3 minute read
ViSionS of redeMpTion
Yoseph Janowski
One of the great principles of the future redemption and the coming of Moshiach, is that no one can accurately predict exactly what will happen or how it will happen. Even though we have many prophecies, many found in the Book of Daniel, that delve into the events leading up to that time to come, their predictions are cloaked in allegories and mystical visions. They are concealed to such a degree that we would be hard pressed to understand what exactly they are referring to until the events actually unfold. Perhaps this is meant to keep us on our toes, or leave room for multiple possible scenarios for how the redemption will come about. But it doesn’t stop people from trying to gain insight and crack the code.
About eight hundred years ago, Maimonides wrote a famous letter of encouragement to the Yemenite Jews who were being persecuted. He wrote about the "little horn" mentioned in chapter seven of the Book of Daniel. Maimonides suggested that the little horn might be referring to a certain wicked Assyrian-Greek king from the Chanukah story.
Around three hundred years later, when Jews were being expelled from Spain, Rabbi Don Isaac Abarbanel wrote a commentary explaining how events occurring then may have been predicted by Daniel. He wrote that though the details of his interpretation may be incorrect, nevertheless, G-d does not lie, and He will certainly redeem His people. When that happens, even someone who is not so learned will be able to witness the events as they transpire and see how Daniel clearly predicted them.
Indeed, Daniel predicted what would happen in the time of Redemption, and the Jewish people in exile yearned so much for Redemption. It is therefore no surprise that, throughout the centuries, many sages tried to see if perhaps Daniel was describing the world events of their time. Daniel lived during the destruction of the First Temple in Jerusalem. G-d, in His mercy, revealed to him visions of the future Redemption, so that the Jewish nation would know that even though they are exiled and dispersed throughout the world, a time will come when, their mission having been accomplished, they will return.
The little horn that Maimonides writes about is part of a vision that Daniel saw one night: Four winds stir up a great sea, and four beasts emerge from the sea. Each beast is described in great detail. The fourth beast has ten horns, and a little horn emerges from it. G-d renders judgment. And then Daniel sees someone who is brought up in clouds before G-d, and is given rulership over all the nations of the world forever. Rashi writes that this person refers to Moshiach.
During World War Two, battles were fought on lands surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. Germany, Russia, Great Britain and the US were the main powers in this war. Details of the vision, which aptly describe these nations and current events, can perhaps be discussed in another article. But for now suffice it to say, that this vision seems to clearly describe current times. Knowing this can inspire renewed optimism that the Redemption is very close.
The Rebbe taught that regarding the Redemption, a central component is that we need to have trust. On many occasions the Rebbe explained how trusting in G-d can bring His blessings more quickly. As the Rebbe was wont to say, "Tracht gut vet zain gut" — think good and it will become good. One time when I was a student in Yeshiva we began a custom of singing the song “He redeemed my soul in peace” during the month of Kislev, the month of redemption. The song was composed in commemoration of the Alter Rebbe, the first Chabad Rebbe, from czarist imprisonment and his complete exoneration of charges of treason. In the end, the czarist regime became friendly supporters, and the Alter Rebbe returned the favor by assisting in the war against Napoleon.
In general, the month of Kislev is often referred to as the month of redemption because of the Chanukah miracle (when G-d "saved the few from the many") and because of the Alter Rebbe's miraculous release. When we look at current events, we see clearly how G-d is protecting His people. When was the last time we saw so many people stand up to defend Jews, as we've seen with recent incidents of celebrities spewing antisemitic rhetoric? After several years of inconclusive elections and sociopolitical instability, it looks like Israel will finally have a stable government, and one that is proudly committed to Jewish identity and Jewish values. Iran's regime is beset by demonstrations which threaten to topple the government, and which is preventing Western powers from signing a nuclear deal with Iran, a deal that would have essentially gifted one hundred billion dollars a proven state sponsor of terror and a regime bent on the destruction of Israel. The list goes on and on.
Redemption seems so close. Maybe it's even closer than we think. We just need to open our eyes to see it unfolding before us. EM
Yoseph Janowski lives in Toronto, Canada.