September 2013
My dear friends, As I come near to the close of my 2nd year serving as a missionary with Footprints into Africa, I cannot thank you all enough for your amazing support of my work. Now a brief report to bring you up to date since my previous newsletter.
In June I paid a short visit to Kitwe and spent time with Anderson Mwila and his family, preaching in the Brethren Church and visiting our Church plant in Masonda. From there I went on to NDOLA and spoke at a Leader’s Conference in Christopher Mulapa’s Church. Both of these were blessed by the Lord.
THE SHACK As you know …. iitt is aalways lways good to start with a great quote! Samuel Zwemer, the pioneer missionary to the Muslims wrote: “the great pioneer missionaries all but inverted home sickness, this passion to call that country their home which was most in need of the Gospel. In this passion all other passions died, before this vision all other visions faded, this call drowned all other voices. They were the pioneers of the Kingdom, the forelopers of God, eager to cross the border– marches and discover new lands or win new empires.” In some small way I want to follow the early missionaries, to have that same passion which drove Livingstone, Mackay, Judson, Martyn and Taylor, to have the same vision before which all other visions faded. So allow me to bring you up to date on the work of Footprints into Africa.
MALAWI In March, I travelled to Malawi in order to see our work in NSANJE where Lenard Gowa is working. The borehole is functioning well and providing fresh, clean water to the community, which is a great blessing. At the moment, we are now building a school hall along side the borehole and with the Church, the whole project will be known as THE JCE COMMUNITY CENTRE.
This term I also opened “The Shack” which is selling second-hand Christian books, the proceeds of which will go towards providing Anderson Mwila with electricity in his home. It has been such fun; I have loved this new venture and hope that in time it will grow into a wonderful ministry.
KMBC We are drawing to the end of our 27th year since I opened this Bible College and what a fantastic ride it has been training pastors and missionaries for Africa. Over the years, some 400 students have passed through our gates and to see them planting churches from Cape Town to Nairobi brings me the most wonderful joy imaginable. I have the privilege of giving 30 lectures a week and I just love doing this, it really has been the dream of my life. Over the weekends I preach around the province at different churches which has been a real blessing to me.
ENVOYS These amazing audio players are proving to be a real help in a number of areas of ministry: our Distance Study program, an invaluable tool for pastors and missionaries, as well as for the illiterate and elderly folks. We thank God for MegaVoice who have loaded my lectures for the Certificate in Theology lectures onto it, together with the entire Bible.
LATER THIS YEAR In the final term I will be going to MOZAMBIQUE where I have been asked to speak at the A.I.M. Conference for all their missionaries which is a huge honour for me, and then if time permits have a short trip up to Zimbabwe. -------------So as an extremely busy year draws to a close may I again thank you so very, very much for all your prayers, love and financial support, I appreciate you all so much.
TRAIN up a new generation of preachers and missionaries for Africa. Men and women who are passionate for the Gospel and who believe the Bible to be the Word of God. This makes the work at our College of critical importance. MENTOR these pastors and missionaries by regularly visiting them in Africa, living with them and encouraging them in their great work.
WEBSITE - Don’t forget to visit my website regularly, it is updated every week and is full of news and resources … enjoy it.
On a personal note, I am so grateful for all your support and prayers during this time of Jon’s illness, thank you all so much.
Blessings, Warwick I close with one of my favourite quotes quotes …. Don McClure a missionary into Africa for 50 years wrote:
based on the Bible and not hampered by tradition, churches which are self-supporting, self governing and self propagating.
continually be equipping God’s people for the work of Gospel ministry. These have been great blessings to many. PREACHING where invited across Africa believing that when God’s Word is preached, God’s voice is heard. Contact us
“I am filled with an undying ambition to do something worthwhile in the great land of Africa.”
200 Pine Street, Pietermaritzburg 3201 Phone: 033 346 0635 Cell: 082 920 1147 E-mail:
Banking Account details: Account name: Footprints into Africa Bank: Standard Bank Branch: 04 55 26 Account number: 251661423 Swift Address: SBZA ZA JJ