Polish teachmeet

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TEACHMEET and its results GP Ziębice, Poland 19-23 September 2016 19th Monday, – meeting at school, workshop, trip around Ziębice, Museum in Ziębice, 20th Tuesday – trip to Topacz castle and Wrocław, mobile workshop, 21st Wednesday – formative assessments, lesson observation, workshop, 22nd Thursday, – trip to Kłodzko Valley, mobile workshop, 23rd Friday, – ICT workshop, school celebration, farewell 

“Maths around us” 2015-1-PL01-KA219-016511_1


Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 3 Comparing educational system of five countries .................................................................................... 6 Polish educational system: .................................................................................................................. 6 General project info – Polish example .................................................................................................... 7 Evaluation – very important .................................................................................................................... 7 Evaluation stages ................................................................................................................................. 7 The initial analyses (before the stage beginning) ............................................................................... 7 Evaluation survey after the first stage „Maths in kitchen” ................................................................ 9 Survey showing the level of satisfaction .......................................................................................... 12 “Steady Cook” race „Maths in kitchen” ............................................................................................ 12 Conclusion of each country ............................................................................................................... 15 What should be done in the future ................................................................................................... 17 English FE test .................................................................................................................................... 18 Survey after students’ mobility: ........................................................................................................ 19 Survey after teacher’s meeting: ........................................................................................................ 19 Dissemination ........................................................................................................................................ 19 Communication between students ....................................................................................................... 19 What else should be done ..................................................................................................................... 19 Discussion .............................................................................................................................................. 19 IT tool students should be familiar........................................................................................................ 20 Smilebox: ........................................................................................................................................... 20 Photo story ........................................................................................................................................ 23 Tagxedo ............................................................................................................................................. 27 Teachers works:................................................................................................................................. 32 Comiclife ............................................................................................................................................ 33 Teachers’works:................................................................................................................................. 39

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Answergarden ................................................................................................................................... 41 Audioboom ........................................................................................................................................ 44 Polladday ........................................................................................................................................... 48 Hot Potatoes...................................................................................................................................... 53 Teachers’ works ................................................................................................................................. 59 Regional leaflets .................................................................................................................................... 60 Ziębice leaflet .................................................................................................................................... 60 Wrocław leaflet ................................................................................................................................. 63 Formative assessment ........................................................................................................................... 70 Florist workshop .................................................................................................................................... 88 Maths tasks ........................................................................................................................................... 95 Evaluation .............................................................................................................................................. 98

Introduction During five days of teachmeet, teachers from five countries discussed many aspects of the future cooperation. They met Polish school reality, compared the educational system and discussed days off and days of mutual online meeting and detailed schedule. Teachers reminded the mail project aims, mobilities, number of active and passive participants, underlined the importance of evaluation, worked on the detailed evaluation questions. They took part in Maths lesson with formative assessment elements, discussed the importance of formative assessments and how to enrich our project with it. Teacher visited the Old Cars Museum in Topacz castle and worked on maths tasks about vehicles, speed and way. Teachers took part in florist workshop they met Polish flowers and how to plant them arrange them in beautiful compositions. They visited Wrocław and Ziębice, were familiar with Polish architecture and mail monuments. Polish students ran the ICT workshop after which teachers could use applications and by means of them presented ther stay in Poland. At the end teachers completed evaluation using Socrative.

“Maths around us” 2015-1-PL01-KA219-016511_1


“Maths around us” 2015-1-PL01-KA219-016511_1


“Maths around us” 2015-1-PL01-KA219-016511_1


Comparing educational system of five countries Polish educational system: From 7 -13 students go to PRIMARY SCHOOL (from 1 to 6 class) students learn English (2 – 3 lessons English a week, 4-5 Maths lessons a week), From 13 to 15 they attend GIMNAZJUM (from 1 to 3 class) students learn English 3 lessons a week and have 4-5 Maths lessons), From 16 to18 they go to SECONDARY SCHOOL (from 1-3 class) lessons of English and Maths depends on the school type, At the age of 18 they have Matura Exam and have to pass obligatory subjects like: Maths, Polish and (foreign language which they can choose) they prefer English and three additional subject they can choose. The Matura results give them the entrance to high education: Technical High Schools, Economy University, University or Medical Academy. They usually learn there for 5 years and graduated from high schools with Master of degree.

“Maths around us” 2015-1-PL01-KA219-016511_1


General project info – Polish example •

Maths in kitchen – 17 students, 4 mobilities

Maths in vehicle – 7 studnets, 3 mobilities

Maths in architecture – 6 students, 3 mobilities

Maths in nature – 10 students, 3 mobilities

Maths in games – 10 students, 3-4 mobilities?

total: 50 students, teachers: 8 mobilities students: 12 mobilities, total: 20 mobilities

Evaluation – very important Evaluation stages •

survey before each stage,

short feedback after each activity,

survey after each stage,

conversation with students, teachers, Barents,

IT survey: ansergarden, tagxdo, polladdy,

conclusion of each country,

English FE test,

comparing the conclusions by school responsible for each particular stage (at school and after mobility).

The same surveys for all schools it will be easy to compare. Each school will prepare analysis and draw conclusion. School responsible for the stage will have 5 conclusion and will compare the results and sum up the stage. survey before each stage:

The initial analyses (before the stage beginning) 1. Have you ever taken part in international projects with English as a communicative language? yes


“Maths around us” 2015-1-PL01-KA219-016511_1


If your answer is yes write the name of the project(s)? …………………………………………………………… 2. Have you ever talked to foreign peers in English? yes


3. In your opinion what is your communication level with foreign people? excellent (10-9) very good (8-7) good (6-5) fair (4-3) poor (2-1) 4. In your opinion what is your reading comprehension level in English? excellent (10-9) very good (8-7) good (6-5) fair (4-3)

poor (2-1)

5. In your opinion what is your writing level in English? excellent (10-9) very good (8-7) good (6-5)

fair (4-3)

poor (2-1)

6. In your opinion what level are your ICT skills ? excellent (10-9) very good (8-7) good (6-5)

fair (4-3)

poor (2-1)

7. Do you know what eTwinning is? yes no If your answer is yes write when and how did you find out it? : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8. Circle the ITC tools you know and can use: Smilebox, Photo story, Hot Potatoes, Monkeyjam, Comiclife, Answergarden, Tagxedo, Audioboom 9. Working at school or outside school activities do you usually work …. individually in pair in group 10. If you work in pair or group how do you usually solve problems which happen during working? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11. Why do you want to join Erasmus+ Project Maths in vehiles? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2) short feedback after each activity: Questions: What have you learnt today?, What was difficult?, What would you like to change next time? Some formative assessment questions. survey after each stage,

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Evaluation survey after the first stage „Maths in kitchen” Name and surname ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Developing language skills: speaking, writing, reading, breaking the language barrier between project students 1. Do you think, that your participation in Erasmus project helped you to develop your language skills in English? definitely yes rather yes rather not definitely not 2. Which skills did you develope the most:  reading  writing  oral communication 3. In your opinion which skill was the most useful during the project and why? ................................................................................................................................. 4. In your opinion what is your level of communication in English with foreign project students? excellent (10-9) very good (8-7) good (6-5) fair (4-3) poor (2-1) 5. In your opinion what is your level of reading in English after your work in the Erasmus+ project? excellent (10-9) very good (8-7) good (6-5) fair (4-3) poor (2-1) 6. In your opinion what is your level of understanding written texts in English after your work in the Erasmus+ project? excellent (10-9) very good (8-7) good (6-5) fair (4-3) poor (2-1) 7. a) b) c)

Which activities do you regard as the most developing during project work? Creating texts in English Verbal communications with foreign project students Translating texts into English and vice versa

8. Why? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9. Which language activities you did during the project were the most satisfying and motivating and why? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10. Which language activities you did during the project were the least satisfying and motivating and why?

