Carlisle and Eden
Guide to services Working with and for older people in Carlisle and Eden
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
About Age UK Carlisle and Eden
Age UK Carlisle and Eden is one of over 165 organisations in the UK, working independently but supported and represented nationally by Age UK. We work with volunteers to promote the wellbeing of older people and to help make later life a fulfilling and enjoyable experience. Our volunteers Our volunteers, who offer a great variety of skills, come from all age groups and have a desire to help older people. As well as giving time and commitment to improving the quality of life of others, they also derive a lot of pleasure from contributing positively to their local community. Mission Statement Age UK Carlisle and Eden seeks to promote the contributions older people make to society and to promote their interests, by working with and for older people in Carlisle and Eden to help make later life a fulfilling and enjoyable experience. Where are we? Our main Resource Centre is based in Sandgate, Penrith and is open Monday to Friday from 9.30am - 12.30pm and 1.00pm - 4.00pm. Outside office hours we can be contacted via our 24 hour answerphone. We also have bases in Carlisle and Appleby.
Contact details Resource Centre, Penrith t. 01768 863 618 Shopmobility, Penrith t. 01768 895 438 Carlisle Office t. 01228 536 673 Appleby Office (Riverside Building) t. 01768 354 918 e. Chief Executive - Angela Murray
Information & advice .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Introduction to information and advice
Age UK Carlisle and Eden offers a free confidential service to those who require information and advice. We can assist you with applications for various benefits - including Attendance Allowance. Appointments can be made to visit one of our offices but in some cases we may be able to offer a home visit. We have a very experienced team of advisors. Due to our expertise, we have been awarded the Advice Quality Standard Mark for general help with casework. Pension Service There have been many changes within the Pension Service in recent years. We are working closely in partnership with the Pension Service and are happy to help with any queries. A development of our Information and Advice service was the obtaining of Alternative Office status from the Pension Service. This involves alternative offices being authorised by the secretary of state for work and pensions to receive and verify social security claims made by older people (over 60). We also enable clients to make face-to-face claims and have documents verified without having to post them. The benefit claim can then go straight to DWP without the need for further verification.
Contact us For further information on this service please contact our Resource Centre at Penrith or our Carlisle Office. Resource Centre Sandgate Penrith CA11 7TP t. 01768 863 618 e. Carlisle Office 20 Spencer Street Carlisle CA1 1BG t. 01228 536 673 e.
Our Services .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Home Visiting
Lowthwaite Lodge We offer accessible self-catering breaks at our lodge in the Lake District for carers, staff and volunteers in caring professions. Lowthwaite Lodge has magnificent views, is fully accessible and is well-equipped with many amenities. Getting around - Eden Shopmobility We provide battery powered scooters and manual wheelchairs at a very reasonable rate. - Brampton Dial-a-Ride Volunteers can give lifts into Brampton on a Wednesday morning. Home & care - Day Care We run day centres throughout the region. - Community Home Day Care Volunteer hosts in rural locations hold day sessions in their homes. - Homeshare A new project for older people to have a homesharer to assist with day-to-day tasks.
Health & wellbeing - Memory Lane CafĂŠ Come to our monthly get-together for people affected by memory problems. - Toenail cutting services We have a list of reliable toenail cutting providers. - Age UK Cancer Support Project Age UKs in Cumbria are helping those affected by cancer by setting up various support groups. Other services - Winter warmth We can loan electric heaters and organise electric blanket testing. - Products & services The Age UK Group offers a range of services for the over 50s, including insurance and legal services. - Room hire - Appleby Hire rooms in the Riverside Building in Appleby for meetings, group sessions or individual appointments. - Coach hire We have a 15 seat coach available for hire in Penrith.
Activities & events .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Active ageing Active ageing means just that - participating in activities and hobbies to stay active in body and mind. Age UK Carlisle and Eden supports active ageing with activities such as Tai Chi and Walking for Health, and we can signpost you to local activities and groups. Keeping active - activities Encouraging people to stay fit and active, to maintain their health and enjoy the best possible quality of life is an important element of our work. We offer a range of activities including Walking for Health, Exercise to Music, Tai Chi and monthly tea dances. Contact us Telephone our Carlisle office on 01228 536 673, email or visit the office at 20 Spencer Street, Carlisle, CA11 1BG. Opening hours are 9.30am - 4.00pm, Monday to Friday.
Lunch Clubs Age UK Carlise and Eden runs 9 lunch clubs throughout the region. Our clubs offer a delicious 2 course meal and a chance to socialise with new people. Have a look at the details below to see if we run a club near you. Carlisle Dalston Kirkby Stephen Langwathby Morland Penrith Shap Tebay To find out more on our lunch clubs or you are interested in volunteering to assist our lunch clubs then please contact us.
