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ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCT DECLARATION Polyurethane (PU) Boards: Mineral fleece facing R=5

Av. E. Van Nieuwenhuyse 6 • B-1160 Brussels • www.pu-europe.eu • secretariat@pu-europe.eu

Creation date: 11/29/2010

Version: Facing mineral fleece R5

The purpose of this document is to assist the specifier in assessing the overall impact of Polyurethane insulation boards. The product group "polyurethane insulation boards" includes all kind of polyurethane insulation board products for trade. The data presented here after cannot provide a complete picture of the performance over its lifetime as this is dependent on many factors specific to the installation such as the use in the buildings expected lifetime. The data for different polyurethane boards are therefore not directly comparable in each application. Specific data on the proposed service life must be obtained from the polyurethane insulation board supplier for each application. This will then allow comparisons to be made at the building level. Guidance on this is given in section 3.1.

The declared unit for the insulation is 1 m² of PU insulation board material Brand name with a thickness of 14 cm (always including facing in case of flex boards, without in case of board stock), a declared thermal conductivity of 0.028 W/m.K, a overall density of 32 kg/m³ and This provides a thermal resistance R = 5 m² K/W.

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The LCI data used in this report is the weighted average of the data supplied by the individual members of PU Europe, who manufacture products meeting this specification. The product is manufactured in accordance to EN 13165 for markets.line rg product certification

This life cycle assessment for the production of polyurethane insulation board considers the life cycle from the supply of raw materials to the manufacturing gate (cradle to gate). It also includes end of life of the used Polyurethane Insulation board. The life cycle is split into following individual phases:

• • • • • • • •

Raw material formulation (facing and foam materials) Raw material transport Packaging material including its disposal Production of the polyurethane insulation board (energy demands, emissions, waste, auxiliaries etc.) Transport gate to construction site Installation and product cuttings Transport of used product from building site to waste management site End of Life: waste management (option: landfill or thermal recovery)

Creation date: 11/29/2010

Version: Facing mineral fleece R5

All material flows going into the system on the input side, which contribute more than 1 % to the total mass or more than 1 % to the primary energy demand, were considered. All material flows, which exit the system on the output side and which contribute more than 1 % to the total of the considered impacts, are included.

The foreground data (production of insulation board) for this life cycle assessment are based on the data acquisitions of BRE and Federation of European Rigid Polyurethane Foam Associations (PU Europe) of the year 2006. In order to model the life cycle for the production of PU insulation boards, the GaBi 4 software system was used /GaBi 4/. All relevant background data necessary for the production and its treatment were taken from the GaBi 4 software.

All data used are less than seven years old.

There are no allocations in foreground data sets. Allocation within background data are according to documentation of /GaBi 4/

This EPD conform environmental information sheet is a summary of the LCA study made for PU Europe.

The following results are split up into energy consumption, waste and environmental impact categories.

Table 1 shows the primary energy consumption for the life cycle of 1 m² PU insulation board installed, which has a mass of 4.78kg. The non renewable energy demand used during the life cycle is shown in figure 1 below. The renewable energy demand is shown in figure 2.

Creation date: 11/29/2010

Version: Facing mineral fleece R5

Table 1: primary energy use of the life cycle of 1 m² installed PU - insulation board

Figure 1: Breakdown of the use of non-renewable primary energy for the production of 1 m2 PU insulation board in MJ

Creation date: 11/29/2010

Version: Facing mineral fleece R5

Figure 2: Breakdown for the use of renewable energy for the Life Cycle of 1 m² PU insulation board in MJ

The analysis of the waste produced during the life cycle is shown for four types of waste: mine spoils (deposited), non hazardous waste (deposite), hazardous waste and radioactive waste. Waste includes both the materials directly reported as disposed off and those that occur in the prechain of material production. Radioactive waste is not directly generated by the processes carried out by the production of the insulation board. All such wastes arise from the background data such as power supply. Hazardous waste is basically caused by the upstream and downstream processes.

Creation date: 11/29/2010

Version: Facing mineral fleece R5

Table 2: Waste generated during the production, installation and the end of life of 4.78kg/m² with R= 5 m²*K/W installed PU insulation board [kg]

Table 3 shows the contribution of the life cycle of 1 m² installed PU insulation board to the following impact categories which are according to requirements of /pr EN 15804:2008/: Acidification Potential: The potential to cause for example acid rain. It is usually related to emissions of SO2 but also includes other acid gases. The SO2 emissions are normally related to combustion processes especially involving coal and crude oil. Eutrophication Potential: The increase of the nutrient level of water and soil caused by the addition of phosphates or equivalent. Eutrophication can cause for example algal blooms. Global Warming Potential: Relates to emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and chloro fluoro carbons (CFC) and other green house gases. Directly related to the energy used in the manufacturing and use processes. Ozone Layer Depletion Potential: Reduction of the ozone concentration in the upper atmosphere usually caused by release of CFCs. Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential: The potential to cause higher ozone concentration in the air on ground level, mainly caused by emissions of hydrocarbon and some other VOCs.

