NET ZERO 2050??? TODAY!!!
Spending more time and money claiming to be “green” through advertising and marketing rather than actually implementing business practices that minimize environmental impact.
Being labelled a GREENWASHER is a serious risk to a company’s image.
Propensity for methane in landfill by waste characteristic
• Methane weight: .6559 kg / m3
• GWP methane: 84x more potent than CO2 (over first 20 years).
Fact: food waste is on average 80% water. Solution: rapidly dehydrate on-site
• Complete soil (plant) nutrition can be produced through a vermiculture process. Dehydrated organic wastes are split for use as the following:
• 10 lb. worm vessel will produce enough nutrients to feed an Eco-Modular Farm. (5 lbs./day).
• 30 lbs. of dehydrated organic waste will produce 210,000 btu’s of usable thermal energy for heating.
• Exhaust stream from 210,000 btu’s per day will provide enough CO2 to reach 1,200 ppm CO2 in the modular farm.
Even biosolids can be rapidly dehydrated and upcycled to clean energy.
▪ Science-based methodology for calculating down-stream Scope 3 carbon emission reductions.
▪ Carbon reductions associated with Eco-Growth Environmental technologies have been 3rd party validated as “highquality” and have been accepted for inclusion on the blockchain. See for more information concerning carbon accounting methodologies..
▪ Question: how does it work?
1. Adopter (purchaser) of Eco-Growth technologies registers installation with the Registry.
2. Adopter (purchaser) of Eco-Growth technologies is provided methodology to track waste volumes diverted from landfill.
3. Adopter (purchaser) of Eco-Growth technologies report annual volumes to 3rd party validator (vetted by – 3rd party validator verifies Scope 3 carbon reduction to
4. enters you carbon reductions on the blockchain and serializes for sale in the Voluntary Carbon Market.
5. When serialized carbon reductions are sold (demand comes from companies with net-zero commitments) 80% of the proceeds are directed to the Adopter (purchaser) of Eco-Growth technologies. 20% remains with to support the non-profit Registry.
▪ Question: how much are the carbon reductions (credits) worth?
1. As more and more companies commit to net-zero emissions the demand for high-quality carbon reductions (offsets) is set to soar. Actual market prices are a function of quality of carbon reduction and supply and demand forces and therefore are volatile.