Students evaluation after mobility to Poland 8 – 12 May 2017
Question 1 What trip did you like the best and why? • 9 May Wrocław • 10 May Wojsławice • 11 May Kłodzko Valley
Students’ answer The best trip was to Adventure park in Złoty Stok which was a real fun for studnets, they could sunbathe and move. Thye also liked Wrocław trip and looking for the groms despide the weather was awful this day.
Question 2 What Maths activity you did in Poland: • was the easiest for you? • and what activity was the most difficult?
Students’ answer The easiest were: crosswords, looking for symmetry in Wojsławice, calculation the square area, for Bulgarian sudoku and logical Maths tasks were the easiest tasks.
Students’ answers The most difficult were: converting Roman into Arabic numbers, sudoku, Steinhause cube (which was new thing for our Erasmus guests).
Question 3 What is your general opinion about Poland, Polish people and our school? Did you find something what was strange or astonished or weird?
Students’ answer Bulgarians: beautiful country, buildings, houses, nice food, clean, people punctual and friendly host families, nice school, playground and yard, good English of Polish studenets. Italians: green, yellow firlds, new plant: rapeseeds, nice people, improving Maths and English skills, cooperating.
Students’ answer Spanish: cheerful, friendly, hospitable people, Turkish: lovely Polish cusine which is similar to Turkish, friendly and kind people, nice host families, fascinating old buildings and funny gnoms in Wrocław.
Teachers evaluation after mobility to Poland 8 – 12 May 2017
Question 1
In your opinion what skills could your students developed during a week mobility to Poland?
teachers’ answer • communication language skills, maths skills, cooperative skills. • they shared their ideas • became more sefl confident because for most of them ot was the first time so far away from they families, • know more about other cultures, • made international relationships.
Question 2
Were your students satisfied with stay in Polish families? Write yes and why? Or write not and why?
teachers’ answer • they are satisfied, families were friendly and hospitable, • students felt safly and comfortable, • conditions and food were excellent.
Question 3
Write please pluses and minuses of our meeting in Poland.
teachers’ answer pluses: students developed a lot of skills, they learnt a lot, made new friends, students and teachers stayed together, talked about our ways of living, exchanged ideas, great organisation, helpful people, working in international groups, lot of activities together. minus: cold weather
thank you for completeting the evaluation question • prepared by EN • GP Ziębice • May 2017