St. Gallen Executive Corporate Programs

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“Customizing plus” for your company’s needs

Executive Corporate Programs

Going beyond customizing

The demand for “impact” and measurable results in executive education is reaching new heights, and you know as well as we do, that impact can only occur, after your desired program goals have been achieved. It is this ambition to ensure a successful result, that places high expectations and challenging demands on both – you and us. We have understood. We have the solutions to these challenges. Sincerely yours The impact architects

Dr. Markus Frank Impact Architect

Dr. Andreas Löhmer Impact Architect


Dr. Simon Stöpfgeshoff Impact Architect

Our approach for enhanced impact Identifying relevant business initiatives

3-level-design of a learning initiative

Executive Sparring

True understanding of the customers' needs

Developing individual mindsets in the context of multiple opportunities

One-on-one conversation with all business initiative responsibles


Highlighting the sticking points

Finetuning the transfer architecture Innovative transfer methods

Sparring customers’ thoughts Asking the challenging questions

Securing post-program business impact

Tailored Executive Training Delivery of a highly customized executive development program for the individual as well as the organization’s benefit

Executive Transfer Establishing skills through individual learning loops


Large pool of high class educated University of St.Gallen transfer specialists Stand-alone solutions on demand to complete the wanted results

Only then, when we have understood your business, do we begin In order to deliver an impactful result, a close partnership is necessary between our team and all of the key business stakeholders involved. A thorough process of exploration is required, which can often reveal important but less obvious goals and valuable perspectives, that lie behind the initial business initiative. In the end it is these insights which can be central to the most effective development strategy for an organization. We are interested what′s in your real interest. We listen.



Exploration and design phase ntrepreneu rial hly e Hig


31 institutes Diverse Numerous experience research labs questions

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True understanding of customers' needs Sparring customers' thoughts Highlighting the sticking points One-on-one conversation with all business initiative responsibles


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Impact architects

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Identifying business initiatives




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We want you to be co-creators No matter how much research and exploration has been done, what′s happening in a business is constantly changing, and you are best placed to be aware of this. In addition, you have deeper knowledge and are the real experts about your organization. So it makes total sense to include you as co-creators in the development process. We integrate. We immerse ourselves. We are true partners.



We know and have the right people to inspire you The success of a learning intervention is not only a question of the content and teaching methodologies used. It is also powerfully influenced by the quality and expertise of who you are learning from. Our spectrum involves the unique combination of tutors from the high-class faculty, successful entrepreneurs as well as respected practitioners together with our experts in specific subjects, selected for their detailed and relevant niche-knowledge. Altogether this offers enormous potential to make an “impact� for you. We know business leaders around the world. We employ top people to help you see the bigger picture.


We work closely with your precise requirements. We offer multifaceted education tools and methods, and help you choose the ones best suited to your individual needs.


Executive Sparring


Identifying Business Initiatives

Using only classroom teaching as a standalone method, will not guarantee success. We achieve sustainable results, through our 3-level-approach, combining tailored learning content along with a comprehensive understanding of the requirements of both the individual and the organisation. In parallel with the core learning initiative process, the specific frameworks of executive transfer and executive sparring, together create the necessary environment needed to ensure and enhance impact.

Tailored Executive Training

Executive Transfer

Securing Postprogram Impact

Our program design – 3 levels make the difference

Executive Transfer 11

Establishing skills through individual learning loops

Execution – Delivery with permanent evaluation

Tailored Executive Training Module 3

High Impact & Sustainable Performance


Module 2

Final Design Phase

Increasing the output standard: testing & recommendation


Module 1

Final Design Phase

Increasing the output standard: testing & recommendation

Executive Sparring


Final Design Phase

Increasing the output standard: testing & recommendation

Virtual Launch of Program


Personal Interview

Identifying target population

Conceptual and administrative setup

Af ter the Pitch

Zooming into executive training Final evaluation

Developing individual mindsets in the context of multiple opportunities

Differentiating factors – how we do it Going beyond customizing: Personal customizing combined with facilitated co-creation sessions

Inspiring classroom sessions through a range of expert tutors: faculty and leading successful entrepreneurs as guest-speakers

Getting in contact with participants: Video invitation, preliminary talks & virtual launch

“We have you in focus”: an individual Executive Transfer scheme, to ensure a good personal and organizational fit, throughout the corporate development process

Setting up your online ‘1place2learn’ learning solution, to use before, during and after the program Maximizing post-program impact: University experts and associate faculty remain at your side until impact is created


We help ensure post-program impact Partnership means joint arrival. We accompany you through the process until the very end, until the real impact for both the organization and individuals is being realised. Our help remains available to you when you need it. Our experts from the University, as well as experienced C-Level partners with the same St.Gallen DNA, serve as potential sounding boards for you even after the classroom-program finishes. We take shared responsibility for impact. We are there for you, until the very end.


Acknowledgement of one of our latest customers “The Lead to Outperform II program has contri­ buted considerably to creating a development culture and approach within AFEA. It has shown an im­ mediate and positive impact on the business as well as the individual careers of the participants. Finally it has contributed to creating a network of senior managers across our organization which will con­ tinue to strengthen our Outperformance Culture and making each other successful across business units and functions.” Mirjam Baijens, Vice President Human Resources & Communications


Entering the next level An additional value-added opportunity for you, is to become part of and an active participant in our cross-industrial and intercultural knowledge groups. From our perspective this is networking 2.0: Getting connected and into conversation with executives from all over the world, gaining a clearer understanding of the complex challenges ahead, and exploring future business demands through multiple perspectives. We will introduce you to relevant top-executives. We help build the bridge to your future.

From Insight to Impact – your expectation, our promise. Dr. Markus Frank, Head of Custom Programs Phone: +41 71 224 75 02 Email:


Photos: Symposium Demografie, Hannes Thalmann | Gettyimages, Paul Bradbury | ­Gettyimages, Antonio Lacobelli | St.Gallen Symposium, Jörg Zürcher | Gettyimages, Musketeer | Amcor Group GmbH | Zurich Airport | University of St.Gallen (HSG)


France St.Gallen Zurich




Zurich Airport – St.Gallen: 1 hour by train every 30 minutes

St.Gallen: Culture, restaurants & sports in front of your door

University of St.Gallen (HSG) Executive School of Management, Technology and Law (ES-HSG) Custom Programs Girtannerstrasse 8 CH-9010 St.Gallen +41 (0)71 224 75 02



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