Omnium Gemba 2013

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Contact Us Europe Simone Giusti Manager, Recruitment and Marketing Executive MBA HSG University of St. Gallen Tel: +41 (0) 71 224 2110 North America Joanne Goveas Admissions Advisor Rotman School of Management University of Toronto Tel: +1 416 946 3022

Two degrees of distinction 360 degrees of opportunity Europe

Middle East

North America

East Asia

South America

South Asia

About the Program 1 Introduction 2 Charting your course 3 Two institutions of global renown 4 What you’ll learn, where and how?

Program Modules 6 Module 1: North America 8 Module 2: South America 10 Module 3: East Asia 12 Module 4: Europe 14 Module 5: South Asia 16 Module 6: Middle East

Student Experience 19 An experience to ponder, master and savour 20 Eye-opening, mind-expanding, career-enhancing 21 In Focus: Anil Anand, Omnium Graduate 22 Class Profile 23 Common Questions 24 Getting in and fees

We believe if you work with the world, the world will work for you

The Omnium Global Executive mba is an innovative program that will change the way you think. One of the first truly global programs of its kind, it’s an intensive 18-month degree program based in key business centres around the world. You emerge with the skills to lead in an increasingly globalized business environment, a new network of international contacts, and invaluable insights into how to advance your career.

“ I came into the program with really diverse experiences and I thought my thinking was very broad. That wasn’t the case. The program showed me how wide the world really is, and how important it is to understand the complex paradigms of international business.” ANN MARIE MACDOUGAL, Alumna

Charting your course

The Omnium Global Executive MBA Program has partnered with Korn/Ferry International, a top-tier, global executive recruitment and talent development firm, to create a comprehensive leadership competency model, 360 assessment, and development program for our students. Ask us about this unique opportunity to measure your success in the program, and beyond in your career.

With Omnium, you can earn two internationally accredited and respected master’s degrees in 18 months and discover a world of opportunity. During the program you will gain a global network of classmates and business people who will open new doors for you and your organization. The Omnium Global Executive mba Program is among few programs in the world that give students a face-to-face learning experience through global program modules, while allowing them to live and work in their home countries. For individuals and organizations, the global exposure and international expertise available to students in the program is invaluable. Custom Career Coaching

Omnium Global Executive mba students can take advantage of dedicated one-on-one career coaching through the Rotman School of Management and the University of St. Gallen. You’ll get tailored advice, whether in person, by phone, or by email. In addition, workshops and guest lectures are periodically held on-site at Rotman or at St. Gallen. We will help you with career planning and advancement strategies, resumé consult-


Omnium Global Executive MBA

ing, interview preparation, negotiation advice, networking tips, and more. Leadership Development

Throughout the program you will work on your leadership presence. Taking an honest inventory of your own personality type and emotional intelligence, you will assess your own leadership style and find out what it takes to lead a high-performing global team. Students will review evidence-based models and use practical simulations to work on their skills in influencing and persuading, and giving and receiving feedback. You will also learn how to deliver high-quality presentations that drive effective decision making. You will assess the effectiveness of your group’s work together by taking a look at the five types of team dysfunction. Effective teamwork is not only a predictor of successful results, but crucial for achieving a long-term sustainable competitive advantage.

Two institutions of global renown


University of St. Gallen, Switzerland

The Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Canada

The University of St. Gallen is one of Europe’s leading business schools and is consistently ranked among the top schools in Europe. Founded in 1898, it became a fully-fledged business school in 1911 and today has the largest management faculty in German-speaking Europe. St. Gallen offers a full range of undergraduate, postgraduate, executive, and doctoral programs, and is accredited by both the European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS) and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). A practice-oriented approach and an integrative view have characterized St. Gallen’s education since the start. The Executive MBA program of the University of St. Gallen was founded in 1987 as the first EMBA program in German-speaking Europe. It enjoys an unrivalled reputation in Europe, and its 2,000 graduates hold leadership positions in most major European multinational companies.