Creation date: 11/29/2010

Version: Facing mineral fleece R5

Table 3: Overview environmental impacts caused during production, installation and end of life of 1 m² installed PU insulation board

This report was verified by Oliver Loebel (PU Europe). Contact address: Av. E. Van Nieuwenhuyse 6, 1160 Brussels (Belgium) Phone: +32 2 676 72 71 E-mail: secretariat@pu-europe.eu

Date: 10.12.2010


/GaBi 4/

Gabi 4 Software and Database for Life Cycle Assessment. LBP, University Stuttgart and PE INTERNATIONAL GmbH; Leinfelden-Echterdingen 2006 GaBi documentation (web link) /BRE and PU Europe/Data acquisiton and additional information of PU Europe members; 2006 /pr EN 15804:2008/

Sustainability of construction works - Environmental product declarations Product category rules

Creation date: 11/29/2010

Version: Facing mineral fleece R5

The average Polyurethane Insulation board for this study consists of the Polyurethane foam and a surface layer (facing). The Polyurethane foam consists of: Aromatic Polyester Polyol Polyether Polyol Pentane MDI Water Surfactants Catalysts HFC TEP TCPP Foam igredients in total: 1

0.27 0 0.045 0.63 0.003 0.009 0.008 0 0 0.035

parts/unit in formulation parts/unit in formulation parts/unit in formulation parts/unit in formulation parts/unit in formulation parts/unit in formulation parts/unit in formulation parts/unit in formulation parts/unit in formulation parts/unit in formulation

The facing consists of: PVDC Bitumen CaCO3 Aluminium Lacquer Glass Fibre Hydroxyl Ethyl Cellulose Urea Formaldehyde Glue Paper LDPE PPE SBR PET Gypsum Fibreboard Facing ingredients in total: 0.3

0 0 0.25 0 0 0.04 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

parts/unit in facing formulation parts/unit in facing formulation parts/unit in facing formulation parts/unit in facing formulation parts/unit in facing formulation parts/unit in facing formulation parts/unit in facing formulation parts/unit in facing formulation parts/unit in facing formulation parts/unit in facing formulation parts/unit in facing formulation parts/unit in facing formulation parts/unit in facing formulation parts/unit in facing formulation parts/unit in facing formulation

The transportation of the raw materials to the production site is considered to be a truck transport. The truck is modeled as a 34 to 40 t truck with 27 t payload and a capacity utilisation assumed with 30 rather 50 %. The transport distance for raw materials is 500 km . During the production of the insulation board the recipes for the foam and the layer are calculated individually and after that the two elements get connected. The energy demand for the whole process of polyurethane board production is considered. The energy demand of the production is 0 MJ of thermal energy from natural gas, 7.2 MJ of electric power, 0 MJ energy from light fuel oil and 2.98 MJ thermal energy from light fuel oil.

Creation date: 11/29/2010

Version: Facing mineral fleece R5

Water consumption [l/m2]:

As the thickness of the PU insulation boards do not differ significantly, fix values are assumed: The packaging consists of 0.04914 kg Polyethylene film, 0 kg wooden pallets, 0 kg EPS blocks and 0 kg PU blocks per m² insulation board. These packaging materials are balanced as incinerated after use.

The transportation from the production gate to the construction site and from the user to the EoL is considered to be a truck with 12 - 14 t with 9,3 t payload. The transport distances from the production gate to the construction site are split up in distances up to 500 km (0 %), 500 to 1000 km (0 %) and 1000 to 2000 km (0 %). The transport distance from the construction site to the waste management site is 100 km.

The calculation of the process "building construction" includes the definition of the functional unit and a rate of cuttings = construction waste produced. In this calculation a lambda of 0.028 W/m.k, a density of 32 kg/m³ and a R-value of 5 m²*K/W are considered. The PU-offcuts are considered to be incinerated or landfilled.

The use phase is not considered in this model. For system comparisons the use phase has to be calculated (service life, efforts for maintenance etc).

The end of life phase is considered to be an incineration with thermal recovery or landfill. The thermal treatment of foam and facings by incineration creates power and steam credits.

