Business Benefits & Uses of Livestock for Livestock Exporters Livestock are domesticated animals raised in an agricultural environment for extracting food, fiber and labor from them. Animals such as chickens, cows, ducks, fish, pig and goat are the most common type included in Livestock. Many countries adopt the practice of Livestock to not only produce meat and milk for individual consumption, but also to make profit out of it. Currently Livestock Exporters in India contribute almost 27 percent to the gross domestic product of the nation and employ around 20 million people in this sector.
Uses of Livestock For those who are looking to invest in this sector. The main commercial products, which is derived by Livestock are detailed below Meat: Chicken, goat, ducks and cow are bred mainly for their meat. Countries such as USA, Japan and Canada also breed pigs to extract pork meat. Mammal meat is a good source of dietary protein and energy and thus animals that have a good amount of mass weight are used to derive meat and meat products. Dairy Products: Livestock is an excellent source of milk, which is the main ingredient for all kinds of dairy products. Milk derived from cow and goats is used after further processing as diary items such as cream, butter, cheese and curd. Hen & other poultry birds are also bred for their eggs. Fiber: Livestock is also used to produce a good amount of fiber or textile. For example wool derived by removing the sheep wool can be used for their warm properties to make blankets and sweaters. Cow mohair is used to make leather. Also bones, horns and hooves of livestock can be used to make other such fiber and textile material. Fertilizer: The excreta of mammals can be used to create wonderful manure. Manure helps in yielding of crops and is used as a plaster. The excretion of animals, blood and bones are also a good source of manure.
ď‚ˇď€ Labor: Livestock animals such as donkeys, horses and yaks are also used to provide labors for their strength and speed. These animals come handy in many places where road provisions are not good and heavy material need to be carried. Animals like donkeys and horses are used in military to transport men and goods to remote places.
Livestock is also used in land management as animal grazing is helpful in controlling weed and undergrowth on lands.
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