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………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Developing Maths skills 1. Do you think that due to taking part in project you developed your Maths knowledge and skills? definitely yes rather yes rather not definitely not 2. Circle what skills did you developer the most:  Operations of vulgar and decimal fractions  Calculation the numerical value of the formula  Creating the simple and practical word task  Counting the field of the circle  Counting the circle circumference  Counting the prism volume  Counting the solid of revolution volume  Creating the Maths games  Using the tables of food calories 3. What skills did you use the most often? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. What topics from 2 did you know before the project? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. What tasks were the most satisfying and motivating to you? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. What tasks were the least satisfying and motivating to you? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Developing ITC skills 1. Did you develop your ICT skills due to project tasks ? definitely yes rather yes rather not definitely not 2. What applications or ICT tools did you use during the project tasks? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. What applications or ICT tools you did not know before the project tasks ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. What ICT tasks or activities did you find the most satisfying and motivating? Why? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. What ICT tasks or activities did you find the least satisfying and boring? Why? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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Developing social skills due to group work, pair work (solving problems together, looking for solutions, tolerance in social contacts objective criticism in group, finding strengths and weaknesses , negotiation in group) 1. How do you usually work during the project work: individually in pair in group 2. How did you take decisions about division on of labour: One or two peers imposed on the others the tasks Everybody voluntarily or in negotiation way decided what to do 3. How did you solve problems in pair or group work ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4. What are your strengths in pair/group work? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5. What are you weaknesses in pair/group work ? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. General questions: 1. The atmosphere during the project activities was: very good good bad I don’t know 2. Did you like the project meeting? yes no Why? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. Did you develop your passions or hobbies due to the project? excellent (10-9) very good (8-7) good (6-5) fair (4-3) poor (2-1) 4. In your opinion your participation in the project was : excellent (10-9) very good (8-7) good (6-5) fair (4-3) poor (2-1) 5. What project task was the most interesting and why? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. What project task was the least interesting and why? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7. What project task was the most difficult and why? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8. Did you gain more knowledge about project countries due to project tasks? definitely yes rather yes rather not definitely not 9. What New or interesting did you find out, give an example? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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10. Would you like to take part in another Erasmus project once again? yes no I don’t know

Survey showing the level of satisfaction Decide which phrase is true you from 1 to 5 1 – definitely not 2 – rather not 3 – it is hard to say 4 – rather yes 5 – definitely yes 1. I participated in Erasmus activities with a good grace. 1 2 3 4 5 2. Activities topics were interesting. 1 2 3 4 5 3. Activities atmosphere was nice. 1 2 3 4 5 4. I was active and motivated during activities 1





“Steady Cook” race „Maths in kitchen” 1. Jakie produkty znajdują się na szczycie piramidy zdrowego żywienia? a) oleje zawierające nienasycone kwasy tłuszczowe b) mleko i jego przetwory c) warzywa i owoce 2. Ile wynosi minimalna porcja warzyw i owoców, jaką powinniśmy dostarczać organizmowi codziennie? a) około 100 g b) około 250 g c) około 500 g

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3. Co powinno być podstawowym źródłem energii na co dzień? a) produkty zbożowe b) mleko i jego przetwory c) mięso 4. Jaki indeks glikemiczny mają pełnoziarniste produkty zbożowe? a) niski b) średni c) wysoki 5. Co jest najcenniejszym źródłem wapnia? a) jaja b) białe mięso c) mleko i jego przetwory 6. Które tłuszcze uważa się za szczególnie groźne? a) ciekłe tłuszcze roślinne b) typu trans c) NNKT 7. Biały cukier to inaczej…. a) skrobia b) sacharoza c) glukoza 8. Jak często powinniśmy jeść ryby morskie? a) kilka razy w tygodniu b) kilka razy w miesiącu c) od czasu do czasu, nie ma żadnych wskazań 9. Jaka jest zalecana liczba posiłków dziennie? a) 3

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b) 5 c)

powinna być uzależniona od apetytu

10. Dzienne spożycie soli nie powinno przekraczać a) 1 g b) 6 g c) 10 g Podpisy ……………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Źródło: http://www.dziennik.pl/quizy/356871,odzpowiedzi,co-wiesz-o-zasadach-zdrowegoodzywiania-sie.html Odpowiedzi: 1a 2c 3a 4a 5c 6b 7b 8a 9b 10b Za popraną odpowiedź w zadaniu teście 1 punkt. W zadaniu drugim za każde poprawne obliczenie 1 punkt razem 4 punkty. Zadanie drugie: Oblicz wartość kaloryczną obiadu: Zupa pomidorowa 200 g. Pierogi ruskie 300 g. Kompot z jabłek 200 g. Sernika 150 g.

Zadanie drugie: Oblicz wartość kaloryczną obiadu: Zupa jarzynowa 200 g. Placki ziemniaczane 300 g.

“Maths around us” 2015-1-PL01-KA219-016511_1


Kompot z czereśni 200g. lody czekoladowe 150 g.

Korzystając z tabeli spalania kalorii, Instytutu Żywności i Żywienia w Warszawie, odpowiedz na pytania: Czy 850 kcal wystarczy na chodzenie 1,5 godziny po sklepie i robienie zakupów? Ile kcal spalił Tomek jadąc przez 80 minut na rowerze prędkością 10 km/h ? Adam przejechał na rowerze drogę 30 km jadąc z prędkością 20km/h. Ile spalił kalorii podczas jazdy? Ola pomaga mamie w porządkach przed świętami. Przez 15 minut ścierała kurze, pół godziny sprzątała łazienkę i godzinę myła okna. Ile kalorii zużyła podczas tej pracy? Korzystając z tabeli spalania kalorii, Instytutu Żywności i Żywienia w Warszawie, odpowiedz na pytania: 1. Czy 850 kcal wystarczy na chodzenie 1,5 godziny po sklepie i robienie zakupów? 2. Ile kcal spalił Tomek jadąc przez 80 minut na rowerze prędkością 10 km/h ? 3. Adam przejechał na rowerze drogę 30 km jadąc z prędkością 20km/h. Ile spalił kalorii podczas jazdy? 4. Ola pomaga mamie w porządkach przed świętami. Przez 15 minut ścierała kurze, pół godziny sprzątała łazienkę i godzinę myła okna. Ile kalorii zużyła podczas tej pracy?

Conclusion of each country Survey conclusions: The vast majority of students did not participate in international projects with English as a communicative language. Almost all of the students have had the speaking experience in English with their peers from another countries. Over half of students think that their communicative level in English as average. Almost all of them think their reading comprehensive level in English as average or high. There were no students who regard their ICT skills at poor or very poor level. The vast majority did not know the eTwinning environment. They quite well coped with Movie Maker , PhotoStory, but the vast majority did not know Smilebox. Doing project tasks at school students cooperated in group or individually.

