Analisys of survey (maths in games)

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Analisys of survey done after the fifth stage „Maths in games” by all countries of project „Maths around us” April 2018

Number of participants: • • • • •

Poland: 8 students(3 boys, 5 girls) 3 teachers Spain: Italy: Turkey: Bulgaria:

Improving language skills- conclusions: POLAND Most students agreed they improved English skills, they mainly improved understanding of reading texts next communication skills and creating texts in English. Most students think their English level is average. For them verbal communication is the most developing, useful and important next translating texts and creating English texts. The most important activities were: comversations (forsome of them the first time with foreign students), translating texts, writing test to check their knowledge.

Improving language skills- conclusions: Bulgaria

Improving language skills- conclusions: Spain

Improving language skills- conclusions: Italy

Improving language skills- conclusions: Turkey

Improving maths skills- conclusions: POLAND Most of Polish students felt they improved their maths skills, now they know how to count probability of chance event how to play Sudoku and Farmer game, maths domino and chess (they didn’t know the rules before). The most attractive was learning how to play chess then creating own games and rules of logical thinking.

Improving maths skills- conclusions: Bulgaria

Improving maths skills- conclusions: Spain

Improving maths skills- conclusions: Italy

Improving maths skills- conclusions: Turkey

Improving ICT skills- conclusions: POLAND About 40% of students did not develop their ICT skills. Activities were focused mainly on face to face games. They used and enjoyed hot potatoes, photo story and tagxedo. Most of them didn’t know comic life and photo story before. They most involving activity via computer were conversations in English with students from project countries.

Improving lCT skills- conclusions: Bulgaria

Improving ICT skills- conclusions: Spain

Improving lCT skills- conclusions: Italy

Improving lCT skills- conclusions: Turkey

Improving social skills- conclusions: POLAND Most students worked in pairs and they took decisions by conversations. Working in pairs students could cooperate with others, communicate,make plans and organise work well.

Improving social skills- conclusions: Bulgaria

Improving social skills- conclusions: Spain

Improving social skills- conclusions: Italy

Improving social skills- conclusions: Turkey

General questions: POLAND According to most students the working atmosphere was very good. All students liked the activities. They underlined that they could learn many topics, activities were interesting and they cooperated very well. They rather didn’t develop their passions. Most them think they were involved and active.

General questions: Bulgaria

General questions: Spain

General questions: Italy

General questions: Turkey

Level of students satisfaction: POLAND • All students were satisfied with the project activities and their work. The most difficult were tasks connected with maths because the topics were completely new for participants. They did not ike questions like: write why … something …, create3 slides about …, most of them agreed that they developed their knowledge about project countries

Level of students’ satisfaction: Spain

Level of students’ satisfaction: Bulgaria

Level of students’ satisfaction: Italy

Improving Language Skills – conclusions: • More activities which can develop writing skills. • Increase opportunity to face to face contact between students from project countries via computer. • Diversify tasks connected with communication between project students.

Improving Maths and social skills – conclusions: • Give students more time to remember knowledge and practice skills which are not in educational system programme. • Motivate students to seek maths problems solution on their own. • Motivate students to wotk on maths problems in groupsorin pairs.

Improving ICT skills – conclusions: • Increase the numer of applications students used rarely. • Diversify applications. • Encounrage students to look for new and interesting application they would like.

• Collecting evaluation information and summing up it: Aurelia Przybył • Translation: Ewa Nenkin

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