl: +7 (48531) 4-12-86; +7 (910) 971-03-03 Chief Doctor Barbakadze Alexander.
E X P O -R U S S IA J O RDA N 2 0 1 3 248009, Russia, Kaluga, str. Grabcevskoye shosse, 43 Tel.:/Fax: +7 (4842) 58-07-07 E-mail: inbox@algont.kaluga.net marketing@algont.kaluga.net. www.algont.ru
Algont, JSK
Algont, JSK is an engineering company in the field of creation intellectual Ń ontrol systems by technological processes of safety, life support and complex protection of objects of any level of complexity. Our company carries out development of the software, production of the equipment, design, installation and commissioning, functions of the general contractor. Has all necessary licenses and ISO 9001 certificate.
complex security systems
+7(495) 956-60-28
Nagatinskaya str., 4a, Moscow, 115230, Russian Federation (3rd floor). Tel.: +7 (495) 956-60-28 (multichannel) Fax: +7 (495) 748-36-35 E-mail: altair@altairsb.ru www.altairsb.ru
Altair, JSC
JSC «Altair» offers you complex security systems: razor wire fences (line «Repeynik»), alarm electric fence «Alkasar-1», products and components for complex security systems, antiterrorism protection equipment, power supplies (uninterruptible power systems, diesel driven generators etc.), project works, installation activities, starting-up and adjustment.
E X P O -R U S S IA J O RDA N 2 0 1 3
complex security systems
LTAIR www.altairsb.ru
+7(495) 956-60-28
EXPO -RUSSI A JO R DA N 2013 425000, Russia, Republic Mariy Al, Volszhsk Tel.:/Fax: +7 (83631) 4-31-33 E-mail: ariada@mari-el.ru info@ariada.ru www.ariada.ru
Our Company ARIADA was organized in January-26th of 1992 year starting from production of cooling rooms and several types of “window-show-cases”. Now we are one of the leading Companies in Russia for production of refrigeration equipment and we occupy about 30% of trade refrigeration Market in Russia. About 1300 people work at our plant. Our annual sales reaches 120.000.000,00 EUR. Director (the main share-holder) – Mr. Vasilyev Victor Grigorievich (Doctor of economical sciences). We have a developed net of 200 trade dealers covering all regions of Russia. We are a well equipped factory producing wide range of refrigeration equipment such as window-show-cases of any color, any dimensions and different shapes, several types of island refrigerators,wide range of wall refrigerators,door coolers and freezers projected by Italian Design Association for 600, 750 and 1520 liters,cooling rooms from 6 to 312 cubic meters and mono-blocks and split systems for cooling (-5 +5 Centigrades) and freezing (-18 Centigrades). We produce also PUR/PIR building sandwich panels in quantity 300 thousand sq. meters per month using 2 continuous foaming lines. Our policy is always to invest and modernize our production, to use only best quality components which we import from ITALY, GERMANY, FRANCE and SPAIN. Some of our main suppliers: DOW CHEMICAL for polyurethane and isocyanate systems, ELIWELL & CONTROLLI SRL for controllers; MTH SRL for fasteners; TECUMSEH EUROPE (L’UNITE HERMETIQUE), BITZER KUHLMASCHINENBAU GMBH , DANFOSS for compressors; SAINT-GOBAIN, PILKINGTON for glasses. We try to satisfy demands of Market by projecting new types of refrigeration equipment each year. We use new equipment imported from ITALY, GERMANY and FINLAND. Ariada Company follows active social policy in Volzhsk town and in 2004 Ariada built hockey hall palace for 2000 spectators and in 2007 year 4-stars hotel for 200 visitors. 34
E X P O -R U S S IA J O RDA N 2 0 1 3 3, Babushkina str, Smolensk c., 214031, Russia Tel./fax: +7 (4812) 31-11-68, 31-75-16 E-mail: info@analitpribor-smolensk.ru www.analitpribor-smolensk.ru
Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Smolensk Production Association ANALITPRIBOR� is one of the leaders in Russia in development and producing apparatus and systems for gas analysis. More than 50 years it produces and supplies its products to such branches as oil and gas industries, oil chemistry, power engineering, transport and utilities, etc., both in Russia and CIS states, and abroad. The output includes instruments for maintaining safety rules (gas analyzers and signal systems for the control of poisons, flammable and combustible liquids and gases), and for technological processes and environmental control.