Creation date: 11/29/2010

Life cycle stage 01 Insulation board production

Version: Facing mineral fleece R5

Plan Process Recipe Facing RER: Aluminium secondary RER: Aluminum sheet

Recipe Polyurethan

Note adapted to European boundary conditions adapted to European boundary conditions

EU-25: Power grid mix RER: Aluminum sheet mix primary EU-25: Steam from natural gas 94% adapted to European boundary efficiency conditions EU-25: Kraftliner (paper) RER: Acrylic resin (solvent system) adapted to European boundary conditions RER: Butyl glycol adapted to European boundary conditions adapted to European boundary RER: Water deionized conditions RER: Xylol mix adapted to European boundary conditions RER: Diphenylmethane-4.4 diisocyanate (MDI) RER: Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) adapted to European boundary filler conditions adapted to European boundary RER: Glass fibre mesh conditions adapted to European boundary RER: Gypsum fibre board conditions RER: Glue system UF adapted to European boundary conditions RER: Methyl cellulose (MC) adapted to European boundary conditions RER: Polyvinylidenchloride (PVDC) adapted to European boundary Film conditions adapted to European boundary RER: Styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) conditions EU-15: Bitumen at refinery EU-15: Diesel GLO: Truck-trailer > 34 - 40 t total cap. / 27 t payload / Euro 3 RER: Commercial waste in municipal waste incinerator RER: Landfill (Commercial waste for municipal disposal) RER: Polyester material (PET) RER: Polyethylene film (PE-LD) RER: Polyphenylenether (PPE) RER: TPU glue RER: Waste water treatment (organic and inorganic burden) RER: Methylamin KP Di-, Trimethylamin

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Version: Facing mineral fleece R5

foam adapted to European boundary conditions RER: 1,1-Difluorethane (HCF 152a) adapted to European boundary conditions RER: Methylene diisocyanate (MDI) adapted to European boundary conditions RER: Tris(2-chloroadapted to European boundary isopropyl)phosphate conditions adapted to European boundary RER: Water deionized conditions EU-15: Diesel at refinery EU-15: Fuel oil heavy at refinery EU-25: Power grid mix EU-25: Steam from natural gas 94% efficiency GLO: Rail transport cargo GLO: Truck-trailer > 34 - 40 t total cap. / 27 t payload / Euro 3 RER: Commercial waste in municipal waste incinerator RER: Landfill (Commercial waste for municipal disposal) RER: Pentane RER: Aromatic Polyester Polyol (APP) (European average, without flame retardant) RER: Polyether polyol RER: t-Butylphenyl Diphenyl Phosphat RER: Waste water treatment (contains organic and inorganic load) Production of RER: Thermal energy from propane adapted to European boundary PU board conditions EU-25: Power grid mix EU-25: Steam from natural gas 94% efficiency EU-25: Thermal energy from light fuel oil EU-25: Thermal energy from natural gas RER: Commercial waste in municipal waste incinerator RER: Landfill (Commercial waste for municipal disposal) RER: Power from hydro power RER: Power from wind power RER: Waste water treatment (inorganic and organic burden) 02 Packaging RER: Corrugated board (t92) RER: Polyethylene film (PE-LD) 03 Transport to user EU-15: Diesel GLO: Truck 12-14 t total cap. / 9,3 t payload / Euro 3 04 Incineration of RER: Paper / Cardboard in municipal adapted to European boundary waste incinerator packaging conditions RER: Silicon

Creation date: 11/29/2010

04 Incineration cuttings

End of Life_facing cuttings

End of Life_foam cuttings

RER: Steam from natural gas 94% efficiency EU-25: Power grid mix RER: Polyethylene (PE) in municipal waste incinerator RER: Polyethylene (PE) in municipal waste incinerator

adapted to European boundary conditions

RER: Polypropylene (PP) in municipal waste incinerator RER: Polystyrene (PS) in municipal waste incinerator RER: Polyurethane (PU) in municipal waste incinerator RER: Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) in municipal waste incinerator RER: Incineration (Aluminium film; dry process) RER: Paper / Cardboard in municipal waste incinerator RER: Steam from natural gas 94% efficiency EU-25: Power grid mix RER: Commercial waste in municipal waste incinerator RER: Incineration PVDC (dry process) RER: Steam from natural gas 94% efficiency

adapted to European boundary conditions adapted to European boundary conditions adapted to European boundary conditions

adapted to European boundary conditions

adapted to European boundary conditions adapted to European boundary conditions adapted to European boundary conditions

adapted to European boundary conditions

EU-25: Power grid mix RER: Incineration_foam+CO2 RER: Incineration_foam+HFC RER: Incineration_foam+pentane RER: Landfill (Commercial waste for municipal disposal) EU-15: Diesel at refinery

06 Transport to end of life 07 End of life

Version: Facing mineral fleece R5

End of Life_facing

GLO: Truck 12-14 t total cap. / 9,3 t payload / Euro 3 RER: Polyethylene (PE) in municipal waste incinerator RER: Polypropylene (PP) in municipal waste incinerator RER: Polystyrene (PS) in municipal waste incinerator RER: Polyurethane (PU) in municipal waste incinerator RER: Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) in municipal waste incinerator RER: Incineration (Aluminium film; dry process) RER: Paper / Cardboard in municipal waste incinerator RER: Steam from natural gas 94% efficiency EU-25: Power grid mix

adapted to European boundary conditions adapted to European boundary conditions adapted to European boundary conditions adapted to European boundary conditions adapted to European boundary conditions adapted to European boundary conditions adapted to European boundary conditions