One of the top business schools in Canada and the world, Rotman receives consistently high marks by the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg Businessweek, and the Financial Times. The school is committed to innovation in business education, emphasizing Integrative Thinking™ and addressing the new challenges of a global economy. In addition to the Omnium Global Executive MBA, Rotman offers an extensive range of degree and non-degree programs. It is fully accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, a distinction reserved for the top 5% of the world’s business schools. Established in 1827, the University of Toronto has one of the strongest research and teaching faculties in North America, presenting top students at all levels with an intellectual environment unmatched in depth and breadth on any other Canadian campus. U of T has more than 77,000 students across three campuses and over 500,000 alumni active in 174 countries around the world.

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What you’ll learn, where and how

“ On paper, when you learn about issues in class, you look at it from one perspective. But when you’re there and you talk to people and you look at it from that perspective, it gives you some new and interesting context. You see how different things really are in emerging markets.” MARIE GLENN, ALUMNA


The Omnium Global Executive mba is built around six two-week residential modules that take place in different locations around the globe. Lectures and seminars are supplemented with fieldwork, including site visits to local and global enterprises, and in-depth exchanges with their top executives. Between modules, students work on assigned readings, team-based projects, and individual assignments.

Omnium Global Executive MBA

Omnium Faculty

Omnium faculty members have stellar reputations for their groundbreaking research, published work, and leadingedge insight into an exceptionally wide range of management issues. They are selected from the University of Toronto, the University of St. Gallen, and our affiliate institutions around the world to ensure the classroom experience is both engaging and culturally relevant. The blended nature of the faculty ensures that Omnium students are exposed to a variety of perspectives on global business issues and gain access to a wide network of thought leaders. Omnium faculty members are available to students between modules for support with project work, business networking, and team leadership. They are aware of the balance it takes for students to complete two degrees while they work and make student success a top priority.

Program Modules North America Toronto, Canada South America S達o Paulo, Brazil East Asia Hong Kong Shanghai, China Europe St. Gallen, Switzerland Budapest, Hungary South Asia Bangalore New Delhi, India Middle East United Arab Emirates


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Module 1: Toronto, Canada

North America August 18-30 2013

As an affluent, high-tech industrial society in the trilliondollar class, Canada has a market-oriented economic system and affluent living standards. Since World War II, the impressive growth of the manufacturing, mining, and service sectors has transformed the nation from a largely rural economy into one primarily industrial and urban.


Omnium Global Executive MBA

Canada enjoys a substantial trade surplus with the United States, which absorbs about three-quarters of Canadian exports each year. Canada is the U.S.’s largest foreign supplier of energy, including oil, gas, uranium, and electric power.

Enrich the Experience • Take in the view from the CN Tower • Explore the nightlife in hip Queen West • Feast on multicultural cuisine • Visit the Hockey Hall of Fame • Roam the U of T campus, Canada’s oldest university

The Foundation Module in Canada introduces key concepts in strategy, statistics, and leadership, connecting you to the peers you will form close bonds with during the program. Quantitative Reasoning for Management

From productivity to product quality, statistics can provide managers with essential insights into organizational performance and identify which factors lead to positive change. In the latter stages of this course, students are asked to apply their learning to a challenge currently faced by their company. This project has sometimes led to substantial savings for the companies in question. Global Strategic Management

Growing complexity and risk is an increasing challenge for managers. This course uses cases and articles to connect strategic management theory with application. Building on a comprehensive and coherent framework, we’ll create an integrated approach to relating and applying diverse streams of research and practice.


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Organizational Leadership

How do you organize and motivate your human capital, manage social networks and alliances, and execute strategic change? We’ll explore some of the theories, skills, and tools needed to solve organizational problems, influence the actions of individuals and groups, and build a high-performing global organization. Negotiating in a Global Environment

While negotiating skills have always been key, their value increases exponentially in global enterprises. Based on thoroughly tested concepts adapted to the international business arena, this course teaches effective deal-making in a global context. Participants engage in simulations designed to highlight important issues in cross-cultural negotiating.

