Tax Seminars in Denmark

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The Danish Tax System

A tough nut to crack! Is your tax return a complete mystery to you? Is your tax declaration written in a language you surely do not speak? And what do you even have to pay in taxes? Come and join Expat in Denmark, SKAT and our regional partners SKAT ­Information Meetings held around the country, where employees from SKAT, the Danish tax authorities, will be on hand to explain the basics of the Danish tax system to you … in English! Taxes are an inevitable element of society, no matter where you live, so ­allow us to help make this part of your life in Denmark a little easier! We are looking forward to meeting you at our seminars. Vi ses!

The Danish Tax System events are free of charge, but registration is ­required. Check out our event calendar for sign up. 2.11.16: Aalborg 7.11.16: Copenhagen 9.11.16: Gråsten 14.11.16: Vejle 15.11.16: Brande 22.11.16: Aarhus 23.11.16: Odense

! If you have any questions, please contact Consultant Virginie Morlet by phone 33 77 31 67 or Visit for more information about the network

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