To meet our Paris Climate commitments, we cannot afford to overlook anything! Net-Zero by 2030 What does it mean?
Turn your Supply Chain into a Profit Center
BillionCO2Challenge: a blockchain protected ledger that records Scope 3 carbon emissions on a case-bycase basis. 1. Innovators submit a “White Paper” to a participating post-secondary institute who verifies GHG reduction assertions. 2. Adopters of the innovative technology create a “Project” within the BillionCO2Challenge website. 3. Annual carbon reduction obtained through use of the innovation is authenticated by Net-Zero Analytics, a third part consulting group. 4. Carbon reduction is recorded on the BillionCO2Challenge ledger and 1 Pericoin is issued for each 1 pound of authenticated reduced Scope 3 carbon reduction.
Executive Mat Service is the world’s first authenticated low-carbon floor mat service provider. Switching your floor mat service from a high-carbon supplier qualifies for inclusion on the BillionCO2Challenge ledger and minting of new Pericoin.
Optimize your floor matting program! SAFER CLEANER GREENER CDF Weather-StopperTM 90% less carbon associated with cleaning 60% less embodied carbon 50% less carbon associated with delivery
Wiper Towel Recycle Service
1. 2.
Thermal desorption technology cracks solvent-water emulsions captured by the towels allowing for complete liquids recover. Cloth towels are laundered after liquids recovery process and returned for reuse.
Available in: 24” 36” and 48”
green thumb dust mop The Biomop is an electrostatically charged mop that draws and locks in dust and dirt for green inspired cleaning programs. Independent testing shows that the Biomop sheet is twice as efficient as the leading brand sweeper sheet. Regular dusting improves indoor air quality and when the Biomop is used correctly, it can reduce cross-contamination in health care institutions because a “one-sheet-perroom” policy is easily implemented. Unlike the leading brand sweeper sheets, the Biomop is an environmentally friendly product that is compatible with the Green Thumb Initiative program. The Biomop is an environmentally responsible “dry” cleaning tool that provides solutions to many of your green cleaning strategies. It is effective in removing dust in dry applications, reducing the need for water and chemicals. Its lightweight design diminishes worker fatigue and the Kwik™ system handle with spring-clip frame can be adjusted to accommodate any person’s height.
Billions of lbs. of organic waste from single-use coffee pods ends up in landfill each year.
Billions of lbs. of single use paper cups ends up in landfill each year.
Billions of wastepaper towels end up in landfill each year.
Billions of lbs. of food waste ends up in landfill each year. Wastes are converted to biomass fiber and used as fuel source in our gasification powerplant.
Net-Zero by 2030? Langley - fresh off the COP26 climate summit there has been a rush of governments and organizations to claim a net-zero commitment by the year 2030. What is missing is a proper definition of what exactly net-zero means and a road map of how to get there. Most net-zero claims focus only on Scope 1 emissions which represent a small fraction of an organizations actual carbon footprint. Scope 3 carbon emissions can represent up to 80% of a firm’s carbon footprint and ought to be the primary focus when declaring net-zero objectives. Procurement professionals and governments have been agonizingly slow to adopt sustainability and carbon emissions into their purchasing decision making. The results are not surprising, Canada has fallen behind in our Paris Climate Commitments. The BillionCO2Challenge platform was developed as to assist firms in identifying low-carbon purchasing opportunities and to reward early adopters with a new form of cryptocurrency called Pericoin. The BillionCO2Challenge platform is an aggregation of many small verifiable carbon emission reductions across the supply chain. All innovators are encouraged to submit their White Paper
Platform to track verifiable CO2 reductions across the Supply Chain (Scope3).
Green Thumb Initiative
Program to divert used consumables, such as paper towel and coffee cups, from landfill and convert to clean energy.
Floor Matting Service
Service program to deliver floor mat services with an associated carbon footprint 98% lower than industry average.
Eco-Growth Environmental Inc
Technology to convert food-based wastes to clean thermal energy.
We have a Scope 3 Climate Action Plan
for helping to forge a new path to sustainability 1 pound at a time!