11 minute read
Our reconcilliation journey so far
from RAP
While Evolve Housing has not previously had a structured Reconciliation Plan in place, we have undertaken a range of initiatives over a number of years to improve our understanding of Aboriginal culture and contribute to reconciliation through our services, programs and partnerships. These initiatives have included:
Board membership
Evolve Housing is privileged to have Natalie Walker on its Board. Natalie is a proud Kuku Yalanji woman from the Daintree Rainforest in Far North Queensland who has lived and worked in Sydney on Gadigal country for the last 18 years. Natalie has more than 15 years’ experience across the government, not-forprofit, corporate and small business sectors in management and non-executive director roles.
Natalie brings deep knowledge and expertise in social enterprise governance, leadership and operations, social policy design, impact investment and social impact creation.
In 2012, Natalie was named one of Australia’s 100 women of influence. Natalie is the co-chair of the National Australia Bank’s Indigenous Advisory Board. Natalie is also Chair of the Cape York Girl Academy and Member of Indigenous
Business Australia’s Investment Committee for its Real Estate Investment fund.
Cultural competency
Training has been provided for staff to improve Aboriginal cultural competency. ‘Closing the Gap’, an online module, is now compulsory training as part of the induction process for all new staff.
Face-to-face cultural competency training has been provided to some members of staff, particularly those in residential services delivery roles. This will be expanded and offered on an ongoing basis.
Evolve Housing has worked closely with the Aboriginal Housing Office (AHO) to develop strong partnerships to support the Office to acquire affordable housing for Aboriginal residents. Evolve Housing has an agreement with the AHO and undertakes property and tenancy management for 18 properties.
More recently Evolve Housing has seconded staff to assist an Aboriginal Land Council (Awakabal) in Newcastle in its development of a strategy and approach to managing its residential assets. Evolve Housing staff have been seconded to assist Awabakal with property and tenancy management.
We will continue to explore opportunities to strengthen and increase partnerships with Aboriginal organisations providing housing services.
Specific services
Evolve Housing for Youth (EHY) provides transitional housing support services in the Parramatta and Cumberland Local Government Areas to young people aged 16–25 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, including a significant number of Aboriginal youth.
Evolve Housing has established, and through the implementation of the RAP, will continue to expand relationships with Aboriginal service agencies so it can continue to assist Aboriginal clients to access culturally appropriate support.
Through our Employment Strategy and the delivery of Opportunity Pathways, we will assist all residents including Aboriginal residents, to access training and employment opportunities.³
Evolve Housing is White Ribbon accredited and committed to preventing mens violence to women and children in communities.
Business suppliers and contractors
Evolve Housing has proactively used Supply Nation to identify Indigenous suppliers to provide its catering services. An Indigenous owned and operated company is now used to supply catering at major functions. Through the RAP, we will continue to explore opportunities to use Aboriginal businesses as part of our supply chain.
With our partners, we will investigate how we can promote Aboriginal participation in employment and training. Our construction and maintenance contractors already have clauses in their contracts to provide employment for our tenants.
3. Opportunities Pathways is a FACS funded program which Evolve Housing has won the tender to deliver in South Western Sydney and Nepean and Blue Mountains.The program involves delivering support, training and employment to social housing tenants, community housing tenants, applicants on the social housing waitlist or recipients of Rent Choice.
Evolve Housing’s vision is to create thriving communities for all people, to ensure people are safe and secure in their homes and to deliver housing solutions and services that empower people on their journey to greater independence.
We understand the need to engage, connect with and learn from Aboriginal communities. We commit to developing strong and mutually beneficial relationships with Aboriginal organisations, to shape and increase the impact of services so we can provide positive outcomes for individuals and the wider Aboriginal community.
Action Deliverable
Timeline Responsibility
2. Build relationships through celebrating Harmony Day, National Reconciliation Week (NRW)
3. Promote reconciliation through our sphere of influence
• Encourage and support staff and senior leaders to participate in at least one external NRW event
• Ensure RAP working group participate in at least one external event to recognise and celebrate NRW
• Circulate Reconciliation Australia’s NRW resources and reconciliation material to staff
Timeline Responsibility
May – Jun
May – Jun
Sep 2019
• Communicate our commitment to reconciliation to all staff
• Develop a list of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, communities and organisations and other like-minded organisations within our local area and sphere of influence that we could approach to connect with and support us to deliver actions under the RAP
• Develop an engagement plan identifying each organisation or program, the purpose of the relationship and who within Evolve Housing should be the relationship manager
Aug 2019
Sep 2019
GM Community and Business Growth
GM Community and Business
GM Community and Business Growth
GM Community and Growth
GM Community and Business Growth
Dec 2019
4. Promote positive relationships through antidiscrimination strategies
• Research best practice and policies in the area of anti-discrimination
• Conduct a review of People and Capability policies and procedures to identify existing antidiscrimination provisions and future needs
Aug –
Sep 2019
Aug –
Sep 2019
GM Community and Business Growth.
