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4.4 Recommended Military Actions
sector support and cooperation; geopolitical planning, especially as it pertains to OPEC countries and regions whose economies are very dependent on oil exports and the price of oil; international cooperation and security.
The Disclosure Project stands ready to assist the Congress in any way possible to facilitate use of these new energy sources. We can recommend a number of individuals who can be subpoenaed to provide testimony on such technologies, as well as people who have information on unacknowledged special access projects within covert government operations that are already working with these issues.
4.4 Recommended Military Actions
Since the early 1990s, the Director and members of the Disclosure Project have briefed various high level military officials including the Head of Intelligence Joint Staff (J-2), the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Director of Central Intelligence, Wright Patterson Director of National Air Intelligence Center and others. It has become obvious to us during these briefings that senior officers have not been informed on this subject. This constitutes a serious threat to the national security and to military readiness.
To quote Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, “I urge immediate congressional action to reduce the dangers from secrecy about Unidentified Flying Objects.” Note that here he is emphasizing the dangers from secrecy, not danger arising from UFOs.34
We recommend senior military and national security leaders take the following actions:
1. Receive a thorough briefing on the subject by the Disclosure Project leadership and military/civilian witnesses; 2. Fully brief CINCS (Commander in Chiefs), and develop special ROEs (Rules of Engagement) for ETI/UFO encounters; 3. Independently investigate the subject and penetrate USAP (Unacknowledged Special Access Projects, see section 3.4) operations related to the subject; 4. Become fully involved in covert projects related to the subject to ensure that such projects are adequately supervised and are under the direct and continuous control of the constitutional chain of command; 5. Correct and/or restrain any USAP’s covert misuse of advanced technologies or weapon systems related to UFOs; 6. Attempt peaceful, cooperative engagement of these life forms and assiduously avoid violent military engagement; 7. Carefully reconsider the deployment of space-based military assets in light of the above information and avoid actions that might be viewed as bellicose or hostile by extraterrestrial life forms. More details on these recommendations are found in section 5.1, “Operational Readiness and the Unidentified Flying Object/Extraterrestrial Intelligence Subject.”
34 Hillenkoeter, Roscoe: Aliens from Space, Major Donald E. Keyhoe, 1975.