2018 Winter Catalogue

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Hunters Element was created in response to the demanding hunting environment in New Zealand. Sweeping valleys, mighty glaciers, towering mountains, dense forests and powerful rivers make for a beautiful but unforgiving environment – it is raw, unique and unparalleled anywhere in the world. Hunters Element gear is designed to reflect this so encompasses cutting-edge technology, design and production, to create incomparable comfort, performance and durability. Hunters Element allows you beat these elements so that you can explore further and hunt longer.

With innovation as our driving force and unprecedented quality as our goal, we have succeeded in producing gear that is second to none. Hunters Element is committed to using leading-edge fabrics, advanced design techniques and the highly effective Desolve® Camouflage patterns. Hunters Element gear is designed and tested to ensure it performs when you need it to while lasting longer.

ICON KEY The following icons can be found throughout the catalogue and indicate a design feature of the product it is displayed with.

Constructed using Altus Fleece material. Altus Fleece is a high quality, versatile fabric.

Garment is treated with a PFC Free Durable Water Repellent finish.

Fast wicking fabric pushes moisture away from your body.

Garment designed to be highly packable.

Constructed with lightweight materials.

Constructed with high quality YKK® zips.

Garment retains 50% less water than cotton.

Constructed with high quality SBS zips.



Garment is treated with a Durable Water Repellent finish.


Garment provides exceptional sun protection.

Double skin technology adds strength to pack composition and enables a bright, ‘easy viz’ colour to be stitched internally.

Easy access, sturdy knife carrier built in to the structure of the pack.

A blaze orange rain cover protects your pack from both the rain and other hunters mistaking you for game.

A handy safety whistle is built in to one of the chest buckles.

Packs with this symbol are compatible with hydration bladders.

HUNTERS ELEMENT THE LEADING FORCE IN TECHNICAL HUNTING GEAR Hunters Element is committed to using leading edge fabrics, advanced design techniques and the highly effective Desolve® Camouflage patterns. Visit our website and Facebook page to learn more about who we are, our products, the science behind hunting clothing and become part of our community.





THE FULL STORY BEHIND HUNDREDS OF HOURS OF RESEARCH OVERVIEW In early 2014 our curiosity sent us down a path of research and development that lead to the creation of Desolve Camouflage, a pattern designed to fool animals, not hunters. Our research highlighted the massive problems with current “sticks and leaves” styles of camouflage. Ungulates (hooved animals) don’t see the way we do. Their vision is blurrier so they don’t focus on detail, instead, they have been trained to focus their attention on an outline. A new style of camo that breaks up this outline with large macro and micro shapes creates the illusion of depth, so the subject appears to be a series of small objects spread out across a range of distances. Desolve Camouflage was developed and tested in the field over the course of hundreds of hours to manipulate the specific colour and light tones most prominent to ungulates and the results are simply astonishing.

WHY WE MADE DESOLVE CAMOUFLAGE The creation of Desolve Camouflage was born purely out of curiosity. We are passionate hunters and we’ve always had the drive to find bigger trophies, make longer shots, get closer and understand the animals better. It seems that almost every hunter has a story about watching a deer in the clearing, sitting dead still in the shade, downwind and hundreds of yards away, and all of a sudden that deer looks up and stares straight at them. These stories combined with the never clear stories about UV light and enhanced vision dragged us on to the internet to try and figure out what exactly was going on with animal vision and how could we improve what we were doing to hide ourselves from it. What we found spurred us into action to make some drastic and urgent changes to the way we produced camouflage.

THE RESEARCH PHASE When it came to embark on the major task of researching the properties of animal vision, we started by setting out some clear parameters around the process in order to try and remain as objective as possible. We believed that this would be crucial in achieving the best results for the development phase. This may seem obvious but it’s important to consider that we were all deep in the hunting world already and had likely formed biases in how we expected the vision and patterns to work based on personal experiences, whether we knew it or not. In short, the research was conducted by collecting over 50 sources of seemingly credible reports and articles both secondary and primary. The two criteria that we bound ourselves to were A; They must have come from a qualified scientific background directly in the field of ungulate vision and B; The studies or papers must have been published since the year 2000. From here we aligned all the research and extracted all the commonalities in the findings and excluded all the contradictory conjecture. This left us with clear objective findings that we could now directly apply to the development phase of our new camouflage pattern. DESOLVE CAMOUFLAGE


ULTRA VIOLET (UV) LIGHT UV light can most easily be thought about from our perspective as a type of glowing light. The Human eye has a built-in filter which blocks out about 99% of UV light. If that filter wasn’t in our eyes we would see some short-wave length colours stand out from the crowd like something shiny reflecting in the sunlight. The best example we can see of UV light is when looking at neon paints or bright white T-Shirts that glow in nightclubs under black lights. Ungulates do not have this filter covering their eyes, meaning these colours in the UV spectrum glow a lot brighter, especially in low light conditions. This UV glow doesn’t naturally occur very often in the natural environment. A lot of modern dyes and laundry products used in the creation and washing of hunting clothing contain colour brighteners which in fact are UV enhancers. As a lot of hunting clothing manufacturers are unaware of this and this may be why experienced hunters will often swear to have had more success at getting close to deer in their old “worn in” hunting clothes.


HOOVED ANIMAL VISION Ultra-Violet colours which we cannot see are particularly bright to hooved animals in low light.

THE COLOURS THAT ANIMALS SEE Most all animal’s eyes are made up of a series of internal rods and cones. Each of these serves a function of interpreting light as shape and colour. Ungulates or hooved animals have been determined to lack the cones required to easily discern colours in the red spectrum. From this, we can determine that they are effectively red-green colour-blind. This means that most shades of greens, browns, yellows, oranges and reds are all seen as one similar colour to deer. This is why hunters are able to wear bright blaze orange clothes without standing out from the natural surrounding environment. However, it should be noted that the other side of the colour table, blue, can be determined as extremely out of place to a deer just as it is to the human eye.


HOOVED ANIMAL VISION Hooved animals are effectively Red/Green colour blind. This means Greens, Reds and Browns all look similar to them.


DISRUPTION VS MIMICRY The majority of the hunting camouflage scene is saturated with what we can call “mimicry” patterns. These use pictures or photos of sticks, leaves, bark, trees, etc. These mimicry patterns naturally look the best to the human eye. Because our vision is so much sharper than that of ungulates, we interpret the detail as matching that of the environment it is meant to mimic. Unfortunately, as discussed above, this is the wrong approach to take when trying to fool a deer. Although we see this fine detail, the ungulates do not. With their cloudier vision, they perceive these sticks and leaves as blobs of blurry colour. So they will see a bush on a hillside as a green blob, or a twig as a brown bar. They will see these mimicry camo patterns as big brown blobs as well as they these patterns only use low contrast, micro-patterns. So, unfortunately, all that nice detail in the camo is lost on a deer. What they do see then is a brown blob with a defined outline, just as we would if we were to look at another hunter dressed in a solid brown jersey. Disruption is, therefore, the key to fooling ungulates into not seeing us. Disruption in camouflage terms refers to breaking up this vitally important outline. Disruption will in essence trick the animal’s eyes into not recognising the subject as one single object. Instead, it will use different sized patterns to create the illusion of depth. To the animal, it will look as though one part of the pattern is a small object 50 meters away, and another part of the pattern is a small object 200 meters away, for example. Based on the science behind their vision, this will be a far more effective and logical approach than trying to trick them into believing that one big object is something that it is not. In essence, mimicry camo tries to trick the animal to believe that the subject is something that it isn’t, where disruption camo tricks the animal’s eyes into not seeing any subject at all.

MIMICRY/LOW CONTRAST CAMO With weak visual clarity in hooved animals, mimicry camouflage patterns turn into big blobs against most backdrops.

DESOLVE® VEILTM CAMO Desolve® Veil™ breaks up the hunter’s outline horizontally.

DEPTH PERCEPTION AND CLARITY Obviously, most hooved animals have their eyes located more on the side of their heads than humans. The advantage to this is that they have a field of vision that spans about 270 degrees, compared to the humans 140 degrees of vision. The downside to this though is that the clarity with which they see is diminished. Now, this is where it gets a bit technical and theoretical depending on which study you look at. The main thing that we really need to know though is that both the detail and clarity are reduced in ungulate vision compared to human vision. The easiest way to think of this is to imagine that deer see a slightly blurry image as if they need glasses. Now because of this, they identify their potential threats based primarily on outlines and shapes.


HUMAN VISION Human vision is peripherally around 140˚.

HOOVED ANIMAL VISION Hooved animals see close to 270˚ peripherally.

They are hard-wired to identify harsh outlines of objects and symmetry in these outlines. So, for example, a tigers silhouette has a sharp outline to it compared to a broken up bush with thousands of small leaves. Also, the tiger facing front on to the prey will also have a nice symmetrical shape to it. Both of these elements set off a warning signal to the prey. Now, this is probably the most important point when we think about camouflaging ourselves from our prey. This tells us that the detail and realism of the leaf and stick shapes in the camouflage pattern aren’t actually very important as they aren’t able to be clearly defined by an ungulate anyway. What is important, is our outline!



Leaf and stick shapes in the camouflage pattern don’t make much of a difference in ungulate vision, what’s important is our outline!

NIGHT VISION How animals see at night shouldn’t really affect most hunters as we can’t see ourselves. However, it is interesting to shed some light on why deer are more likely to move around at first and last light. Ungulates have a layer in their eyes called the Tapetum Lucidum which sits just behind the retina. This layer acts as a type of mirror and this is what we see when shining a light on them at night. This layer sits at the back of the eye so that any light that isn’t absorbed by the retina on the first pass, gets a chance to be soaked up on the way back out. Because of this process deer and most other hooved animals have far greater night vision than humans. This Tapetum Lucidum layer has probably evolved to give prey animals the ability to feed at night under the cover of darkness when their predators are in bed. Unfortunately for the prey, however, it seems that most of their natural predators, big cats, dogs etc, have evolved to keep up and now see just as well in the dark.




With the ability to absorb more light, hooved animals are able to see a lot better than humans in the dark.

A mirror in the back of a deer’s eye reflects light back over their sensor, allowing them to absorb more light and see better in the dark.

THE COMPLETE VIEW When all these elements are brought together the view looks extremely messy to our eyes. The important thing to consider is that although we cannot comprehend how the world would look through their eyes, we can use the individual aspects to draw a picture of how we can attempt to manipulate their weaknesses.

When we bring all the elements of ungulate vision together we are presented with a warped view that is hard for us to understand.