Module 2: São Paulo, Brazil

South America November 17-29 2013

Characterized by large and well-developed agricultural, mining, manufacturing, and service sectors, Brazil’s economy outweighs that of all other South American countries, and Brazil is expanding its presence in world markets. Since 2003, Brazil has steadily improved its macroeconomic stability, building up foreign reserves, and reducing its debt profile by shifting its debt burden toward real denominated and domestically held instruments. 8

Omnium Global Executive MBA

In 2008, Brazil became a net external creditor, and two ratings agencies awarded investmentgrade status to its debt. Despite slower growth in 2011, Brazil overtook the United Kingdom as the world’s seventh-largest economy in terms of GDP. Brazil’s high interest rates make it an attractive destination for foreign investors.

Enrich the Experience • Catch a football match • Try a traditional churrasco beef dinner • Explore Rio de Janeiro • Visit Iguazu Falls • Learn the samba

In South America, you’ll get to know managers who have helped their companies thrive in ever-changing conditions. International Accounting 1

Accounting is an essential link between business activities and decision makers such as investors, creditors, customers, and suppliers. This course teaches you the basics of financial reporting – balance sheets, income statements, cash-flow statements, and more – and how to interpret financial information and annual reports, especially in large multinational companies. Global Marketing 1

The goal of marketing is the same as the goal of the organization itself – to create value for customers and thereby for the company. We’ll consider how customers’ needs are defined and how to develop a competitive marketing strategy. Exploring positioning statements and the marketing mix, we’ll apply these ideas to a wide variety of cases.


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Business Operations

Managing material and information flows across organizational and national boundaries can present big challenges. Misaligned incentives and other behavioural issues can create barriers to integrating supply-chains. From a general manager’s perspective, we’ll explore inventory management, distribution economics, retailing operations, and supplychain technology. Doing Business in South America

This course presents you with an opportunity to test your ingenuity, persistence, and tact while you learn about the workings of Brazil’s economy. Students will visit local firms, investigating key challenges including the issue of Brazil’s informal economy – the business activity that takes place “off the books.” What have managers’ experiences been? Groups will brief the class and submit a written report to the instructor.

Module 3: Hong Kong & Shanghai, China

East Asia February 23 – March 7 2014

Since the late 1970s, China has moved from a closed, centrally planned system to a more market-oriented one that plays a major global role – in 2010, China became the world’s largest exporter. Reforms began with the phasing out of collectivized agriculture, and expanded to include the gradual liberalization of prices, fiscal decentralization, increased autonomy for state enterprises, creation of a 10

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diversified banking system, development of stock markets, rapid growth of the private sector, and opening to foreign trade and investment. One consequence of populationcontrol policy is that China is now one of the most rapidly aging countries in the world.

Enrich the Experience • Cruise down the Huangpu River • Dine on traditional dim sum • Try morning tai chi • Explore the Shanghai Museum • Order custom-made suits in Hong Kong • Take a side trip to the Great Wall

On to Asia, where you’ll find your perspective changed by one of the most dynamic economies in the world. International Finance

This course will show you how to analyze financial decisions from a global perspective, highlighting international differences in financial thinking, methods for evaluating business plans, and key concepts such as valuation. You’ll learn how to judge financial performance globally, evaluate the viability of global plans and projects, and apply costing concepts practically. Technology Innovation

New information technology can be a help or a hindrance when it comes to business processes. Taking an interactive approach, you’ll explore new concepts in information technology and process innovations, and be asked to consider the implications for your own company or a hypothetical one.


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Economics 1 (Microeconomics)

The study of how individuals and firms allocate scarce resources, microeconomics also analyzes the impact of key variables – prices and incomes – on the decisions of economic agents such as consumers, companies, and governments. You’ll acquire a thorough understanding of global economic conditions and policies, equipping you to make better-informed decisions. Doing Business in China

We’ll gain an insider perspective on the Chinese business environment. Working in teams, you’ll meet with local businesses in Shanghai and pursue a specific opportunity to generate cash flow. Then you’ll present a market-entry business plan to experts in Hong Kong. Both an observer and a participant, you’ll experience China’s unique challenges and opportunities first-hand.

