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1. Internships are NOT offered during summer session. CTE Admin only start Fall QTR.
2. All internship courses are Pass/Fail.
3. It is recommended that students complete their internship after having completed their first or second sessions, so they will have some coursework to use in the experience.
4. Some programs’ internship courses have prerequisites, so make sure to complete those first. For example: Health & Physical Education require Health Basics before the Health internship.
5. Students are responsible for securing their own internship placement. Make sure to check your program’s internship placement requirements before contacting the site.
6. Early Childhood and Literacy Graduate students do not need to complete an internship verification form because their internships are not at external sites.
7. All programs except Principal Certificate and Early Childhood and Literacy: Should complete the EWU on-line Internship Verification (ewu.edu). Your internship faculty reserves the right to ask you to find a new internship. We have built in the Build Verification form to the Intern form, so your mentor and principal will be notified via email for approval.
8. Principal Certificate Students Only: Complete the Application for Admission to Principal Internship (ewu.edu) and Microsoft Word - District Approval Form - Updated.docx (ewu. edu)
9. Enroll in your internship course on EagleNet.
10. You are not required to resubmit your internship site application and building forms for consecutive internship courses at the same internship site. If you switch internship sites, you must submit a new verification and building form.