Supporting your independence at home Eden Independent Living provides a wide range of care, support and practical help under one umbrella. Whatever your age or disability, our wide range of support services give you help and reassurance to continue enjoying your independent life in Eden. Our one-stop-shop approach is designed to make LW HDVLHU IRU \RX WR ÂżQG WKH KHOS \RX QHHG WR VWD\ independent in your own home. z Care Alarms z Independent Living Reviews z 24hr Emergency Response z Home Care z Practical and Social Support z Handy Person Service z Gardening Service Flexible packages and tailor made services to suit you. Peace of mind for you and your family.
Call us on
0800 038 3161 (free from landline) or 01768 861468
It’s what we do every day When choosing a care home for yourself or a loved one you want to know that it is a safe and warm place to live and that the care offered is tailored to your individual needs. The highly motivated team of nurses and carers in our Carlisle homes offer round the clock specialist nursing, residential, dementia and young physically disabled persons care. Respite visits can be organised to give family carers a much needed break – this is a great way to make new friends while being cared for in a cosy warm Home. All of our rooms are modern, fully furnished and have a real home from home feel. Our full time activities coordinators arrange creative and stimulating events, exercise and outings that are fun and entertaining and enjoyed by everyone.
Contact us directly using the details below, or for further information please visit Blackwell Vale Care Home Durdar Road, Blackwell, Carlisle, Cumbria CA2 4SE T: 01228 512456 F: 01228 810994 E: Dene Grange Care Home Dene Road, Hexham, Northumberland NE46 1HW T: 01434 603357 F: 01434 608865 E: Elm Bank (North East) Care Home Dene Road, Hexham, Northumberland NE46 1HW T: 01434 606767 F: 01434 607010 E: Pennine Lodge Care Home Pennine Way, Harraby, Carlisle, Cumbria CA1 3QD T: 01228 515658 F: 01228 512541 E: Riverside Court Care Home Salmoor Way, 31 Irish Street, Maryport CA15 8AZ T: 01900 815323 F: 01900 815033 E:
That's looking very good thanks. C the delivery service line, and change to "Managed weekly medication pac of getting it to fit without going to t the gist across! Also I'd like the me last/only independent pharmacy in t important to us, and is our identity Homelife carlisle, a Home Improvement Agency provided by Carlisle City Council, is located within the Council’s Housing Services. The agency has been providing help with major adaptations to people’s homes through Disabled Facilities Grants for a number of years. Last year it was accredited by Foundations, the National body for Home Improvement Agencies, and has developed a wider range of help available to keep people independent at home.
I struggled to get something into it stock things other pharmacies don' things that others can't obtain due you have any ideas towillconvey t They have a handyperson for which they charge and for a reasonable hourly how rate they carry out most jobs around the home. You can makedozen them a listwords and you will charged by the oronly soget then that would hour.
homelife can also help to get your garden tidy; they can provide someone for either one off jobs or as a regular service. 'UDXJKWV DUH D PDMRU FDXVH RI KHDW ORVV DQG WKH +DQG\SHUVRQ VHUYLFH FDQ DOVR ¿W VLPSOH WKLQJV like excluders around your doors and windows. ,I \RX DUH ¿QGLQJ LW GLI¿FXOW WR XVH WKH EDWKURRP RU \RXU VWDLUV DQG QHHG VRPH DGYLFH DQG KHOS to adapt your home, they have over 20 years experience providing equipment like stairlifts, level DFFHVV VKRZHUV DQG JURXQG ÀRRU H[WHQVLRQV 6RPHWLPHV LW FDQ EH GLI¿FXOW WR ¿QG D WUXVWZRUWK\ EXLOGHU WR GR UHSDLUV WR \RXU KRPH KRPHOLIH will get the quotes for you from contractors, who have been checked out, as well as helping you through the process; from deciding what needs doing to making sure the job has been done correctly. Robert Cornwall, manager of homelife carlisle, when asked about the service, said that helping WR NHHS SHRSOH ZDUP VDIH DQG ZHOO ZDV D NH\ WR WKH VHUYLFH 2IWHQ LW ZDV GLI¿FXOW WR JHW MREV GRQH DURXQG WKH KRPH DQG ZKHQ WKLQJV OLNH ERLOHUV RU KHDWLQJ EUHDN GRZQ GLI¿FXOW WR ¿QG KHOS WR JHW WKHP ¿[HG He said that the agency had been helping older people with adapting and making repairs to their home over many years. He said they understood that often family members and carers need to be fully involved. Being based at the City Council they also had access to the wide range of other services provided by the Council as well as close contact with other services and agencies. He also said that sometimes there were grants also available to help with the costs of the work. Sometimes people may need advice when they need to move to a more suitable property and that the agency was well placed to help ensure that people understood all of their options so they could reach a decision that was right for them.
