2 minute read

Commission Cutting, Coffee, and Personality Types


“D's” may think it’s better to cut their commission than let someone else have the deal. Their remarks on social posts asking about this topic are often something like “Well someone’s going to get the listing so it might as well be me.” They feel as if they have won by taking away from their competition.

“I's” don't want to be the bad person or fear rejection if they refuse to cut their commission. They think “Where’s the fun in that?” They would rather be accepted and liked than to show their value and receive what they are normally paid. Both D's and I's can get caught up in the “thrill of the chase” instead of focusing on their value.

“S's" naturally hate conflict to begin with so it’s easier for them to give in if someone is challenging their fee. They also may feel as if the person may be disappointed in them for not “helping them out” by cutting their fee. A “something is better than nothing” mentality can lead to taking the listing at the reduced fee.

“C's” are already thrifty by nature, this personality may understand why the potential lister is asking for a lower fee. They see it as a reasonable request since they would probably do the same. They appreciate that the potential lister is trying to be cost conscious, so they support their mindset by accommodating.

Starbucks doesn't lower prices to get all the orders because they realize they only need the orders of people who understand the value of their product. They would have to work twice as hard and spend at least twice as much time to make the same amount of revenue. If REALTORS® would adopt this mindset, they will not only meet their goals, but also in far less time. The more people who understand their value in our industry, the better our industry will become as a whole.

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