Validated carbon intensity reduction through use of patented CDF cleaning technology.
Embodied carbon Embodied carbon is the carbon dioxide (CO2) or greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with the manufacture and use of a product or service.. Most of the embodied carbon for mat services is the CO2 emitted from the use of fossil fuels in the manufacturing process plus the carbon intensity of the cleaning and delivery process.
Floor Matting
Supplies: Hand Towels Toilet Tissue
Why Scope 3 emissions? The world is approaching climate levels that threatens the long-term survival of the human species. A recent article penned by the Corporate Knights laments the dangerously slow approach business leaders, bankers and politicians have taken regarding climate change. For most companies, most of their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions lie outside their own operations. Many firms report 80% of their carbon footprint is Scope 3 ( In the drive to net-zero firms ought to focus on reducing their Scope 3 emissions.
BillionCO2Challenge? The Scope-3 Carbon Reserve was formed to develop and promote the BillionCO2Challenge “Sustainability Ledger” that records Scope 3 carbon intensity reductions. The BillionCO2Challenge published carbon lowering innovations on their website helping firms identify environmental leaders. The “Sustainability Ledger” is a platform to aggregate the adoption of carbon lowering innovations within a firm’s value chain.
Executive Mat Service cleaning technology is validated for inclusion on the BillionCO2Challenge “Ledger”.
Bi-Level Matting works better!
Single-Level Matting is inferior
Every ft2 of floor matting cleaned using our CDF technology versus extraction cleaning saves .12 lbs. CO2. 1 office tower with 1,000 ft2 of matting cleaned monthly = has the potential to save 1,440 lbs. of CO2 annually.
Working with 3rd part post-secondary institutions the S3 Carbon Reserve encourages innovators in sustainability to submit their carbon intensity assertions for in-depth scrutiny by leading academics. The submissions are in the form of a “White Paper”. Once the “White Papers” are validated a copy is posted on the BillionCO2Challenge website. To encourage adoption of validated innovations across the economy, annual carbon reductions are quantified on a case-by-case basis and recorded on the tracking “Sustainability Ledger”. The “Sustainability Ledger” records quantified annual pounds of carbon pollution reduced through the adoption of the innovation. The “Sustainability Ledger” is blockchain protected to ensure the integrity of the claims of pounds of annual carbon intensity reduced.
S-3 Tokens, the new crypto currency based on annual verifiable carbon emissions reduction! S-3 Tokens are a fungible form of crypto currency issued on a centralized trading platform. 1 S-3 Token represents 1 pound of verified supply chain (Scope 3) carbon reduction. New S-3 Tokens are mined (generated) into the market through verifiable GHG emission reductions entered on the BillionCO2Challenge “Ledger”. S-3 Token holders are under no obligation to sell and may hold on to their S-3 Tokens to sell later at a higher price. S-3 Tokens have a notional value equal to the price of Canada’s Federal Carbon Tax. By the year 2030 the Federal Carbon tax is scheduled to hit $175 metric tonne or 8 cents/lb.
Executive Mat Service cleaning technology is validated for inclusion on the BillionCO2Challenge “Ledger”.
Patrick Caron PCARON@EXECUTIVEMAT.COM Cell: 1-403-519-0578