ELEVATOR WORLD India Educational Catalog

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About Us: Since 1953, Elevator World, Inc. has served the international building transportation industry through print and digital publications, educational materials, events, email newsletters and industry websites. ELEVATOR WORLD India (EWI) is a quarterly magazine published in English. The experienced partnership of Elevator World, Inc. and Virgo Communications and Exhibitions (P) Ltd, organizer of the Global Lift & Escalator Expo held in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and South Africa, has helped grow EWI to a distribution of more than 11,000 qualified industry professionals through both print and digital publications.

SECTIONS MAINTENANCE/MODERNIZATION..............................................................................................1-3 SAFETY.................................................................................................................................................4 CONSTRUCTION/DESIGN/ENGINEERING................................................................................ 5-8 BEGINNERS/TRAINING...................................................................................................................... 9 CODES & STANDARDS....................................................................................................................10 MARKET STUDIES.........................................................................................................................10-11 LEGAL PRODUCTS............................................................................................................................. 11 GIFT IDEAS..................................................................................................................................... 12-13 TIMELESS EDITIONS......................................................................................................................... 13 EW SUBSCRIPTIONS.........................................................................................................................14

BEST SELLERS 2015 FIELD EMPLOYEES’ SAFETY HANDBOOK......................................................4 AVAILABLE IN CHINESE AND SPANISH – SEE PAGE 32 AND 33

ELEVATOR ENGINEERING, 2ND EDITION................................................................ 5

ESCALATOR ENGINEERING........................................................................................ 6

INSTALLATION MANUAL, 2014 EDITION................................................................. 5

ELEVATORS 101, 3RD EDITION.................................................................................... 9

ELEVATOR WORLD India Subscribers receive 15% discount on most products!* *Prices in this catalog ar e subject to change.


Inspection Handbook, 6th Edition by Zack McCain This new 2015 edition has been updated to reflect code changes through ASME A17.1 2013 and A17.3 2015. It aids the experienced elevator inspector in assuring compliance with ASME QEI-1. Brimming with tables featuring the effective date of code changes for elevators, escalators and moving walks. Soft Cover | 148 pages | 1 lb

Inspection Handbook 6th Edition

Zack McCain

REGULAR $25.50

Published by Elevator World 1997, 2002, 2004, 2007, 2011, 2016

Field Employees’ Elevator Testing Manual

4th Edition


Field Employees’ Elevator Testing Manual, 4th Edition This handbook was designed to provide a guide to persons assigned the task of performing ­various tests on electric and hydraulic passenger and freight elevators in the presence of a Certified Elevator Inspector. This publication can help with under­standing what is being tested, why it is being tested and a safe means to demonstrate the function. Print or PDF | 96 pages | 1 lb. REGULAR $12.50


Inspection Handbook & Testing Manual Combo Field Employees’ Elevator Testing

I n s p e c t i o nManual Handbook 6th Edition

REGULAR $33.00

Zack McCain Published by Elevator World 1997, 2002, 2004, 2007, 2011, 2016

4th Edition


The Elevator Industry Inspection Handbook and the Field ­Employees’ Elevator Testing Manual will help you get results! Whether you need to know the results an inspector should expect from a test or how to perform the test, these materials are your guide to getting the data you need. Soft Cover | 1 lb. SUBSCRIBER DISCOUNT $28.05


The Maintenance Set by Zack McCain; by John Koshak Purchase the Elevator Maintenance Manual, the Elevator Maintenance Field Handbook and Maintenance on New Equipment Designs together and save over 20%! Plus, receive John Koshak’s Maintenance Control Program and MRL Elevator Inspections video presentation FREE! Sold Separately: $153.50 SET | $102.00

Maintenance on New Equipment Designs — Application of the MCP to MRL Elevators by John Koshak The primary purpose of this book is to provide a clear explanation of the differences new technology is making to maintenance. New installations and designs create greater challenges and risk for elevator personnel. The author, John Koshak, presents an overview of this new language, what documentation is required by the code, a general overview of the major manufacturers’ traction equipment, and when maintenance, inspection, testing, adjustment, repair and replacement procedures must be provided. Soft Cover | 94 pages | 3 lbs. REGULAR $48.75