EXPO -RUSSI A JO R DA N 2013 214000 Russia, Smolensk, Bakunina str., 10А Tel.: +7 (4812) 38-74-50 E-mail: info@smolenskcci.ru www.smolenskcci.ru
The Smolensk Chamber of Commerce and Industry The Smolensk Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Smolensk CCI) is a non-governmental, non-commercial organization and is a part of the System of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, which is acting under the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law “On Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation”, the Charter of the Smolensk Chamber of Commerce and Industry and other regulations. The Smolensk Chamber is an organization that seeks to promote the development of regional market of economy and its integration as a part of the Russian economy in the world economy system. The main objectives of the Smolensk CCI are promoting of social and economic development of Smolensk region, creating of modern industrial infrastructure, and an enabling environment for business, economic and scientific-technical relations of employers and entrepreneurs from other regions of Russia and foreign countries as well as representing and protection of the legitimate interests of employers in government authorities. At the time of its creation, in 1993, the Smolensk CCI brought together 24 companies and organizations. Currently, in the Smolensk Chamber of Commerce and Industry there are more than 300 organizations and the list of services increased fourteen times. Nawadays the Chamber provides more than 70 types of different services. Since its founding, it has grown into a developed structure with significant organizational and technical resources and highly professional manpower. In the Smolensk CCI was implemented a quality management system based on the international standard ISO 9000. Also were obtained certificates of quality management system standards ISO 9001:2000 (Reg. № 07.0834.026 VA SMC from 27/07/2007 and reg. № 07.083.026 VA QMS from 27.07.2007).
E X P O -R U S S IA J O RDA N 2 0 1 3 214031, г. Smolensk, Rylenkova str., bld. 7-2 Tel./Fax: +7 (4812) 25-25-10, 25-25-10 , 2525-20, 25-25-30 E-mail: zakaz@teplocontrol-sm.ru www.teplocontrol-sm.ru
Teplokontrol, OJSC
OJSC “Teplokontrol” is the largest company in Russia, which produces directaction control valves and control-measuring devices. OJSC “Teplokontrol” is the only Russian manufacturer of: • a wide range of direct-action temperature controllers that are used in heating systems for oil and gas, cooling systems of diesel engines and compressors, shipboard ventilation, heating and hot water supply. • mechanical hydraulic weight indicators of GIV type, used to control the tension of the fixed end of wireline while drilling and workover operation. As well OJSC “Teplokontrol” produces: • pressure and differential pressure controllers of direct action, used in cooling systems of gas pumping units, pasteurization systems of food production, heating and hot water supply. • Manometric thermometers ofTKP andTGP types, used to measure the oil temperature in power transformers, in turbines bearings at A-plants and compressor units, and so on. The company has its own foundry, forging and metalworking industry. The quality management system is certified according to the international standard ISO 9001:2008.
EXPO -RUSSI A JO R DA N 2013 86 Krasnoarmeyskaya str., Gagarin city, Smolensk reg., Russia, 215010 Tel: +7 (48135) 4-28-05, 2-55-99 Fax: + 7 (48135) 4-24-56 Email: el_luch@mail.ru, el-sbit@mail.ru www.ic-el.ru Terzijskij Nikolay Vasil’evich – General Director
Engineering center Electroluch, CSC
The main activity of the enterprise – the development and production Electro lighting equipment, light and alarm devices of aircraft, design and manufacture of explosion-proof lighting for illuminating industrial buildings and outdoor facilities of the oil, petrochemical, chemical, and other industries with explosive zones of all classes, as well as explosion-proof mine lamps intended for use in underground mines and their surface structures. The company has got license issued by the Federal Industrial Agency for implementation of declared activities. All production complies with the requirements of Russian ГОСТ and specifications as well as international standards of МЭК IEC. The company’s quality system is certified according to the standards ISO 9001. CSC ”Engineering Center“ELECTROLUCH”has been one оf the fastest growing industrial companies in the development and production of lighting equipment for 35 years.
E X P O -R U S S IA J O RDA N 2 0 1 3 28/2, Chaikovsky Ave., Tver, 170034, Russia Telephone: +7 (4822) 58-83-87 Fax: +7 (4822) 77-87-11 Email: info@gelstver.ru www.gelstver.ru
Geoelectronica Service Research and Production, CJSC Major Areas of ZAO NPK Geoelectronica Service Activity Development and manufacture of computerized mud logging units with sets of geological, gas analysis and technological production equipment for oil and gas wells drilling, offshore platforms Included. Equipment commissioning and service backup. Development of methods and software for real-time mud logging. Provision of services related to complex interpretation of mud logging data, geophysical data and drill-stem formation tester data. Carrying-out of integrated procedures for oil recovery enhancement in wells with low production rate using the method of thermochemical attack and cavitation-wave technology. Development of directive, technological normative and methodical documents related to mud logging.
