Analisys of survey done after the third stage „Maths in nature” by all countries of project „Maths around us” December 2017
Number of participants: • • • • •
Poland: 8 students(2 boys, 6 girls) 3 teachers Spain: 6 students, 3 teachers Italy: 6 students, 3 teachers Turkey: 9 students (5 girls, 4 boys) Bulgaria: 20 students – 8 boys and 12 girls
Improving language skills- conclusions: POLAND • The increase of activities connected with creation short writing and readingforms, • To increase and and create different activities connectedwith international communication between students partners.
Improving language skills- conclusions: Bulgaria
• According to our students they have improved their level in speaking English ,even those of them that were not so self-confident. • Most of the students have achieved their skills in creating written text in English because of the task they have done and the communication with their foreign friends by emails before and after the students meetings. • Some students met difficulties in reading texts with many Mathematical terms because they were not familiar with them at the beginning of the level • Conclusion: Due to the project work and the meetings our students have the opportunity to communicate in English outside the classroom. They enjoy this and think that it is the most useful for them. We should provide them as many opportunities to use English and to improve their knowledge as possible.
Improving language skills- conclusions: Spain • According to students they achieved high level in communication. All of them think Project was excelent to improve their language skills. • They didnt like to wirite text in english but, after their participation, they recognize that writing text in english, they • The most useful skill during this stage was written several text. Conclusion: students like and need to communicate with foreign students, we should let them to do it as often as it is posible (speaking if it´s posible).
Improving language skills- conclusions: Italy
• Our students achieved a good level in communication with foreign peers • Most of them improved their written and translation skills Conclusion: Give students more opportunities to interact with each other.
Improving language skills- conclusions: Turkey • Most of our students think that participation in the project help them to develop their language skills. • According to students,the most useful activities are creating texts in English and communications with foreign peers. • %70 think that they improved the level of understanding written texts in English. Conclusion: We should let the students communicate with foreign peers more often.
Improving maths skills- conclusions: POLAND • More tasks which will make students to look for information on the Internet, • Divide tasks into small parts to encauragestudents to work and finish them in pairs, • Encourage students to watch movies about golden ration and mathsin nature on the Internet to understand and remember thesetopics.
Improving maths skills- conclusions: Bulgaria
At the beginning of “Maths in Nature” our students knew a little about Fabunacci numbers, Axial Symmetry and Golden Proportion in nature. Working over the tasks during this stage of the project they had a chance to practice Maths problems on this topics. According to the students they were most interested in Golden Prorprrtion and they have learned a lot about it. Their interest has expanded not only in terms of nature, but in terms of Art too. Our students developed their Maths skills very well. Conclusion: In order to motivate students to learn Maths we must include more tasks based on real life, task whose essence and application can be seen around us.
Improving maths skills- conclusions: Spain • Spanish students improved and developed their Maths skills quite well in this part of project. • They know now that maths is in nature and they can look for it in plants, animals... • Conclusion: Our team likes improve their math skills with games and funny activities.
Improving maths skills- conclusions: Italy
• Italian students improved and developed their Maths skills quite well. • At the end of the project, our students could know and observe about Fibonacci numbers in nature (plants and animals) and logarithmic spirals. • Conclusion: Our team thinks that it would be better to combine Maths , ICT and English skills to improve students’ motivation
Improving maths skills- conclusions: Turkey • Due to taking part in project ,students developed their Maths skills very well. • After this stage,they can find the symmetry in nature and they have knowledge about the golden proportion, Fibonacci numbers and regular pentagon. Conclusion: Examples of Math in the real world increases students’ interest and engagement in activities.
Improving ICT skills- conclusions: POLAND • Still look for new interesting apps for students, • Encourage them to look for them, • More tasks with taxedo, movie maker, smilebox, collage
Improving lCT skills- conclusions: Bulgaria
• According to our students they still prefer using Power Point for making presentations and Word for creating crosswords. • During this stage the students tried Movie Maker and Hot potatoes and although they don’t feel confident enough they liked these tools and they’ll use them in their upcoming work. Conclusion: We should do more activities in order to improve students ICT skills and to motivate them to use different tools.
Improving ICT skills- conclusions: Spain • Spanish students use to do diferent activities with computers so they don´t feel that their improve in this area is significant. Conclusion: Our team thinks that it would be better to use diferent ICT tools.
Improving lCT skills- conclusions: Italy
• Italian students improved and developed their Maths skills quite well. • At the end of the project, our students could know about Fibonacci numbers in nature (animals and plants) and logarithmic spirals. Conclusion: Our team thinks that it would be better to combine Maths , ICT and English skills to improve students’ motivation
Improving lCT skills- conclusions: Turkey • According to the students, they developed high-level ICT skills due to project tasks. • They mostly used movie maker, power point and match the memory applications during the tasks. • Before the project, they didn’t know most of the ICT applications. • The students find ICT activities more interesting and amusing. Conclusion: We should motivate our students to practice the applications of ICT more.