DRAWING INSPIRATION FROM NATURE Both predators and prey throughout the entire animal kingdom utilize these elements of camouflage to disguise themselves. As hunters with a passion for the animals we target, we drew inspiration from some of these perfected hunting machines. Big cats are probably the best example of ungulate hunters and it is fascinating to see that they predominantly use two different methods of concealment. For example, Tigers use a macro or “broad range” pattern to conceal themselves. Their hunting style is more of a stalking method. This means that at a longer distance the tiger needs to be hidden as he closes the gap, much like a spot and stalk bow hunter. The leopard, on the other hand, uses a micro or “narrow range” pattern. Their hunting style is quite different in that they ambush their prey. They sit down tight and hide until the victim is close at which time they pounce. Therefore, a smaller detailed pattern is necessary up close. This could be compared to a hunter calling in close quarter rutting deer or tree stand hunting.

Big game predators have evolved camouflage to match their hunting style. Tigers use macro patterns to stalk their prey while Leopards use micro patterns to ambush.

DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING STAGE 1 With all this research behind us, we proceeded to experiment with a large number of patterns that followed the principals of contrasting Micro and Macro patterns. Macro patterns can be thought of as the big chunks in the pattern. These are the most important parts as they are the ones that break up the outline from about 20 meters away and beyond. The micro-patterns are the small pieces of the pattern. These are used to for primarily to add detail for when the subject is close and to add the natural business of the environment. This is effectively used to break up the outlines of the Macro patterns. We drew up a large grid template and experimented with different ratios of Micro and Macro patterns until we had a spread of three variants, one with more micro than macro, one about 50/50 and one with more macro than micro. These were then advanced to the initial testing phase. Three basic shades of green and brown were used initially with the intention of fine-tuning later. For the initial testing phase, we photographed the three patterns at 20m, 50m, 100m and 300m. This process was repeated in three common and contrasting hunting terrains, forest, riverbed and open tops. These images were then filtered to remove the red colour spectrum to as close as we could determine an ungulate would see in. These images were then filtered with a couple of blurring effects to replicate the lesser definition described earlier. From here we had a series of “animal vision” images that we could compare to determine the best of the three patterns in regard to silhouette (outline) disruption. These blind tests quickly revealed that our 50/50 mix pattern was the best at creating this effect. With a few fine tweaks we had our first pattern ready for a more in-depth testing phase.


STAGE 2 Now that we had our first pattern established. The next step was to take it out into the field and experiment with it. We printed the pattern on large sheets of fabric and took them into the hills. We played around with wrapping the sheets around trees, rocks, people and so on and viewed these from a number of different angles, in a large variety of terrains and backdrops, at varying distances and of course photographed and filmed all of this so that we could later apply our animal vision filters to it. A few things became apparent from all the testing. First, we wanted to experiment with a third size in our pattern. Something that would fit between the Micro and Macro size for a specific distance. At around 25m - 35m we felt the Micro wasn’t quite doing enough to break up the Macro edges. Next, we needed to tune the colours to experiment with contrast. Contrary to mimicry patterns, the disruption pattern needs to be quite high in contrast to give the illusion that two parts of the pattern are two different objects. We were able to experiment with this a lot on the computer by adjusting photos and from this, we created another series of samples with the most promising shades for further field testing. We also decided to introduce a shadow element to our macro parts to help further this illusion of depth.

STAGE 3 As we were now starting to really fine tune the pattern we again followed the previous steps with testing in different light and distances, but we also started playing around with some blind “Where’s Wally” type tests. From the countless hours poured into this testing, we finally were able to proudly produce the Desolve Veil camouflage pattern.

COMPARING DESOLVE VEIL AGAINST MIMICRY PATTERNS Now that we had finally had a strong understanding of how ungulate vision worked and how we could take a different approach to camouflage, we were able to compare our new disruption pattern to the popular mimicry patterns. Once again, we headed into the field and photographed Desolve Veil next to the main mimicry patterns at a variety of ranges and terrains and apply our animal vision filters. The resulting images were astounding! The sticks and leaves patterns, for the most part, were instantly recognisable at all distances when not placed perfectly in amongst exact replicas of its pattern. The disruption pattern, on the other hand, melted seamlessly into just about every image as we had found in our testing phases.



SUSTAINABILITY As I sat around a campfire on St James Station in the Southern Alps of New Zealand, marvelling at the starry sky and thinking about some of the great hunting and fishing adventures I've had, I couldn’t help but think about how the hunting seasons have changed over the last 25 years. In such a short amount of time, the weather and temperature ranges we are operating in have changed significantly and this has affected fishing and hunting patterns dramatically. It is clear that the significant changes happening in our environment are caused by how we as humans are living and consuming. At Hunters Element, our goal is to make high performance, long lasting hunting gear while reducing the negative impact on the environment as much as possible. In 2018 we launched our Sustainability Promise, in which Hunters Element commits to integrate sustainable practices throughout the entire company. We’re a company based in New Zealand which is known as a clean, green part of the world. Our product manufacturing is done overseas in Asia, USA, and Europe. Whilst travelling to these locations we noticed the very different levels of pollution. In China, during winter the air can be so thick with pollution that you can barely see 100m ahead. We started thinking about how terrible it is that as an outdoor brand we are manufacturing our products in such a polluted part of the world and thus contributing to this destructive mess. We, like you, have a passion for the wild and like to think we do what we can to minimise our impact on the environment. Being able to hand the hunting tradition down to our future generations is extremely important to us. In November 2016 we began a 12-month review process. This review investigated the impact we have on the environment at every stage of our product lifecycle. We delved into all areas of the company, right through to our factories supply lines, their supplier's supply lines, and the raw materials that go into our products, in order to estimate our overall waste footprint. From there we looked at what could be done to become an environmentally friendlier, more sustainable company.

During this review, we found some pretty nasty things; things we are quite ashamed of but are not hiding from. Now that we are fully aware of these issues, we are able to turn these negatives around and contribute to the environment in a positive way. However, we have found that the price of being environmentally and socially responsible is significantly more than the industry standard. We also found the design time increases as more care has to be taken to ensure that we are doing things the sustainable way. We had to make some pretty tough decisions as to whether we could support these increased costs and additional design times. But when push came to shove, the vote at Hunters Element was unanimous for doing everything we could to reduce our social and environmental impact. The cause is bigger than us as a company.

As a result, you as a consumer know that when you are purchasing Hunters Element gear, you will be paying slightly more for a product that will perform to the highest standard but you are also supporting a brand that is doing its utmost to have the smallest social and environmental footprint in the industry. I would like to thank my team for supporting the company-wide initiative that we are all hoping will become an industry-wide initiative. We are continuing to review our supply lines at a great depth and as we develop new products to replace existing items, we are becoming more socially responsible and sustainable.



REDUCE REUSE RECYCLE Our goal at Hunters Element is to be innovative and create hunting gear that is of unprecedented quality. While doing this we want to remain socially and environmentally aware. Every product is driven by innovation and utilises cutting-edge technology, design and production, to create incomparable comfort, performance and durability. Our emphasis on social and environmental awareness requires that each stage of our product lifecycle be analysed from the design phase, through to production, and eventually product disposal after years of use. When considering new products, we put a lot of time into evaluating the recyclability and potential impact of each material required. We also take an in-depth look at our supply chains to ensure that each supplier meets our sustainability requirements. A critical requirement is that we reduce the amount of waste that gets sent to landfills and where possible, maximise the amount of degradable and recyclable materials used in our packaging and the products themselves.

Our production and sustainability philosophy can be summarized as: We strive to achieve end to end recyclability, where our products and packaging are sourced from recycled materials and can be 100% recycled at the end of their Hunters Element life. We try to use processes that are as gentle on the environment as possible and that minimise consumption of water, chemicals and energy. This includes using suppliers who meet these requirements also. We make products that last longer. This is better and more affordable for our customers who do not need to replace items as often, and also results in less waste in our landfills so is better for our environment. We put a significant amount of time into our product design to ensure we have well thought out patterns and construction to minimise raw material wastage. Social responsibility comes above profits.

Help us in protecting our planet’s future. Please, take the time and do your bit to reduce, reuse and recycle wherever and whenever you can; together we can make a difference.

PROJECT 3T Project 3T is an immediate impact strategy where we are aiming to reduce our waste by 3 tonnes by the end of December 2018. Previously, every Hunters Element product came individually wrapped in a plastic bag for protection and storage. Researching plastic bags and how long it takes them to breakdown, or in reality not break-down, resulted in us becoming very concerned about our environmental impact. The polypropylene (PP) bags used to wrap clothing can take up to a thousand years to fully decompose.

Nasty unbiodegradable plastic polluting our oceans.

There is no way to properly limit the effects of these plastic bags on the environment because the bags are not able to be reused or recycled effectively and there is no disposal method available that will fully eliminate the problem. The PP bags will either be burned or will end up in landfills. Both options are damaging to the environment. Burning the bags releases harmful toxins into the atmosphere and filling up landfills across the globe is unsustainable and is a short-term solution with long-term effects. Even when these plastic bags are taken to landfills, they are easily caught by the wind and escape, ending up in our forests, rivers, and seas. This has a devastating impact on wildlife as avian and marine animals can easily mistake the bag for food, inhaling the bag causing suffocation. The most significant action we can take at Hunters Element, to reduce our damaging footprint, is to get rid of these plastic bags. To eliminate the plastic that wrapped each product we have changed how the products are folded and instead wrapped each product with recycled paper which is then able to be recycled again after its use. The branding on our paper is printed with vegetablebased inks which allow the paper to decompose quicker if it does go to landfills or if you choose to put it in your compost. As part of our Sustainability Promise, our goal is to remove half a tonne of plastic bags from entering the environment within the next twelve months.


CARDBOARD BOXES AND SWING TAGS Every year we use approximately two tonnes of cardboard in our packaging. We, therefore, have an opportunity to make a meaningful difference to our environmental footprint by reducing the amount of card we send to landfills. Firstly we chose to sacrifice the more polished look by using a recycled card and vegetable-based inks. Also, after much research, we found that our current shoebox design made the boxes unrecyclable due to the glue involved. By thinking smarter and designing a box that avoids the use of glue, Our new recyclable boxes and swing tags. our shoe boxes are now 100% recyclable. While all our packaging is now made from recyclable materials and can easily be recycled, if it does find its way into landfills it will decompose quickly with no adverse effects. If you really want to you can chuck it in your compost bin at home. We have also reviewed our swing tags and where possible, reduced these by putting more information about our products online. Avoiding unnecessary tags by only attaching key information will reduce the amount of cardboard we use. Like our shoe boxes, our swing tags have also been changed to a recycled card and vegetable-based inks. As a result, you as a consumer know that when you’re purchasing Hunters Element gear, you are not only getting a product that will perform to the highest standard, but you’re also supporting a brand that is doing it’s utmost to have the smallest environmental footprint in the industry.