EXPO -RUSSI A JO R DA N 2013 Russia, 125284, Moscow, Leningradskij avenue 31a, building 1 Tel. (495) 221-00-12 Fax. (495) 221-00-06 E-mail: gtlk@gtlk.ru www.gtlk.ru
State transport leasing company
State Transport Leasing Company provides leasing services in transport industry. Since 2009 STLC developes special leasing programmes within governmental project of modernization of road and communal infrastructure and transportation systems of towns and regions.
E X P O -R U S S IA J O RDA N 2 0 1 3
Ekaterinburg Non-Ferrous Metals Processing Plant
8 Lenin ave, Ekaterinburg, 620014, Russia Address for correspondence: 131 Lenina st, Verhnjaja Pyshma, Sverdlovsk region, 624097 Russia Tel: +7 (343) 311-46-00 Tel./fax: +7 (343) 311-46-01 E-mail: info@enfmpp.ru
Ekaterinburg Non-Ferrous Metals Processing Plant, JSC JSC “Ekaterinburg Non-Ferrous Metal Processing Plant” renders full range of precious metals refining and processing services, and manufactures products of industrial usage made of gold, silver and platinum-group metals. From the moment of its formation our enterprise was a pioneer in the field of new products application and technologies. We have almost 95-years history of development and today it is one of the leading companies in the sphere of production and refinement of precious metals. Among our long-term customers there are 1200 enterprises in Russia and abroad. JSC “Ekaterinburg Non-Ferrous Metal Processing Plant” work is based on rich labor traditions of the company personnel, research and technology potential of the plant and modern management system. The quality of our products is confirmed by certified quality management system (certificate TÜV CERT Rheinland) according to International standard ISO 9001:2008,status “Good Delivery” on manufactured bars of gold and silver is confirmed by London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) since 1999,certificates “Good Delivery” of the London Platinum and Palladium Market (LPPM) since 1999. Main products of JSC “ENFMPP” are the following standard and measured bullions of gold, silver, platinum and palladium, gold, silver, platinum and palladium anode elements, chemical compounds, powders and blacks of noble metals, catalyst gauzes, silver targets, crucibles of industrial usage,labware made of precious metals, glass melters and spinneret feeders, rolled products, wire, including thermocouple wire, solder alloys, dentistry materials.
EXPO -RUSSI A JO R DA N 2013 1 bld. A Geroev Kursantov str., office XII, Ubileyniy 141091 Russia Tel.: +7 (495) 662-38-77 Fax: +7 (495) 662-38-78 E-mail: intelcom@intelcom.ru www.intelcom.ru
Intelcom, Scientific and Production Centre, LLC SPC Intelcom is one of the leading Russian system integrators with more than 20 years experience in the IT-market. The company is the partner of the world’s biggest hardware and software manufacturers like Avaya, Cisco, HP, Microsoft. The main activities: Â- complex informatization of production enterprises and organizations; - automatic identification technologies and means of acquisition and integrated analytical processing of information. Our specialists have already accomplished a lot of large-scale IT-projects for public authorities, machine-building enterprises and large commercial organizations. Among our clients are: The Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, Chamber of Accounts of Russia, the Government of the Moscow Region, Sberbank of Russia, Roscocmos, Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Centre, Rocket and Space Corporation Energia, Baikonur and Plecetsk space centres, Russian Space Systems, Gazprom Space Systems.
E X P O -R U S S IA J O RDA N 2 0 1 3 34, Verkhnyaya str., Moscow. Russia Tel./fax: +7(499) 262-26-85, (495) 748-19-83, E-mail: mail@in-trans.ru www.in-trans.ru
Intertrans, CJSC
Closed Corporation “INTERTRANS” was set up in 1991. It is one of the largest forwarding companies in Russia. Certificate of conformity of Russian Forwarder Association №002-3. Basic activities: • expediting all categories of railway transportation – transit, export, import, domestic – throughout the territory of Russia, CIS, Baltic, European and Asian countries including train ferry; • transshipment in the ports of Caspian, Black and Baltic seas and on the Sakhalin; • railway logistics and the entire spectrum of services in the sphere of carriage by rail in the above areas including transit declaration, cargo guarding, information concerning cargo forwarding and the time of delivery. Closed Corporation “INTERTRANS” has joint ventures in Kazakhstan and Latvia. It has its own rolling stock (tanks and covered wagons). The Company has numerous awards of International and Russian contests. During the last decade it is among the best hundred Russian enterprises.