Elevator Maintenance Manual, 2nd Edition and Elevator Field Maintenance Handbook by Zack McCain


References to acceptance and periodic tests of elevators have been updated to A17.1-2007 edition requirements. The Elevator Maintenance Manual, 2nd Edition is an in-depth guide designed for the service technician, covering elevator maintenance programs and practices as related to both electric and hydraulic elevators. Also covers escalators and moving walks. This publication is a comprehensive “how-to” guide that can be used for training classes, home study or as a reference guide. The Field Handbook is a pocket-sized companion designed for the service mechanic to take into the field. Contains over 75 charts and guides.

BULK DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE; CALL FOR QUOTE. Elevator Maintenance Manual, 2nd Edition — Print or PDF, Wt. 3 lb.





Elevator Field Maintenance Handbook — Print or PDF



Elevator Maintenance Manual, 2nd Edition & Field Handbook Set



Lift Modernisation, 2nd Edition by Roger E. Howkins A unique reference tool, originally published in 1998, has now been revised to bring it up-to-date with the most modern concepts of modernisation. It has been purposely formatted to take onto job sites and to assist engineers, consultants, mechanics, surveyors and sales teams who are actively involved in the art of lift modernisation. Spiral Bound | 236 pages | 2 lbs. REGULAR $92.00




Elevator & Escalator Maintenance for Building Managers, 2nd Edition Assists building managers in making informed decisions regarding upkeep and regular maintenance of elevators and escalators under their control. The responsibility of good maintenance is not only in the hands of the contractor, but also rests with the building manager. This book provides guidance in establishing an optimum maintenance program that will benefit building occupants. Print or PDF | 108 pages | 2 lbs. REGULAR $49.95


Educational Focus Volume 1 by Elevator World A compilation of ELEVATOR WORLD articles in our Educational Focus Series. These articles include hands-on construction and maintenance procedures and techniques that can be used by field personnel to install, troubleshoot and repair elevators & escalators. ­Directed toward the needs of service technicians and construction a ­ djusters who install, adjust and maintain elevator and escalator systems. Print of PDF | 200 pages | 2 lbs. REGULAR $63.25


Educational Focus Volume 2 by Elevator World This book compiles 20 ELEVATOR WORLD articles from our Educational Focus Series published from 2008 to 2013. INCLUDED ARE: • Elevator Drives • Elevator Ropes • Elevator Brakes • Selected Topics Related to Mechanical and Structural Systems Each chapter comes with learning reinforcement questions and a tutorial where certain points within the article are elaborated or clarified to enhance the readers’ understanding. These articles include hands-on procedures that can be used by field personnel to help install, troubleshoot or repair elevators. Print of PDF | 176 pages | 2 lbs. REGULAR $65.00


Educational Focus, Volume 3 by Elevator World, Inc. Contains four sections of intense study material from ELEVATOR WORLD magazine during 2005 to 2013. SECTIONS COVER: • Escalators • Hydraulics • Operations/Energy • Maintenance Includes Continuing Education. REGULAR Print or PDF | 172 pages | 1 lb. $65.00




2015 Field Employees’ Safety Handbook Edited by the NEII Safety Committee to include the most up-to-date safety procedures for protection of field employees on every construction site or maintenance job. Heavy-duty vinyl 6 ring binder, convenient 5 1/8” x 6 5/8” Weight: 1 lb. 1-50/$11.00 each | 51-100/$10.50 each | 101-500/$10.00 each Available in Chinese and Spanish – See page 32 and 33

Service & Repair PPE Assessment Forms This pad of 40 individual forms, extracted from the 2015 Safety Handbook, is an easy-to-use checklist that helps identify potential hazards and the corresponding PPE that should be used. Space for documentation such as the date of the job, tasks to be completed, where the job is taking place and who prepared the form are included. Compliant with the OSHA Personal Protective Equipment Standard. Soft Cover | 1 lb. BULK (Subscriber Discount not available on bulk orders)