PFC FREE DWR Durable water repellent (DWR) helps water to bead off our rainwear and also repels dirt, allowing our jackets and trousers to perform at the highest level. The DWRs contain perfluorinated compounds (PFCs). These chemicals are used in waterproof outdoor apparel as well as many more common household items such as nonstick cookware and paints. Researching the types of chemicals that go into the waterproofing of our jackets and trousers is where we found some really nasty realities. While there are no health risks when using the jackets, there are significant health and safety concerns caused by the by-products in DWR production, and if these by-products are later dumped inappropriately in landfills. One particularly concerning by-product is the highly toxic perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). In the past, Hunters Element used the industry standard DWR called C8, which is highly effective and phenomenally durable. Unfortunately, its production results in a large amount of PFOA byproduct being created which does not decompose. Despite its high performance and that this is still being used by our competitors, the environmental and health concerns make it unacceptable for us to continue to use. Currently, the best available alternative, which results in significantly less PFOA and doesn’t sacrifice garment durability, is the DWR C6. This alternative to C8 is more expensive to produce and not as effective performance wise, but in accordance with our Sustainability Promise, we will not compromise on our environmental and social responsibility. It was, therefore, an easy decision to adopt C6 as our DWR for the Hunters Element 2018 hunting range. We hope that you will support our environmentally conscious stance.



PROJECT ODYSSEY DESIGNED IN THE MOUNTAINS WITH CODY WELLER This Jacket is the biggest, most comprehensive design and development project we have ever undertaken for a single product, so we enlisted the help of Cody Weller. Cody is a professional culler for Doc in the Marlborough region during the week and a multiple record holding bowhunter on the weekends. Cody was the youngest ever Master Bow Hunter in New Zealand and currently holds NZ records in the top ten for biggest Red Deer, Sika Deer, Rusa Deer, Wild Boar, Sheep, Tahr and is second only to his wife for the biggest Chamois, which is a bit of a sore spot. He spends at least 300 days of the year in the hills hunting. As well as having a clear understanding of what is needed in a serious hunting coat, Cody has the unique ability to test samples for hundreds of hours in a very short amount of time.

18 MONTHS TO DEVELOP Initially, we sat on the side of a Marlborough mountain, in the rain, with a video camera pointed at Cody and asked him what he wanted in a raincoat. We continued this filming and questioning throughout the project with multiple samples and testing time, until we finally arrived at the perfected product more than a year later. We went all in with fabrics and materials and took multiple trips overseas to locate, select, and test the best membranes and threads we could find regardless of price. With a clear goal of making the most bombproof, lightweight hunting coat on the market, we took our time and spared no expense.

EXTENSIVE SAMPLING AND TESTING PHASE The sampling phase of the Odyssey’s development was intensive with all samples first being put through mechanical water and breathability testing processes as well as abrasion and tear tests. From there each sample was sent to our full-time hunter and put through no less than 100 hours of wear time in the rain and bush before recommendations and feedback were processed and fed into the next model.

THE ODYSSEY RANGE The resulting Odyssey Jacket and Trousers are the most waterproof and breathable garments we have ever produced. With Cody’s help, the Odyssey range has been tailored to fit comfortably in hunting conditions, remain quiet while stalking in close, quick drying after a downpour, extremely packable when not in use and packed full of clever features. To watch the film and see the whole process in action, visit our website.




RAIN BARRIER Waterproof barrier layers are a survival tool. They need to be ultra packable, so they are small enough to be carried with you at all times in case you get caught out overnight or if the weather changes unexpectedly. • • • • • •

Protects from wind, rain and snow Dries quickly Seam sealed DWR treated to minimise fabric saturation Ultra packable Large armpit zippers to dump excess heat (Available on some models)

WIND BARRIER Windproof barrier garments are designed to block wind, light showers and keep you warm. • • • • • •

Protects wind and light showers Keep you warm Dries quickly Packable Large armpit zippers to dump excess heat DWR treated to minimise fabric saturation






The Odyssey Jacket was designed in the hills by professional hunter Cody Weller, who smashs gear harder and faster than any of us. Every detail from the angle of the pocket zips to the waterproof membrane was stringently and ruthlessly developed to produce a hunting jacket that fits and feels great, lasts longer and performs like nothing you’ve ever experienced.

Built in conjunction with the Odyssey Jacket, the Odyssey Trousers have been designed with a very clear intention... Be the ultimate waterproof hunting trousers. A pretty simple idea with a huge amount of development invested. The Odyssey Trousers have been made to be lightweight, durable, pack down small, fast drying, quiet and sculpted to a performance fit. These overtrousers have grunty full length zips up the sides so you can pull them on or off straight over the top of your boots and gaiters.

Waterproof & breathable DURAWEAVE ULTRA™ outer fabric and Hydrafuse™ ULTRA™ membrane Two streamlined chest pockets with ample room for big binos Two lower pockets to stash extra gear that double as hand warmers on cold frosty mornings

Waterproof & breathable DURAWEAVE ULTRA™ outer fabric and Hydrafuse™ ULTRA™ membrane Articulated knees and sculpted athletic shape Full length YKK® Zippers for easy slip over use in the field

Fully adjustable hood with a stiff yet flexible peak, ergonomic, shape, plenty of peripheral vision and one-touch pullers

Reinforced inner ankle gussets for added boot scuffing protection

Adjustable cuffs and waistband

Adjustable ankle cuffs

Giant Pit Zips to dump heat quickly on the move

Heavy duty belt loops

Sizes S-4XL

Five streamlined pockets with ample space for all manner of hunting necessities

Available in Desolve Veil™ Camouflage and Forest Green ®

Sizes S-4XL Available in Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage and Forest Green

The laminated internal backing layer is made from a new thicker 40D nylon which is 2.25x more durable than almost everything else on the market The Odyssey 3-Layer fabric is the most waterproof, breathable, tough and comfortable fabric we’ve ever tested. The brand new DURAWEAVE ULTRA™ outer fabric is rugged and quiet. The new Hydrafuse™ ULTRA™ membrane has an all new thicker construction making for our most durable waterproof and breathable jacket ever.

Full length YKK Vislon® AquaGuard® zip & Adjustable cuffs

Huge pit zips for dumping heat.

Hydrostatic pressure 15,000mm breathability 10,000gm m2 24hrs. The Odyssey is treated with an advanced PFC Free Durable Water Repellent

Five streamlined pockets with ample space.

Articulated knees and sculpted athletic shape.







The Downpour Elite Jacket is a do-it-all, workhorse waterproof and breathable hunting jacket. It’s quiet, lightweight and packs down tight and disappears in the bottom of a back pack making it the perfect deer stalkers and duck shooters coat. It has two lower billowed pockets which can handle a couple boxes of 12g cartridges and a hidden chest pocket to handle callers or cell phones. This thing is the perfect all-round hunting jacket that can’t be beaten on price. It looks, good, it’s quiet, it breathes, it has all the features and most importantly it’s super waterproof.

The Downpour Elite Trouser is an all purpose pant designed with the waterfowl hunter and deerstalker in mind. It packs down the smallest out of its competitors, lightweight and comfortable; providing a quiet hunting experience with protection from wind and rain.

Waterproof & breathable DURAWEAVE™ outer fabric and Hydrafuse™ DURAWEAVE™ membrane

YKK® zippers PFC free DWR

Seam sealed

Articulated Knees

SBS zippers

Dome ankle cuff adjusters

PFC free DWR

Traditional front pockets & low profile thigh pockets

Full length zip & domed stormflap for complete cover

Sizes S-4XL

Concealed chest pocket for fast access items

Available in Forest Green & Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage

Waterproof & breathable DURAWEAVE™ outer fabric and Hydrafuse™ DURAWEAVE™ membrane Seam sealed

Bellowed lower pockets TunnelTECH™ hood with one touch pullers Chest pocket DUR AWEAVE

Sizes S-4XL Available in Forest Green & Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage

Hydrafuse™ DURAWEAVE™ fabric is a new generation of high performance waterproof and breathable fabric which is extremely light, quiet and durable. This is the ultimate all round quick drying hunting fabric. Hydrostatic pressure 10,000mm breathability 6,000gm m2 24hrs


SBS® dual-slider zipper

TunnelTECH™ hood folds into fleece lined collar

Dome ankle cuff adjusters


Articulated Knees





This water resistant anorak will keep you warm in the harshest southerly gale. It has an extra long tail so you can sit on the back of the coat and keep your arse dry.

This water resistant coat will keep you warm in the harshest southerly gale. It has an extra long tail so you can sit on the back of the coat and keep your arse dry.

3 layer laminated fleece with water resistant and breathable membrane

3 layer laminated fleece with water resistant and breathable membrane

Fixed hood with TunnelTECH™ adjustment

Fixed hood with TunnelTECH™ adjustment



Half Zip

Full Zip

Chest pocket

Chest pocket

New Hand warmer pockets

Velcro cuff adjusters

Velcro cuff adjusters

Net weight = 1000g SzM

Net weight = 1000g SzM

New Hand warmer pockets

Sizes XXS-4XL

Sizes XXS-4XL

Available in Frost Green

Available in Frost Green & Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage

Hydrafuse™ Windcut™ is a new generation of high performance waterproof and breathable fabric. Developed for protection and comfort.

Hydrafuse™ Windcut™ is a new generation of high performance waterproof and breathable fabric. Developed for protection and comfort.

Hydrostatic pressure 10,000mm breathability 6,000gm m2 24hrs

Hydrostatic pressure 10,000mm breathability 6,000gm m2 24hrs

Fixed hood with TunnelTECH™ adjustment

Velcro cuff adjusters

Chest pocket

Velcro cuff adjusters






Hunt undetected in this ultra-quiet jacket designed to keep you protected from the elements. Waterproof and breathable this jacket is the perfect match for the Hunters Element Range Trousers. An efficient entry level waterproof layer designed for the recreational hunter.

Hunt undetected in these ultra-quiet trousers designed to keep you protected from the elements. Waterproof and breathable these trousers are the perfect match for the Hunters Element Range Jacket. An efficient entry level waterproof layer designed for the recreational hunter.

Waterproof and breathable 2 layer fabric

Waterproof and breathable 2 layer fabric

Hung nylon and mesh lining

Quiet brushed tricot outer layer


Articulated knee

Fixed TunnelTECH™ hood and peripheral vision adjustments with one touch pullers

Belt loops

Adjustable Velcro cuffs

Adjustable ankle cuffs Sizes XS-4XL

Two large bellowed pockets

Available in Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage

Seamless shoulders Sizes XS-4XL Available in Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage

Hydrafuse™ DryStealth™ is a performance waterproof and breathable fabric developed for stalking and is deadly quiet.