Creation date: 11/29/2010

Version: Facing mineral fleece R5

End of Life_foam

RER: Commercial waste in municipal waste incinerator RER: Incineration PVDC (dry process) RER: Steam from natural gas 94% adapted to European boundary efficiency conditions EU-25 Power grid mix RER: Incineration_foam+CO2 RER: Incineration_foam+HFC RER: Incineration_foam+pentane RER: Landfill (Commercial waste for municipal disposal)

The datasets above without linked documentation are shorly described subsequent. They are not part of the standard delivery datasets. Dataset EU-25: Kraftliner (paper) RER: Acrylic resin (solvent system)

Documentation FEFCO 2006: European Database for Corrugated Board Life Cycle Studies 2006 Technical description: Acrylic resins are now important binders in automotive finishes and topcoats, and have replaced alkyd resins in many cases. Polyacrylates as binders consist of co-monomers or copolymers of acrylate and methacrylate esters. Other unsaturated monomers like styrene may also be incorporated. Acid-base properties can be adjusted by incorporating acrylic acid. Acrylic resins are then obtained by adding hydroxyl groups. The main energies being used in the process are thermal energy from natural gas and steam from fuel oil. Data source(s): industrial data

RER: Butyl glycol

Technical description: Butyl glycol is widely used in solvent-containing paint systems to improve the flow and surface quality of coatings. Butyl glycol is a derivative of Monoethylene Glycol. It is produced by reaction of ethylene oxide with butanol. The main energy being used in the process is steam from natural gas. Data source(s): industrial data

RER: Xylol mix

Technical description: Xylol is used as solvent, gasoline component and in extraction and chemical processing. Xylol can be obtained by separating xylol mixtures from pyrolysis gasoline. The yield of pyrolysis gasoline produced by steam cracking and its xylol content is decisively affected by the raw materials used, and by the mode of operation of the plant. The main energies being used in the process are power grid mix and steam from fuel oil. Data source(s): industrial data

DE: Glue system UF

The UF glue system consists of 52% urea and 42% formaldehyde (37% water

Creation date: 11/29/2010

RER: Methyl cellulose (MC)

Version: Facing mineral fleece R5

content). Energy effort within production is addressed: consumption of power from DE power grid mix. Documentation links: DE: Urea (stamicarbon process) DE: Formaldehyde (HCHO; 37%) Technical description: Methyl cellulose is used in the production of papers and textiles. Pure MC is produced from alkali cellulose by a reaction with gaseous or liquid methyl chloride. In side reactions the methyl chloride is hydrolyzed to form methanol, and subsequently the methanol is etherified by methyl chloride, forming dimethyl ether. The main energies being used in the process are power grid mix, thermal energy from fuel oil and steam from natural gas. Data source(s): industrial data

RER: Polyvinylidenchloride (PVDC) Film DE: TPU glue

DE: Methylamin KP Di-, Trimethylamin RER: 1,1-Difluorethane (HCF 152a) RER: Tris(2-chloroisopropyl)phosphate RER: Aromatic Polyester Polyol (APP) (European average, without flame retardant)

RER: t-Butylphenyl Diphenyl Phosphat RER: Thermal energy from propane Specific incineration processes

Main ingredients within PVDC are vinyliden dichloride (90 mass-%) and acetyl tributyl citrate (10 mass-%). The dataset is an expert judgement. Data source: ULLMANN´S. TPU glue consists of one third polyether polyol and two third MDI. The energy effort during production is addressed: consumption of power from DE power grid mix. Documentation links of main processes are already pointed in table above. Data source: ULLMANN´S. Methylamine is synthesized from methanol and ammonia. DE: Methanol (from natural gas) DE: Ammonia Data source: ULLMANN´S. Documentation receivable Documentation receivable The data set covers all relevant process steps / technologies over the supply chain with a good overall data quality. Primary production data for the APP production comes from four different suppliers in Europe. Fuel and energy inputs in the system reflect the European conditions, site specific to the extent possible. The considered participants cover 75-85 % of a total market of more than 100,000 t, so the technological coverage is understood as representative (PU Europe). Documentation receivable Combustion of propane to generate thermal energy. Net calorific value of propane: 46,4 MJ. Datasets are generated on base of specific elementary analysis of materials. Standard incineration for municipal solid waste with dry flue gas treatment is taken into account. See general description in documentation: RER: Commercial waste in municipal waste incinerator

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