Evolve Housing News, December 2022

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Paint, Make & Mingle workshop Residents enjoyed a day out for our Paint Make and Mingle Workshop. See page 3

t. 1800 myevolve (1800 693 865) · w. evolvehousing.com.au @evolvehousing @evolvehousing @evolvehousing SUMMER ISSUE • DECEMBER 2022

IN THIS ISSUE Join the Resident Advisory Group Make a difference in your local community. Page 2

Global Awareness Month Our cultural diversity luncheon. Page 4

Communication Panel Volunteer to help guide documents created by Evolve Housing. Page 3

Save the Date Events Upcoming events for 2023. Page 5

Reconciliation We will undertake a Reconciliation Action Plan in the next 18 months. Page 6

Friendship Aged Network

Imaginate Workshop Success HotNews!

In October we hosted several Imaginate school holiday events.

Are you over 50 years of age—join our Friendship Aged Network. Page 5

Support over Christmas Support is available during the holiday season.


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We welcomed over 70 parents and children and had a whole heap of fun with our Basketball Workshop at Blacktown PCYC & our Cartoon Creation Workshop at Yagoona Community Centre! Pizza was shared and prizes were won. We thank all our residents who attended and look forward to seeing you soon! Resident Engagement see page 3

Imaginate workshops run during the school holidays, so keep an eye out on our What’s On page for future activities: http://bit.ly/eh-whatson

RAG Chat As 2022 comes to a close, the Resident Advisory Group (RAG) would like to wish all residents a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. This has been a busy year and we have been honoured to get back into working with residents to improve tenant experiences!

Join the Resident Advisory Group

more with members of the Board so be sure to watch this

Would you like to make a difference in your local community, representing your fellow residents and providing input into our policies and services? This might be for you!

space for updates!

We have recently had a vacancy in our established Resident

Some our achievements for 2022 include:

Advisory Group (RAG) open up and we’re looking for

• Established a new Resident Advisory Group for the next

nominations to fill this position! If you are an Evolve Housing

In our last two meetings, we were joined by members of the Evolve Housing Board to meet and discuss important issues raised by fellow residents. We will be interacting

2-year period. • We gained new members who present many fresh and interesting ideas. • We reviewed and gave feedback to rent review letters which were amended soon after. • We had direct input into activities including the Imaginate

resident with ideas on how we can improve our services we’d like you to apply! Meetings run for approximately 2 hours on the 3rd Monday of every month at our Parramatta office. Join us for lunch, meet new people and help your community! All ages are welcome. For more information or to apply, contact Rob by emailing community@evolvehousing.com.au

school holiday events, VIVID Cruise and the Resident Christmas Party for 2022. • Some members also joined the newly established Maintenance Advisory Group which has had direct input into the development of new maintenance contracts. • Feedback from our RAG meetings will now be shared at the Evolve Housing Board meetings to showcase the great work we are doing. • We met with the new General Manager for Resident Services, Jo, to share ideas and suggestions for improvements for Evolve Housing processes and services. • We participated in the launch of the Diversity and Inclusion working group with our member Fred sharing his story • We facilitated a ‘volunteering with Evolve’ panel at the Annual Resident Meeting. We are looking forward to being back on board in 2023, and we are also on the lookout for some new members to join us on the RAG! For more information about what this involves, and how to apply, check out the call out on this page!


Annual Report 2021–2022 Our Annual Report 2021–2022 is available for download from our website, or a free print copy can be obtained from our head office in Parramatta. We are particularly proud of the year that was and would love for you to download a copy for yourself! To get your digital copy of the annual report visit here: evolvehousing.com.au/reports

Paint, Make & Mingle workshop Residents along with several staff enjoyed a lovely day out at our Paint Make and Mingle Workshop held at Parramatta Park. We had 13 residents attend and enjoy a painting class as well as a candle making workshop using dry wax beads. Everyone who attended walked away from the event with a handmade candle and painting that they made!

Wishing You A Very Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Season!

Resident Engagement Strategy

Evolve Housing wishes you a Merry Christmas for 2022. Please be aware that we will be closed from 1pm on Thursday 22nd December 2022 and will be reopening on Tuesday 10th January 2023. During this time, the office will be closed, and online forms and emails will not be monitored.