Hydrafuse™ DryStealth™ is a performance waterproof and breathable fabric developed for stalking and is deadly quiet.

Hydrostatic pressure 10,000mm breathability 6,000gm m2 24hrs

Hydrostatic pressure 10,000mm breathability 6,000gm m2 24hrs

Fixed TunnelTECH™ hood with one touch pullers

Adjustable Velcro cuffs


Belt loops

Articulated knee





The new Razor Jacket and vest are superior insulated hunting jackets. They have been designed primarily for hunting purposes, so they’re tougher than your usual puffer jackets but just as at home around town. Primaloft® ThermoPlume® has an ethical fill that is just as warm as down when it’s dry, but continues to perform when wet. With a tough water-resistant outer and cleverly placed seams to increase weather resistance, it feels like being wrapped up in a warm sleeping bag and it looks razor sharp. The Razor vest has a more slippery/shiny outer fabric than the Razor jacket. This fabric stops the vest from binding when worn under an outer layer, which can result in the vests baffles being twisted and squashed, meaning loss of heat. Down is treated as a commodity and the price fluctuates about as much as petrol at the gas station, depending on supply and demand. Couple that with not really knowing whether your down is from a sustainable and responsible source, or has come from a less desirable live plucked source, and down is looking less and less desirable as a technical hunting option.

RAZOR JACKET 290gsm Primaloft® ThermoPlume® fill Unique baffle woven fabric, eliminates the need for stitching or thermally bonding the baffles, creating a much stronger product and virtually eliminating any insulation migration through stitching holes. Dual cuff system, adjustable outer cuff, stretch lycra inner cuff, for superior comfort and seamless seal between your jacket and glove

Our search for a responsible down product lead us to a brand new product from Primaloft® called ThermoPlume®. This is a new fill that is 100% synthetic, yet it behaves just like down, with similar warmth to weight and packability but far superior performance to any down (water resistant or not) in wet weather and in breathability.

RAZOR VEST 190gsm Primaloft® ThermoPlume® fill

2 lower handwarmer pockets & Internal mesh dump pocket

2 lower handwarmer pockets & Internal mesh dump pocket

Fully adjustable TunnelTECH™ hood with micro-collar

Minimal seams and critical seams are placed specifically to increase weather resistance

Minimal seams and critical seams are placed specifically to increase weather resistance

Stitched Baffle

YKK® Zippers

YKK® Zippers

PFC free DWR

PFC free DWR

Size S-4XL

Size S-4XL

baffle Hydrafuse™ Baffle™ is a new generation of extremely packable and durable fabric. Hydrafuse™ Baffle™ uses a woven quilting method as the fabric is manufactured, the quilting is built into the fabric, this keeps fill where it needs to be and reduces cold spots.

Woven, not stitched. There is no glue to delaminate or stitching holes for fill to escape, reducing cold spots


Tough, water-resistant polyester outer shell

YKK® zippers

2 lower handwarmer pockets & Internal mesh dump pocket

Primaloft® Thermoplume® fill






The Traverse is the brainchild of the Hunters Element head product designer. He wanted to create the ultimate mid/outer layer that could be used on just about every hunt. The Traverse was made to keep you warm while glassing and stalking without overheating, as so often happens with membrane lined outer layers. The purpose built Hydrafuse™ HYBRIDTECH™ fabric uses a water resistant, two-way stretch outer with a high loft fleece inner. This means that the jacket is really warm but breathes exceptionally well, all the while remaining quiet, soft and blocking out about 90% of the wind.He then took every top quality feature he could find and packed them in to the jacket. This includes high quality zips, a fold-away TunnelTECH™ hood, silicone shoulder grips, zippered slim-lined chest and lower pockets with hand warmers, and premium cuff adjusters. We spend the majority of our time wearing mid and outer layers while hunting. The Traverse is the absolute ultimate bridge between these layers for the serious hunter.

What makes the Element Jacket the pinnacle of puffer jackets? It’s built for hunting! That doesn’t mean it’s just been painted green or camo, it means that it has been designed for pushing through scrub, rubbing against rifle stocks, getting muddy and staying dry. It’s completely waterproof! 100 grams Primaloft® Gold insulation Water resistant wind resistant outer fabric, waterproof membrane Ergonomic hood with TunnelTECH™ adjustment Articulated elbows Seamsealed 2 zippered hand warmer pockets Internal pocket Highly packable

Cuts wind Detachable TunnelTECH™ hood which can also be folded away into collar

Size S-4XL Available in Desolve® Bare™ Camouflage

2-way stretch fabric Full length front zip Chest pocket Waist draw string Zippered hand warmer pockets Available in Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage & Forest Green Sizes S-4XL

Hydrafuse™ Downshell™ is a new generation waterproof and breathable ultra fine fabric. Hydrafuse™ Downshell™ is durable and extremely packable. Hydrostatic pressure 10,000mm breathability 6,000gm m2 24hrs

HYBRIDTECH Hydrafuse™ HybridTECH™ is latest advancement in hunting hybrid fabric technology. Hydrafuse™ HybridTECH™ is lightweight, warm, breathable and silent.

Ergonomic hood with TunnelTECH™ adjustment


2 zippered hand warmer pockets




This jacket is designed specifically for the bird shooter and provides unrestricted movement and protection from the elements with a mix of comfort and stealth.

These trousers are designed specifically for the bird shooter and provides unrestricted movement and protection from the elements with a mix of comfort and stealth.

Full featured jacket tailored to the avid waterfowl hunter

Waterproof and breathable 2 layer fabric

Waterproof and breathable 2 layer fabric with a fleece lining

Quiet brushed tricot outer layer

Large bellowed lower pockets

YKK® zippers

YKK zippers

Articulated knee

Hand warmer pockets

Belt loops

TunnelTECH™ hood

Adjustable ankle cuffs

Articulated elbows

Sizes XS-4XL

Adjustable cuffs

Available in Desolve® Wing™ Camouflage


Size XS-4XL Available in Desolve® Wing™ Camouflage

Hydrafuse™ DryStealth™ is a new generation of extreme performance waterproof and breathable fabric developed for stalking and is deadly quiet.

Hydrafuse™ DryStealth™ is a new generation of extreme performance waterproof and breathable fabric developed for stalking and is deadly quiet.

Hydrostatic pressure 10,000mm breathability 6,000gm m2 24hrs

Hydrostatic pressure 10,000mm breathability 6,000gm m2 24hrs

Articulated elbows

Adjustable cuffs

YKK® zippers

Adjustable ankle cuffs



Hunters Element are extremely proud to be partnered with TOA Hunter Gatherer for season two in 2018. This year, TOA’s journey is taking things to the next level with bigger hunts in more extreme places while sharing his unique hunting practices, family values and cultural heritage. The new 2018 TOA Hunter-Gatherer range includes host Owen’s signature top, the Tāpua bush coat, as well as premium quality hats, hoodies and tees designed for all hunter gatherers.




This water resistant coat will keep you warm in the harshest southerly gale. It has an extra long tail so you can sit on the back of the coat and keep your arse dry. Combine with the Crux or Blizzard for the ultimate in comfort.



3 layer laminated fleece with waterproof and breathable membrane Hydrafuse™ Windcut™ Short sleeves Fixed hood with TunnelTECH™ adjustment Durable Chest pocket PFC free DWR Available in Frost Green & Desolve® Veil Camouflage Adults - Sizes S-4XL - Available in Frost Green & Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage Kids - Sizes 4-12 - Available in Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage

Hydrafuse™ Windcut™ is a new generation of high performance waterproof and breathable fabric. Developed for protection and comfort. Chest pocket

Fixed hood with TunnelTECH™ adjustment

Hydrostatic pressure 10,000mm breathability 6,000gm m2 24hrs









These hoodies are the warmest and most comfortable on the planet, plus they look awesome! Made out of cotton and polyester

The Toa Tee is made from a 180gsm micro fleece fabric, making it bloody comfortable in just about any situation. TOA’s Trademark slogan is blazoned across the chest so you too can show what you’re all about.

Adults - Sizes S-4XL

180gsm micro fleece

Kids - Sizes 4-12

Adults - Sizes S-4XL

Available in Black

Kids - Sizes 4-12



MIDLAYER INSULATION AND WARMTH MANAGEMENT This performance layer must not restrict moisture transfer from your base layer to the atmosphere. You can add more than one layer here to adjust your body temperature to the desired level. Mid-layers can be worn with or without an outer layer, depending on the conditions, use and personal preference. Mid-layer garments are semi fitted so they will layer comfortably. As this layer is often used without another layer on top it is important to have good sized, strategically located zipped pockets. • • • • •

High wicking ability & quick drying High loft for warmth High breathability Resist odour causing bacteria Durable





Designed as a true technical hunting mid layer. The Edge Top is one of the warmest, most technologically advanced tops available today. This top utilises a 280gm hard faced, high wicking fleece and a 205gm hard faced, high wicking, high breathability grid fleece. A “body mapped” design for the ultimate in warmth, wicking & breathability.

This warm top is made from a 245gm micro fleece. Designed to minimise heat loss, promote moisture transfer and decrease drying time. A perfect insulation layer.

Lightweight and packable YKK® zippers Zippered chest pocket 1/2 front zipper for temperature regulation Ergonomic cut 205gm + 280gm body mapping technology

Purpose built stalkers mid layer. Zippered chest pocket with locking slider. Force™ wicking fabric. KEE® zippers. 245gm micro fleece. Lightweight and durable. Sizes S-4XL. Available in Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage.

High collar Size S-4XL Available in Forest Green & Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage

Hydrafuse™ HEAT+™ is a new generation of high performance fabric with integrated scent block antibacterial protection.

KEE® zippers.

Zippered chest pocket with locking slider.







The Spur Trouser represents the pinnacle in year-round hunting pants. They have been designed to be durable, light and practical. This light nature combined with thigh vents allows them to be nice and cool in summer and paired with an under layer, warm enough in winter. Articulated knees and an athletic cut mean they feel amazing in the field and the convenience of multiple stream lined pockets means they will become an essential bit of kit for any hunt.

These trousers are made from our proven Hydrapel fabric, designed to be tough and durable to withstand harsh conditions. The Macaulay’s are an all season hunting trouser that will maintain a comfortable body temperature even on the hottest days and when paired with a warm base layer, will keep you comfy in the winter. The articulated knees make for optimum movement when kneeling and climbing and the quiet outer makes stalking a quiet operation.