Module 4: St. Gallen, Switzerland & Budapest, Hungary

Europe June 15-27 2014 Switzerland is a peaceful, prosperous, and modern market economy with low unemployment, a highly skilled labour force, and a per capita GDP among the highest in the world. Switzerland’s economy benefits from a highly developed service sector led by financial services, and a manufacturing industry that specializes in high-technology, knowledge-based production. Its economic and political stability, transparent legal system, exceptional infrastructure, efficient capital markets, and low corporate tax rates also make Switzerland one of the world’s most competitive economies.


Omnium Global Executive MBA

Hungary has made the transition from a centrally planned to a market economy, with a per capita income nearly two-thirds that of the EU-25 average. The private sector accounts for more than 80% of GDP. Foreign ownership of and investment in Hungarian firms are widespread, with cumulative foreign direct investment worth more than $70 billion. In late 2008, Hungary’s impending inability to service its short-term debt – brought on by the global financial crisis – led Budapest to obtain an IMF/EU/ World Bank–arranged financial assistance package worth over $25 billion. Ongoing economic weakness in Western Europe is likely to further constrain growth.

Enrich the Experience • Explore the library in St. Gallen, a World Heritage Site • Take in the Alpine landscape of Switzerland • Enjoy traditional Hungarian baths • Cruise down the Danube in Budapest • Extend your stay and explore surrounding countries

In Europe, you’ll explore how both established and developing markets weather the financial crisis. International Accounting 2

You’ll gain insight into the diversity and complexity of accounting practices in various countries around the world. Varied reporting systems reflect distinctive national developments, histories, and social characteristics, and you’ll better understand how to interpret the financial positions and operations results of internationally active corporations.

Business Ethics

What role should ethics play in the conduct of business? How do cultural considerations bear on the issue? Investigating the relationship of ethics to success and culture to ethics, we’ll tackle the thorny issues associated with doing business around the world. Doing Business in Europe

Visiting businesses in Europe, you’ll have in-depth discussions with managers and get an unparalleled opportunity to deepen your understanding of the European business environment, both in established and emerging markets.

Corporate Finance

You’ll explore the key components of corporate finance, with particular attention given to international differences in financial thinking. Starting with an introduction to corporate finance theory and practice, you will move on to critically evaluate the different methods of project and enterprise valuation. Besides substance value, you will apply market multiples, discounting future earnings and discounting future cash flows methodologies. You will also look at the international perspective of enterprise valuation.


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Corporate Governance

Governance is one of the most pressing issues facing complex business organizations today. From a global perspective, we’ll explore the situational, strategic, and managerial dimensions. You’ll learn how to adapt practices to suit specific national contexts, build a critical but constructive culture of trust, and evaluate success at the board level.

Module 5: Bangalore & New Delhi, India

South Asia October 19-31 2014 India is developing into an openmarket economy, yet traces of its past policies remain. Economic liberalization, including industrial deregulation, privatization of state-owned enterprises, and reduced controls on foreign trade and investment, began in the early 1990s and has served to accelerate the country’s growth, which has averaged more than 7% per year since 1997. India’s diverse economy encompasses traditional village farming, modern agriculture, handicrafts, a wide range of modern industries, and a multitude of services. Slightly more than half of the workforce is in agriculture, but services are the major source of economic growth, accounting 14

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for more than half of India’s output, with only one-third of its labour force. India has capitalized on its large educated Englishspeaking population to become a major exporter of information technology services and software workers. India is faced with many long-term challenges that it has not yet fully addressed, including widespread poverty, inadequate physical and social infrastructure, limited non-agricultural employment opportunities, scarce access to quality basic and higher education, and accommodating rural-to-urban migration.