E X P O -R U S S IA J O RDA N 2 0 1 3 5, Metiznikov Str, Magnitogorsk, 455002, Russia Tel.: +7 (3519) 24-09-67 Fax: +7 (3519) 24-67-34 E-mail: sayegorov@mmk-metiz.ru; http://www.mmk-metiz.ru
MMK-METIZ, Magnitogorsk Hardware and Sizing Plant, OJSC OJSC «Magnitogorsk hardware and sizing plant «MMK-METIZ» is well-known in Russia and abroad as a highly technological plant and a safe partner which has been producing and selling hardware for more than 70 years. OJSC «MMKMETIZ» produces and sells the following kinds of products: shape-sized wire rod; steel wire (high- and low-carbon, galvanized, welding, reinforcing, powder), cold-rolled strip, steel ropes, wire mesh, welded mesh, fasteners (bolts, nuts, nails, dowels, rivets, washers, screws), railway fasteners, welding materia ls produced by ‘ESAB’ (Switzerland) technology.
EXPO -RUSSI A JO R DA N 2013 Bolshaya Ordynka Str., 24, 119017, Moscow, Russia Tal.: +7 (499) 949-45-35 +7 (499) 949-46-79 E-mail: info@rosatom.ru www.rosatom.ru
The State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM The State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM incorporates more than 250 enterprises and scientific institutions, including all civil nuclear companies of Russia, research organizations and the world’s only nuclear-propelled fleet. ROSATOM possesses more than 65 years of outstanding experience in solving large-scale tasks — such as creating the world’s first nuclear power plant (1954) and developing fuel for it. ROSATOM has developed the world’s most advanced enrichment technologies, and nuclear power plants with VVER water-moderated water-cooled power reactors have proved their reliability in the course of one thousand reactor years of trouble-free operation. High quality of manufactured products and offered services is also confirmed by the successes in international tenders for nuclear fuel supplies and NPP construction abroad. ROSATOM is the world’s only company of the complete nuclear power cycle holding leading positions in the world market of nuclear technologies and operating in more than 40 countries.
E X P O -R U S S IA J O RDA N 2 0 1 3 Dokuchaeva st. 31a, 614031 Perm, Russia Tel.:/Fax: +7 (342) 213 9949 E-mail: mail@termodat.ru www.termodat.ru
Control System Co., LTD
Control System Co., Ltd is leading russian supplier of control, measurement and data recording solutions to industrial customers. Our control equipment and factory automation systems business provides over 1,000 distinct products, including factory automation controllers, vacuum gauge controllers, humidity measurers, data recorders, ship automation instruments, sensors that help production sites achieve improved productivity.
EXPO -RUSSI A JO R DA N 2013 123242, Russia,Moscow, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya str. 11 bld. 1 Tel.: +7 (499) 252-55-74, 795-74-11 Fax: +7 (499) 254-50-56 E-mail: center@sbnet.ru www.cniicentr.ru
Center , CSRT, FSUE
Federal State Unitary Enterprise “CSRI“ Centr” is one of the leading research institutes, specializing in creation of informative analytical systems for improving the effectiveness of governmental authorities and industrial enterprises activities. The Institute was founded in 1966 as the Main Computing Center of the Ministry of Shipbuilding Industry. By the present moment FSUE “CSRI “Centr” has gained the acknowledgement not only as the information and analytical center, but as the leader of some trends in information supplement of the defense industry complex. The Institute carries out the researches for the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation (Minpromtorg of Russia), the Ministry of Mass Communication of the Russian Federation (Minkomsvyaz of Russia), the Federal Protection Service of the Russian Federation (FSO of Russia), the Marine Board of the Russian Federation Government, the Military Industry Committee of the Russian Federation Government, the state corporations and etc. Being the part of the Scientific Society FSUE “CSRI “Centr” is developing the collaboration with the Russian Academy of Sciences. The Department of the Moscow State Technical University of Radioengineering, Electronics and Automation (MSTU MIREA) “The Mathematical Supplement of Information Systems”, postgraduate courses and dissertation council are functioning on the basis of the Institute and are increasing its personnel and scientific potential. FSUE “SCRI “Centr” possesses almost the whole economical and technical information characterizing the activities of the enterprises of the defense industry complex of Russia, their technological, productive, personnel and innovative potential. Having been carrying out the researches in this field for a long time, FSUE “CSRI “Centr” became the one of the key authority centers of the defense industry complex of the Russian Federation.