REGULAR $13.25


51-100 = $10.75 each | 101-500 = $10.25 each

Safety Meetings, 7th Edition A Supervisor’s Guide based on the Elevator Industry Field Employees’ Safety Handbook, 2015 Edition In notepad form, these meetings contain the complete script of the 2015 Safety Handbook. Each sheet includes discussion questions, space for attendee signatures and comment fields for the supervisor. 2 lbs. * Also available on smartphones or tablets, see page 15


51 – 100 $19.00 each 101 – 500 $18.00 each

REGULAR $23.50


(Subscriber discount not available on bulk orders)

Rigging Handbook by Jerry Klinke The 5th Edition of the Rigging Handbook is a clear, well-illustrated reference book for millwrights, rigging professionals, crane operators and anyone who is involved with performing or teaching rigging and hoisting operations. REGULAR $22.00


A Manager’s Safety Notebook by Elevator World When you own or manage a company that installs, repairs or maintains elevators, escalators or moving walks you will be responsible for the safety of the men and women who work for you. This notebook will assist managers in implementing a valid safety program and maintaining compliance with OSHA regulations by executing mandated training requirements, safety site audits and inspections. Valuable position papers relating to relevant subjects, written by the NEII® Elevator Safety Committee, are also included. 3-ring Binder | 2 lbs. REGULAR $25.00




Engineer’s Reference Library: Save $40! Get both books for only $143. Systems Engineering of Elevators by Phil Andrew & Dr. Stefan Kaczmarczyk This book covers all the aspects of elevator systems engineering providing commentary on how individual components of an elevator are brought together to provide a vertical transportation system which will carry the required load at the required speed over the necessary travel, and to examine how this process is moderated and supported by the requirements of safety codes. Hard Cover | 558 pages | 4 lbs. REGULAR $118.00


Elevator Engineering, 2nd Edition by Ben Abbaspour This book presents a roadmap of elevator design and acts as a complete guide to practical engineering based on the ASME A17.1-C2013/CSA B44-C13 Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators. With more than 45 examples of essential and comprehensive elevator calculations relating to both traction and hydraulic units, Elevator Engineering is suitable for a wide audience. Includes easy-to-follow hand calculations, numerous original schematics, graphs, tables, and drawings, and features real projects as examples. Print or PDF | 425 pages | 2 lbs. Pricing for this new edition is subject to change. REGULAR $65.00


Vertical Transportation Handbook, 4th Edition by George Strakosch & Bob Caporale This one-of-a-kind handbook provides an essential updating to keep the book current with technology and practice. New coverage of topics such as machine-room-less systems and current operation and control procedures, ensures that this revision maintains its standing as the premier general reference on vertical transportation. Hard Cover | 610 pages | 4 lbs. REGULAR $175.00


Elevator Mechanical Design, 3rd Edition by Dr.-Ing. Lubomír Janovsky The technology of “how to achieve the mechanical aspects of the design” of an electric elevator as well as discussing why the designs are implemented in a particular way. The principles and concepts of all the mechanical components of an elevator are discussed in detail, supported wherever necessary by mathematical analysis. A full description and comparison of international standards is also included. Hard Cover | 401 pages | 3 lbs. REGULAR $92.00


Installation Manual, 2014 Edition by Elevator World This 400 + page manual has been completely revised and updated to reflect the step-bystep process of installing elevators and escalators. The book is brimming with photos of actual field installation procedures, safety techniques, and a multitude of wiring diagrams and layout drawings. This is your guide to the installation process for a traction elevator from the pit through the hoistway and into the machine room (hydraulic elevators, escalators and a new MRL section are also included). Print or PDF | 424 pages | 4 lbs.


