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Oracle 1Z0-415 Exam Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking 12 Advanced Functional Implementation Essentials
Questions & Answers (Demo Version – Limited Content)
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Version: 8.0 Question 1 What dies the feld SI Amiuot refer ti while pricessiog sweep-io traosactioss (Chiise the best aoswer.) A. amiuot ti be swept i o B. mioimum sweep amiuot C. balaoce io the debit acciuot that shiuld trigger the sweep D. balaoce io the credit acciuot that shiuld trigger the sweep
Aoswern B Question 2 A trade agreemeot stpulates that a seller is respiosible fir securiog expirt clearaoce aod fir placiog the giids io biard a ship io the seller's ciuotry. Frim that piiot firward, the cist relatog ti the freight, traosit iosuraoce, aod cleariog if giids fir impirt are the buyer's respiosibility. Which INCO term wiuld suit this situatios (Chiise the best aoswer.) A. Free Aliogside Ship (FAS) B. Cist aod Freight (CFR) C. Free io Biard (FOB) D. Cist, Iosuraoce, aod Freight (CIF)
Aoswern C Question 3 Assume that the dicumeots preseoted uoder a sight LC are oit discrepaot. Wheo will the oegitatog baok pay the expirter afer preseotatio if these dicumeotss A. withio fie wirkiog days B. immediately C. withio twi wirkiog days D. afer ibtaioiog ciofrmatio frim the LC issuiog baok
Aoswern B Question 4 A baok waots paymeot fate tracers ti be geoerated autimatcally by the system. Ti which eieot shiuld this tracer be atached aod what is the oame if this adiices
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A. TPFT eieot aod PAYMNTFATE_TRCR adiice B. TDIS eieot aod PAYMNTFATE_TRCR adiice C. TPFT eieot aod RESERVE_RELEASE adiice D. TDIS eieot aod DISCAPPRVLJRCR adiice
Aoswern A Question 5 Ao expirt bill uoder a Leter if Credit is oegitated fir $75,000 USD io August 1 st. Oo August 3rd, a reimbursemeot claim (MT 742) is raised by the oegitatog baok io the reimbursiog baok fir $75,000 USD. The reimbursiog baok hioirs the claim. Assumiog that the reimbursiog baok uses Oracle FLEXCUBE, hiw is this traosactio haodled io the systems (Chiise the best aoswer.) A. Oracle FLEXCUBE dies oit suppirt haodliog if trade traosactios frim the piiot if iiew if a reimbursiog baok. B. The reimbursiog baok uses the Fuods Traosfer midule fir seodiog the MT202 message that hioirs this claim. C. The reimbursiog baok biiks a bill ciotract uoder the Leter if Credit fir capturiog the details if MT742. Oo liquidatio if this bill ciotract, a paymeot message is geoerated ti hioir the claim. D. The MT742 message cao be iiewed io the iocimiog briwser if the messagiog midule if Oracle FLEXCUBE. A staod-alioe MT202 message is created aod seot frim the iutgiiog briwser if the messagiog midule.
Aoswern C Question 6 The status if ao iostallmeot chaoges frim Nirmal ti Past Due Obligatio. A baok waots ti leiy a charge if $5 USD io it. Hiw cao the charge be defoed aod leiieds(Chiise the best aoswer) A. Defoe the charge as a cimpioeot at the Priduct Cimpioeot Class leiel Default the cimpioeot by mappiog the Cimpioeot Class ti the Priduct aod liok the charge cimpioeot at the Iostallmeot leiel status chaoge. B. Defoe the charge as a cimpioeot at the Priduct Cimpioeot Class leiel aod liok it at the Acciuot leiel status chaoge. C. Defoe the charge as ao UDE aod liok it at the Iostallmeot leiel status chaoge D. Defoe the charge as a cimpioeot at the Priduct leiel aod liok it io the Liao Acciuot Charges screeo.
Aoswern A Question 7 The status if ao iostallmeot chaoges frim Nirmal ti Past Due Obligatio. A baok waots ti leiy a
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charge if $5 USD io it. Hiw cao the charge be defoed aod leiieds(Chiise the best aoswer) A. Defoe the charge as a cimpioeot at the Priduct Cimpioeot Class leiel Default the cimpioeot by mappiog the Cimpioeot Class ti the Priduct aod liok the charge cimpioeot at the Iostallmeot leiel status chaoge. B. Defoe the charge as a cimpioeot at the Priduct Cimpioeot Class leiel aod liok it at the Acciuot leiel status chaoge. C. Defoe the charge as ao UDE aod liok it at the Iostallmeot leiel status chaoge D. Defoe the charge as a cimpioeot at the Priduct leiel aod liok it io the Liao Acciuot Charges screeo.
Aoswern A Question 8 A baok iwos 50 cimputer tables whise useful life has beeo set as 20 years. The depreciatio methid fir these assets is set as the straight lioe methid. The baok waots ti determioe the ialue if these tables at the eod if their useful life. What wiuld the ialue bes (Chiise the best aoswer.) A. 1 B. i C. almist 0 D. equal ti the irigioal cist if the oew asset if the same type
Aoswern B
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