Krishidoot Bio-Herbals
About us Krishidoot Bio Herbals is A HOUSE OF ORGANIC PRODUCTS established by Dr. Ramnath Jagtap, M. Sc. (Agri.), Ph.D. , in 2005. Krishidoot Bio Herbals is an ISO 9001:2008 company. Company is backed up by its strong R&D team and well equipped Krishidoot Analytical Laboratories. We have own lands and polyhouse for R&D purpose. Our plant and corporate office is located at Jawalke-Dindori, near Nashik Airport (Ozar Mig), Nashik, Maharashtra (India). We have branch offices at Ahmadabad, Raipur (C.G.), Lucknow, Indore, Munnar (Kerala), Akola, and Solapur. Krishidoot Bio Herbals have its own research monopoly Products includes organic, herbal and biological fungicides, insecticides, and growth enhancers. Krishidoot is also engaged in production of micronutrients and plant nutrients. We manufactered various chillated , straight and customised mix micronutrient grades. Our company belives “All culture will die tomorrow, but Agriculture never”, “customer first, Reputation first”. The company has strong hold in domestic and international market. Our agricultural inputs are widely supplied to agricultural industries dealing in Grapes, Pomogranates, Mango, Apple and Tea Gardens and Vegetable crops. Last but not list we have solution to each every problems in Agriculture. We are also available on Our Mission • To maintain adequate profitability by growth of Top line, bottom line & various cost cutting measures. • To interact with clients (Farmers and Dealers) in process up gradation: • Ensure high customer satisfaction. • Ensure value addition. • To develop a core competence by
• Adapting to latest technologies & industry norms. • Self- Actualization Our Vision “To become India’s premier Manufacturer of Herbal, Organic and Biological Pesticides, Plant Growth Enhancer and Micronutrient”. Our Motto “Let us be better than the best.” Over the next 3 years, we are looking to increase our manufacturing portfolio twofold. Several new products are in pipeline. We are expanding on our R&D capabilities. We are extending our marketing network through extending employs workforce and dealers network in untouched areas. Ours will be a profitable, global and growth oriented organization Team • We are empowered with a dexterous team of professionals who are masters of • their respective fields. Our team is inclusive of• Agricultural graduates • Pharmacogonistics • Quality controllers • Laboratory assistants • Warehousing experts • Sales & marketing professionals
Our Products Divine Divine is an organic certified plant growth enhancer, plant growth promoter. Divine is product of Krishidoot Bio Herbals, a house of organic product. Divine is derived from Tulsi (Basil) plant extract. With the use of Divine we can achieve huge tillering and flowering, increased bearing of fruits and size of fruits. Divine is an organic certified plant growth enhancer can also build resistance power of plant to fight against fungal, bacterial, viral and insect attack. Divine (basil 15 delivers following advantages in plant: • Vegetative Growth • Flowering and fruiting • Organic plant food • Increase immunity against diseases • Reduce the flower and fruit drops • Basil act as insect repellent • Applicable at all stages and all crops. Dosages : • 15 Days after Planting, after Sowing- 0.3ml/L • At time of Flowering- 0.5ml/L • At time of fruit setting - 0.5ml/L • At time of growth of fruits- 0.5ml/L (two sprays in 10 days interval) Available in : 100ml, 250ml, 500ml and 1 Litre Bottles. Product tags : Orgakart, Tulsi, Basil, Fungal Control, bacteria control, Flower booster, Plant growth Enhancer, plant growth promoter
Orcale Oracle is an organic certified Chitosan based product from Krishidoot Bio Herbals, a house of organic product. Chitosan is derived from sea crab and shrimps. Foliar application and soil drenching can protect plant from fungal, viral, bacterial and nematode attack. Chitosan based Oracle also gives curative results on above diseases. Dosages : 1-2 ml per liter of water. Available in : 100ml, 250ml, 500ml and 1 Litre Bottles. Product tags : Plant Food, Organic Fungicides, Bio-Fertilizers, Fungal Control, Chitosan control Viral control, Nematode control, Organic repellant, Soil born diseases Krushidoot bio-herbal, Organic certified products