Huge thigh vents

Ultra quiet

Quiet and durable

Articulated, reinforced knees

Quick drying

2 front pockets

Cuff adjusters

1 rear pocket

PFC free DWR

Wide belt loops

YKK® zippers

DWR treated

Thigh pockets

YKK® zippers

Zip and button fly

Zip and button fly

Sizes S-4XL

Sizes S-4XL

Available in Forest Green & Desolve Veil™ Camouflage ®

Available in Desolve® Veil Camouflage


TOUGH STRETCH™ Hydrafuse™ Tough Stretch™ is a new generation ultra fine 4-way

Hydrafuse™ Hydrapel™ is a tough, breathable and quick drying fabric.

stretch fabric. Hydrafuse™ is durable, quick drying fabric.

Huge thigh vents

Articulated knees


Quality YKK® zipper

Handy back pocket




These shorts are made from Hydrapel fabric; designed to be tough and durable to withstand harsh conditions. These shorts are an all season hunting short that will maintain a comfortable body temperature even on the hottest days.

These shorts are made from Hydrapel fabric; designed to be tough and durable to withstand harsh conditions. These shorts are an all weather hunting short that will maintain a comfortable body temperature even on the hottest days.

Ultra quiet

Ultra quiet

Side slit for ease of movement

Side slit for ease of movement

2 zippered upper side pockets

2 zippered front pockets

2 zippered cargo pockets

Elastic waist with a draw string

DWR treated

DWR treated

Net weight = 350g SzL

Net weight = 250g SzL

Sizes S-4XL

Sizes S-4XL

Available in Frost Green & Desolve Veil™ Camouflage ®

Available in Frost Green & Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage











An all purpose hunting trouser designed to keep your body warm and your arse dry. Featuring a water resistant liner and heavy duty fleece.

This pack consists of 4 mid-layer items for kids. Providing essentials for all hunters looking to add to their layering system, this excellent value pack has all the fleece you will need.

Comfortable loose fit Belt loops

1 x Vice Tee


1 x Ripper Top

Zippered pockets

1 x Dry Arse Pants

Dry seat heavy duty 285gm fleece

1 x Hot Headers Beanie

Sizes XXS-5XL

Available in Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage

Available in n Desolve Veil™ Camouflage & Frost Green ®

Belt loops & Drawstring

Sizes XXS-5XL

Zippered pockets













This pack consists of 5 mid-layer items. Providing essentials for all hunters looking to add to their layering system, this excellent value pack has all the fleece you will need.

This pack consists of 4 of our top selling mid-layer items for kids. Providing essentials for all hunters looking to add to their layering system, this excellent value pack has all the fleece you will need.

2 x Vice Tees (Frost Green with Black sleeves) 1 x Ripper Top 1 x Dry Arse Pants 1 x Hot Headers Beanie



1 x Vice Tee


1 x Ripper Top 1 x Dry Arse Pants

Available in Frost Green/Black

1 x Hot Headers Beanie

Sizes XXS-5XL

Available in Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage


Size 4, 6, 8, 10, 12




Lightweight hunting gear designed for warmer conditions with excellent breathability and protection from the sun.

SUPERLITE SHIRT Lightweight hunting gear designed for warmer conditions with excellent breathability and protection from the sun. This light and durable shirt offers extreme comfort when the weather gets hot with the proven stealth of Desolve Deception Camouflage. Durable Highly breathable SPF 50+ Button front 2 x chest pockets Button cuffs High collar Size S-4XL Available in Desolve® Bare™ Camouflage

Hydrafuse™ Superlite™ is a new generation of light and quick drying fabric for hot climates. SPF50+ protection from the sun.

SPF50+ High collar

Button front and button cuffs





Lightweight hunting gear designed for warmer conditions with excellent breathability and protection from the sun. This light and durable trouser offers extreme comfort when the weather gets hot with the proven stealth of Desolve Deception Camouflage.

Lightweight hunting gear designed for warmer conditions with excellent breathability and protection from the sun. These light and durable cargo shorts offers extreme comfort when the weather gets hot with the proven stealth of Desolve Deception Camouflage.



Highly breathable

Highly breathable

SPF 50+

SPF 50+

Articulated knees

2x zippered front pockets

2x zippered front pockets

2x zippered side pockets

Wide belt loops

Button cuffs

Adjustable cuffs

Sizes S-4XL

Hidden side ventilation zipper

Available in Desolve® Bare™ Camouflage

Size S-4XL Available in Desolve® Bare™ Camouflage

Hydrafuse™ Superlite™ is a new generation of light and quick drying fabric for hot climates. SPF50+ protection from the sun.

Hydrafuse™ Superlite™ is a new generation of light and quick drying fabric for hot climates. SPF50+ protection from the sun.



Wide belt loops

Articulated knees

2 zippered side pockets

2 zippered cargo pockets




NEXT TO SKIN MOISTURE CONTROL AND INSULATION The climate varies dramatically within seasons. Cool summer mornings with high daytime temperatures and low temperatures all day in winter require specialised fabrics. For this reason we have developed two prime layer options: Prime Summer and Prime Winter.



The Crux is tailored with a full body-mapped design. The stretchy, soft mesh fabric in the high movement areas allows for maximum movement and rapid heat dumping through the arms and armpits.


The Crux Top is our new latest and greatest warm season base layer. Back in the 90’s you’d probably say that it was “the bomb”. It’s made from bamboo charcoal infused honeycomb fabric. This sounds weird but all you really need to know is that it wicks sweat like crazy and is extremely fast drying. It utilizes two high performance fabrics in a body mapped design to ensure you stay dry and cool while hunting in warmer climates. It also feels amazing on the skin!

Body mapped design Lightweight and packable 145gm bamboo charcoal infused honeycomb fabric for the best in wicking, quick drying and anti-odour control SPF 50+ sun protection Sizes S-5XL Available in Forest Green & Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage


Hydrafuse™ ECObase™ is a new generation of bamboo charcoal infused honeycomb fabric with anti-odour properties. Developed as an eco-friendly natural alternative to anti-microbial chemicals. Stretch mesh underarms keep you cool while allowing maximum movement.

Bamboo charcoal infused honeycomb fabric


BODY MAPPING Bamboo charcoal infused honeycomb fabric for the best in wicking, quick drying and anti-odour control.

Stretch mesh vents allow maximum movement while keeping you cool.

Stretch is particularly importaint in the bicep and arm pit areas to provide movement in the upper body without dragging the core section along with it.

longer length cut allows the top to stay tucked in.





These fitted thermal tops provide a comfortable base layer with unparalleled wicking ability. The Blizzard utilises OdorKILL™ and Scent Shield™ technology which kills the bacteria that causes odor, keeping your Prime Layer more comfortable for longer. Scent Shield™ technology is a scientifically advanced feature that helps block your scent from reaching your prey.

These fitted leggings provide a comfortable base layer with unparalleled wicking ability. The Blizzard utilises OdorKILL™ and Scent Shield™ technology which kills the bacteria that causes odor, keeping your Prime Layer more comfortable for longer. Scent Shield™ technology is a scientifically advanced feature that helps block your scent from reaching your prey.

Crew neck

High wicking

Flat lock seams

Fitted cut

High wicking

Muscle compression

Fitted cut

Body mapped fabric technology

Muscle compression

Flat lock seams

Sizes S-4XL

Body mapped fabric technology

Available in Charcoal & Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage

Sizes S-4XL Available in Charcoal & Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage

Crew neck

Muscle compression


Fitted cut

Muscle compression




Our top of the range hunting gear, especially shaped to fit women.






The Odyssey Jacket was designed in the hills by professional hunters who smash gear harder and faster than any of us. Every detail from the angle of the pocket zips to the waterproof membrane was stringently and ruthlessly developed to produce the ultimate hunting jacket. We have tailored this jacket to the female form.

Designed as a true technical hunting mid layer. The Edge Top is one of the warmest, most technologically advanced tops available today. This top utilises a 280gm hard faced, high wicking fleece and a 205gm hard faced, high wicking, high breathability grid fleece. A “body mapped” design for the ultimate in warmth, wicking & breathability.

Two streamlined chest pockets with ample room for big binos Two hand warmer pockets on top of the chest pockets, the higher position keeps these drier and more easily accessible. Two lower pockets to stash extra gear that can be accessed while wearing a pack

Lightweight and packable YKK® zippers 1/2 front zipper for temperature regulation Ergonomic cut

Fully adjustable hood with a stiff yet flexible peak, ergonomic, shape, plenty of peripheral vision and one touch pullers

205gm + 280gm body mapping technology

Adjustable cuffs and waist band

Size S-4XL

Giant Pit Zips to dump heat quickly on the move

Available in Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage

High collar

Outer Membrane Lining Sizes S-4XL Available in Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage

ULTR A The Odyssey 3-Layer fabric is the most waterproof, breathable, tough and comfortable fabric we’ve ever tested. The brand new DURAWEAVE ULTRA™ outer fabric is rugged and quiet. The new Hydrafuse™ ULTRA™ membrane has an all new thicker construction making for our most durable waterproof and breathable jacket ever.

Hydrafuse™ HEAT+™ is a new generation of high performance fabric with integrated scent block antibacterial protection.

Hydrostatic pressure 15,000mm breathability 10,000gm m2 24hrs

Full length YKK Vislon® AquaGuard® zip & Adjustable cuffs

Huge pit zips for dumping heat.







The Crux Top is our new latest and greatest warm season base layer. Back in the 90’s you’d probably say that it was “the bomb”. It’s made from bamboo charcoal infused honeycomb fabric. This sounds weird but all you really need to know is that it wicks sweat like crazy and is extremely fast drying and it has these crazy antimicrobial properties which mean it kills body odour. It utilizes two high-performance fabrics in a body-mapped design to ensure you stay dry and cool while hunting in warmer climates. It also feels amazing on the skin! The Crux is tailored with a full body mapped design. The stretchy, soft mesh fabric in the high movement areas allows for maximum movement and rapid heat dumping through the arms and armpits.

The Spur Trouser represents the pinnacle in year-round hunting pants. They have been designed to be durable, light and practical. This light nature combined with thigh vents allows them to be nice and cool in summer and paired with an under layer, warm enough in winter. Articulated knees and an athletic cut mean they feel amazing in the field and the convenience of multiple stream lined pockets means they will become an essential bit of kit for any hunt.

Lightweight and packable

YKK® zippers

145gm sustainable bamboo charcoal infused honeycomb fabric for the best in wicking, quick drying and anti-odour control.

Thigh pockets

SPF 50+ sun protection

Available in Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage

Huge thigh vents Quiet and durable Quick drying Cuff adjusters

Button fly Sizes S-4XL

Sizes S-5XL Available in Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage



Hydrafuse™ ECObase™ is a new generation of bamboo charcoal infused honeycomb fabric with anti-odour properties. Developed as an eco-friendly natural alternative to anti-microbial chemicals.