REGULAR $65.00



The Escalator Set by Ben Abbaspour; by Fartash Razmjoo & Anthony Andon This new set includes two much-needed books covering escalators: Escalator Engineering provides an abundance of practical information related to escalator design and engineering and includes information on the latest technology, specifications and equipment available in the market. Escalator Safety explores escalator safety in detail by studying different types of real-life accidents and providing information on related safety systems and solutions. This book can be helpful to all who need more information on safety codes for escalators and moving walks. Sold Separately: $118

Escalator Engineering by Ben Abbaspour This new book provides the reader with an abundance of practical information related to escalator design and engineering. It includes information on the latest technology, specifications and equipment available in the market, and is segmented into chapters consisting of: general description and history of escalators, engineering of components and principals of mechanics related to escalator design, special escalators such as spiral, heavy duty, outdoor and helical, and the design of moving walks. Soft Cover | 362 pages | 2 lbs. REGULAR $70.00


User Reference Guide for Elevator Ropes by Brugg Lifting This guide serves as both a basic primer to the elevator industry novice, and a helpful reference for the experienced professional. Fully covers elevator-rope classifications, construction, designs, end fittings, termination procedures, techniques (1:1 and 2:1 installation, and 2:1 rope replacement), installation best practices, maintenance tips and other data that, when followed, can help extend hoist-rope life expectancy. Included is a large glossary of terms specific to the field and more than 300 line illustrations to help answer questions. Print or PDF | 172 Pages | 2 lbs. REGULAR $95.00


CIBSE Guide D: Transportation Systems in Buildings (2015) The 2015 edition contains an extensive revision to the guidance on traffic planning, significantly expanded information on energy efficiency and conservation, and updated guidance on the effective commissioning, maintenance and testing of lifts and escalators. Soft Cover | 380 pages | 3 lbs. REGULAR SUBSCRIBER DISCOUNT $145.00


Lift Technology: An Insight on Design Basics and its Evolution by K. Subramaniam & Johnson Lifts (P) Ltd. Images and brief explanations depicting the evolution of machines, electrical and electronic control systems, floor counting and sensing devices, permanent magnet gearless machines, floor displays and aesthetics of the car are included. A compilation of basic information on lifts, especially on codes and norms observed in the design, manufacturing and installation of the various components and sub assemblies used are also represented. Soft Cover | 179 pages | 1 lb. REGULAR $30.00




Elevator Design, Construction and Maintenance 1905 Originally published in 1905, this book begins with the basics of elevator technology. It quickly moves on to in depth sections on both hydraulic and electric elevators. 160 highly detailed illustrations present information of historical significance and for research. Soft Cover | 264 pages | 2 lbs. REGULAR $25.00


Pedestrian Planning and Design by John J. Fruin, Ph.D. Describes and qualifies the space people need to walk, queue, crowd and wait to access buses, trains, planes, elevators and escalators as well as the number of people that can walk on stairs through corridors, turnstiles, revolving doors, etc. Contains photos, diagrams and elevator/escalator configurations. Soft Cover | 214 pages | 1 lb.    REGULAR $30.00


Elevator Electric Drives – Concepts and Principles, Control and Practice by G.C. Barney and Loher AG This book is of interest to anyone in the elevator industry concerned with the application, design and maintenance of modern hoisting machines. The technical information, in general, is universal and can be applied to any new solid- state AC motor. Soft Cover | 197 pages | 2 lbs. REGULAR $63.25

Softcover 376 pages 4 lbs.


Vertical Transportation Technology Review Vol. 1

Vertical Transportation Technology Review Vol. 2

This review contains 10 dissertations from the U.K.’s University College Northampton’s Masters in Lift Engineering program. These technical ­papers cover many topics such as building sway on ropes, ventilation and passenger comfort, power consumption, firefighting and evacuation usage and utilizing lifts for the differently disabled.

Volume 2 to of the series includes five technical dissertations. Some topics include “Effectively Communicating Code Requirements for Interfaces Between Building Systems and Elevator Systems,” “The Future of the Lift Maintenance Business” and “A Critical Comparison of Coated Steel Belts against Steel Wire Ropes as Applied to the Lift Industry.”

REGULAR $76.00

Softcover 252 pages 3 lbs.