Improving social skills- conclusions: POLAND • Todevelop social by working in groups and pairs, skills, • Solving problems together, • Tolerance, • Group negociation,
Improving social skills- conclusions: Bulgaria
• During this stage of the project our students worked mostly in groups. • According to them for their strengths they define their own skills – knowledge in Maths, ICT and Art, fluent English. In this way each student has a different contribution to the common work and feels useful and satisfied. • Decisions are made through discussion in negotiation way. Problems that arise are usually as a result of the stronger leadership qualities of some students but they are solved through communication. Conclusion: By working in groups students learn to share duties and responsibilities and they improve their social skills.
Improving social skills- conclusions: Spain • students worked in pairs • problems were solved by oral communucation, • they can appreciate the pluses of cooperation,
Conclusion: It was really nice: working in pairs for sure, creating the rules for students who cooperate about the work division, taking responsibility for each task.
Improving social skills- conclusions: Italy
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students worked mainly in pairs or groups, problems were solved by oral communucation, they can appreciate the pluses of cooperation, they were not able to point the weknesses of cooperation. Conclusion: working in pairs for sure, creating the rules for students who cooperate about the work division, taking responsibility for task and deadline.
Improving social skills- conclusions: Turkey • Our students mostly preferred working in pairs or in groups because they enjoyed collaborating a lot. • Everybody voluntarily decided what to do. • The project tasks help the students recognize the importance of cooperation. Conclusion: They learn to take responsibility and know how to effectively work together in groups.
General questions: POLAND • Atmosphere was very good, students believed they develop their skills, • They liked to make movies, crosswords, • Maths in nature tasks were interesting • They would like to participate in the project once again
General questions: Bulgaria
• According to our students during the project they worked in a very good atmosphere. • All of them like the project meetings. Students think that have improved their skills to communicate in English mostly due to these meetings. They are interested in the partners country and they have learnt different facts about them. • Students define as the most interesting but also the most difficult the Mathematical tasks. • All students agree that they want to take part in another Erasmus+ project. Conclusion: We should motivate more students to participate actively in project tasks.
General questions: Spain • Our students were very involved in the project. The final trip helped them like an objective. • They found math, communication and social skills very interesting • The most interesting activity for them were Maths activities. • The trip was amazing for them.
General questions: Italy
• Our students were very involved in the project • They found communication skills very interesting • The most interesting activity for them were Maths activities
General questions: Turkey • All students regarded project meetings as interesting, satisfying and amusing. • They liked mostly ICT activities. • They had a bit difficulty with Maths tasks. • All students gained more knowledge about project countries,their life-styles and cultures due to the tasks. • Conclusion: We should encourage our students to communicate with peers more often via skpe or mails and get involved in all project tasks actively.
Level of students satisfaction: POLAND • Level is quite high students were satisfied and sure they achieved new skills.
Level of students’ satisfaction: Spain • Our students were very satisfacted in all kind of activities. • They were happy to share activities with peers from other European countries and stay with them and improve their social skills too. • They were very curious about knowing other cultures and ways of living
Level of students’ satisfaction: Bulgaria
Bulgarian students feel satisfied and happy with their work on the project. They like the project meeting very much and they share their impressions and emotions with all the other students from our school. The students gained knowledge in Maths, ICT and English. They have developed their social skills and they became more self-confident in general. Conclusion: The level of satisfaction of our students is high. Working on the project is interesting and useful for the students in many different ways. We must continue to provide them a pleasant and friendly atmosphere and to give them opportunities to learn and reveal their creativity.
Level of students’ satisfaction: Italy
• Our students were very interested in all kind of activities • They were happy to share activities with peers from other European countries and stay with them and improve their social skills too. • They were very curious about knowing other cultures and ways of living
Improving Language Skills – conclusions: • Our students need more interactive online activities between themselves to practise speaking and writing English by communication via skype, chat or mails.
Improving Maths Skills – conclusions: • Encourage students to start their own topic discovery and search infoby themselves in the books and on the Interner, • increase the numer of tasks about maths and real life they can observe around them, • more tasks which join maths, ICT and English.
Improving ICT skills – conclusions: • Students like to use ICT they know very well, we should encourage tchem and motive to use new, not known applications. • It would be great if students could search some apps be themselves.
Improving social skills – conclusions: • Still encourage students to work in pairs and groups to teach them to cope with problems, take responsibility for their work, share tasks and teach them tolerance and understanding each other.
Answers of general questions: • Most of the project students were very involved in this stage of project, they loved the trips and spending time together, • We should take care about creating more involved activities.
Level of students satisfaction: • Students were very satisied they like tripswere excitedto talk personally and on the social media, most of tchem liked the tasks.
• Polish information collected by Rela and Ewa • Spanish info by Leticia Reyes • Turkish info by Seda Uzcan • Italian info by Michela and Angela • Bulgarian info by Elisaveta Summingup Ewa