Hydrafuse™ Tough Stretch™ is a new generation ultra fine fabric. Hydrafuse™ is durable and extremely packable.


Maximum movement and rapid heat dumping through the arms and armpits.


Bamboo charcoal infused honeycomb fabric

Huge thigh vents

Articulated knees





Hunters Element packs are made using the finest fabrics and trims. All zippers used are YKK® and we guarantee they won’t break, jam or let you down. All our packs feature ‘Double Skin Technology’; which strengthens all seams to prevent tearing. Our packs are also hydration bladder compatible, so you can keep hydrated on the go.

Hunters Element packs are designed and created with various product features to suit the varied needs of our customers. Over the page is some information to help you understand what each pack has to offer, and which product is right for you.

Bags and packs are a core part of your kit and failure is not an option. We have spent hours in the hills with our packs loaded to the brim. It is only after this vigorous testing that we approve them to go to the market.


“I used the Contour Pack again this trip and was never overheated and capable of carrying what I needed for full days in the field.”




The following icons explain features common to all or some of our hunters element packs.



Double skin technology adds strength to pack composition and enables a bright, ‘easy viz’ colour to be stitched internally.

Easy access, sturdy knife carrier built in to the structure of the pack.


A handy safety whistle is built in to one of the chest buckles.

ADJUSTABLE FOAM FLOW™ HARNESS SYSTEM A blaze orange rain cover protects your pack from both the rain and other hunters mistaking you for game.

Packs with this symbol are compatible with hydration bladders.

Hunters Element® Adjustable Foam Flow™ harness system uses ergonomically positioned harness contact points and a heavy duty frame to increase the distance between your back and the pack. This allows greater airflow, minimising perspiration and increasing comfort. This harness is fully adjustable to get the best fit across a wide range of body sizes. The Adjustable Foam Flow™ harness frame distributes weight through to your hips.




Hunters Element Foam Flow Hybrid™ harness system uses ergonomically positioned harness contact points and a heavy duty frame to increase the distance between your back and the pack. This allows greater airflow, minimising perspiration and increasing comfort. The Foam Flow Hybrid™ harness frame distributes weight through to your hips.

Hunters Element® Foam Flow™ harness system uses ergonomically positioned harness contact points that allow good ventilation between the pack and your back while maximising space inside the pack.





Made from quiet and durable WaterTEC™ DRYstealth™ fabric with dual layer reinforcing, the Contour Pack is perfect for all day hunts. The Contour pack features an innovative bow/gear holder and a padded optics side pocket. Big enough to carry a jersey, lunch, camera, binos and a raincoat. Hunters Element AIR FLOW™ harness system uses ergonomically positioned harness contact points, this has enabled us to increase the distance between your back and the pack, allowing greater airflow, minimising perspiration and increasing comfort. Minimising perspiration also reduces the chill factor when you take a well deserved rest. 25L Capacity Rifle scabbard Bow/gear holder Optics pocket and side pocket with organiser compartments AIR FLOW™ harness Safety whistle Blaze orange rain cover QIK ADJUST™ chest strap YKK® zips Blue blaze reinforced lining Hydration bladder capable Pack net weight = 1680g Available in Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage




WaterTec™ DryShell™ is a heavy duty waterproof and breathable fabric developed for hunting packs for extreme conditions where durability and quietness is essential. Hydrostatic pressure 20,000mm


Optics pocket

QIK ADJUST™ chest strap with safety whistle

Large easy access

Rifle scabbard













The Hunters Element Summit Pack is built with comfort in mind while offering superb functionality. Available in 2 sizes the adjustable top provides up to an extra 10L of storage ensuring that the Summit Pack will cater for every trip.

A fully featured pack designed to take the knocks. This is made to last and has a long list of features designed to carry your gear and all hunting accessories you need to get the job done.

65L & 85L capacity

Height adjustable Foam Flow™ harness

Height adjustable Foam Flow™ harness with load transfer side bars

Top loading

2 ice axe/walking pole attachment points

Side compression straps

Heavy duty YKK zippers

5 accessory pockets

Double skin technology

YKK® zippers

Full compression straps

YNS Buckle hardware

Top loading with full length access

2 x ice axe / walking pole attachment points


35L Capacity

Quick Click™ rifle scabbard

6 accessory pockets

Blaze orange rain cover

Blaze orange rain cover

Available in Forest Green & Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage

Pack net weight = 2550g–2750g Available in Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage

WaterTEC™ WaterTec™ DryShell™ is a heavy duty waterproof and breathable fabric developed for hunting packs for extreme conditions where durability and quietness is essential. Hydrostatic pressure 20,000mm

Tons of adjustments


Easy access – front loading

WaterTEC™ WaterTec™ DryShell™ is a heavy duty waterproof and breathable fabric developed for hunting packs for extreme conditions where durability and quietness is essential. Hydrostatic pressure 20,000mm

Height adjustable Foam Flow™ harness

Quick Click™ Rifle scabbard






Made from quiet and durable WaterTEC™ DRYstealth™ fabric with dual layer reinforcing. The Vertical Pack is a great little day pack. Big enough to carry lunch, camera, binos and your jersey but small enough not to get caught up in the bush when pushing through tight scrub.

The Plateau Pack is designed to be worn on your belt or in a pouch and pulled out to carry meat or clothing when needed.

15L Capacity

Packable backpack

Comfortable FOAM FLOW™ harness

Easily stowed and deployed when needed

Rear pocket with gear organisers

Ideal for carrying meat out

Safety whistle

Roll top closure

Blaze orange rain cover

Lightweight and quick drying polyester

QIK ADJUST™ chest strap

Available in Blaze Orange

15L capacity Belt loops

YKK® zips Blue blaze reinforced lining Hydration bladder capable Pack net weight = 855g Available in Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage

WaterTEC™ WaterTec™ DryShell™ is a heavy duty waterproof and breathable fabric developed for hunting packs for extreme conditions where durability and quietness is essential. Hydrostatic pressure 20,000mm

Foam Flow™ harness is designed with comfort on mind

QIK ADJUST™ chest strap with safety whistle

Folds up into a pouch

Roll top closure




Hunters Element accessories range a list of some of the most important additions to any hunters core range of gear. From gaiters to shell belts and meat safes, don’t be caught short in the field without the essentials.




2018! DOUBLE



Keep your essentials at hand on short hunts.

Keep your essentials at hand on short hunts.

5 pockets

Twin pockets

6 bullet loops

6 bullet loops

Quality buckles

YKK® zippers

YKK® zippers

Adjustable waist belt

Adjustable waist belt

Available in Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage



Available in Forest Green & Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage

YKK® zippers

Quality buckles

6 bullet loops

Adjustable waist belt



SuperTOUGH™ neoprene is waterproof, windproof and very comfortable.

SuperTOUGH™ neoprene is waterproof, windproof and very comfortable

SuperTOUGH™ neoprene

SuperTOUGH™ neoprene

Holds 25 rounds of ammunition

Holds 25 rounds of ammunition

12g 2¾ - 3½ and 20g

12g 2¾ - 3½

Available in Desolve Veil™ Camouflage and Black ®

3 zipped secure pockets with choke tube holders Available in Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage and Black

Holds 25 rounds of ammunition

Adjustable waist belt

Holds 25 rounds of ammunition

Adjustable waist belt



EDGE POUCHES Made from WaterTEC™ Hydrafuse™ DryShell™ fabric, the Edge Pouch is a great ammo pouch and will attach to any trouser belt. Great to carry the bare essentials when you are on any hunt. Large 1.75L / Medium 1.25L / Small 0.6L capacity Belt attachment Padded for comfort Ammo loops Quality zips Available in Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage

CALIBER POUCH Keep your essentials at hand on short hunts. Large 1.75L / Medium 1.25L / Small 0.6L capacity Twin pockets 6 bullet loops MOLLE/PALS attachment system Adjustable waist belt

VELOCITY AMMO POUCH Keep your ammo handy and within easy reach. Quiet and secure 12 round capacity Internal mesh pockets MOLLE/PALS attachment system Sizes S & M Available in Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage

BALLISTIC AMMO WALLET Magnetic closure 12 elastic bullet loops Suitable for .223 – Magnum sized cartridges WaterTEC™ Hydrafuse™ Drystealth™ fabric MOLLE/PALS attachment system Size M Available in Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage

FOCUS BINO HARNESS The Hunters Element Focus Bino Harness is the most functional binocular harness system ever created, with two sizes to fit a wide range of binoculars. It holds your binoculars tight to your chest, and is designed for quiet, one-handed use. Available in Khaki


AIR MESH AMMO BELT The Air Mesh™ ammo belt is made from lightweight, breathable Air Mesh™ and very durable Cordura.


Holds 23 rounds of ammunition 12g 2¾ - 3½ Zippered license and choke tube pocket Available in Black

TORQUE BELT The Torque belt is excellent for hunting, 38mm nylon webbing suits all pouches and belt loops. Buckle made from Aircraft grade aluminium 38mm nylon webbing 1300mm long and easily adjusted to suit smaller waistlines Weight: 150g Made in USA Available in Charcoal and Realtree APG®

HYDRAPEL FULL FINGER & FINGERLESS GLOVES Quiet, lightweight and durable gloves designed for unrestricted movement and protection from the sun. The Amara leather palm provides a non slip surface wet or dry. Designed for full sensitivity and movement. Amara leather Fingerless & full finger Sizes S-XL Available in Desolve® Veil Camouflage

SLAP FLEECE GLOVES The Slap is an all-purpose warm glove designed for wearing around camp or glassing on the side of a wind driven mountain. A simple but fitted design the Slap should live in the bottom of every hunters pack. Full finger Sizes S-XL Available in Black

KAYAN NECK GAITER The Kayan Neck Gaiter is designed to keep you warm in the cold, and will also wick moisture away from your skin to keep you cool when it’s hot. Wind resistant Lightweight and breathable Available in Desolve® Veil™ & Fire™ Camouflage






The Venom Gaiter has been built to the same high standard as the extremely popular Pinnacle Gaiter, but with the added Fang Shield. The Venom gaiter is a tailored sculptured fit to fit your leg and over your boot with the least amount of bulk. All seams, zips and velcro are double stitched with heavy duty thread for maximum durability. The Fang Shield offers a protective layer that was developed and tested on snake fangs from a variety of Australian species.

The Pinnacle Gaiter is as its name suggests a gaiter that performs at the highest level. The Pinnacle gaiter is a tailored sculptured fit to fit your leg and over your boot with the least amount of bulk. All seams, zips and velcro are double stitched with heavy duty thread for maximum durability.

Double-stitched Cordura lining for durability and stab protection.

Tough and durable Rubberised rear elastic to eliminate riding up your boots Cordura lined for stiffness and durability Specially designed lace hooks with twin rivets

Fang Shield internal membrane.

