Undergraduate Architecture Portfolio

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architecture is... aesthetic experience power transformation a call & response playfulness ...the sublime art of place.


Growing up in rural Appalachia, I was never exposed to “real� architecture, but the power of place did influence daily life. The texture of stonework, the lightness of the parlor, and the comfort of a fireplace, even in my earliest recollections the experience of these things was profound. People are intimately tied to place through aesthetic experience; it is inescapable and ever present while we are awake, visceral and ductile while we dream. This may be why most of us take space for granted, we are not fully capable of leaving it. When I was older, I saw more of the world and experienced the architecturally sublime for the first time in Europe’s ancient artifacts, and that furnished my feeling of architecture as an inherently experiential medium, one with incredible potential and transformative power. Within the right space, a dramatic spiritual/moral shift can occur, giving hope or comfort in time of need, or it may work slowly on us and over time alter the way we live our lives. That power is needed now more than ever. A host of problems loom somewhere out of mind: overpopulation, environmental degradation, climate change, social injustice, revolution, disasters natural and man-made. With so many issues facing a new generation, architecture has a fantastic opportunity to thrive, so long as it is willing to be political in its aims. This century will boast a rate of change unseen in history as technology oontinues outpacing itself; architects must pursue an active role in shaping this future. Passivity is unacceptable if there is to be any real transformation of values. Architecture is a call to action, to better our lifestyle and our environment. It is a response to growing tension in communities, in cities, in the world, in ourselves, but it need not be so stoic. It is as much a chance to play as it is a solution. In fact, playfulness may be the solution. Architects cannot be afraid to be expressive, to give form to their opinions, but in the end the buillt environment is not for architects. In no other art is an artist given so much freedom of movement and so much responsibility as in architecture, the sublime art of place.

contents 1 Bibliotech

2010 Greenville, SC

2 Musicbox

2010 Genoa, IT

3 Infraderm

2009 Asheville, NC

4 Terminal

2009 Anderson, SC

1 - 10 11 - 20 21 - 28 29 - 34

1 2 34

greenville, sc 2010


ee gr n


is ax

4th year studio, Professor Yuji Kishimoto 2010 Greenvil e, South Carolina

Greenville is a uniquely pedestrian city but only on its main street axis. This project proposes a series of steps at the urban level to expand Greenville’s pedestrian footprint as well as establish the city as a center for networking and digital media with a digital library, Bibliotech.

I-385 traffic

pedestrian isla nd

reroute I-365 traffic

branch green axis

expand pedestrian island

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bibliotech 4

urban solution:

process: 

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d t ra



The ultimate concern is the crafting/sculpting of a monument for the city. Begining with a 150ft cube, what shape emerges? Using vector carving a shape is formed that is both contextual and monumental. Porosity is introduced, and as a result the building acts as a pedestrian sponge.

program: plaza




computer lab










bibliotech 8

The program comes from the needs of the developer to provide residential units, the needs of the city for a dynamic social center, and a new technology based direction for the city’s ethos. The facade, an exterior truss wall is the sole structure and a representation of this ethos.

bibliotech 10

a new brand, ethos, and monumentality

genoa, it 2010


campe piazza

3rd year studio, Professor Bernhard Sil 2010 Genoa, Italia Team JES: Jeff Pauling Evan Leinbach Sara Cheikelard



There are very few cars in the narrow streets of the Old City. People generally pass quickly around the site and through Piazza Campetto in a hurry to get somewhere else. Also, the street atmosphere changes entirely when influnced by the right sounds. A guitarist playing near our site proved this with great affect. The way music travels in the narrow streetscape inspires the design as the programatic element.

street//music bar

musicbox 14



mezzanine// lobby

roof//private lounge

piazza camp etto




Two walls to emcompass an interior street music bar. This bar uses the forward piazza as a backdrop for performance. The backwall opens up to the piazza behind. Above are apartments, with a central stair creating social atmosphere. To consolidate the two radically different plans, a transition lobby space is needed. The roof is given to the tennants as a private lounge and garden.

1 posts

2 beams

3 floors

4 glazing

5 skin

musicbox 16



musicbox 18

musicbox 20

venue for the new folk blues in la citta vecchia

asheville, nc 2009


Infraderm 3rd year studio, Professor Doug Hecker 2009 Ashevil e, North Carolina Team Dermis: Evan Leinbach Stephen Parker Michael Deere

The site resides between the French Broad RIver and downtown Asheville. Ground water flows into the French Broad through three areas of hard contamination. Along the bank of the river, a strip of road acts as a barrier confining the ecology to a narrow riparian zone. With the site being adjacent to the celebrated River Arts District, it would wasteful to leave the site as it is; a neglected and damaged post-industrial wasteland.

9 hydrology



phase 1: reparation

phase 2: remediation

ď › phase 3: population

The solution available to this site is presented in 3 steps. The first is to repair the damage done to the site., salvaging buildings, materials and preparing the land for phytoremediation. Plants are then used to remove the toxins from the soil, rebuilding the local ecology. At the last, humans are allowed back into the site, recycling the old buildings and materials, but how can we be sure balance can be maintained?

infraderm 21

ď ›

The development of a new infrastructure is key to maintaining the delicate relationship between man and nature. Parametric modeling provides the form, a thin membrane that contains technologies for the growth of ecology and urbanity. Solar panels and a power grid, water supply, lighting systems, irrigation and uv lamps for plant growth, temporary shelter attachments, all are contained with in the infraderm, with room for continued technological advances.

infraderm 26

conquest of an ecostructural landscape

infraderm 28

anderson, sc 2009


Terminal 2nd year, Professor Peter Laurence 2009 Anderson, South Carolina




terminal 32

The site in downtown Anderson, SC, is long, narrow and located on the train tracks. Following a multifunctional approach, this design is for a Train Station and Restaurant in one building. First floor contains a double height entrance space, small cafe, eating areas, with all utilities located within the wall structure on the south side. The mezzanine contains the kitchen and restaurant with a view of the sunset through the glass wall. At track level there is a large atrium waiting room, offices for rail workers, an engineer’s office, and a luggage counter.

slowfood terminal 34 31

press play for railway commuter culture


F Hinton Cen


curriculum vitae

Education Education on University (Fall ‘07 -Spring ‘11) Clemson University (Fall ‘07 -Spring ‘11) BA in Architecture BA in Architecture Philosophy Minor Philosophy Minor Honors Graduate Honors Graduate GPA 3.68 GPA 3.68 Study Abroad Study Abroad Genoa, IT (Spring ‘10) Genoa, IT (Spring ‘10) Chicago (Fall break ‘10) Chicago (Fall break ‘10) Accolades Recognition O/S Tuition Scholarship O/S Tuition Scholarship Modern Woodmen of America Modern Woodmen of America Trustee Scholorship Trustee Scholorship EH Gregory Trust Scholarship EH Gregory Trust Scholarship

Leadership Leadership AIAS Historian (Fall ‘10) AIAS Historian (Fall ‘10) AIAS PR Director (Fall ‘09) AIAS PR Director (Fall ‘09) Freedom By Design Build Leader Freedom By Design Build Leader nter Project Leader (Summer ‘10) Hinton Center Project Leader (Summer ‘10) Digital Skills Digital Skills (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign) CS4 (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign) Google Sketchup Pro Google Sketchup Rhinoceros 3d Rhinoceros 3D AutwoCAD AutoCAD Manual skills Manual skills Sketching Sketching Modeling Modeling Drafting Photography Drafting

Evan W Leinbach Contact Information 2698 Green Cove Rd Brasstown NC 28902 828.361.2619 eleinba@clemson.edu Thank you!

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