E X P O -R U S S IA J O RDA N 2 0 1 3 27 Pervaya Kurskaya st., Orel, 302004, Russia Tel./Fax: +7 (4862) 439 098, +7 (4862) 735 312 E-mail: market@elintel.ru www.elintel.ru
LLC Elintel
“Elintel” Company presents cost-saving solar powered and LED road safety and lighting products on the Russian and CIS markets. We solve energy saving and energy efficiency problems. We specialize in the production of: • Solar lighting systems • Solar traffic signs • LED traffic lights • LED road signs • LED lighting systems • Dynamic LED display panels
EXPO -RUSSI A JO R DA N 2013 344012, Russia, Rostovskaya oblast, Rostovon-Don, Ivanovskogo str., 38/63 office 2 «А» Tel./Fax: +7(863) 240-32-32 (multichannel) E-mail: mail@ugmashholding.ru www.ugmashholding.ru
Yugmashholding, CJSC
Please consider the possibility of co-operation in the sphere of joint organization and realization of the projects on the assembly and supply of the equipment and hardware using the industrial and intellectual potential of “Yugmashholding”. The companies, included in our holding, are engaged in production, assembly, maintenance, reconstruction and modernization of technological equipment and hardware, enterprises of chemical, petrochemical, cement, mineral resource and metallurgical industries of nuclear power stations and thermal power plants. Your cooperation and reply are highly appreciated.
E X P O -R U S S IA J O RDA N 2 0 1 3 Tel.: +7 (831) 463-92-51, 463-92-91, + 7 (909) 288 56 24 E-mail: florum-nn@mail.ru www.florum-nn.ru
FLORUM, LLC The Russian company that supplies liquid and powdered flavouring and colouring agents. Flavouring agents are produced in Russia, in Kaluga region by company ZAO FLORUM. This is a high-technology production using nanocomponents. For their production the best ingredients are selected and purchased in the producing companies of Germany, France and Great Britain. The formulae were developed by the worldwide well-known English professor of chemistry. He is constantly improving technologies and formulations in the specialized aromatics laboratory in the UK and supervises production in Russia. The quality of FLORUM’s flavouring agents often exceeds the most recognized brands. Flavouring agents are produced from natural raw materials (ethereal oils, propylene glycol), being universal in application. They are used for producing food and beverages, for adding flavor to soap, cosmetics, shampoos, household chemicals and technical means. Fruits, berries Pineapple Banana Lemon, lemon-lime Orange Grapefruit Apple Raspberry Strawberry Kiwi Black currents Cranberry Cherry Mango Peach Grapes (white, red) Apricot Mint
Beverages, floral aroma Floral honey Fresh ground coffee Green tea Cognac Cola Pine Frosty freshness Alpine freshness Sea freshness Floral bouquet Forest bouquet Lily Lavender Oakmoss Flavouring herbs Cornflower Lilac Rose, dog rose
Vanilla, milk, chocolate, Walnut meat Vanilla-Cream Vanilla Chocolate Creams Baked milk Sour cream Curds Yoghurt Almonds Walnut Hazelnuts Pistachio Cheese Beef Spicy chicken Beacon Fume smoking
EXPO -RUSSI A JO R DA N 2013 P.O.Box: 1377, Sharjah, UAE Tel.: +971 6 5263333 +971 6 5263555 E-mail: salma.saqer@hamriyahfreezone.ae www.hfza.ae
Hamriyah Free Zone Authority
Established in November 1995, HFZA is one of the fastest growing and dynamic free zones in the world housing over 4,900 companies from 125 countries. An array of business incentives includes 100% company ownership, full repatriation of capital and profits, no taxes or commercial levies, 25 years long lease agreement renewable for a similar period and state of the art infrastructure. To support SME sector, Hamriyah SME Zone offers seven strategic clusters: Oil & Gas Zone; Petrochemical Zone; Steel City; Construction World; Timber Land; Maritime City and Perfume Land. These magnificent zones are complimented by E-Office packages to ensure smooth start up for small operations.
E X P O -R U S S IA J O RDA N 2 0 1 3 AMICO JSC117513, Moscow, Russiap.o. box 50 export@amico.ru www.amico.ru/en
Amico JSC develops X-ray equipment and accessories. We manufacture: Remote Control R/F Systems; Radiography, Chest screening, Mammography units; Mobile X-ray Rooms for field medicine, Interventional Fluoroscopy Unit (C-arm); X-ray protective accessories. We are open for cooperation and offer various ways of partnership.