Senior Manager
People and Capability
Senior Manager
People and Capability
Respect is one of Evolve Housing’s five core values and is the basis for forming trust and strong relationships.
We acknowledge and pay respect to the Traditional Owners of the lands in which we operate and commit to developing locally relevant cultural awareness programs for our Board, staff and non-Aboriginal residents. This RAP starts our journey to embrace the richness and strengths of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture. By committing to celebrate and improve our understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage and culture we can ensure our practices provide culturally safe and appropriate homes and services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
6. Increase understanding value and recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait cultures, histories, knowledge and rights through cultural learning
• Develop the business case for increasing understanding, value and recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories, knowledge and rights
• Continue all staff online induction training. The Closing the Gap module provides recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories knowledge and rights, with mandatory refresher courses every 12 months
• Engage an Aboriginal employee to source or develop local Aboriginal history fact sheets in key areas where our properties are located, including Parramatta, Penrith and Blacktown. Include in staff induction packs and online
• Identify and engage an Aboriginal organisation to provide annual face-to-face cultural competency training for staff and Board members. Ensure training addresses Aboriginal communication and cultural sensitivities, especially on issues such as shame, passive approval, literacy levels, language and community realities
• Hold a bi-annual assessment workshop for the RAP working group to track continuous improvement in cultural competency against the Community Housing Advisory Panel (CHAP) and Aboriginal Cultural Competency Standards
• Invite Aboriginal organisations and Elders to present at Evolve Housing Connection meetings as part of a Cultural Conversations Program
7. Demonstrate respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander peoples by observing cultural protocols
8. Raise internal understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural protocols
• Identify and understand who the Traditional Owners are of the lands and waters in our areas where we deliver housing services
• Develop and implement a plan to raise awareness and understanding of the purpose, meaning and significance behind Acknowledgement of Country and Welcome to Country protocols (including any local cultural protocols) for all staff
• Develop a Welcome To Country and Acknowledgment of Country policy for Evolve Housing and implement
• Develop, maintain and review a key list of endorsed contacts/local Elders who can deliver a Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Country in the areas where we deliver housing and services
• Continue to have senior management and staff provide an Acknowledgement of Country at all events and significant internal meetings
• Continue to invite local Elders to provide a Welcome to Country at all public events, program and property launches
Aug 2019
GM Community and Business growth
9. Build respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and histories by celebrating NAIDOC week
• Raise awareness and share information amongst our staff of the meaning of NAIDOC week, including information about local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities
• Encourage and support staff to participate in an external NAIDOC event, by promoting community events in our local footprint and encouraging attendance
• Ensure the RAP working group participate in an external NAIDOC week event
Aug 2019
GM Community and Business Growth
Aug 2019
Sept 2019
GM Community and Business Growth
GM Community and Business Growth
Aug 2019 –
Jul 2020
GM Community and Business Growth
GM Community and Business Growth
Aug 2019
GM Community and Business Growth
Aug 2019
GM Community and Business Growth
Aug 2019
GM Community and Business Growth
Evolve Housing is committed to working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, organisations and communities to create opportunities to improve access to housing, services, support services, education, training and employment and business opportunities.
Action Deliverable
11. Improve employment outcomes by increasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, recruitment, retention and professional development
• In consultation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff develop and implement an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander recruitment, retention and professional development strategy
• Build an understanding of current Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff to inform future employment and professional development opportunities
• Develop a business case for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s employment within our organisation
Timeline Responsibility
Sep – Dec 2019
Senior Manager
People and Capability
Sep – Dec 2019
Senior Manager
People and Capability
12. Improve Evolve Housing’s capacity to support Aboriginal residents to access education, training and employment opportunities
• Ensure Evolve Housing’s current Employment Strategy continues to grow partnerships with Aboriginal specific employment services and with organisations that offer Aboriginal specific or culturally appropriate training and employment programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander residents
• Review the uptake of Evolve Housing’s education, training and sporting grants by Aboriginal residents
• Review whether promotional material and practices for these services used are culturally supportive and inclusive for Aboriginal clients and families. Seek advice from the RAP Working Group on how these could be made more culturally supportive and inclusive. Amend documents and approaches as required.
Sep – Dec 2019
Senior Manager
People and Capability
Aug 2019
GM Community and Business Growth
Aug 2019
Aug 2019
GM Community and Business Growth
GM Community and Business Growth
13. Investigate opportunities to source business supplies from endorsed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander suppliers — to support improved economic and social outcomes
• Continue to use Aboriginal suppliers sourced from Supply Nation or NSW Indigenous Chamber of Commerce to deliver catering for Evolve Housing at all major events
• Investigate Supply Nation membership and utilise this and the Indigenous Business Chamber of Commerce to identify further supplier and procurement opportunities
• Develop a business case for procurement from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander owned businesses
• Work with our maintenance and construction head contractors to make them aware of Aboriginal businesses who are accredited and who can assist with contracting activies and services that match the head contractors’ supply and sub-contracting needs. Note: NSW Indigenous Chamber of Commerce is a potential source to identify Aboriginal business
2019 – Jul
GM Community and Business Growth
14. Participate in the Aboriginal Outcomes Strategy Social Housing Targets to improve economic and social outcomes for Aboriginal people living in social housing⁴
• Aim to achieve a 20% reduction in negative exits for Aboriginal households, i.e. exit due to breach of tenancy agreement, eviction, abandonment, or ended by NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal⁴
Nov 2019
GM Community and Business
Mar 2020
GM Community and Business Growth
May 2020
GM Residential Services & GM Developments Delivery
Dec 2019
GMs Residential Services and Community and Business Growth.