“Maths around us” 2015-1-PL01-KA219-016511_1


English conclusions •

All students participated in the project developed English skills.

the most they developed the communicative and speaking skills. These skills they think are the most useful the second was reading comprehensive skills.

60% students think that the level of communication in English with other students from the project was high and 40% think the level was average.

All students regard that the verbal communication is the most developing language skill during the project tasks.

In the next stage we should : focus on developing the writing skills in English. Maths conclusions: •

The vast majority of students think they rather did not develop their Maths knowledge and skills doing the project tasks.

The skills they developed were : creating the simple and practical word tasks and creating the Maths games.

They did not develop: operations of vulgar and decimal fractions and counting the prism volume.

What should be done in our future activities : •

Do more tasks using operations of vulgar and decimal fractions .

Teach new skills using games and creating/playing games.

Work in pair or small groups.

Motivate students more.

During activities use elements of formative assessments first of all: self-evaluation and peers’ evaluation.

ICT conclusions: •

According to students they develped their ICT skills due to the project.

They think all ICT activities were interesting. What should be done in the future

“Maths around us” 2015-1-PL01-KA219-016511_1


Using the ICT application the students know and introduce new ones.

Encourage students to look for the new applications , and introduce them the new ones by the other students.

Social conclusions: •

Mostly students worked in pairs or groups.

they like cooperating.

They can point their strengths and weaknesses.

they did not point the weak points of cooperation.

What should be done in the future •

Students should continue working in pairs or small groups.

How to mark students? Use the summing sentences as– „today I have learnt ...”, „I was good at…”, „I have to practice…”

General conclusions: •

The atmosphere was very nice during the activities.

Students could develop their passions and hobbies due to the project.

They think that the best was working in pairs.

They participated in the activities willingly.

They did not gain enough knowledge about life and facts about project countries. What should be done in the future:

More knowledge about project countries, more activities about these countries.

5)IT survey: ansergarden, tagxdo, polladdy,

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Tagxdo: question “How did you find project activities”

English FE test First Education Test of English, example: l.p 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Imię I nazwisko Jakub Ewa Kamila Wojciech Krzysztof Aleksandra Kinga Ewa Adrianna Szymon Aleksandra Wiktoria Kacper Natalia Aleksandra Piotr Patryk

Poziom C B B B B B B B B B B B B B B A A

procenty 80% 72% 68% 68% 64% 64% 60% 60% 56% 52% 52% 48% 45% 45% 44% 24% 20%

Na 17 osób z projektu: Jedna napisała na poziomie C 14 na poziomie b

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2 na poziomie a comparing the conclusions by school responsible for each particular stage (at school and after mobility).

Survey after students’ mobility: Open questions: 1. What did you find out about country you have visited in Erasmus project? 2. Did you have any problems with communications in English with your peers? If yes why and what kind? 3. What differences did you notice between your school and school you have visited?

Survey after teacher’s meeting: Use: Socrative

Dissemination Internet: eTwinning, local webpages, facebook, blog, selfie (Polish), Face to face: conversations with students, parents, local authorities (exhibitions, meetings) Paper: schoolboards, newspaper

Communication between students eTwinning, skype, mails,

What else should be done •

Webinars – virtual lessons

After each stage certificage for students

the Europass Language Passport

Resources page of the eTwinning desktop – „bank of good lessons”,

Erasmus +Dissemination Platform

Discussion •

Polish level system – future changes

Mobilities – Turkey, Poland, Spain


more Maths activities

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more communication and international activities between students during mobilities to integrate students from 5 countries.

IT tool students should be familiar Smilebox: 1.If you don’t have smile box installed you firstly must install it by opening your internet browser, going to the website: www.smilebox.com and press download button then after downloading is complete follow instructions given to you to have smilebox installed on your computer.

2.Then open smilebox program and choose from designer catalog format of your creation.

Choose then a specific design (having free account you can choose only ones that don’t have “premium” written beneath them) press them and then hit “Personalize”. Under the “Great for“ you

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can see what kind of options this design have. After hitting personalize pop up window will appear asking you if smilebox should automatically fill design with pictures, ignore it and press no.

3.After that you can edit your creation change text, color, choose music playing in the background, change layout. Amount and type of opinions is depended on design that you have chosen. Most of the options are accessible through panel on the right, if you want to edit text just press it and then you can delete, write change font, size or colour.

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4.This design with current layout doesn’t have pictures to change it, first change the layout on the panel on the right. Then you can add photo by drag and dropping it from panel on the left. By pressing the area where the foto will by you can choose the way to add picture to this panel you can get this picture from your computer hard drive or facebook or smilebox app for iphones. If you want to save your progress and continue it later press “Save” in the upper right corner. If you completed personalizing your creation press “Preview” to see it. If you are satisfied with results press “Share, Print, or DVD”.

5.Seltect whether to share it digitally or order prints (you will probably choose first option) The choose type of sharing and your creation can be seen by everyone you want. 6.After that you can still see your creation just press “My creations”.

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http://play.smilebox.com/SpreadMoreHappy/4e4445304e54517a4e7a56384f5449324e7a51794e44 593d0d0a

Photo story 1.If you don’t have photostory installed on your computer download it for instance from these link: https://www.microsoft.com/pl-pl/download/details.aspx?id=11132 and install it on your hard drive.

2.Open photostory program you should get this window in which you can choose to create new project, continue one started before or play one of the stories, press next to create new project:

3.Then you can add pictures that will be inside your photostory you can import them, if you want edit by rotating, adding effects or cropping. If you want to import new image press import button and browse your hard drive to find it, if you want to edit picture press it with left mouse button and choose option that you want to edit. You can press ‘x’ button to delete image, when all the pictures you want to have in your photostory are imported press ‘next’:

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4.Then you can add text or effect to your pictures, just write text in the designated area, then choose aliment, font size, color, type by pressing buttons above designated are for righting, under image you can choose effect, when your are satisfied choose next picture to edit when all is done press ‘next’ to continue:

5.Then you can customize narration by adding recording and by choosing ‘customize motion’, you can add transitions, change duration and position of picture you can edit each picture individually and when you are ready press ‘next’ to continue you can also see preview of your work:

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6.Then you can choose music to play in the background set volume and again you can see preview:

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7.You can save the project but it will be unreadable on other computers it will just by the project. But now you can choose to save it on your hard drive as a movie file which anyone can watch. Just choose to save the story on computer then choose location on hard drive where it should by saved and you can in settings choose quality it is advisable to switch quality to ‘Profile for computers 4’ instead of 2. Then just hit ‘next’ final time and your movie file will by created automatically.

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Tagxedo 1. Open your internet browser and go on a website: http://www.tagxedo.com/ then press the button create which is located in the upper right corner of the screen:

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2. Here you can see a picture generated from a random set of words creating a random shape on the left you have panel of options to

change: 3.You can change the shape that the words create by pressing a triangle next to “Shape” button after which you can choose one that you prefer:

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You can also use invert button to switch which part of the Picture should by filled with

words: 4.Next you can change what words will be used to make the picture by pressing “Load …” and writing them in the “Enter Text” area. You must separate each one with Enter, when you are finished press “Submit” next to writing area, and wait a few seconds for the picture to generate. 5.By changing parameters under “Respins” in the left you can further personalize your composition. If you press the button like: “Color”, “Theme”, “Font”, etc, tagxedo will choose an option at random if you click “All”, all of these parameters will by randomized. If you press the triangle next to parameter you will be able to choose a specific font or theme or orientation that you want. With lock button you can block tagxedo from randomizing this parameter when you click “All”.