EXPO -RUSSI A JO R DA N 2013 183001, Murmansk, 25, Festivalnaya Str. Tel: (8152) 47-23-56 Fax: (8152) 28-60-00 E-mail: mcsm@mcsm.ru www.mcsm.ru
FBE “State Regional Center for Standardization, Metrology and Test Operations in Murmansk Region” Rosstandard State verification, calibration and tests of the measuring means, measuring systems; certification of test equipment; repair of measuring means; assessment of measurement in the industrial laboratories; testing of all kinds of food, testing of non-food products including oil products, coal, environmental objects; expertise of the regulatory and technical documentation, production, services; development of regulatory and technical documents of enterprises; distribution of the official copies of national and interstate standards. The leading partner of the Program “Kolarctic ENPI-CBC 2007-2013” in the project “Perfection of the system of reacting at oil outflows and oil products outflows through creating oil database”. The project is financing by EU, Russia, Finland and Norway.
E X P O -R U S S IA J O RDA N 2 0 1 3 1923
61002, Kharkov, MIronositska ST. 25, Ukraine. Tel.: +38 (057) 7000123 Fax +38 (057) 7004825 E-mail: office@niochim.kharkov.ua www.niochim.kharkov.ua
State scientific research and design institute of basic chemistry (NIOCHIM), State institution NIOCHIM is the only one institution in Ukraine and the whole former Soviet Union that is able of complex research, engineering and development works in creation and updating of soda ash, sodium bicarbonate (food soda), calcium chloride and other basic chemicals manufacturing plants. Comprehensive engineering of production facilities in - chemical industry - pharmaceutical industry - food and processing industry - civil engineering. Including basic production facilities, utilities and infrastructure. NIOCHIM acts as general engineering contractor and participates in turnkey projects.
EXPO -RUSSI A JO R DA N 2013 Adress: 8, Rechnaya st., Krasnogorsk, Moscow region, 143403, Russia Tel/Fax: +7 (498) 504-36-50 E-mail: info@almas-invest.com www.almas-invest.com
Almas-Invest Ltd
- Producing, service and sales of medical equipment. - Producing, service and sales of ophthalmic equipment. - Provision of equipment on credit and leasing. The list of provided products: • Medical Furniture: Ophthalmic workstations, instrument tables, chairs for doctors, medical beds; • Machines for the edge of the lens; • Equipment for ophthalmic diagnosis: auto ref-keratometers, trial lens sets, perimeters, trial frames, chart displays, slit lamps, automatic lensmeters, corneal topograher, phoropters, PD meters, tonometers; • Ophthalmic Lasers.
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E-mail: Sakha_stone@mail.ru
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кая Платовс
Большая Дорогомиловская улица
Т Р Ц «Европейский»
Настоящие якутские драгоценности от Производителя
лон! ый са , 3, в о н о ли вског ткры Мы о ва, ул. Рае ая», ск ск г. Мо тро «Киев лон ме й са И», ирны ювел Ы Я К У Т И АЗ 01-39 « А Л М8 (499) 401тел.
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Эксклюзивные ювелирные изделия, якутские сертифицированные бриллианты; изделия с золотыми самородками; мозаичные картины из натуральных цветных камней; сувенирная продукция
Компания «САХА ТААС»
На правах рекламы
о вск Рае ца ули
Rusiya al-Yaum Russia’s first Arabic news channel was launched in May 2007 and is part of the RT brand. RT covers major political, economic and cultural issues of our time, with supporting analysis and documentaries, for viewers wishing to question more. Rusiya al-Yaum is broadcast 24/7 in the Middle East, North Africa and Europe via cable and satellite, and is available to more than 350 million viewers. The channel also offers a high-quality internet broadcast at arabic.rt.com and the best news reports, stories and programs can be found on the ‘RT Arabic’ YouTube channel (youtube.com/RTarabic). In December 2013 Rusiya al-Yaum began broadcasting in High Definition (HD). In addition to Rusiya al-Yaum, RT broadcasts in English and Spanish all over the globe. Первый информационный российский телеканал на арабском языке «Русия аль-Яум», входящий в группу каналов RT, начал вещание в мае 2007 года. Сегодня более 350 миллионов телезрителей на Ближнем Востоке, в Северной Африке и Европе могут смотреть «Русия аль-Яум». Эфир телеканала также можно смотреть онлайн на сайте arabic.rt.com. Лучшие репортажи и программы доступны для просмотра на странице «Русия аль-Яум» в YouTube (youtube. com/RTarabic). В декабре 2013 г. «Русия аль-Яум» начал вещание в формате высокой четкости - Full HD. Помимо «Русия аль-Яум», в состав RT входят информационные каналы на английском и испанском языках.