Enrich the Experience • Practice yoga in its birthplace • Compare northern and southern Indian cuisine • Ride the newly built subway system in Delhi • Catch a cricket match • Take a side trip to the Taj Mahal

India, a thriving centre of entrepreneurial activity, will be your next base for understanding the forces that fuel economic growth. Personal Leadership

What’s the difference between managing and leading? Why are some bosses disasters while others are great? Through case discussions, we’ll talk about the dilemmas of managing in the real world. You’ll gain new insights into a variety of approaches, reflecting in particular on how personality can influence leadership style. Global Marketing 2

Building on the principles taught in the first marketing course, we’ll focus on the challenges and opportunities that global brands face. We’ll discuss issues of growth, control, measurement, and integration, and you’ll create a brand-health scorecard for your own company.


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The aim of a start-up is new wealth generation, which is mainly achieved through innovation. Leading-edge concepts from global entrepreneurship research and case studies will be part of this course, including how to recognize, evaluate, and decide to pursue an idea – both as entrepreneur and as intrapreneur – along with best practices for developing your business plan, venture capital, and life-cycle management. Doing Business in India

India, the world’s second-largest emerging market after China, has transformed itself from a slow-growth, state-managed economy to a thriving and very successful centre of entrepreneurial activity. In this course we’ll examine the forces that have combined to fuel this growth, focusing on the unique nature of Indian entrepreneurialism.

Module 6: United Arab Emirates

Middle East January 18-30 2015 The UAE has an open economy with a high per capita income and a sizable annual trade surplus. Successful efforts at economic diversification have reduced the portion of GDP based on oil and gas output to 25%. Since the discovery of oil in the UAE more than 30 years ago, the UAE has undergone a profound transformation from an impoverished region of small desert principalities to a modern state with a high standard of living. The government has increased spending on job creation and infrastructure expansion and is opening up utilities to greater private-sector involvement. The country’s Free Trade Zones – offering 100% 16

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foreign ownership and zero taxes – are helping to attract foreign investors. Dependence on oil, a large expatriate workforce, and growing inflation pressures are significant long-term challenges. The UAE’s strategic plan for the next few years focuses on diversification and creating more opportunities for nationals through improved education and increased private-sector employment.

Enrich the Experience • Try some famous Middle Eastern cuisine • Visit the iconic Burj Al Arab Hotel • Wander through the souqs of Dubai • Take in the Dubai Mall, the biggest shopping centre in the world • Admire the many ornate mosques

In the Middle East, you’ll gain access to business and thought leaders at the highest levels, while tying together all of the knowledge and experiences you’ve gained in the program. Corporate Strategy

In this course you will extend the analysis of business-level strategy to the corporate or multi-business level. You’ll address decision criteria for guiding diversification strategies, strategic factors influencing the optimal size of a firm, and extreme competition and its implications for corporate strategy. You will also learn how multi-business-unit firms exploit network effects, and discuss the extent to which corporate strategies are congruent with the overall welfare of humankind. Topics will be explored through the lens of economic theory. International Business and Risk Management

Doing business in emerging economies involves challenges and risks. Drawing on corporate site visits and theories of political economy and risk management, you’ll learn how to assess, measure, and mitigate these risks, applying various techniques to common scenarios.


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Economics 2 (Macroeconomics)

In what context do managers make major decisions? We’ll examine what influences aggregate economic activity in modern open economies. Using a simple model of the macroeconomy in both large and small countries, we’ll analyze important issues such as free trade, monetary policy, fiscal policy, and inflation. Capstone Project

In the final module you will complete your Capstone project, which will demonstrate your learning throughout the program. It will give you a deeper understanding of complex issues and teach you how to create and implement strategies for sustainable, highperforming companies.

