Analisys of survery done after the second stage „Maths in vehicle” by all countries of project „Maths around us” December 2016
Number of participants: • • • • •
Poland: 12 students (7 girls, 5 boys) techers: 3 Spain: Italy: Turkey: Bulgaria:
Improving language skills- conclusions: POLAND • According to students they achieved high level in communication with foreign peers, • 50% think they improved the skills in creating writtentexts, • the most useful skill is communication with their foreign peers, conclusion: more reading texts, more skype conversation
Improving language skills- conclusions: Bulgaria
Improving language skills- conclusions: Spain
Improving language skills- conclusions: Italy
Improving language skills- conclusions: Turkey
Improving maths skills- conclusions: POLAND • According to students they developed their Maths skills, • the best tasks were connected with changing the units, specially speed, these tasks they regard as the most useful, • they had problems with reading the charts and creating maths texts tasks conclusion: to motivate students there should be more practical tasks, and more tasks developing skills they had problems with.
Improving maths skills- conclusions: Bulgaria
Improving maths skills- conclusions: Spain
Improving maths skills- conclusions: Italy
Improving maths skills- conclusions: Turkey
Improving ICT skills- conclusions: POLAND • according to students they achieved high level ICT skills in the project, • ICT application they appreciate the most is Monkey Jam, • ICT activities they regard as very interesting, , conclusion: next group of students should have similar tasks to get them interested with new apps.
Improving lCT skills- conclusions: Bulgaria
Improving ICT skills- conclusions: Spain
Improving lCT skills- conclusions: Italy
Improving lCT skills- conclusions: Turkey
Improving social skills- conclusions: POLAND • • • •
astudents worked mainly in pairs or groups, problems were solved by oral communucation, they can appreciate the pluses of cooperation, they were not able to point the weknesses of cooperation. conclusion: before tasks make a series of conversation about rules of cooperation and try to change students woking always together
Improving social skills- conclusions: Bulgaria
Improving social skills- conclusions: Spain
Improving social skills- conclusions: Italy
Improving social skills- conclusions: Turkey
General questions: POLAND • all students regarded project meetings as interesting and involving, • most of them think that due to project they could develop their passions and hobby, • the most interesting we ICT activities, • students definetely gained knowledge about project countries, • the most difficult were Maths activities, conclusions: more preactical and interesting maths tasks and use the feedback after activity.
General questions: Bulgaria
General questions: Spain
General questions: Italy
General questions: Turkey
Level of students satisfaction: POLAND • Students were eager to work and learn, • they think they were very active, • they liked the atmoshphere during the project working, conclusions: we still have to remember to create involving and interesting tasks and involve each students in all activitis more or less as the same level.
Level os students’ satisfaction: Bulgaria
Level of students’ satisfaction: Spain
Level of students’ satisfaction: Italy
Level of students satisfaction: Turkey
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Polish information collected by Rela and Ewa Spanish info by Turkish info by Italian info by Bulgarian info by