2 minute read
When Einstein said, “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions,” he pinpointed the absolute potential of something easily forgotten while facing the realities of daily living.
Your imagination is your power and birthright for your good and success. We all start by dreaming of the latest toys and trendy items we want from childhood and adolescence before getting them, just as we adults dream of a career, car, or lifestyle before it comes to be. When it arrives as you imagined, your thoughts turn to greater and better ideas or goals. But, if not exactly what or how you wanted it, you probably push against it and dream more clearly about what you desire—setting a new course.
Our imagination is like the architect of what we want to build. Using it, we contemplate how we want something to look, feel, and make us feel. And while using it, knowingly or not, we’re sending out a frequency much like a radio station sends out to be received by those tuned in to its specialized channel. Similarly, your frequency is meant just for the receiver that’s a match.
When Einstein had a vision, he would write it down or, in some cases, draw it. When enroute to his vision, he would ask effective questions. He often took naps and removed himself from the personal pressure of having to know the answer. He stayed open to ideas that came his way, whether by person, dream, or any other manner. He understood that his job was to imagine what he wanted, to be the architect, and that building his dream was about being passionately inquisitive, entertaining the help and ideas presented daily and taking action.
For five minutes each day, imagine the life you want, the people in it, and how it feels. Put pen to paper and write down what's most important to you, assuming it’s already yours. Ask yourself, “What’s the next best action for me to take to reach my goal?” Then, be open to all that comes into your experience as a consideration—zero in by getting better at discernment. Trust your decision-making, knowing you can always change your mind, and constantly return to your vision and imagine what you want.
"Einstein knew that all things come from nothing or no-thing. It all begins with your imagination."