As part of Evolve Housing’s Resident Engagement Strategy all our staff are required to participate in a Resident Engagement Activity to connect to our residents. Since launching the strategy, we have had over

For emergency maintenance issues ONLY, please

60 staff actively engage with our residents through our

call 1800myevolve (1800 693 865). Evolve Housing

community programs & events so if you see a new face

wishes you a very happy and safe holiday period.

at our next event be sure to say hello!


Global Awareness Month Thank you to all our residents who joined us at our Cultural Diversity Luncheon on the 24 October. It was so wonderful to celebrate, sing, dance and enjoy a meal with you. Our community is extensively multicultural and embracing the values of various cultures only strengthens our understanding and appreciation of each other! The day was a wonderful success as we celebrated the diverse minds and beliefs held by all cultures present in our office and by our clients. A very big thank you to our resident Andre and his wife who performed for us!

Communication Panel If you want to volunteer with Evolve Housing but can’t commit to regular meetings, then this may be the group for you!

Arncliffe community hub wins at the Place Leaders Awards! Evolve Housing’s Arncliffe Community Hub Program has been recognised for its impact in the social housing sector, winning at the Place Leaders Asia Pacific Awards. Evolve Housing received the award for their Arncliffe

The Communication Panel checks our letters, newsletters,

Community Hub project, which provides support

factsheets and other documents published by Evolve Housing

to 140 social housing residents. The project takes

to ensure they are easy to read, easy to understand and are set

an innovative place-based approach and has the

out in a way that encourages people to read them.

aim of building up residents’ capacity so they can

This volunteer activity can be done from the comfort of your

improve their health, access training, education and

own home; all you need is a digital device and an email. We will

employment, and achieve their life goals.

send you documents that you will return with your comments...

The Arncliffe Community Hub has two staff

and that’s it!

members who work on-site to support residents and

Benefits of this panel include supporting best practice and

both Paea and Carrie Ann have done an incredible

promoting clarity, encouraging inclusiveness and input from

job at achieving this, while building longstanding

residents and reaffirms our beliefs that Evolve Housing

supporting relationships with Evolve Housing

residents are at the forefront of our services!


If you would like to volunteer for the Communication Panel or

Congratulations to the Evolve Housing team whose

want to know more call us on 1800 693 865 and ask to speak

hard work has created a sustainable, multi award-

to Rob Costa or email community@evolvehousing.com.au.

winning project!


SAVE THE DATE 2023 EVENTS COMING Women’s Coffee Club If you’re a woman living in an Evolve Housing property, you’re invited to our Women’s Group, that meets for a chat, coffee, cake and a catch up! Our group is a space for women to come together to build social connections, create support networks and provide feedback on additional programs, ideas and services that residents can benefit from. Our next catch up will be from 10am–12pm on Wednesday 1st February 2023 at Xpresso Café (Shop 43, Chullora Marketplace). For more information please contact Terina on 0412 806 461 or via email community@evolvehousing.com.au

Imaginate events We are so excited to be running our Imaginate program with some fun-filled activities for children & young people during the 3rd & 4th weeks of January 2023 school holidays! Food will be provided and prizes will be won! Keep an eye out for more information to be listed on the Evolve Housing What’s On page and through our social media.

Premier’s Gala concert SENIORS EVENT

Evolve Housing will be welcoming 20 senior residents to attend the Premier’s Gala Concert at 11am on Friday 3rd February 2023! Registrations will open on Friday 2nd December 2022 through the Evolve Housing What’s On page so keep your eyes peeled for more information! Register for events at evolvehousing.com.au/whats-on


PLANNING A MOVE? We understand that moving homes can be a very stressful exercise. The Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (WSROC) represents local councils in Greater Western Sydney, and the team there have created some helpful tools to help residents if they’re planning a move! We encourage you all to donate and recycle wherever you can, and organise a council clean-up for anything that’s left over. WSROC have an easy to download checklist for you to take advantage of! To get your hands on the Ultimate and Essential Moving Checklists visit: https://wsroc.com.au/your-ultimate-moving-check-list

Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Over the next 12–18 months Evolve Housing has committed to developing its Reflect level Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). Our goal is to develop a strong understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and histories and strengthen our relationships with Australia’s First Nations People in the communities we work within. What is a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)?

RAP working group A RAP Working Group of 16 individuals has been formed consisting of employees, clients and employees of our Contractor Partners, Willowdene Constructions and SR Constructions.

RAPs provide a framework for organisations to realise

The RAP Working Group will be tasked with

their vision for reconciliation and create social change and

developing Evolve Housing’s Reflect Reconciliation

economic opportunities for Australia’s First Nations People.

