85 Unique Biology Research Paper Topics. I need an interesting research topic that deals with biology, I am a college student so something in that level would be nice. There's nothing that comes to mind and I have to give my professor a topic at the end of class.. The Best Biology Research Paper Topics 2019. Does it still have to do with biology?. 100 Science Topics for Research Papers. 539.368.721.0.. Need a biology topic for a research paper. Biology Topics Is marine biology a good topic for a BIOLOGY RESEARCH PAPER. 32 Interesting Biology Research Paper Topics.I am in an high school honors biology class and we were assigned a research paper. I have to come up with a topic A.S.A.P. so I can get started on the research and writing the paper.. If marine biology is to broad , what are some good topics involving marine biology. The paper has to be 4 -5 pages so i need a topic with a lot of info.. Ideas for a biology research pa