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6.By pressing the “History” button you can see all the previous versions of your composition you can also go back if you don’t like some of the changes that you have made.

7.In order to save your composition press “Save | Share …” button chose your format (png or jpg) and quality of the picture (the more to the right the better the quality) when you click on the format and quality that interests you a popup window to save file will open and after choosing name and place and hitting “Save” your composition will be saved on your computer as a picture.

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Teachers works:

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Comiclife 1.Download and install comic life, you can get a 30 day trial of latest version at: http://comiclife.com/ You can also try to download older versions of comic life from other sources for instance: http://downloads.tomsguide.com/life-comic-bd,0301-15918.html 2.After installation open comic life program, you should get a window looking like these:

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3.On the right you can choose layout of the page to add under page templates you can also change group of the templates:

Then you can add pictures from the panel on the right to designated windows on your page by draging and droping them in frames, to get more pictures switch to explorer and find them on your hard drive:

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4.To change frame position, size and rotation press on it once and then you can drag it, resize it with green squares located in the edges or rotate it with purple arrows in the middle. By pressing twice on the picture you can do all of those things but with the picture inside the frame:

5.By switching to detail you can customize things like background:

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6.You can add speech bubble or text with the panel on the bottom, by just dragging and dropping them, then you can write things inside and with the panel on the write manipulate size, style and which elements should by on the front and which on the back of the page, you can also delete, copy and paste elements by clicking them with right mouse button and choosing option:

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7.You can add new page by clicking “Page” in the upper left corner and choosing one from the options new page (you can also use plus and minus buttons on the bottom left corner to add and delete pages) then this page alongside others will be displayed on the panel on the left:

8.In order to save your comic just press “Save” located in the upper left corner after that you can open this comic and continue making it but in order to share it with other people you need to export it. You can do it by pressing file and then export then choose the format of export for instance images. Then you can chose name, quality, format and which pages should by created hit save and your comic will by saved on your hard drive in the format of pictures that anyone can see:

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Answergarden 1.Open your Internet browser and go to website: http://answergarden.ch/.

2.Press the button looking like plus which is located in the upper right corner in order to create your own answergarden:

3.Next follow the instructions given to you by website, most importantly choose your topic and write it in the requested area, you can also adjust some optional settings like changing the mods, securing the AnswerGarden with a password, change answer limit size, add spam filter, change discoverability of your AnswerGarden, or add remainder e-mail (you can leave the optional

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options although adding password is recommended).When you are ready to proceed press “Create” on the bottom of the page:

4.Then you can write your answers to the topic in the “Type your answer here …” area and see them appear underneath. If you put your mouse above the answer it will light up and show how many times it was written. The more times it was submitted the bigger letters of the answer will be


“Maths around us” 2015-1-PL01-KA219-016511_1


5.You can use different options under the answer area to further customize your AnswerGarden the most important are “Admin” and “Share”: With admin you can change every option that you choose at the beginning of your AnswerGarden. If you didn’t set any password this options could be changed by anyone. You can also remove answers if you like. When you are finished hit “Save” to change any option of your choosing

: 6.With “Share” you can share your AnswerGarden with everyone on the different social media or just by giving them web address of your AnswerGarden placed under the “Embed” area:

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After going to your AnwserGarden they can see all the answers that have been written or write and submit there own.

Audioboom 1.Open your internet browser and go to the website: https://audioboom.com/ 2.If you have an audioboom account press “Log In” in the upper right corner and proceed to log in to your account, if you don’t have an account create one by pressing “Sign Up” and then follow the instructions given to you to make your account.

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3.In order to add your own recording just press the red circle in the upper right corner of the website.

4. Then choose if your recording will by a mp3 file or will it by recorded through your microphone by pressing either “Upload” or “Record” (if you press record there is a chance that a pop up window will appear asking you a permission to use microphone, just tick yes and press close)

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5.If you choose to record your audio just press big red button to start recording and then again to stop, you can also play your recording to check if it is ok, delete it and start from begging by pressing trash can. When your recording is ready save it by pressing floppy disk.

6.If you choose to upload audio file then either find your file that you want to upload drag and drop it in the specified area or press this area and in the pop up window find and choose your file.

7.Then write your recording name, description and choose category of your audio and the picture for it and press “Publish”.

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After that you will see that your recording was successfully uploaded and you will be given web address which you can give to everyone that is interested in listening to your recording.

8.By pressing on your profile name in the upper right corner and choosing “Profile” you can see all the uploaded recordings that you have done.

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After pressing your recording you can play it, download it on your hard drive or share it on social media. You can also get web address of that recording in the event that you lost it just by copping url of that website (web address in your browser)

Polladday 1.Open your browser and go the website: https://polldaddy.com/

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2.If you already have an account sign in using the button in the upper left corner, if you don’t have an account sign up by clicking option in the middle of the

website: Then follow the instructions given to you until you are logged to the website. 3.Then you should see a page looking something like these:

Here you can see and browse through all the content that you have created. You can also click on “Create a new …” to add a new survey, poll, quiz or rating. 4.After pressing it you can customize different options based on the type of content that you choose to create. Lets chose survey and proceed to different parameters of your survey. You must start with the name for your project you can set a different name to by seen by participants if you wish. Then you can chose to give your participants information about progress of the project and give them ability to go back and correct themselves if they make mistake. After that in the “Survey option” you can choose to end your project automatically after a certain amount of time or after reaching an exact number of participants. Then numbering questions and tag, seed which are advance options connected with website making.

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Next we can chose restrictions to amount of answerers given by a single computer and protection for that mechanism but those option require pro account which unfortunately isn’t free. After you set everything press save settings to continue.

5.Then you can customize your survey by adding questions and answers, editing them. On the left you can chose what to add to your project then write what this new part requires for instance for a new multiple choice question you must write question and solutions after you are ready with this party press “Done” and continue adding new ones until your survey is complete then press “Save questions”.

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6. Then you will chose the graphical look of your survey by changing styles and font. You can see the preview underneath when you are ready press “Save style settings”.

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7. At the end you will be given a web address which you can give to anyone that want to be a participant in your survey. You can now go back to your main page by pressing “Dashboard” in the upper left corner.

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8.There you can see your new survey, you can see amount of responds and date of creating it, you can close, open, delete, or edit it if you will, just hover your mouse over the survey name and you will see addition options. By pressing “Collect Responses” you can see the web address discussed in the previews point if you every forgot it.