Action Plan. This team had their first meeting in

Evolve Housing believes that a RAP will provide a framework

October and will meet monthly until they complete the

by which we can:

plan, which will then be submitted to Reconciliation

• Continue to improve and increase our engagement with

Australia for approval.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and stakeholders

Through the RAP Working Group Evolve Housing will assess the delivery of our programs and services to

• Strengthen our understanding and cultural competency

understand what and how we can do things differently

• Build on partnerships to deliver better housing outcomes

to build better relationships, outcomes and levels of

and support services • Strengthen communities • Empower our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander residents 6 | EVOLVE HOUSING NEWS

trust with Australia’s First Nations People and in the communities we work.

Friendship Aged Network The Friendship Aged Network (FAN) was established in 2006 with the aim of engaging with tenants over 50 years of age, who live alone or are socially isolated. The purpose of FAN is to: • Support and care for the social, physical, and emotional needs of tenants over 50. • Improve their general wellbeing through the provision of recreational activities and workshops.

Stay heat resilient this summer While the weather’s been fairly mild so far, any Australian will know that our summers really heat up, especially in western Sydney! Anyone who lives in Penrith would find it hard to forget the 48.9 degree day on 4 January 2020, when Penrith was the hottest place on earth!

• To create a safe environment and bring people together to build friendship amongst members. • To break through the barriers of isolation and build

Evolve Housing is proud to have collaborated with other Community Housing Providers and the NSW Government to

links with the wider community by means of regular

participate in the Western Sydney Heat Resilience Project.

telephone calls made by our volunteer residents.

This project is designed to give community housing residents ideas on how to battle extreme heat in the summer without

If you would like to join the FAN or be a volunteer, contact Rob on 1800 693 865 or email community@evolvehousing.com.au

using too much costly energy. We encourage you to view the resources on our website for helpful tips and tricks on managing the heat this Summer: https://evolvehousing.com.au/im-a-resident-2/support-forresident/#heatprogram EVOLVE HOUSING NEWS | 7


We understand that Christmas can be a difficult time for many people, both financially and emotionally. There is a wide range of support services available if you need to access them. It is OK to ask for help and we encourage you all to check out the list below.

Ask Izzy: askizzy.org.au Ask Izzy provides information on a variety of services that are available locally including accommodation, food, domestic violence, support and counselling, drugs and alcohol, employment, legal support and more.

Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636, beyondblue.org.au Beyond Blue offers free telephone and online counselling services open 24/7 for everyone in Australia. Beyond Blue also offers an online chat function through their WebChat

Diwali festival of lights

To all our residents who celebrated the festival of lights on the 24th of October we wish you a Happy Diwali! We hope you had a bright, happy and safe celebration.

Support Service.

Lifeline: 13 11 14, lifeline.org.au, or text 0477 131 114 Lifeline provides Australians with access to 24-hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.

Kids Helpline:1800 551 800, kidshelpline.com.au Kids Helpline is a free (even from a mobile), confidential 24/7 online and phone counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25. Qualified counsellors at Kids Helpline are available via

How to make a complaint or appeal

WebChat, phone or email anytime and for any reason.

At Evolve Housing, we acknowledge that complaints provide valuable feedback. You can make a complaint by

Food and financial assistance:

emailing: ihear@evolvehousing.com.au, by calling us on

Salvation Army:1300 371 288

1800 myevolve (1800 693 865), or by writing to:

Food hamper and gift assistance: salvationarmy.org.au/

9–13 Argyle Street, Parramatta 2150 NSW.


Are you unhappy about a decision made about your tenancy? You can lodge an appeal within three months from the date of the original decision.

Financial assistance: salvationarmy.org.au/need-help/ financial-assistance/

To lodge an appeal, please fill out the Appeals form, which you can access online at: http://bit.ly/Appeal-Evolve-Housing or by contacting our

St Vincent De Paul: 13 18 1, vinnies.org.au/findhelp

office on: 1800 myevolve (1800 693 865).

Acknowledgement of Country evolvehousing.com.au/whats-on or by calling 1800 myevolve (1800 693 865) @evolvehousing evolvehousing

Evolve Housing acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land where we deliver our housing and services. We acknowledge and pay our respects to all Elders past, present and future. We welcome all First Nations People to our services, as we walk together towards reconciliation.

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