Durable webbing loops for wire attachment

Quick adjust webbing strap for easy on & off.

Quality YKK® zip and secure double stiched front velcro

Twin riveted lace hooks to lock the gaiter down.

Quick adjust webbing strap

Heavy duty webbing loops for wire attachment (not supplied).

Reinforced side panel

Reinforced stress points for endurance.

Sizes S-XL Available in Totara Green & Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage

Angled side closure makes zipping up simple and protects Velcro. Heavy duty YKK® zippers. Sizes S-XL. Available in Slate & Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage.

Quick adjust webbing strap for easy on & off


Specially designed lace hooks with twin rivets

Double-stitched for extra durability

Quality YKK® zip

Tough and durable Shorter than our Pinnacle Gaiters in height Rubberised rear elastic to eliminate riding up your boots Cordura lined Secure front twin riveted lace hook Elastic top hem



Velcro® and 3 dome front closure Sizes M-XL Available in Totara Green

SUPER TOUGH GRAVEL GUARDS Tight water resistant fit, the SuperTOUGH™ gravel guards keep gravel and grit out of your boots. Super tough neoprene Available with or without rear zip Available in Black & Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage with rear zip - Now available in King-size YKK® zippers

GAITER WIRES Serious heavy duty wires to go underneath your boots to stop your gaiters from riding up Suitable for use with Pinnacle and Venom gaiters Available in sizes S-XL





Made from Prime Summer fuse mesh fabric, these caps are designed to keep your head cool in hot climates.

Made from Prime Summer fuse mesh fabric, this cap is designed to keep your head cool in hot climates.

One size fits all

One size fits all Available in Desolve® Veil™ & Fire™ Camouflage

Available in Desolve Veil™ Camouflage ®

Available in Orange Stag & Blue Stag





5 panel snapback trucker cap with a curved peak

6 panel snapback with a curved peak

One size fits all

One size fits all

Available in Black

Available in Black



6 panel snapback cap with a curved peak

6 panel snapback with a curved peak

One size fits all

One size fits all

Available in Charcoal

Available in Classic Grey





5 panel snapback with a curved peak

7 panel slide adjust cap with a curved peak.

One size fits all

One size fits all

Available in Black

Waxed cotton C-CORE fabric Available in Nubuck




6 panel snapback cap with a flat peak

6 panel snapback cap with a flat peak

One size fits all

One size fits all – Available in Kids

Available in Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage with Sand

Available in Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage with Black



6 panel snapback with a flat peak

6 panel snapback cap with a flat peak

One size fits all

One size fits all

Available in Black with Desolve Veil™ Camouflage peak ®

Available in Black





Boonie style hat

One size fits all

Custom Hunters Element Leather Badge ®

Available in Slate & Desolve® Bare™ Camouflage

Waxed cotton C-CORE fabric One size fits all Available in Taupo



Made from Frost Green and Blaze micro-fleece. The Heat Seeker Beanie in Frost Green can be reversed to show Blaze orange. 285gm fleece.

This beanie will keep your head and ears warm in the colder months.

One size fits all

Available in Desolve® Veil™, Bare™, Fire™ & Wing™ Camouflage

One size fits all

Available in Frost Green and Blaze Orange (reversed)



This beanie will keep your head and ears warm in the colder months. 285gm fleece.

6 panel snapback with a flat peak

One size fits all

Available in Navy with Super Bright Blaze Orange

Available in Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage


One size fits all



KNIVES CLASSIC SERIES TRADITIONAL STYLE - MODERN PERFORMANCE The Classic™ Series knives are hand crafted using the finest materials, fittings and workmanship. Natural Maple burl wood handles, highly polished brass bolsters, and premium quality 5cr15 stainless steel blades that hold an edge deer after deer. Rugged and durable enough for all skinning and dressing jobs as well as everyday use. All Classic™ Series knives are supplied with a full grain leather sheath and a lifetime warranty.

PRIMARY SERIES CONTEMPORARY STYLE AND PERFORMANCE Hunters Element Primary Series knives are made with heavy duty laminated timber handles and 440 stainless steel blades. All Primary Series knives come with a natural full grain leather sheath with heavy duty stitching and quality rivets. All Primary Series knives come with a lifetime warranty.





1: CLASSIC PIG STICKER Hollow ground blade Sharp fine edge Blood groove Brushed finish Blade length 190mm, total length 330mm, weight 325g

2: CLASSIC SKINNER Flat ground blade Sharp fine edge Brushed finish Blade length 100mm, total length 220mm, weight 175g

3: CLASSIC FOLDING DROP POINT Hollow ground blade


Sharp fine edge

This top quality Butcher Series from Hunters Element is perfect for indoor and outdoor use, two-tone soft grip handles are made of Santoprene™ rubber, hygienically approved material worldwide, for its sure-grip properties under stressed conditions. Blades are made from 2mm thick 5CR15 Stainless Steel with a brushed finish, which provides excellent stain resistance and prolonged edge retention.

Blade length 95mm, total length 220mm, weight 185g

Brushed finish

4: CLASSIC COMPANION Hollow ground blade Sharp fine edge Brushed finish Blade length 75mm, total length 180mm, weight 130g

All knives come with a high quality American leather sheath.






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Hollow ground blade

2mm thick flat ground blade

Sharp fine edge

Sharp fine edge

Ergonomically designed laminated handle

5CR15 Stainless Steel with a brushed finish

Generous 200mm blade with a blood groove and bevelled back edge.

Rubber over mould handle



Hollow ground blade

2mm thick flat ground blade

Sharp fine edge

Sharp fine edge

Brushed finish

5CR15 Stainless Steel with a brushed finish

Blade length 95mm, total length 215mm

Rubber over mould handle


Blade length 140mm, total length 270mm, weight 120g

Blade length 180mm, total length 310mm, weight 130g

Hollow ground blade


Sharp fine edge

2mm thick flat ground blade

Brushed finish

Sharp fine edge

Blade length 75mm, total length 175mm

5CR15 Stainless Steel with a brushed finish Rubber over mould handle

All knives come with a high quality American leather sheath.

Blade length 125mm, total length 260mm, weight 100g

4: BUTCHER BULL NOSE FILLET 125 2mm thick flat ground blade Sharp fine edge 5CR15 Stainless Steel with a brushed finish Rubber over mould handle Blade length 125mm, total length 260mm, weight 110g All knives come with a black Cordura sheath.






ZULU BOOT The Zulu is an all-purpose, heavy-duty hunting boot designed for day-in, day-out hunting. The upper is made from quality nubuck leather, with soft flex suede reinforcements and minimal exposed stitching, combining comfort with durability. Heel Lok Articulation has been carefully designed to secure the foot in a highly supported position, allowing for controlled ankle articulation. A full rubber rand is the first line of defence in rocky terrain where sharp edges slice at leather. The Zulu incorporates an internal Hydrafuse waterproof, breathable lining to keep your feet dry while hunting lowland country. And finally, a full shank and EVA midsole provides stable and comfortable footing on all surfaces while the aggressive Vibram Tsavo sole ensures excellent grip on all terrain. Hydrafuse™ waterproof & breathable lining Nubuck leather Heel Lok™ articulation Full rubber rand Vibram® TSAVO outsole Sizes 8-13US

Protective full rand

Easy grip webbing


Aggressive Vibram sole








The Lima is a medium duty, multi-purpose hunting boot. The full length nylon shank with soft-medium flex is great for stalking as quietly as possible. A mid length cut provides excellent ankle support. An internal Hydrafuse waterproof lining will insure your feet stay dry. Made from Nubuck Suede leather with double stitched seams and a rubber toe cap in the highest wear area, the Lima is durable and comfortable. The easy grip webbing on the heel makes pulling the boot on easier. Finally, the aggressive Vibram sole provides heaps of grip with plenty of feel.

The Yankee is a light and comfortable, multi purpose hunting boot with no breaking in required. Medium/Soft flex rating with sideways torsional stability allows for quiet stalking and stable footing in a wide variety of terrain. The aggressive ACTrex™ Stalker sole provides amazing traction. An internal sock liner makes the Yankee water resistant and breathable. The outer is constructed from heavy duty Oxford polyester, printed in Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage. This is reinforced with a tough oiled leather, double stitched in the high wear areas and toe rand. Our moulded TPU Foot-Lok™ brace increases stability and reduces fatigue. The easy grip webbing on the heel makes pulling the boot on easier. A soft neoprene collar in the heel gives added comfort and increased downhill ankle articulation.

Suede leather Hydrafuse™ waterproof lining Aggressive Vibram® Sole

Hydrafuse™ waterproof lining

Double stitched

ProSTEP™ EVA midsole

Pressed steel lace hooks

Aggressive ACTrek™ XTi Lite™ outsole

New wider last

New wider last

Sizes 6-14US

Sizes 6-14US Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage Cordura

Comfortable ankle support

Protective toe rand

TPU Foot-lok Brace

Aggressive Vibram sole

Protective toe rand

Aggressive ACTrex sole





Made out of a heavy polyester knit with a brushed inner, the Clarence combines performance materials with casual style. The outback will get the tick from the wife or girlfriend to wear out to dinner as well as keeping you warm on those frosty mornings in the hills.

Made out of a heavy polyester knit with a brushed inner, the Outback combines performance materials with casual style. The outback will get the tick from the wife or girlfriend to wear out to dinner as well as keeping you warm on those frosty mornings in the hills.

Size S-4XL

Size S-4XL

Available in Walnut

Available in Slate




This top is a furnace! Imagine wearing a toasty, open fire lit room on a cold night and you’ll get a feel for the Sherpa Top. We created this guy for those frozen winter mornings when you loathe the thought of going out to milk the cows. We then made it look ten times sharper than anything you milk the cows in, so you can wear it out to dinner. The Sherpa is the ultimate level in comfort, style and warmth. Zippered chest pocket with locking slider Longer length cut YKKŽ zippers 485gm sherpa fleece Lightweight and durable Sizes S-4XL Available in Forest Green & Navy

485gm sherpa fleece



The Dobson jacket mixes seriously good looking with a water resistant outer layer making this warm top the perfect jacket for warmth, style and protection from less than favourable weather.

Made out of heavy polyester knit with a brushed inner, the Erewon is incredibly comfortable and warm. Plus it looks damn good.

DWR treated

Available in Grey Marle

Sizes S-4XL

Sizes S-4XL Available in Taupo






A semi-fitted tee made from a high-wicking prime summer fabric which provides you with quick evaporation for maximum comfort during the summer. It features OdorKILL™ technology which kills the bacteria that causes odor, keeping your Prime Layer more comfortable for longer.

