Family Constellations for Hybrid Families

Bert Hellinger - On Consciences (Family Constellation for Hybrid Families) EXTRATERRESTRIAL EXPERIENCES EXAMINED THROUGH THE BERT HELLINGER-TYPE FAMILY CONSTELLATIONS -- a yet undescovered area of healing and understanding It would bring fascinating results if some who have memories of extraterrestrial parents, would find a therapist who would be capable of giving them a Bert Hellinger-type Family Constellation, which is about the workings of love and energy that not only pervades, but also surmounts the individuals in a family. The so called Family Conscience, which Mr. Hellinger discovered for Humanity, goes beyond human logic and human ethics, and embodies a greater order of love that defies the usual level of human understanding. During constellation, the representatives of family members can "channel" the personality, and soul messages of the represented person, or in our case, extraterrestrial/interdimensional entity. THROUGH THIS such information could be gained about

Family Constellations for Hybrid Families Stack - Issuu