3 minute read
No way BuT uP
Icalled my friend today. He told me that there are big problems in the world. People in Europe are worried that there is not enough fuel to heat their homes, and the fuel that is available has gone way up in price. There is inflation in many countries. Rivers are drying up. In some places the water is becoming undrinkable. In other places the sea levels are rising and people are being forced to move away from the coast. What is going on?
I suggested that maybe there is a positive spin here. When things are so dysfunctional, perhaps it is an indication that the world is ready for Redemption.
We don't understand all the reasons why the Almighty does what He does. The Rebbe once explained the difference between belief and trust. Regarding past events, we believe that everything G‑d has done is ultimately for our benefit. As for the future, we are optimistic that since G‑d is good, and the nature of one that is good is to do good things, we trust that He will do good things for us in a way that we see is good.
So when we look at the world around us, although we don't see the whole picture, we can still try to see how everything that has happened is ultimately for the best.
“When all else fails…” you have to turn to the most reliable (or only remaining) option. When the road ahead seems impossible, when we seem to have run out of options to keep the world peaceful and prosperous, there is no way to turn but upwards, to the One Above. When all the human orchestrated methods of attaining sustenance are not working, perhaps it is a Divine nudge, prompting us to think that just as a clockmaker knows how to keep the clock running, so too the Creator of the world knows how to keep His world peaceful and sustainable; and indeed He has given us instructions how to do so, via the wisdom and instructions found in the Torah – a guide for all humanity.
A recent Gallup poll shows that the percentage of people who believe in G‑d has gone down from 98% sixty years ago, and 92% eleven years ago, to 81%; and among younger people the percentage is much lower, at 68%. This can serve as a walk up call, to follow the Rebbe's advice to institute a daily moment of silence in public schools, and to then publicize in news and social outlets that parents can tell their children what to think about, beginning with that there is One above Who creates our world and conducts everything. Then watch these Gallup numbers climb, and the crime statistics drop.
The key is to instill within ourselves, those around us and society at large the awareness of a Higher Power. We become less selfish, more focused on the greater good, making the world a better place, a place of peace and prosperity for all. We become partners in the enterprise of Creation, and appreciate the miracles of daily life, and the wonders of Divine Providence that guide our lives.
So for example. In the latest news concerning Iran, the U.S. seems to be listening to Israel's advice to hold the Iranians fully accountable for its past activities to develop nuclear armament, and has so far not ratified a deal that would give the regime a hundred billion dollars, which could potentially be used to support terrorism and instigate global instability.
China, a country that persecutes so many, is now undergoing tremendous challenges. Their policy of massive lockdowns for new COVID cases is causing much resentment among their populace. The lockdowns and other factors are resulting in significant economic slowdown. World powers, which have become more aware of Chinese aggressive tactics, are employing measures to counter it. And the UN is now calling out China for human rights violations against the Uyghur people. Perhaps the Chinese will now realize that they need to become more sensitive to the rights and wellbeing of others.
The list goes on and on. If we look closely, beneath the surface of the tension and chaos, the world seems to be headed in a good direction.
This new Jewish year, 5783, is composed of the Hebrew letters Tof Shin Pey Gimel, which form an acronym for: Tihei Shnat Gilui Plo'ois – may it be a year of revelation of wonders. There is much reason for optimism for a wondrous, good and sweet year. And we can do our part to make it happen. EM