Hot Potatoes 1. If you don’t have HotPotatoes installed on your computer download and install it you can find installation file for installation here: https://hotpot.uvic.ca/index.php#downloads. 2. When you have HotPotatoes installed on your computer open it, you should get a window looking like these:

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3. Each of five option presented to you on the left opens window allowing you to design test question of different types, “The Masher” will allow you to chain those questions together to make a test 4. Lets start with “JCloze” which gives you ability to make a fill the blanks question. With these tool you write title in the correct area and then you write text which will have blanks. Then you select word or words that will be turned into gap and press “Gap” button. A pop up window will appear there can edit the gap. The word that was there will be automatically set to be the correct answerer you can if you will add clue or alternative correct answer you can also edit previews gaps b using “Gap#” counter. In the main window you can with the upper panel add pictures or links to the internet and with options in the lower panel clear existing gaps or open gap editing panel with “Show words”:

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5. When you are satisfied with exercise just press save in the upper left corner and choose name to save your work. 6. Next let’s look at “JQuiz” for designing multi choice questions. You again must write title and then question, then next to question you choose its type like: multi selection, single selection, etc. hen you write answers and on the write check correct ones, optionally you can write feedback. With buttons on the left to “Answers” you can get pore then just four answers: “A,B,C,D”. And above that you can choose to add more questions with counter next to letter “Q” in the upper left corner. Again after you complete these task press save button:

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7. Now let’s look at “JMatch” here you create questions requiring to match two pieces together you write: title, one part of the pair on the left, second on the right and default text that will be shown in the empty space on the right during answering in the area next to default. Again you can add more than just 5 options by pressing arrows on the right, when everything is ready hit save:

8. Next you can make your own crossword with “JCross” option. Again write title after that you can add letters in the cells of the grid that you can see after designing the crossword you need to write clues to it by pressing “Add Clues” and choosing answers, writing clues in the designated area and pressing “Ok”. Then you will see clue next to answer you need to write clues for all across and down answers. After that hit “Ok” at the bottom of the page and when your crossword is ready press save:

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9. Next we’ve got “JMix” there you can create jumbled sentences exercise. You need again to write title and these time you write sentence in the correct order by placing each part of it under another (separate words with Enter), then you can write alternative correct order of words and check underneath if all words should be used or not. After that you can save it:

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10. Finaly when you have all pieces of the test ready you can put them together with “The Masher”. Press add files to add and choose files that contain exercise that you want to put to test, then when all files are imported, you can see the order in which those exercise will by presented during answering with arrows you can edit that order. Choose where the output(Test) should by saved and finally press “Build unit”:

11. Hotpotatoes will ask you if you want to see results if you press yes you can see your test in the internet browser (There might problem with your browser blocking scripts and pop ups of test in these scenario you want by able to see your exercises you need to enable it in the special panel that should appear on top or bottom of the page):

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12. Your test will also by present in the form of the html files with set test in the output folder if you want to open it just open “index” file. You can also share these files or copy them to by used on other computer

Teachers’ works

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Regional leaflets Teachers visited the town Ziębice with its museum and monuments and Wrocław the capital of the region. They took part in exhibition about 1000 years of Wrocław.

Ziębice leaflet The municipality Ziębice (German name - Münsterberg) is located in the South-Eastern part of the Dolnośląskie voivodship, at the Sudety foot. Poland is divided into 16 voivodships. The town of Ziębice is 55 km south from Wroclaw (Breslau – with an international airport) and motorway A4, and 20 km from the Czech border. The railway Wroclaw (Breslau) – Bratislava (Slovakia) goes via Ziębice. The railway trip from Wroclaw to Ziębice takes approx. 45 minutes. The town has: group of General Education Schools with English and German languages, banks, culture center, museum of household appliances, hotel and youth hostels, swimming pool, tennis court, sports stadium with sports hall, rifle-range

of hunting circle “Tur”, fish pond. In the area there are agro-

tourism farms, where in summer it is possible to ride horses, and in winter one can skate and ski. The restaurants offer traditional Polish dishes. For hunters there are possibilities to get a trophy, such as wild boar, pheasant, deer, hare or fox. In Ziębice there is a unique museum of household appliances with the largest European collection of irons. In the close vicinity of Ziębice there are Cistersian Monastery in Henryków , castle in Kamieniec, The



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The executive bodies of the town and municipality of Ziebice are the City Council and the Mayor. There are 15 city aldermen. Ziebice has well preserved historical market square and other historical buildings.

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The town was probably founded by the prince Henryk III from Wrocław, whose knight Konrad came to this area in 1226. According to documents of 1268, the name Münsterberg appeared in place of Sambice – a Slav city destroyed during Tartar invasion in 1241. The oldest document of Ziębice which mentioned the German name „Münsterbeck” comes from 1253. German name of the town comes from the words „town on a mountain”. Based on old documents, Bolko I from Jawor was to build a castle and surround it with defense walls. It is mentioned in documents of 1301.

First information about defense walls comes from 1336, probably in that time the first stone church was built in Ziębice. In 1355 the youngest son of Bolko I – Bolko II as the „Prince of Ziębice” overtook the town with belonging properties and established in Ziębice a residence. In 1355 he recognized Czech supremacy and became Czech vassal. The town Ziębice was directly ruled by the Czechs since 1428, after the death of the Prince Jan the last one of the Piast house (first Polish dynasty) the town was under domination of the Czech house Podiebrad until 1548. The most tragic moments in the history took place during Hussies wars. The wars resulted in general destruction and poverty of the town and inhabitants. These problems were slowly overcome till the end of 15th century. After 1548 Ziębice with the entire duchy were under domination of different houses: Legnica Piasts, Habsburgs, Brzeg Piasts and in 1565 again Habsburgs who made Ziebice a Czech feud and ruled until

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1654 when Ziębice passed to private possession of the Auersperg family. Ziębice remained in possession of the Auersperg house (Austrian family) until 1791. After Hussies wars the town had its period of rise and prosperity which lasted until the War of Thirty Years. The War again led to destruction and fall of the town which was accompanied by plague in 1633. After renewal of privileges in 1655 the city was destroyed again in 1678 by a great fire. After the first Silesian War in 1742 the town was dominated by the Prussians and until 1945 remained under German rule. After the World War II the town together with the entire Kłodzko Duchy became Polish. Monuments The most important monuments of Ziębice are: well preserved defense walls (beautiful Paczków Gate from 1491), many old houses and beautiful St. Gregory Church (13th – 14th century, North portal comes from 13th century). In the City Hall there is a museum with unique collection of cutlery and different household appliances. Within the town limits there is also a park which was established by the inhabitants on the turn of 19th century. Museum The Regional Museum in Ziębice was established in 1931, collecting presents and testimonials from the town inhabitants. In 1937 Marta Schlaffke-Langer, widow after a painter from Ziębice, professor of Art School in Wroclaw Joseph Langer, turned over his rich antiques and paintings collection which is the most valuable treasure of the museum. In 1972 the museum was changed into the museum of household articles and appliances. Apart from collection of cutlery and household articles (irons, washing equipment, refrigerators, typewriters, mangles) there are valuable collections of personal and guild seals from 15th to 20th centuries, as well as old prints, liturgical books, baroque sacral sculpture, military accessories, furniture and some rarities such as icon of St. John Baptist Angel of Desert from the first half of 17th century, one of few preserved in Europe wooden guild altars and the largest collection of paintings by Joseph Langer. Piast Eagle The author of the monument is Tadeusz Teller the student of professor Xawery Dunikowski. Teller graduated from The Art University in Wrocław and in 1963 he had a traineeship in Ziębice. Monument measurement: height – 9.20 meters, wings span - 12 m. Eagle consists of 122 parts, each part weights from 700 to 1500 kg. Eagle weights 160 tones. Eagle was burned in Ziębice Ceramic Factory from ceramic clay. It is probably the biggest ceramic monument in Europe. Eagle symbolizes the Polish victory in 2 WW there are the soil from the most bloody and important battles from 2WW Polish people took place. The eagle was erected in 1976. Why Ealge??? In the Polish version of the legend, three brothers went hunting together but each of them followed a different prey and eventually they all traveled in different directions. Rus went to the east, Čech