Size S-4XL Available in Desolve® Veil™ & Blak™ Camouflage

Flat lock seams High wicking Loose fit Sizes S-4XL Available in Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage





Camo chique at it’s best. Hunters Element hoodies are possibly the warmest and most comfortable on the planet. The top quality, thick material means they’ll keep you toasty all winter, plus they look sweet.

Represent your values with pride. Hunt - Gather - Provide, the hunter’s creed. Hunters Element hoodies are possibly the warmest and most comfortable on the planet. The top quality, thick material means they’ll keep you toasty all winter.

Made from top grade cotton and polyester.

Made from top grade cotton and polyester.

Sizes S-4XL

Sizes S-4XL

Available in Desolve® Veil™ & Desolve® Blak™ Camouflage

Available in Black





Big Bold and straight to the point, the Vista hoodie looks slick and lets you rep your lifestyle with pride. Hunters Element hoodies are possibly the warmest and most comfortable on the planet. The top quality, thick material means they’ll keep you toasty all winter, plus they look sweet.

The classic print is always a favourite. The Stamp Hoodie looks good in any situation. Hunters Element hoodies are possibly the warmest and most comfortable on the planet. The top quality, thick material means they’ll keep you toasty all winter.

Made from top grade cotton and polyester.

Sizes S-4XL

Sizes S-4XL

Made from top grade cotton and polyester.

Available in Metal Black

Available in Grey Marle






Desolve Camo on a clean and simple Hunters Element logo, The Carbon t-shirt from the Summer 2017 Habitat Range. This premium crew neck t-shirt features our original Carbon logo on the chest and finished with the Hunters Element logo tab on the sleeve. Made from 100% premium cotton. The Carbon tee will have you looking slick at the pub, on the beach or travelling for your next hunt.

Hunters Element 3 Peaks from the Summer 2017 Habitat Range. This premium crew neck t-shirt features our original 3 Peaks logo on the chest and finished with the Hunters Element logo tab on the sleeve. Made from 100% premium cotton. The 3 Peaks tee will have you looking slick at the pub, on the beach or travelling for your next hunt.

100% premium cotton

Size S-4XL

Size S-4XL

Available in Metal Black


100% premium cotton.

Available in Metal Black & White



Hunters Element Walk Further tee from the Habitat Range. This premium crew neck t-shirt features our original Walk Further design on the chest and finished with the Hunters Element logo tab on the sleeve. The Walk Futher tee will have you looking slick at the pub, on the beach or travelling for your next hunt.

Hunters Element Authentic t-shirt from the Habitat Range. This premium crew neck t-shirt features our original Hunters Element Authentic design on the chest and finished with the Hunters Element logo tab on the sleeve. The Authentic tee will have you looking slick at the pub, on the beach or travelling for your next hunt.

95% cotton, 5% Elastane

95% cotton, 5% Elastane

Size S-4XL

Size S-4XL

Available in Charcoal

Available in Grey Marle




Hunters Element fleece tees are made from premium microfleece, so they feel warmer, lighter and more comfortable. Built for the hills, the work site, the training pitch and the couch, these tee’s are tough and look good.

This warm top is made from 245gm micro fleece. Designed to minimise heat loss, promote moisture transfer and decrease drying time. A perfect insulation layer.

180gsm micro-fleece Size S-4XL Available in Desolve® Blak™, Zero™ & Veil™ Camouflage

Desolve® Blak zippered chest pocket with locking slider Force™ wicking fabric KEE® zipers 245gm micro fleece Lightweight and durable Sizes S-4XL Available in Totara Green, Black, Blaze and Navy





Built for the hills, the work site, the training pitch and the couch, these tee’s are tough and look good.

Hunters Element fleece tees are made from premium microfleece, so they feel warmer, lighter and more comfortable. Built for the hills, the work site, the training pitch and the couch, these tee’s are tough and look good.

This high-visibility safety garment complies with the New Zealand forestry owners association (NZFOA) day time specifications, class FID 245gm premium micro-fleece Size S-4XL Available in Black/Flouro Orange

180gsm micro-fleece Size S-4XL Available in Black







245gsm micro-fleece

Super warm 485gm sherpa fleece

Size 8-22

Zippered chest pocket with locking slider

Available in Navy, Pink, Blue, Desolve® Blak™ & Desolve® Veil™

YKK® zippers Breathable and durable Sizes 8-18 Available in Shist (with Tan trims)




Hunters Element hoodies are possibly the warmest and most comfortable on the planet. The top quality, thick material means they’ll keep you toasty all winter, plus they look sweet.

Hunters Element hoodies are possibly the warmest and most comfortable on the planet. The top quality, thick material means they’ll keep you toasty all winter, plus they look sweet.

Made from top grade cotton and polyester.

Made from top grade cotton and polyester.

Size 8-18

Size 8-18

Available in Metal Black

Available in Metal Black




Big Bold and straight to the point, the Vista hoodie looks slick and lets you rep your lifestyle with pride. Hunters Element hoodies are possibly the warmest and most comfortable on the planet. The top quality, thick material means they’ll keep you toasty all winter, plus they look sweet.

The classic print is always a favourite. The Stamp Hoodie looks good in any situation. Hunters Element hoodies are possibly the warmest and most comfortable on the planet. The top quality, thick material means they’ll keep you toasty all winter, plus they look sweet.

Made from top grade cotton and polyester

Made from top grade cotton and polyester

Size 4-12

Size 4-12

Available in Grey Marle

Available in Black




The classic print is always a favourite. The Stamp Hoodie looks good in any situation. Hunters Element hoodies are possibly the warmest and most comfortable on the planet. The top quality, thick material means they’ll keep you toasty all winter.

245gsm micro-fleece Size 4-12 Available in Desolve® Blak/Pink & Desolve® Blak/Blue

Made from top grade cotton and polyester Size 4-12 Available in Black WWW.HUNTERSELEMENT.CO.NZ






This water resistant coat will keep you warm in the harshest southerly gale. It has an extra long tail so you can sit on the back of the coat and keep your arse dry.

Hunters Element fleece tees are made from premium microfleece, so they feel warmer, lighter and more comfortable. Built for the hills, the work site, the training pitch and the couch, these tee’s are tough and look good.

3 layer laminated fleece with windproof, showerproof and breathable membrane

180gsm micro-fleece

Fixed hood with TunnelTECH™ adjustment

Size 4-12

Hydrafuse™ Windcut™

Available in Desolve® Blak™, Zero™ & Veil™ Camouflage

Short sleeves + Chest pocket Durable with PFC free DWR Available in Desolve® Veil™ Camouflage Sizes 4-12





The Toa Tee is made from a 180gsm micro fleece fabric, making it bloody comfortable in just about any situation. TOA’s Trademark slogan is blazoned across the chest so you too can show what you’re all about.

Hunters Element fleece tees are made from premium microfleece, so they feel warmer, lighter and more comfortable. Built for the hills, the work site, the training pitch and the couch, these tee’s are tough and look good.

180gsm micro-fleece

180gsm micro-fleece

Size 4-12

Size 4-12

Available in Black

Available in Black



THE HUNTERS ELEMENT PRO-TEAM THE PRO TEAM STORY The Hunters Element Pro Team represents a group of skilled hunting fanatics, who have a passion for hunting and Hunters Element gear alike. They are dedicated to their craft and enjoy nothing more than bragging about their latest endeavours on our Pro Team page. At Hunters Element we saw the need to utilise our biggest fans by getting them to test and review our gear. We will not release any of our gear to the public before it has been vigorously tested, so who better to test it than real hunters, using the gear for its intended purpose. The Pro Team rug up in our Hunters Element clothing, walk miles in our boots, load our packs to the brim and hunt for days in the dense New Zealand bush and the harsh Australian Outback.

They thrash the gear till the cows come home, to ensure it will last and fulfil its purpose to the highest standard. They then review the performance and provide us with feedback to take into consideration before we release the product to the world. This testing is a crucial part of our design and production process, if there are any discrepancies or areas that could be improved, we re-group, re-design and re-produce to ensure the product exceeds its functional purpose with ease. The Pro Team are a key cog in the machine that is Hunters Element, they stand behind our gear and practise the craft Hunters Element stands for.




I’ve been pig, deer, duck and pheasant hunting since the age of 17. Rob gave me a job as a product designer here at Hunter Element. From one day a week on not much more than minimum wage, we slowly grew the company to what it is today.

Although putting meat on the table is a major part of hunting for me, I am also very driven by the wilderness experience. For me hunting isn’t fun or worth doing without the scenery, hard work, failures, successful moments and shitty weather.

Trying to juggle a professional rugby career and trophy hunting has been one of my greatest achievements. Annually sifting through the calendar trying to make ballot blocks, red stag roars, sika ruts and the tahr ruts work is a headache.




I love hunting and fishing and I’m passionate about film making and photography. I love sharing my adventures and am especially fond of encouraging others to try bowhunting. I’ve hunted all over New Zealand and have taken 11 different species across Australasia.

I have been chasing a goal of securing a record book animal of each big game species in New Zealand with the bow. I’m also a full-time goat culler in a professional capacity, which I have been doing for over 14 years.

After many years of learning the art of hunting, I now mainly trophy hunt, with the exception of when the freezer is getting a bit low. I also get a lot of enjoyment out of filming and photography, as well as the odd trip with the bow and arrow.




I started hunting with my grandfather at a very young age. From small game I slowly progressed and now spend a majority of my time in the mountains of Australia and New Zealand. I have taken all of my South Pacific animals unpaid and unguided.

I am a hunter for no other reason than the love of the chase. I do set myself wee goals as I go along though; last year my goal was to shoot 52 deer and to utilise all of the animals. I decided that the only meat I was happy to leave on the hill was from animals I shot for a trophy.

One thing that I am most proud of is the archery tournament that we run for our community here in Hawaii. Each tournament we raise a substantial amount of money that we donate to a person in our community with health problems, like cancer, diabetes etc. 77

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If a Hunters Element product is found to be faulty in any way, within two years of purchase, Hunters Element will repair or replace it! Hunters Element Terms and Conditions apply.

If within five years your Hunters Element clothing is torn or damaged from an accident while hunting, Hunters Element will repair it for free. Garments damaged and zippers damaged through improper use are not covered under warranty. Puncture holes caused by thorns are not covered under this warranty. General wear and tear are not covered under this warranty. Freight costs are not covered under this warranty. Products must be registered at time of purchase to be eligible for the 5 Year Warranty. Hunters Element Terms and Conditions apply.




Evolve Outdoors Group LTD New Zealand

+64 4 238 2823



+61 3 8740 3545


Copyright © Evolve Outdoors Group Ltd Hunters Element™ and the Hunters Element™ Logo are global Trademarks of Evolve Outdoors Group Ltd


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