Our Products Sudarshan Sudarshan is an organic certified insecticide from Krishidoot Bio Herbals, a house of organic product. Sudarshan organic certified insecticide derived from plant pectin. By foliar spray of Sudarshan we can protect plant/crop from mealy bug and all type of sucking insect. Sudarshan is biodegradable organic certified insecticide and formulated for plant protection under the Integrated Pest Management. Sudarshan also act as a repellent from fungal, viral, and bacterial attack. It is zero residue product. Dosages : 2 to 4ml per liter for foliar applications. Features • Organic, Environment friendly, Bio-degradable and Economical. • Non-toxic but little toxicity may be shown to fishes. • Easily kills all the generations, even the eggs, of insects and mites. • An effective tool for Integrated Pest & Diseases Management (IPDM). • Controls Insects, Fungus and Virus Diseases in all crops. • It is not compatible with Sulphur, Captan and Dimethoate etc. Packaging : Available in 500 ml, 1 lit, 5 lit, 20 lit, 50 lit, 200 lit HDPE Bottles/Drums. Product Tags An Organic Pesticide Foliar Spray, Orgakart, Organic Pesticides, Organic Insecticides Insecticides, Organic Fungicides, Antifungal Element, Fungal Repellant, Bugs Bio-Herbal Certified products of Organic Products Insects, Pest, Antibacterial
Global Global is certified organic zero residual herbal insecticide. Global is product of Krishidoot Bio Herbals, a house of organic product.Global is certified organic zero residual herbal insecticide and derived from oils of all type of spices like mustard, neam, karanj, garlic, clove, cinnamon. Foliar spray of Global, organic certified insecticide can control and repeal all type of sucking insect white flies, thrips, jassids, mite and aphids. Ingredients : Oils derived from Spices like Cinnamon, Garlic, Mustard, Soya Oil, Palm oil, Organic Solvent and Organic Emulsifiers, etc. Applicable Crops : all vegetables, fruit crops, floriculture and horticulture. Dosages : 1 to 1.5 ml per lit of water as per Insect Attack. Available in : 100ml, 250ml, 500ml and 1 Litre Bottles. Product Tags: Orgakart, Zero-Residue, Garlic oil, House of organic products, Sucking pest, Herbal insecticide, Cinnamon, Clove, Garlic, Certified organic product Krishidoot Bio Herbals, Neam, Karanj, Sucking type of insect, Integrated pest diseases management, IPDM, Zero Residue Herbal insecticides, Certified organic product, N oil, Integrated pest management
Our Products Ami Mix We are engaged in offering vast gamut of Ami Mix. We are Manufacture of Amino Chelated Micronutrient fertilizers, like Amino Chelated Ferrous 12% (Amifer), Amino Chelated Zink 12% (Ami Zinc), Amino Chelated Magnesium 6% (Ami Mag), Amino Chelated Manganese 12 % (Ami Mn) and Amino Chelated Mix micronutrient grade (Ami Mix). Ami Mix, that we offer, is used in agriculture to reduce the deficiency of the micronutrients.
Specifications Ami Mix consists of all essential & non essential amino acids (Organic Nitrogen) with mineral. It supplies organic nitrogen as well as mineral to the plant. Hence 100% utilization.
Organic nitrogen (Amino Acids) is absent. Hence only mineral ion is available to plant. EDTA has no role in plant metabolism.
Amino acids present in Ami Mix form a complex with mineral ion which absorbed quickly & easily by plants. is a readymade & easily assumable organic source of nutrition.
Itis a chemical complex.
Ami Mix contains all essential amino acids & minerals, which are precursors of phytohormones & other growth substances & accelerate the Metabolic, & Physiological activity of plant. Ami Mix before, during and after the stress conditions supplies the plants with Amino Acids & Minerals which are directly related to stress physiology and thus has a preventing and recovering effect. Amino Acids has a chelating effect on minerals. When applied together with minerals, the absorption and transportation of minerals inside the plant is easier. This effect is due to the chelating action and to the effect of cell membrane permeability. L - Glycine & L - Glutamic Acid are known to be very effective chelating agents.