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headed to the west to settled on the Bohemian hilly countryside, while Lech traveled north. There, while hunting, Lech followed his arrow and suddenly found himself face-to-face with a fierce, white eagle guarding its nest from intruders. Seeing the eagle against the red of the setting sun, Lech took this as a good omen and decided to settle there. He named his settlement Gniezno (Polish gniazdo 'nest') in commemoration and adopted the White Eagle as his coat-of-arms. The white eagle remains a symbol of Poland to this day, and the colors of the eagle and the setting sun are depicted in Poland's coat of arms. Ziębice coat of arms

Polish coat of arms

Wrocław leaflet The name Wrocław was probably taken from the name of the famous duke Wrocisław who lived here in 10th century. But till year 1000 no source mentioned Wrocław. The first mention of Wrocław appeared in 1000 and was written by Thietmar who was the bishop of Berseburg in Germany. He described the meeting of emperor Otto III and Polish duke Bolesław the Brave in 1000 in Gniezno. This year was very important in Polish history because they decided to set the archbishopric Wrocław was mentioned as one of three bishoprics under the superior authority of Gniezno. The first Bishop Ordinary of Wrocław was Johannes about whom little is known. Undoubtedly Wrocław was already the capital of all Silesia by the 11th century. Wrocław in dates: 1000 – Wrocław was mentioned for the first time in historical source. 1241 – the Mongol invasion and location on German law – the beginning of the market square. 1335 – death of the last Polish Piast duke – Henry IV, Wrocław became the Czech town. 1526 – after the battle of Mochacz Wrocław became the part of the Habsburg monarchy and was Austrian city. Breslau 1741 – the beginning of the First Silesian War between Austria (Habsburg dynasty) and Prussia – Wrocław was incorporated into Prussian Kingdom then from 1933 to 1945 to Nazi Germany. 1945 - The Battle of Breslau, also known as the Siege of Breslau, was a three-month-long siege of the city of Breslau lasting to the end of World War II in Europe. From 13 February 1945 to 6 May 1945, German troops in Breslau were besieged by the Soviet forces which encircled the city as part of the

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Lower Silesian Offensive Operation. In August 1944, Adolf Hitler declared the city of Breslau to be a fortress (Festung), ordering that it must be defended at all costs. During his poorly organized evacuation in January and February 1945, around 18,000 German people froze to death, mostly children and babies, in icy snowstorms and −20 °C weather. By the end of the Siege of Breslau, 50% of the old town, 90% of the western and southern and 10–30% of the northern and northeastern quarters of the city had been destroyed. 40,000 inhabitants, including forced laborers, lay dead in the ruins of homes and factories. After a siege of nearly three months, "Fortress Breslau" surrendered on 7 May 1945. It was one of the last major cities in Germany to fall. 1945 According to Jałta Wrocław became a part of Poland again. Map – Poland before and after II WW. Ostrów Tumski is the oldest part of the city. The place was excellent for the first inhabitants because of the river Odra (the second longest river in Poland) that gave them a safe shelter. The archeologists found the remains from 9th century. For the earliest times until 19th century Ostrów Tumski was the island, in 19th century Napoleon who captured Wrocław gave the order to destroy the defensive walls and fill the river bed and Ostrów stopped to be an island. There is the greatest cluster of churches and sacral places in Wrocław with the most important church – Saint John cathedral. There is also seminary for young men who decided to be priests. They have to attend this school for 6 years, there is a church museum, many baroque sculptures. Aula Theologica – it the hall of Pope Theological Faculty. This building was the seat of bishop of Wrocław incessantly from 1000 to 1945 so for about 1,000 thousand years. After the Second World War building was so demolished that the bishop decided to move to another building. The statue of Christ King was erected to commemorate one thousand years of Christianity in Poland. Polish duke named Mieszko was baptized in 966. The tree was planted here at the beginning 19th century when moat was filled. It is a plane-tree. Kluszczana Gate or Dumpling Gate. It’s a kind of arcade that connects two buildings: the Saint Idzi’s church and the building of vestry. It’s a building from 1520 and it isn’t straight. With this gate a legend is connected. An old man whose wife died sometimes ago stopped here sat and slept under this gate. He saw his wife in his dream. Wife gave him the bowl of dumplings. But she said: don’t eat everything and save one dumpling. He woke up and saw a bowl of dumplings. He started to eat but he wanted to eat everything. The last dumpling escaped from the bowl, lift in the air and landed on the arcade next it became the stone dumpling to warn everyone that people shouldn’t be greedy.

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The Saint Idzi’s church is the oldest church here. Originally it was built in early middle ages in Roman style Next rebuild in gothic. Here in Ostrów Tumski there are many crests like this. It is the crest of bishopric of Wrocław. Museum of church in Wrocław with thousands of exhibits. It includes the most valuable book in Poland. Why? It was written in 13th century but the most important is the fact that one sentence was written written in Polish language. In middle ages everything was written in Latin. This book was written in Henryków where there is a famous monastery and one of its monk named Peter wrote this book for the monastery. The sentence: Daj ja bobruszę a ty pociwaj” – “I will help you and you can rest” a husband says to his working wife who was making flour. Saint John is the saint patron of Wrocław and the cathedral. The first bishop of Wrocław was also called John. This sculpture is not original, it is the replica. The original sculpture collapsed and was heavily damaged during the second World War it was reconstructed and now is exhibited in the church museum opposite. The Saint John’s cathedral was built in the gothic style and it is from 14th century. It is the fourth cathedral on this place. The remains of the previous churches are exhibited in the basement of the cathedra. The oldest cathedra was probably built between 960-980. It was built in gothic style but the chapels at the back are in baroque style. They are very rich on the left there is the Saint Elisabeth’s chapel and on the lest the Elector’s chapel. The cathedral was damaged 80% during the second world war. Some people thought it is impossible to rebuilt it or that is in vain. You can see the picture when you come in the cathedral on your left. The lions and several columns are the oldest part of cathedra made in Roman style, the rest are the sculptures from 18th century. Saint Gregory, saint Paul, saints: Wacław, Andrew, Jadwiga, John Evangelist. The baroque sculpture of Maria Immaculate she is stepping the snake’s head that symbolizes the sin. On the left and right there are houses of priests who are retired and do not work because of their age. On the lest there is the archbishop palace. There is his crest. The statue of Saint John Nepomucen was built in Baroque style. It is one of the greatest monument in Wrocław very richly decorated. It’s made of sandstone by John Albrech Sieglitz and designed by Chrisopher Tausz – famous artists in this part of Europe. The statue presents the history, life of Saint John Nepomucen. He lived in Czech and was a priest and according to the legend he was drown in Wełtawa – the river in Prague the capital