REGULAR $60.00




Vertical Transportation Technology Review Voumes 1 & 2 | 2-volume Set | 7 lbs. REGULAR | $117.00 SUBSCRIBER DISCOUNT | $99.45



The Control Techniques Drives and Controls Handbook This handbook gives a state-of-the art insight into the technology and techniques of AC and DC motor control, from basic theory through to practical solutions. Hard Cover | 750 pages | 4 lbs. REGULAR $188.00


New Materials & New Technologies Applied to Elevators by Antonio Miravete

Provides a solid discussion of new materials and technologies through the use of text, illustrations, photographs, diagrams and formulas. Hard Cover | 272 pages | 3 lbs.    REGULAR $86.00


Electrical Engineering Pocket Handbook by EASA This booklet was p ­ roduced by the ­Electrical Apparatus Service Association (EASA). This engineering reference guide c­ ontains ­tables, charts and motor data c­ arefully selected for everyday use. Soft Cover | 118 pages | 1 lb. REGULAR $11.50


Handbook of Smoke Control Engineering by John H. Klote; James A. Milke; Paul G. Turnbull; Ahmed Kashef; Michael J. Ferreira This handbook provides authoritative, comprehensive guidance on the latest in smoke control practice, incorporating the most current engineering approaches. The book examines elevator evacuation systems, elevator piston effect and elevator smoke control among other topics. View the Table of Contents at www.elevatorbooks.com. Hard Cover | 484 Pages | 4 lbs. REGULAR $160.00




Elevators 101, 3rd Edition by Zack McCain This book provides a basic overview of elevator systems, equipment and technology. It is a must have for elevator salespersons, new hires or anyone who wants a better understanding of elevator technology. New in this 3rd Edition are updated images, industry terms and definitions as well as updated information on codes, publications and associations within the industry. TOPICS INCLUDE: Common Elevator Terms | Codes & Publications Types of Elevators | Elevator Driving Machines | Control Systems, Operation and Drives | Machines Space & Equipment | Hoistway Equipment | Pit & Equipment including Safeties | Elevator Doors & Gates | Escalator & Moving Walks. Print or PDF, 127 pages, 2 lbs. REGULAR $47.95


Elevator & Escalator Micropedia, 6th Edition by G.C. Barney, D.A. Cooper and J. Inglis The Elevator & Escalator Micropedia is a compendium of useful data providing a handy first reference for information. It comprises three main parts, a glossary of over 2,150 terms, drawings of lift components and tables and formulae. It will be of practical use to designers, field service personnel, installers, engineers, building owners, facility managers, lift operators and researchers. Soft Cover | 1 lb. REGULAR $30.00


Escalator Safety by Fartash Razmjoo and Anthony Andon Among vertical transportation devices, escalators and moving walks accommodate the greatest volume of passengers. Today, it is hard to imagine subway stations, airport terminals, malls and other public buildings without them. This much needed book explores escalator safety in detail by studying different types of real-life accidents and providing information on related safety systems and solutions. This book can be helpful to all who need more information on safety codes for escalators and moving walks. Soft Cover | 120 pages | 2 lbs. REGULAR $47.95


Sam & Samantha – The Mainteneers by George R. Strakosch Sam and Samantha are fictionalized versions of real people. Their stories, which really happened, are a sample of what elevator personnel encounter in the day-to-day task of taking care of elevators. Elevator mainteneers are the front lines of the elevator business. Soft Cover | 64 pages | 1 lb. REGULAR $30.00




ADA & Building Transportation, 4th Edition by Edward A. Donoghue and Brian D. Black

Includes the latest ADA, ABA, FHAA and ICC/ANSI A117.1 regulation and standards for elevators, wheelchair lifts and escalators. Rationale for the requirements, such as explanations, examples, excerpts from the codes, comparison charts and checklists, are also provided. PDF or Print | 188 pages | 3 lbs. REGULAR $70.00


2018 International Building Code Featuring time-tested safety concepts and the very latest industry standards in material design, the 2015 version offers up-to-date, comprehensive insight into the regulations surrounding the design and installation of building systems. 4 lbs. REGULAR $165.00



Market Studies are only available for purchase at elevatorbooks.com FREE 1-year digital subscription to Elevator World with purchase of any statistical report! Please note that all sales are final and no refund is available on statistical products.