• Aim to achieve a 20% increase in positive exits from social housing by 2021, i.e. an exit initiated by tenant/provider to affordable housing, private rental or home ownership, where appropriate⁴
Dec 2021
GMs Residential Services and Community and Business Growth
Governance And Tracking Progress
Evolve Housing commits to track and report on progress on our RAP to ensure we are delivering on our commitments and to inform continuous improvement.
Action Deliverable
14. Establish and maintain an effective RAP Working Group (RWG) to drive governance of the RAP
• Reinstate the RAP Working Group (RWG) to support the implementation of our RAP, comprising of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and GMs and senior managers from each of the Business Divisions
• Maintain Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representation on the RWG
• RAP working group to meet quarterly with internal staff responsible for the delivery of individual actions, to measure progress and to implement the RAP
• Review existing, and apply new, Terms of Reference
Timeline Responsibility
Aug 2019
GM Community and Business Growth
Aug 2019 –
Jul 2020
Mar, Jun,
Sep, Dec 2019
Aug 2019
GM Community and Business Growth
GM Community and Business Growth
15. Provide appropriate support for the effective implementation of RAP commitments
• Define resource needs for the RAP’s development and implementation
• Engage senior leadership in the delivery of the RAP
• Provide sufficient resources to develop and implement the RAP
• Define systems and capability needs to track, measure and report on the RAP activities
Aug 2019
GM Community and Business Growth
Aug 2019
Aug 2019
GM Community and Business Growth
Group Executive Team
Aug 2019
GM Community and Business
Group Executive Team
17. Build accountability and transparency through reporting the RAP achievements, challenges and learnings — both internal and external reporting
• Quarterly report against progress to the Group Executive team (GET) and Board
• Track and report progress in cultural competency against the CHAP Aboriginal Cultural Competency Guidelines Standards Guidelines
• Complete the annual RAP Impact Measurement Questionnaire and submit to Reconciliation Australia
Aug 2019 – Jul
Sep 2019
GM Community and Business Growth
Jul 2020
GM Community and Business Growth GM Community and Business Growth
18. Continue the reconciliation journey by developing the next RAP
• Register with Reconciliation Australia, to begin developing our next RAP
Apr 2020 GM Community and Business Growth
For public enquiries about our RAP please contact:
Name: Nicole Miller
Position: Manager, Marketing & Communications
Phone: 1800 my evolve (1800 69 3865)
Email: connect@evolvehousing.com.au
Artist Sal Lavallee
Sal Lavallee from Bogong Moth Art and Holistic Services, currently based in Campbelltown NSW on Dharrawal country, is an Ngarigo Buhlung (Ngarigo woman) from the Ngarigo and Yuin nations. Ngarigo is her grandmother’s country from the Snowy Mountains Region of NSW through to Victoria, and Yuin from her grandfather’s country on the South Coast of NSW.
Sal’s art is inspired by traditional Ngarigo and Yuin art that was taught to her by her Elders, although her interpretation and style is very contemporary. She is inspired by stories from her grandmother’s and grandfather’s country and her own spiritual experience and understandings.
In 2012, Sal was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia. Art helped her to cope with the mental and physical stresses of cancer treatment. Through art, she connected to her Aboriginal spirituality and culture to tell her story. Painting has given Sal deep insight into the therapeutic benefits of art.
Sal uses many different mediums but favours acrylic paints. She also uses photography for her popular mixed media series of works titled “Ngarigo Nulla Goongee,” exploring the theme of connection to country.
As well as being an artist, Sal is a qualified Meditation Teacher and experienced workshop facilitator. She holds qualifications in Meditation Teaching and Holistic Counselling recognised by the International Meditation Teachers and Therapists Association (IMTTA) and is accredited with the International Institute for Complementary Therapies (IICT). She is currently completing her Art Therapy study.
About the artwork
The central blue design element, running from the top to the bottom of the artwork, represents water as an important gathering point and source of food for Aboriginal communities. The water shape is open-ended and is a metaphor for the reconciliation process — an ongoing process that adapts according to the community’s needs and Evolve Housing’s reconciliation journey.
The top of the blue shape features a large circular element, representing Aboriginal communities coming together. Wrapped around this circle are icons of homes, representing the housing and services provided by Evolve Housing.
The outer ochre-coloured design signifies