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city of Czech. The order to kill him gave the king of Czech – Wacław because John didn’t want to tell him the sins of his wife. John was confessor of the queen. There are many angels and one is bold without hair. Saint Christ’s church in gothic style founded by one of the most important duke in Silesia Henry IV Probus. Precisely there are two churches in one building – upstairs and downstairs. Duke Henry quarreled with the bishop Thomas. And this church was built as an agreement between the bishop and the duke. There are two churches upstairs: Saint Cross’s church and downstairs: Saint Bartłomiej’s church. Saint Bartłomiej was the saint patron of the Polish dynasty Piastowie in Wrocław. According to the legend when the church was building workers found the root in the shape of cross. That’s why this is now Saint Cross’s church. We can admire this root in the church museum. Until 1999 Saint Bartłomiej church was Greco catholic church now it is catholic again. The tower is 69 meters. Orphantrophaeum – building from 17th century was the foundation of the bishop. Originally it was orphanage. Tumski Bridge: it was built in 1888, from steel, with the figures of saint john and saint Jadwiga. Wrocław’s dwarfs (Polish: krasnoludki) are small figurines that first appeared in the streets of Wrocław, Poland, in 2005. Since then, their numbers have been continually growing, and today they are considered a tourist attraction: those who would like to combine sight-seeing in Wrocław with dwarf-tracking are offered special brochures with a map and mobile application software for smart phones. As of 2014, there are over 300 dwarfs spread all over the city. Why dwarfs in Wrocław? In 2001, to commemorate the Orange Alternative (Polish anti-communist movement), a monument of a dwarf (the movement’s symbol) was officially placed on Świdnicka Street, where the group’s happenings used to take place. In 2003, the Mayor of Wrocław, in an attempt to continue the new tradition, unveiled a small plaque on the door of The Dwarfs’ Museum. It can be found at the height of human knees on the wall of a historic tenement called Jaś, which is situated between the Market Square and St. Elizabeth’s Church. ww.krasnale.pl University of Wrocław

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The bronze statue of „Champion” – (swordsman or fencer) standing in the center of a round marble bowl. He was unveiled in 1904. The bowl is decorated with men’s faces, their mouths spouting water. The creator of this fine work was a sculptor Hugo Lederer. The fencer symbolized the artist’s penance for his youthful mistakes and served as a warning to university students. Lederer was a student of this university, he was keen on gambling. He gambled a lot and had more luck with love than with gambling. First he rid himself of the contents of his wallet then clothes. What was left to him was only his sword. Sword was the symbol of honor his weapon the most valuable thing. After this bitter experience he started to leading his life as a monk, graduated from university and became a famous sculptor. The University of Wrocław has a rich history of more than three centuries. Founded by Leopold I Habsburg the university evolved from a modest school run by Jesuits into one of the biggest academic institutions in Poland. At the beginning of the 19th century the university had five faculties: philosophy, catholic theology, evangelical theology, law and medicine. Later it was expanded by numerous sections, laboratories and a natural museum, which exists until today. The most spectacular is Aula Leopoldyńska called the and one of the most beautiful hall in Eastern Europe. Baroque pearl After the Second World War a group of Polish professors, formerly from Lwów, started teaching and research activities at the University of Wrocław. Initially they created the Faculties of law and administration, arts, natural sciences, agriculture, veterinary, medicine, mathematics, physics and chemistry. Some of these Faculties were soon transformed into other universities. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the University of Wrocław produced 9 Nobel Prize winners, such as Theodor Mommsen, Philipp Lenard, Eduard Buchner, Paul Ehrlich, Fritz Haber, Friedrich Bergius, Erwin Schrödinger, Otto Stern and Max Born. Today the University of Wrocław is the largest university in the region and teaches over 40,000 students and around 1300 doctoral students at 10 Faculties. 9000 students graduate from the University every year. Jatki In middle ages there were stalls with meat today Jatki is called the magic street in Wrocław with artists shops and bronze sculptures of animals. You can see the lids of middle ages “fridges” on the pavement. Market Square Market Square The square is rectangular with the dimensions 213 by 178 meters (699 ft × 584 ft). It is one of the largest markets in Europe, consists of four parts: the south called the gold ewer, the West – called

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the great scales, east – the green reed and north the sweetness. Almost all the buildings were damaged during II World War, all were rebuild. One of the most beautiful is the tenement house called Under the Golden Dog. It is a very good reconstruction from 18th century according to the old photos. In every part of the market people sold another goods, mainly cloth, wool, meat, fish, and crafts products: shoes, jewellery, clothes. The most impressive church near the market is Saint Elisabeth’s church. Originally there was a Romanesque church but in 1253 the duke Henry III gave the money for bigger a church. It belonged to the order with the red star. The monks of this order looked after the sick people. They organized the hospitals in Wrocław. In 1525 the church was taken over by protestants from Wrocław and it was the temple of protestants until 1945. In 1945 it became the church for Polish soldiers. There were three big fires, that damages the church the worst was in 1976 year when the whole roof and the beautiful equipment of the temple burnt. The church lost priceless organs made in 17 th century by Engler. The reconstruction lasted over 20 years. Since 2003 it is the basilica minor. In front of the church there are the houses of altarists who were the priests who couldn’t say the mess before the main altar. Only two of them remained they are called John and Margaret. Margaret is the older and higher “she” is holding the younger brother John. In the past there was a cemetery around the church and the main entrance was through this gate. On the gate there is a sentence that says the “Death is the gate to the life”. The tower has 90 meters and 402 steps. There is an interesting epitaph that is connected with the historical fact. In 1529 there was a strong wind and storm during it the tower was broken, it was at night and nobody was killed except the cat. Because the church was taken over the protestants. The catholic and protestants explained this fact in other way. According to the protestants the good sent the angels who were carried the tower that’s why nobody was killed, catholic sad that good sent the storm and broke the tower because the church was taken over protestants. John was the place of working one of the famous Wrocław’s artist who is called Get Stankiewicz. He put some of his work on his building: there is Jesus, cross and hammer and nails and we can crucify him: “Do it yourself”. There is a monument of David Benhoffer – German pastor. It is replica of the monument from Berlin. Benhofer was protestant pastor who was a man of ecumenism and disagree with Hitler. He was in the USA but returned and started to criticize Hitler’s policy. He was sentenced to the death and was killed by German in April 1945 so a month before the end of the II world war.

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You can see the monument of Polish nobleman Aleksander Fredro. Who was not only a nobleman but also the play writer. Originally it was in Lwów the capital of Ukraine. Before the second world war Lwów was Polish city, after 1945 it was joined to Ukraine according to the decision in Jałta between Stalin, Churchil and Roosvelt. Millions of Polish people had to move to the west here in Low Silesia and millions of German had to move west to German. And with Polish people the monument came and it is standing here since 1952. The feather Fredro is holding is missing from time to time that’s why there is a camera watching what is going on around. The coat of arms is a mark protected by law. The use of the name and the coat of arms of the City requires the consent of the Mayor of Wrocław. The coat of arms consists of five parts. In the center John the Baptism the saint patron of Wrocław. On the left you can see the white lion with the crown which symbolizes the times when Wrocław belonged to the Czech kingdom. On the right there is a black eagle on the gold background and symbolizes Polish kingdom, below you can see the head of John Evangelist on the crown. And finally the big black letter W on the gold background the list letter of the name Warcisław the Czech duke who probably gave an order to found the city in 9th century. The Town Hall – was built since 14th century in gothic style. Richly decorated, the motive of saint John’s head on the plate repeated many times because Saint John is the saint Patron of Wrocław. The patron the chapel in the town hall is Saint Dorothy who the patron of German. The other symbol of Wrocław is the lion of dynasty Luksemburg that was czech and German dynasty. This clock is from 1580 there are symbols of the Egyptian symbols of the season: autumn, winter, spring and summer. In every part of the market people sold another goods, mainly cloth, wool, meat, fish, and crafts products: shoes, jewellery, clothes.