An experience to ponder, master and savour

Omnium Global Executive mba candidates should be prepared for a demanding course of study that requires working in teams with people of diverse nationalities and backgrounds. Students are expected to balance a rigorous course load with obligations to their employers and families. The program suits highly motivated individuals who are keen to take on the challenges of a broader world. Not least among the many benefits of the program, you will gain lifelong membership in a network of truly global leaders. Graduates tell us the international business contacts and friendships they have made have been invaluable.


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Omnium’s residential study modules are opportunities to immerse yourself in distinctive business cultures few can understand from afar. While full-day classes, workshops, and site visits make up the bulk of the experience, students are encouraged to spend their free time mingling with our host executives and getting to know the local culture.

Eye-opening, mind-expanding, career-enhancing

The Omnium Global mba experience is a life-changing learning adventure that is full of experiences that will change the way you think about yourself and your career. It’s an academically rigorous experience.

In each module you will take four to five courses, so your days will be filled with lectures, team discussions, and guest speakers. Your evenings will often be busy with group projects and study and prep for the day ahead. Classes are very interactive, and preparation is a key to your success and the success of your classmates. Classes will be broken up with site visits and panel discussions to enrich and apply your local learning in each module. Teams are a highlight of the program.

Your teams will consist of students from around the world, so just trying to find a time to meet virtually between modules can test your organizational skills. Once you are on the module, your team skills will be strengthened and tested as you prepare for group presentations and live cases for the site visits. Managing and succeeding in a team of diverse opinions, experience, and backgrounds will be tremendously powerful for your career and personal growth.


Omnium Global Executive MBA

You can’t leave Omnium behind in between your modules.

After the module, you will need to wrap up final assignments (both individual and team) and start to prepare for the next module (course materials will be delivered electronically a month or two ahead of the upcoming module). Between modules, you will need to complete pre-readings and online preparatory courses, organize your team projects, and study for final exams, which generally take place on the first or second day of the next module. You will need to be effective in your time away from the program, but you will also have the time you need to catch up with work, family, and friends. You will need to be confident and comfortable with change.

When you are studying globally, things can change, challenges arise, and priorities shift. You will need to be driven and determined to succeed. Your career will grow – and so may your family! The Omnium Experience is one that will push you to think outside of the box. It is an experience full of adventure that allows you to deepen your personal and professional networks, while exploring the world.

In Focus: Anil Anand, Omnium Graduate

Anil Anand

Omnium Alumnus Anil’s professional background is in conflict resolution, risk management, community mobilization, collaboration, and capacity development. He has more than 20 years of policing experience in Canada, including assignments to Interpol, national and international investigations, intelligence operations, and corporate risk management. In addition to policing, his experiences in risk management include assignments to the Ipperwash Inquiry, Interpol Ottawa, and as an expert witness to several levels of the Canadian judicial system. He received his Master’s of Law degree from Osgoode Hall Law School in 2008.

Why did you choose Omnium?

The Omnium program was the perfect choice, given my interest in dispute resolution, emerging economies, and geopolitics. It provided just the right mix of international experience, on-site residencies, collaboration with managers from around the world, meetings with global business leaders, and on-site simulations. Learning about global economics, cultural intelligence, and strategy is one thing; being able to apply the skills in real situations, under pressure, and with real consequences is another. What motivated you to do the program?

I was searching for a program that would give me the credibility and confidence I needed to become competitive on a global scale. What was your greatest achievement in the program?

Completing each module was an achievement. The faculty demonstrated extremely high expectations of students, and took every opportunity to drive each one of us to exceed our perceived limitations. There was no easy course, or opportunity to slow down. Each course and assignment was made challenging by demanding timelines, complex content, and learning 21

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to collaborate across cultures and areas of expertise. Despite these demands, faculty provided support that enabled me to exceed my expectations. I have been able to return to my career with enhanced confidence, the ability to apply Integrative Thinking, and leverage my own (and my team’s) skills, ability, and commitment in ways that would have been impossible without the Omnium experience. How has the program changed the way you think?