The Future of the Elevator & Escalator Market in India to 2021: A Five Year Outlook by Madras Consultancy Group Analysis in this report includes an overview of the industry, demand forecasts, key drivers and trends, new capacity and expansion, trends in the components and maintenance and modernization market, technological aspects, profiles of select major players, important trends and an understanding of the regulatory issues. $1,900.00

The Elevator World 2017 Global Statistics Report: A Comprehensive List of Industry Numbers This statistics report provides broad insight into the international vertical transportation marketplace and an unbiased assessment and overview of the industry, including charts, databases, market projections and market trends for various countries. Focused reports on India, Africa, Saudi Arabia, the U.A.E., China and the United States with special focuses on the Chicago and Mid-Atlantic areas are included. REGULAR $250.00



* Focus on Elevators & Escalators, Canada This report forecasts elevator equipment and related service demand and elevator equipment shipments in nominal US dollars at the manufacturer level in Canada to 2021. Passenger and freight elevator demand and installed based in units is also forecast to 2021. Elevator equipment and services are segmented by type in terms of: passenger and freight elevators, escalators and moving walkways, parts and other equipment, modernization and repair services, and installation services. Total demand is also segmented by market as follows: nonresidential and residential. To illustrate historical trends, total elevator equipment and service demand is provided in annual series from 2006 to 2016; elevator equipment demand and shipments, passenger and freight elevator demand and installed based in units, and the various segments are reported at five-year intervals for 2006, 2011, and 2016. 25 Pages | PDF or Print. $750.00

* Focus on Elevators & Escalators, United States This report forecasts US elevator equipment and related service demand and elevator equipment shipments in US dollars at the manufacturers’ level to 2021. Elevator equipment and services are segmented by type as follows: passenger and freight elevators; escalators and moving walkways; parts and other equipment such as components, controls, and accessories; modernization and repair services; and installation services. Total demand is also segmented by market as follows: nonresidential and residential. To illustrate historical trends, total elevator equipment and service demand, and elevator equipment demand and shipments are provided in annual series from 2006 to 2016; the various segments are reported at five-year intervals for 2006, 2011, and 2016. 24 Pages | PDF or Print. $750.00

* Focus on Elevators & Escalators, Global Market This report forecasts global demand in 2021 for elevator equipment and related services by type, market, and major world region in US dollars at the manufacturers’ level. Elevator equipment and services are segmented by type as follows: passenger and freight elevators; escalators and moving walkways; parts and other equipment such as components, controls, and accessories; modernization and repair services; and installation services. Reported markets encompas nonresidential and residential. Major world regions include North America, Western Europe, Asia/Pacific, and all other regions. To illustrate historical trends, world, type, market, and regional demand (including type and market segments) are provided for 2006, 2011, and 2016. Finally, global shipments are segmented by major world region and provided for 2006, 2011, 2016, and 2021. 33 Pages | PDF or Print. $950.00


Elevator & Escalator Accident Reconstruction & Litigation, 3rd Edition Prepare for any legal action that you may take. The authors have investigated numerous elevator and escalator accidents. Their expertise will guide you as you make your decision to take or reject the cases, and their experience will give you the basic understanding of the issues you need to understand to proceed with confidence. Hard Cover | 426 pages | 2 lbs. REGULAR $102.50




William C. Sturgeon Collection Purchase both for $84.95 and SAVE 25% off regular price! ­More Ups Than Downs: A Memoir by William C. Sturgeon (1917-2012) In this memoir, Elevator World, Inc. founder Bill Sturgeon reflects on his adventurous early careers, service in WWII and successful decades as EW editor. Full of industry history, personalities, anecdotes and photos, this book is a must read for industry members. Hard Cover | 312 Pages | 2 lbs. REGULAR $55.25


Speaking of Issues by William C. Sturgeon A compilation of 45 years of ELEVATOR WORLD editorials by William Sturgeon. He was a founding member of the National Association of Elevator Contractors and several other organizations. Reportage by Editor ­Sturgeon throughout the world greatly shaped ELEVATOR WORLD into a publication serving and read by the international elevator industry. Hard Cover | 675 pages | 3 lbs. REGULAR $57.50