Absent in EDTA Complex.
Absent in EDTA Complex.
EDTA Only acts as chelating agent.
Aptech Aptech is 100% water soluble micronutrient fertilizer, which is rich in Zinc, Ferrous, Magnesium, Copper and Manganese. For cash crops, like cotton and sugarcane, application of 2 Kg of Aptech per month is suitable. For fruit crops, like grapes, pomegranate, papaya and citrus, same dose can give good result with fortnight spray of Aptech 2 grams per litter of water
Our Products Perfect Salt of Phosphorous Acid Perfect is the systemic herbal based fungicide. In grapes growing areas it is used against Downey Mildew. It gives good preventive and curative control of the disease. Phosphoric acid (H3PO4) should not be confused with phosphorus acid (H3PO3). A single letter difference in the name of chemical compound can make a difference in its properties. Phosphorus acid releases the phosphonate ion (HPO3), also called phosphate, upon disassociation. Like phosphate, phosphonate is easily taken up and called translocate inside the plant. Phosphorus acid and its related compounds are often referred to as phosphonate, phosphate, and phosphonic acid. One of the breakdown product of Aliate (fosetyl-Al) is mono-ethyl phosphonite, which may be taken up by the plant. Inside the plant, fosetyl-Al may ionize into phosphonate, and therefore fosetyl-Al belongs to the same group of phosphorous acid. It is salt of phosphorous acid of pH 7. As it is of neutral pH it can be used with other pesticides also. Dosage: 3 to 4 ml per litters of water. Packaging: Available in 500 ml, 1 lit, 5 lit, 20 lit, 50 lit, 200 lit HDPE Bottles/Drums.
Vision Vision is Certified Organic product from Krishidoot Bio Herbals, a house of organic product. Vision is reach source of silica which is most important micronutrient. Vision is silica based organic growth promoter.With the use of Vision,a colloidal silica, plant gets free from insect and fungal attack. The film on the leave of plant controls the evapotranspiration of water thus vision can be used in drought condition to prevent water loss. Vision improves root zone and provide effective absorption. Dosages : 1ml per liter of water for foliar spray. 2ml per liter of water for soil applications. Available in : 250ml, 500ml, 1 Litre and 5 Litre Bottles. Product Tags: Orgakart, Micro Nutrients, Insecticides, Organic certified products Plant growth promoter, House of organic products, House of organic product Krishdoot Bio Herbals, Silisilic acid, Silicon, Colloidal silica, Krishidoot Bio Herbal Organic certified, Evapotranspiration, Insecticide, Fungicide, Micronutrient PGR, Silicilic acid, Silicon nutrien
Our Products Expo Expo is an amino acid based growth enhancer, containing 50% Hydrolyzed Protein. Along with amino acid, Expo also contains Vitamin B1, B2, B12 and NATCA in concentrate. Expo, that we offer, is very powerful spray for plant growth, flowering and fruiting. Dose : 0.1ml/litter of water at an interval of 10 days
Five Star Five Star is a soil conditioning granules which provides humic acids, amino acids, seaweed, silicon and vitamins to the plant. All elements present in Five Star are essential for the plant growth. Five Star also improves the soil structure by adding additional organic carbon by which porosity and aeration is seen increased. We observe that root system of the plant is increased than control once. Content: Humic Acid, Sea Weed, Silicon, Vitamins, Amino Acids Dose For Cotton, Soya been and Vegetable- 10 Kg/ acre For Fruit Crops-10 kg/acre twice in a year
Contact us
Krishidoot Bio-Herbals Ramnath Vasantrao Jagtap 9, Vyenkatesh Park, Savarkar Ngr, Gangapur Rd, Nashik Nashik-422013, Maharashtra, India Phone :+91-2557-279275 • Fax :+91-2557-279277 Mobile :+91-9970400012, +91-9890401549, +91-8600028502 Web Site :, Web Page :http: // Call Us :08042783510