E X P O -R U S S IA J O RDA N 2 0 1 3 Electrode travel, 8а, office 18, Moscow, 111123, Russia Tel.: +7 (495) 229-33-36, доб. 201 +7 (495) 229-33-36, доб. 201 E-mail: mail@ruscable.ru www.rusrable.ru
RusCable.Ru resource is indispensable for the suppliers, producers, technical services, marketing services, marketing services as well as scientific workers. Electrical information: new developments, patents, analytics, reference sources, leading manufacturer-factories and their products.. Organization of PR-campaigns, strengthening of a market position, sales increase and many other. Ресурс RusCable.Ru незаменим как для поставщиков, производителей, технических служб, маркетологов, так и для научных работников. Информация электротехнического направления: новые разработки, патенты, аналитика, справочные материалы, ведущие заводы-изготовители и их продукция. Проведение PR-акций, укрепление положения на рынке, увеличение объемов продаж и многое другое.
EXPO -RUSSI A JO R DA N 2013 199226, Russia, Saint Petersburg,Gavanskaya st. 41, lit.A, office 5H Tel.: +7 (812) 355-76-79, 405-99-81 Fax: +7 (812) 355-76-79, 405-99-81 E-mail: info@ stankopark.spb.ru www.stankopark.spb.ru
Machinery Equipment, magazine
«Machinery Equipment» is the specialized magazine for users, producers and developers of electrical equipment, woodworking, metal-working, laser equipment, stuff and concomitant commodities. Our magazine will help you in the choice of partners at the decision of questions of purchase, sale, repair, modernization of machine-tools and computer-aided manufacturing. Monthly periodicity. Format – A4. Drawing – 10 000. On questions of distribution it is possible to know on a tel. (812) 405-99-81, (812) 355-76-79
E X P O -R U S S IA J O RDA N 2 0 1 3 Россия, 125424, Москва, а/я 61 Тел. +7 (499) 192-80-66 Факс: +7 (499) 192-64-39 E-mail: slant@slant.ru www.slant.ru
Слант, ООО
г. Екатеринбург, ул. Вайнера, 55-В; т./ф.: (343) 257-52-91(94), е-mail: bakin@tehsovet.ru
E X P O -R U S S IA J O RDA N 2 0 1 3 off.303, 19, 4th Roshcinski proezd, Moscow, 115191, Russian Federation +7(495) 954-33-64 +7(495) 954-34-41 safeprom@safeprom.ru www.safeprom.ru
Internet portal Safeprom.ru
Internet portal is an independent mass media devoted to industrial safety and security. Our portal gives coverage to different Russian Federal Service for Ecological, Technical and Atomic Supervision (RosTekhNadzor) activities publish articles of the related institutions executives and scientists on the current concerns in energy, construction and ecology industries.
EXPO -RUSSI A JO R DA N 2013 E-mail: e-B2B@e-B2B.org Tel.: (+48) 58 768 59 30
Main purpose of the e-B2B.org Portal
Our international business Portal e-B2B.org | EUROPEAN BUSINESS PLATFORM is an innovative solution within the global scope for the economic integration and effective support of international and domestic business of your company, regardless of its size, offered products/services or the achievement of your goals and various business ideas.
E X P O -R U S S IA J O RDA N 2 0 1 3 of. 409, str. 1, d. 1, Zolotorozhskaya nab., Moscow, 111033, Russia. + 7 (499) 245-96-33 БЕСПЛАТНО + 7 (499) 245-96-33 , 245-96-38. E-mail: vst@aha.ru www.vstmag.ru
Water Supply and Sanitary Technique (VST) magazine The Certificate of registration of mass media of May 20, 1992, PI 01109 The edition is registered at the International Center ISSN - № ISSN 0321-4044 Periodicity: monthly FOUNDERS: Institutes of the Russian Federation • Soyuzvodokanal • GNTS RF NII VODGEO • TSNIIEP inzhenernogo oborudovaniya • GPKNII Santekhniiproekt • MGP “Mosvodokanal” The “Water Supply and Sanitary Technique” Magazine is a traditional part of the List of reviewed editions recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission for publication of materials of Ph.D. and doctoral theses. The editorial staff of the “VST” Magazine offers mutually advantageous cooperation to firms, associations, organizations and societies: publication of articles, preparation of theme issues and selection of articles as well as placement of advertising materials and notices. Each issue of the magazine is sent obligatory to the Russian State Library and also to other leading libraries and educational and scientific institutions of the Russian Federation. Authors of the published materials are responsible for the selection and accuracy of facts, quotations, proper names and other information cited. The editorial board can publish articles, including those when it does not share the viewpoint of an author. The editorial board is not responsible for the content of advertisements. No part of the magazine’s materials may be reprinted without the written permission of the editorial board.