History of the Elevator Collection Purchase both for $80.00 and SAVE $20! A History of the Passenger Elevator in the 19th Century by Lee E. Gray The extensive research that went into this publication takes us from the technological origins of the freight hoists in England and the U.S. to the elevators and skyscrapers of 1880 – 1900. There is no question that anyone involved in the building industry will find this book fascinating and i­nformative, with the engaging ­illustrations as an added bonus. Print or PDF | 336 pages | Over 175 illustrations | 2 lbs. REGULAR $55.00


Lifted: A Cultural History of the Elevator by Andreas Bernard This fascinating book explores how the elevator changed notions of verticality and urban space. Bernard traces how the elevator quickly took hold in large American cities while gaining much slower acceptance in European cities like Paris and Berlin. Combining technological and architectural history with the literary and cinematic, he opens up new ways of looking at the elevator — as a secular confessional when stalled between floors or as a recurring space in which couples fall in love. Lifted takes the reader on a compelling ride through the history of the elevator. Hard Cover | 320 pages | 2 lbs. REGULAR $45.00




One World Trade Center by Judith Dupré This book presents a behind-the-scenes story of the most extraordinary building in the world, from bestselling author, Judith Dupre. In this groundbreaking history, Dupré chronicles the most astonishing architectural project in memory: One World Trade Center. It includes more than seventy interviews with the people most intimately involved, and unprecedented access to the building site, suppliers, and archives. Hard Cover | 285 pages | 3 lbs. Check out a video of Skyscrapers & One World Trade Center:


Elevator Man Stories

REGULAR $35.00


by Jim Collett

The elevator industry has its collection of stories that mechanics and technicians share between themselves and these stories are what make our industry great. The first published book of its kind, Jim Collett has captured his 40 year career while working as an elevator mechanic. Sometimes serious and other times hilarious accounts while working in the trade. Soft Cover | 242 pages | 2 lbs. REGULAR $25.00


Moving People: From Street to Platform — 100 Years Underground Author, Ray Orton; Researcher, Nick Gaw; Book Design, Grey Lipley & John Gale Traces the history and development of the London Underground train network and the escalators that serve it. Author Ray Orton has worked for the London Underground for over 25 years and his enthusiasm for these unique m ­ achines and their environment will engage readers worldwide. Over 70 extraordinary photos! Hard Cover | Coffee-table-sized at 11” x 9-1/2” | 3 lbs REGULAR $57.50



Jallings’ Elevators by John H. Jallings Presenting the development and design of hand, belt, steam, hydraulic and electric elevators, Jallings’ Elevators served as a popular reference during the early 20th century. Starting with the fundamental p ­ rinciples of elevator technology, the book describes mechanical equipment, as well as car and car frames, guide rails and hoist ropes. Hard Cover/Numbered | 420 pages | 2 lbs. REGULAR $80.00


Elevators by Frederick A. Annett Originally published in 1961, when traction ­elevators were prominent, this publication is pertinent today since most of these elevators are candidates for modernization. Elevators provides vital information to anyone ­contemplating modernization or involved in the maintenance of such equipment. Printed by Elevator World, Inc. in its original style. Hard Cover/Numbered | 387 pages | 2 lbs. REGULAR $80.00


Electric Elevators, Books 1 & 2 (Combined) by Fred Hymans Fundamental elevator design and engineering. Originally published in 1931 and 1934. Includes: Electric Traction Elevators and Hoistway Equipment, Electric Elevator Motors, Electric Elevator Operators, Care and Maintenance and detailed descriptions of “AC” and “DC.” Lithocase Hard Cover | 366 pages | 2 lbs. REGULAR $51.75




MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION Elevator World is the premier publication for the international elevator/escalator industry. The 12 monthly issues are loaded with relevant and accurate industry information including elevator/escalator maintenance, education, engineering, legal issues, new technology, safety, history, modernization and much more. Subscribers also receive a FREE Source©, the most complete international elevator/escalator industry directory.




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