4 minute read
T.C. Steele, Nashville

FALL 2020 – SUMMER 2021

Where Nature’s Beauty Meets Artist’s Canvas
Experience how the rolling hills, scenic vistas, majestic trees and landscape inspired noted Hoosier painter T.C. Steele and his wife, Selma, to build their home and cultivate beauty and art in Brown County. The 211-acre site includes extensive gardens and grounds, the new Singing Winds Visitor Center, the House of the Singing Winds and Large Studio, T.C.’s Outdoor Studio, five hiking trails and the 92-acre Selma Steele Nature Preserve.
Visual arts, early 20th-century culture, natural history, science, language arts
4220 T.C. Steele Road, Nashville, IN 47448 812.988.2785 tcsteeleshs@indianamuseum.org indianamuseum.org/tcsteele Located next to the parking area
TOUR OF HOUSE OF THE SINGING WINDS AND LARGE STUDIO PreK-Grade 12 Fee: Admission is FREE for pre-registered, accredited schools or homeschool groups of 10 or more K-12 students. Free admission includes teachers and bus drivers, plus one additional adult chaperone per every five students. Additional chaperones pay the group admission rate of $9/person. Contact site for non-Indiana student rate. If the group size is larger than 50, reservations are required two weeks in advance. For groups over 15, a reservation is required; the staff may not be able to accommodate groups of 15 or more without notice. On this school group tour of the 1907 home and 1916 Large Studio of artist T.C. Steele and wife Selma, students will see the grounds, new visitor center and T.C.’s outdoor studio.
ECOLOGY NATURE HUNT Grades 6–12 Length: 2 hours Fee: $4/student Self-guided activity A cross between orienteering (use of map and compass to find locations) and geocaching (to find treasure), students will search for six boxes containing objects such as facsimiles of Steele’s paintings and historic photos, tips on natural areas management, forest succession and erosion. SCHOOL AND OUTREACH PROGRAMS
45–60 minute programs Outreach Travel Fees: 30-60 miles=$20; 60-90 miles=$40; 90+ miles=$60
ART ENGINEERING PreK-Grade 2 Length: 60 minutes Fee: $4/student Students will not only become budding artists, but engineers in this nature immersive workshop. From discovering natural materials to designing their own paintbrush through the engineering design process, they’ll work together to create a collaborative art creation.
HOW DO PLANTS GROW? PreK-Grade 2 Length: 60 minutes Fee: $4/student Your students will learn all about what plants need to grow like air, sun, soil and water. They’ll plant a flower seed in their own terracotta flower pot, use sponge painting to decorate it and then watch as their seed turns into a blossoming flower over time.
AMATEUR NATURALIST PreK-Grade 5 Length: 60 minutes Fee: $4/student Students will identify native wildflowers, ferns and other natural materials on a color hunt around the grounds and collect natural materials to create a collage.
SKETCHING WITH PENCILS AND PASTELS K-Grade 6 Length: 30 minutes Fee: $2/student Explore sketching as a way to get to know your subject. Students will consider how artists see the world in shapes, lines and color, and sketch with pencils and pastels to capture the exact color they see. This is ideal for large groups with limited time.
INDIANA NIGHT MOTHS AND NATURE DRAWING Grades 4–9 Length: 60 minutes Fee: $4/student Indiana is home to some of the most beautiful moths in the world. Students will learn how to tell a moth from a butterfly, the life cycle of moths, and about the importance of moths, butterflies, bees and birds as pollinators.
EUREKA! EKPHRASIS! A Creative Writing Workshop Grades 6–10 Length: 60 minutes Fee: $4/student Students will read poems inspired by two of Steele’s famous paintings. After close examination of another Steele painting, students will be inspired to write their own poems.
SKULL OF THE WILD Grades 6–12 Length: 60 minutes Fee: $4/student Who lives at T.C. Steele State Historic Site? Get to know the animals that make the historic site home by examining their skulls! In this game designed for middle and high schoolers, participants will use deductive reasoning to determine which skull belongs to which species.
ARE YOU AN IMPRESSIONIST OR A REALIST? Grades 8–12 Length: 60 minutes Fee: $4/student In this painting workshop designed for teens, your students will discover their own tastes and aesthetics, and experiment with portraits and landscapes. Inspired by Steele’s paintings that model Realism and Impressionism, students will chose the style they prefer to create their own personal piece of art. ART BY NUMBERS Grades 8–12 Length: 60 minutes Fee: $4/student Students will learn some of the ways artists create composition, or the placement and arrangement of figures in an artwork, using math. Using the Rule of Thirds, they’ll create their own compositions in a sketchbook.
SELMA’S STENCILS: USING SHAPE AND SPACE Grades 8–12 Length: 60 minutes Fee: $4/student Students will bring the outdoors inside by using stencils to decorate textiles for everyday use. Inspired by stencils made from Selma Steele’s original designs, students will create their own stencils based on interests in their own lives.
Educators may request a specialty program or activity for an additional fee. Programs include art, history, natural history and multidisciplinary learning. Call 812.988.2785 for details.