2021 Winter ECHO LIVING magazine

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5 that are letting cool air in or warm air out — trying using door ‘snakes’ to fill in the gaps if there are any. •

Maximise the effect of your heating. When you do need to turn the heating on, be sure to close the doors to any rooms that you aren’t using. This stops the heat moving into unoccupied parts of the home.

Don’t turn the heat up too high. Resist the temptation to turn the temperature on your heater or air conditioner up too high. Use the lowest temperature that feels comfortable. Just a 1° degree reduction in the temperature setting on your heating can reduce your bill by 10%.

Think of ways to heat yourself. Layer up with jumpers, socks, scarves, long sleeves and blankets to keep your body warm. You can also warm up with hot drinks like tea, or use hot water bottles.

For winter safety tips, visit Fire and Rescue NSW: www.fire.nsw.gov.au/winter

2021 Resident Satisfaction Survey Please keep your eye out for our Annual Tenant Satisfaction Survey, which will be mailed or emailed out to you by the end of June 2021. The survey gives you an opportunity to share your experiences as a tenant with us and give us feedback on how we can improve our services. It is completely anonymous and will be managed by the Community Housing Industry Association NSW who will ensure that the data is kept confidential. Everyone who completes the survey will go in the draw to win one of FIFTY $50 Westfield Vouchers. If you have any questions about the survey or have not received it by July 2021, please email us at: myevolve@evolvehousing.com.au.

Key worker housing programs

EchoRealty are the leaders in affordable housing property management, and we deliver a number of different programs. If you know anyone who you think may be eligible for this program, or you are considering moving into a new property and think you may be eligible, please contact us by email: info@echorealty.com.au

Key Worker Housing Key worker housing is affordable housing reserved for people who are employed as a key worker in front line services that are important for the community. Key workers who may be eligible are those working in essential industries such as aged care, health care, education, emergency services, law enforcement and childcare. Offering these workers affordable housing allows them to live nearby their place of work without falling into housing stress, benefiting the wider community by ensuring that there is a steady supply of key workers in the area. Key worker housing eligibility rates vary depending upon the property.

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