E X P O -R U S S IA J O RDA N 2 0 1 3
Office: Russia, Rostov-on-Don, Soborny lane, 94 “е” Mailing address: Russia, 344018, Rostov-onDon, POB 7543 Tel: +7 (863) 220 30 20 E-mail: sambros@aaanet.ru www.sambros.ru
The main services - Market research; - A complex promotion of goods, works and services in Russian market; - Сonsulting, accounting, audit and legal services; - Organizational diagnostics of company (group of companies); - Optimization of organizational structure, a rational distribution of functions between the structural units, managers and staff; - Improve the system of selection, appraisal, training and retraining of personnel; - Self-training system of senior management the following areas: Management, Finance, Marketing - Activities of the news agency for the selected target audiences
EXPO -RUSSI A JO R DA N 2013 115114 Russia, 620137 г. Ekaterinburg, Studencheskaya street 1, Bldg. 3 Tel./ Fax: +7(343) 345-09-72, 345-09-72 Moscow, 1 st Derbenevsky lane, 5 Tel. Tel./ Fax: +7 (495) 287-98-51, 287-98-51 E-mail: info@energyland.info open.energyland.info
Медиапортал сообщества ТЭК EnergyLand.info EnergyLand.info – отраслевое электронное средство массовой информации для компаний топливно-энергетического комплекса России (свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ№ ФС77-30043 от 25.10.2007 г.). Ежедневно www.energyland.info посещают порядка 3000 человек - свыше 80 000 в месяц из более 60 стран. 90% читателей портала – специалисты и руководители компаний ТЭК, смежных отраслей промышленности, представители власти из России и СНГ. На портале зарегистрировали персональные страницы более 53000 компаний ТЭК, каждый день это число увеличивается. Регистрация вашей компании даст вам отличные инструменты для ее продвижения торговую площадку, тендеры, вакансии, публикацию пресс-релизов.
E X P O -R U S S IA J O RDA N 2 0 1 3
ExpoLife.ru, сайт
На нашем сайте Вы можете ознакомиться с планом выставок на 2013-2014 годы. Мы поможем Вам подобрать ту выставку, которая будет оптимально отвечать профилю деятельности Вашей компании. Заполнив соответствующую форму запроса, расположенную в конце каждой выставки, Вы получите полный комплекс обслуживания. Наши специалисты свяжутся с Вами и помогут в организации деловой поездки на выставку или её заочного участия и посещения. Также наши менеджеры помогут получить полный пакет документов, разместят Вашу информацию в каталоге выставки, получат для Вас пригласительные и бейджи. Вы сможете получить рекомендации по месту расположения на выставке, какой лучше выбрать стенд, требуется ли дополнительное оборудование. Мы с удовольствием отмечаем сегодня, что присутствие на выставках компаний, которые участвуют традиционно, и “новичков”, углубляет формы взаимного сотрудничества, позволяя создавать новые инвестиционные и интеграционные проекты.
05-07 июня2013 г.
Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы RIXOS ALMATY
II АЛМАТИНСКИЙ ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЙ БИЗНЕС-ФОРУМ: «Единое экономическое пространство – новые перспективы, условия и возможности для инновационного пути развития предприятий» ОРГАНИЗАТОР: ОАО «Зарубеж-Экспо» СООРГАНИЗАТОРЫ: Торгово-промышленная Палата Россйиской Федерации Международная Ассоциация Фондов Мира (МАФМ) Торгово-промышленная Палата Республики Казахстан Торгово-промышленная Палата г. Алматы ПАТРОНАЖ: Торгово-промышленная Палата РФ Совет руководителей Торгово-промышленных Палат государств-участников СНГ ПОДДЕРЖКА: Министерства иностранных дел РФ, отраслевых Министерств РФ и отраслевых министерств и ведомств Республики Казахстан, Посольства и Торгового представительства РФ в Республике Казахстан
МЕСТО ПРОВЕДЕНИЯ: Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы RIXOS ALMATY КОНТАКТЫ: Москва, ул. Пречистенка, 10 Тел.: +7 (495) 637-50-79, +7 (499) 766-99-17 многоканальный номер: +7 (495) 721-32-36 E-mail: info@zarubezhexpo.ru www.zarubezhexpo.ru www.exporf.ru