EXHIBITIONS / EVENTS & INTERIORS exesios advertising agency
eye for colour Murcia, Spain
different by design MILAN, italy
James kent GROUP brazil / Germany
centuries ahead london
Sandon Business & Enterprise College
UKTI: BRITISh design showcase TOKYO, JAPAN
Exclusive Showcase of High Quality British Design
UKTI: BRITISh design showcase munich, GERMANY
KIER: HATS OFF To you / 2009 stoke-On-trent
people & potteries
italy / germany / stoke-on-trent / france / hungary
goya exhibition: past & present stoke-On-trent / ceutimagina, spain
fast Exocet
Exesios Advertising Agency E3 Trentham Business Quarter Trentham Lakes South Trentham Stoke-on-Trent ST4 8GB T : 01782 657998 E : design@exesios.co.uk W : www.exesios.co.uk