Omnium has provided me the confidence to seek out conflicting views as a natural and healthy part of every decision-making process. It enhanced my self-confidence to undertake challenges, knowing that I have the ability to manage my people and resources effectively and positively. I can look beyond problems to seek out creative solutions with a willingness to take wellmanaged risks. Would you recommend Omnium to others?

If your goal is to truly understand what it means to “think globally and act locally,” if you are up to committing 18 months to challenging your preconceptions, skills, and talents, then Omnuim is for you.

Class Profile


Industry 9%


13% 25%


13% 6% 17% 8% 18% 23%

40% President/CEO



Financial Services


Health Care




Technology/ Communications/Media


Other (Pharmaceutical, Retail/Whole Trade, Power/Utilities, Transportation, Non-Profit, Marketing, Insurance)


Averages Average Age


Average # of Years of Work Experience 12

Average # of Years of Management Experience 7


Self-Funded Partially Funded Fully Funded by Employer

48% 19% 33%

Female 26%


Omnium Global Executive MBA

Male 74%

Common Questions

How many candidates do you accept each year?

We accept 30 to 40 candidates each year to ensure the most exceptional learning experience.

Is there an admission deadline?

Yes, but apply early. Our admissions committee considers applications on a rolling basis, which means we review applications and admit students on a first-come, first-served basis. We ask candidates to complete their applications to the Omnium program by June 30. If the class is full before the June 30 deadline, students will be placed on a wait list and/or considered for the following academic year.


Is an interview required?

Yes. The admissions interview is an important part of the application process. We want to help you decide if the Omnium Global Executive mba is the right fit for your career goals before you begin the formal application process. The interview may be conducted either in person, via webcam/Skype, or by telephone.

If I meet the minimum admissions criteria for the Omnium Global Executive MBA program, what are my chances of being accepted?

Fulfilling the minimum criteria only guarantees you consideration for admission to the program. An offer of admission often depends upon both the individual strength of your application and the strength of your application relative to others seeking admission to the program. Due to the competitive nature of the application process, successful applicants tend to significantly exceed the minimum admissions criteria.

What are the most heavily weighted factors?

We take a holistic approach when reviewing applications. We look at the quantitative features of the application, such as the gpa and edt/ gmat/gre score, but also at the quality of the essays, references, interview, academic background, international work, and extracurricular experiences.

Do I need to be employed to be admitted into the Omnium Global Executive MBA program?

We prefer students to be employed when applying to, and while enrolled in, the Omnium program but will consider each candidate on his or her own individual merits. Please contact our admissions advisor to discuss your individual situation.

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Once my application is complete, how long will I have to wait for an admission decision?

You can expect a decision within five to ten business days of submitting your completed application.

What should I budget for additional costs associated with travel and accommodations?

We would suggest budgeting an additional $15,000 – $20,000 cdn for flights, hotel, and dinner expenses.

Getting in and fees

Omnium’s rigorous admission criteria are based on a combination of academic abilities, interpersonal skills, and employment credentials. We look for high achievers who can demonstrate significant professional success and potential for advancement. Typically, students are experienced managers who have lived and worked in at least two countries.

Minimum admission requirements:

Apply online

Five years’ work experience, with at least three years at the management level

An undergraduate degree (preferred)


Successful admissions test results

$92,000 cdn + travel expenses ($15,000-$20,000)

Applicants with a recognized undergraduate degree will be required to write an Executive mba Diagnostic Test (edt), or submit gmat or gre scores. If you do not have a recognized undergraduate degree, you must write the gmat or gre. Preference will be given to gmat (or gre equivalent) scores of 550 or higher. Ability to work in multicultural teams and to demonstrate leadership skills Two professional references and approval from your employer Full-time employment (preferred)


Omnium Global Executive MBA

The program fees include catered meals and transportation within each module. Flights and accommodations are the students’ responsibilities. We are happy to help you obtain special rates through group bookings at our preferred four-star hotels. Early enrolment incentives and scholarships are available. Please contact us for more information.

Country economic overviews in module sections are adapted from the Central Intelligence Agency World Factbook available online

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