Whipping post – pręgierz in Polish was made of sandstone, It was placed here in 1491. The original was damaged during the Russian air raid in 1945. This one was made according to the old photos taken before the second world war. Here the people who broke the law were tied and punished. Main Market has been the most important Wrocław’s square for over 750 years. It was built in 13th century. According to some of the researches the rectangular form of the square is originated from Franconia and Saxony. The oldest German examples are: rectangular main market in Munch. The most probably date of location is March 1242 (just after the Tatar) invasion which took place in 1241. The main Market was built in the place free from the floods, had a good transport connection with the transit routes, and proper dehydration in all directions.

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The town hall was built of brick and stone in gothic style in 14th century. The long process of renovation began in 1853. During the second world Was the town Hall was seriously damaged. Świdnicka Cellar, was mentioned in 1303 and is probably the oldest restaurant in Europe. From 1519 the barrels were delivered through the tunnel because beer was made in the brewery behind the house number 22. Wrocław curiosities -

Is called the North Venice because of many bridges over Odra river (about 120), has the oldest in Poland tram line from 1893, is the European Capital of Culture 2016, has the Guinness Guitar Record in 2006 – 6346 guitarists played “Hey Joe” by Jimmy Hendrix at the same time. Every year in May they are trying to beat the record. has the oldest zoo in Poland from 1865, has the biggest number of dwarfs in the world.

Formative assessment All teachers took part in lesson with formative assessment prepared by Polish Maths teacher. They observed maths lesson. It was preceded by lesson recorded earlier and power point presentation about using and benefits of formative assessment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8ysNLeX5rM&list=UUJablhPP_EccMlqzGkIjv5g&index=98

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The aim of the observation was to show elements of formative assessment to use them in the future work in the project.

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Lesson plan

class / educational level

Gimnazjum second class / 14 years old

Subject Lesson topic: KEY QUESTION Lesson goals (using language which is understood for students)

Maths How to count the circle perimeter having its perimeter and diameter? - counting circle perimeter quotient by its diameter - writing of estimated result - writing counting equations - writing the formula for circle length

Nacobezu What is the most important to remember Connection with the previous knowledge

Teaching aids

Work method

- you know what numbers are rational numbers, - you can write numbers rounding, - by means of equation you can write operation you have done, - you can write formula for circle perimeter . Definitions for circle, radius, diameter, numbers division, numbers rounding, writing algebraic expressions, transforming formulas.  Things with circle edge,  string,  ruler,  calculators, recorder, worksheet, manila, felt- tip pens, sticky tape, magnets, board,  decimal expension of π number  

tasks and problems solving discussion

Link to this lesson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQJ_fo-VOBo&list=UUJablhPP_EccMlqzGkIjv5g&index=92

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Florist workshop Teachers were familiar with Polish nature due to workshop they took part in. It was connected with our future stage “Maths in nature”. The florist – Aldona told about Polish flowers. Flowery decorations she makes consist of dried annual and perennial plants with natural elements like: cones, tree twigs, dried fruit, forest moss. The majority of plants are from Aldona’s garden. She plants them in April and cuts in summer time. She cuts the plants by her own and makes small buckets. She dries them in the dark and airy room.

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Maths tasks During the teachmeet teachers worked on some maths task connected with the project stages like “Marhs in vehicles”. 1. Napisz wzór na obliczanie: a). drogi b). czasu c). prędkości korzystaj z oznaczeń: t- czas,

s – droga,


Write the formula, how to count: a) way b) time c) speed Use: t – time, s – way, v – speed

2. Samochód poruszający się z prędkością 60

w ciągu 120 minut pokona drogę:

120 km 60 km 1 km 3600 m

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Car moves at 60

, during 120 minuts it drives:

120 km 60 km 1 km 3600 m

3. Jeśli w ciągu 20 sekund pokonasz 50 metrów, to oznacza, że poruszasz się z prędkością: 60 3 2,5 15

3. If in 20 sekund you can go 50 metres, it means, you move at speed: 60 3 2,5 15

4. Ile czasu potrzeba, aby przejechać 180 kilometrów z prędkością 60


5 godzin 2 godziny 60 minut 3 godziny

5. How much time do you need to go 180 kilometres at speed 60


5 hours 2 hours 60 minutes 3 hours

6.Gołąb pocztowy lecący z prędkością 80

“Maths around us” 2015-1-PL01-KA219-016511_1

w ciągu 15 minut pokona:


15km 1200m 20km 80km

6.Carrier pigeon flies at speed 80

, during 15 minutes it can fly:

15km 1200m 20km 80km

7.Rowerzysta przejechał pewien dystans ze stałą prędkością. W jakim czasie przejechał 250m? 7.A rider cycled a distance with the constant speed. How much time did he need to go 250 m?

30s 10s 60s 50s

8. Rowerzysta przejechał pewien dystans ze stałą prędkością. Na podstawie poniższego wykresu oblicz prędkość tego rowerzysty. 8. A rider cycled a distance with the constant speed. Using the diagram below count the rider’s speed.

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5 300 5 50

Evaluation 09/23/2016

Taechmeet Evaluation #4 Most Correct Answers:

Total Questions: 4 #4 Least Correct Answers:

1. In your opinion what aspect we discussed was the most important to you? And Why? Natalia In my opinion everything we see in Polish school lessons is important and useful.Maths Lesson was practical orientated and connected to real live activities. The ICT tools like MonkeyJam and Hot Potatoes are unknown for us. If we can use them in Bulgaria without payment it will be useful. italian team The most important topic was the one of integration of children in the project by web commnication so that they understand the importance of the project. in this way they also improve their English skills. TURKISH TEAM The evaluation of the process of the project is important. Because, all partners have seen what we have done on the project till now and what will do from now on. Spanish teAM

“Maths around us� 2015-1-PL01-KA219-016511_1


The most important for us was the ideas of how our students could introduce themselves to the others before the movilities, in order to be more confortable at the destinations. It is very important to speak about common activities and how we can develop them. It will be easier to share and compare it.

2. What topics would you like to discuss during the next meeting in Bulgaria? Topics which were not discuss in Poland or not discussenough? Natalia The tasks connected to speed, time and way are important for students during the visit in Bulgaria, because of the centre of the Bulgarian stage "Maths in vehicles". italian team I think that we discussed enough here in Poland. Since we are going to talk about Maths in vehicles we should improve maths skills for children in Bulgaria. TURKISH TEAM Maths in Vehicle, The topics are enough. - more activities in Bulgaria for students Spanish teAM What can we do if finally we will not travel to Turkey. All members must agree about it...

3. Your general opinion about out meeting its pluses and minuses (what was ok what would you like to improve?) Natalia Page 1 of 2 First of all, the hospitality of our hosts is very important for us being in new place. Secondly, we see very good organisation in Polish school. The students explored new topics and made conclusions. In my opinion they do their best to be our hosts! There no minuses, exept The Internet connnection in hotel! italian team plus: great organization both for discussions and for trips. minuses: everything was ok! TURKISH TEAM Pluses + Good communication, evaluation, friendship etc Spanish teAM

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Pluses: A great organaization (diary timetable, everyday we know what we will do and what we will need) Interesting activities conected with the topic of the project Meeting times: we discussed several topics and we left the meeting with conclusions. To improve: -We like everything!!! Good job!!!


Thank You!!! :) A B

3/4True 0/4False

“Maths around us� 2015-1-PL01-KA219-016511_1


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