You can contact homelife carlisle on 01228 817111 or by email at
Sawyer’s Pharmacy 31 - 33 Fisher Street, Carlisle, CA3 8RF TEL/FAX 01228 521816
Free Delivery Service Managed weekly medication packs Prescriptions Collected at all surgeries in Carlisle area Expert advice Full range of NHS services offered We are the only independent Pharmacy in the area. You will not find a more diverse stocklist
Properties Available Now Carlisle and Whitehaven areas Sheltered accommodation Care call system Secure door entry system Centrally located close to shops and transport links Regular social activities Over 55’s only
Contact: Two Castles Housing Association, 3 Castle St, Carlisle, CA3 8SY,
T: 0800 085 1171 E:
HALLMARK HOTEL CARLISLE The perfect venue for every occasion
Quote “Age UK” at time of enquiry to receive the best rates For enquiries please call us on 01228 531 951 Email or view at
Concerned about care fees? Do you worry about running out of money? t t t
25% of self-funding residents run out of money Would you be able to stay in the same home if that happened to you? Would you like to ensure you have an inheritance to pass on?
To avoid the stress of care fees concerns and to ensure you have an inheritance to pass on, speak to us today. We are qualified to give advice in this highly specialised area and have 25+ years’ experience. Let us help protect your assets and give you peace of mind.
Home visits available Call David on: 01228 406397 or email: Jardine Finan is the trading name of Jardine Finan Ltd who is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (506138). Registered in England and Wales company number 06966976
Domiciliary Care Services We have a team of carers who work in Carlisle and the surrounding areas to provide you with the support you may need to live independently within your home. 24 Hour Live In Care We also provide a live in care service throughout the Country. With a network of regional managers who are mainly registered nurses, we can ensure a local, high quality service delivered within your own home. Residential and Day Care Services We also can provide residential care on a short term respite basis or a longer term if required at our home in Silloth with various different services provided here.
For further information on any of these services please call 01228 594153.
Beacon Homecare Service Ltd
Quality Care in Eden
A l l y o ur p e r so n a l ne e ds c a t e re d fo r in y o ur o w n ho me b y sy mp at h et i c , ca r i n g a n d q u a l i f i e d st a ff. A ssist a nc e a va ila b le is a s fo llo w s:
Holmeleigh William Street Penrith
H e l p w i t h g e tting up in the mo rning M e a l pr e pa r a tio n H e l p g e t t i ng up / g o ing to be d H e l p w i t h ba thing Sho ppi ng / g e tting pe ns io n H e l p w i t h me dic a tio n H o use cl e a ning
Se t t ing t h e h i g h es t st a nda rd s o f c are a nd c o mfo r t f o r t h e e lde rly, o r t h o s e w i t h phy sic a l di s abi l i t i es
Telephone: 01768 840086
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Keep Warm • Keep Well • Keep Safe homelife carlisle is a home improvement agency provided by Carlisle City Council for the residents of Carlisle. We provide a range of services to improve homes and help people remain independent at home for as long as possible. • • • • • • • •
Handyperson Services - minor repairs and odd jobs Gardening service Draughtproofing service Help keeping independent, including adapting your home Help with heating, including boiler repairs and replacement Advice on housing options when you need to move Support and advice on home repairs and renovation Grants available*
Contact us on 01228 817111 *Subject to availability and eligibility
Worried about the future? Do you need advice for yourself or someone you care for? We can assist you with: • Wills • Powers of Attorney • Court of Protection • Care home fee worries • Family matters
• • • • •
Probate Help when someone dies House sales House purchases Equity release
FOR A FREE HALF HOUR ADVICE SESSION WITH ONE OF OUR QUALIFIED LAWYERS Contact us PENRITH 01768 865551 40 King Street Penrith CA11 7AY CARLISLE 01228 531054 3 Devonshire Street Carlisle CA3 8LG KESWICK 017687 74321 32 St John’s Street Keswick CA12 5AS HOME VISITS CAN BE ARRANGED
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Another quality publication by Excell Media group.
A: The Barn at West Winds, Bank Lane, Warton, Preston, PR4 1AT E: T: 08450 707040 F: 01772 851490
Contact Us .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Head Office (Penrith) Age UK Carlisle and Eden Resource Centre Sandgate Penrith CA11 7TP t. 01768 863 618 f. 01768 863 792 e. Carlisle Office Age UK Carlisle and Eden 20 Spencer Street Carlisle CA1 1BG t. 01228 536 673 f. 01228 633 330 e. Our offices are open from 9.30am to 4.00pm Monday - Friday.
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Download a QR reading App from your Mobile device/Tablet to scan the above Although we would like to thank all of the sponsors within this folder for their support, neither Age UK Carlisle & Eden or Excell Media Ltd can recommend or endorse any services or products that they may supply. Age UK Carlisle & Eden registered charity number 1128565. Company Registration Number 927574784.