Silk Decor Collection

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welcome Si l k has al way s had a spec i al pl a c e i n o u r l i v e s . H i s to ri c a l l y i t e v o k e s th e ‘Si l k Rout e’ and t r ade c onnec t i on s w i th th e e x o ti c o ri e n t. C o n n e c te d w i th ev er y t hr ead i s a st or y of t ex t i l e e x p re s s i o n i n d i ffe re n t p a rts o f th e c o u n try . I n our c r af t t r adi t i ons i t i s a v al u e d m a te ri a l . T h e ra w n a tu ra l c o l o re d s i l k ; sheer si l ks wi t h t r anspar enc y ; v i vi d s i l k s a re e l e n g th s i n i n te n s e c o n tra s ti n g colors; the mathematical precision of ikat weave, the duo tone of warp and weft. St or i es hav e been wov en i n si l k o n m a n y o f o u r tra d i ti o n a l te x ti l e s a n d now,wi t h Ber ger Si l k, m oder n s to ri e s e m e rg e fo r o u r i n te ri o rs . S i l k i s i m m ensel y sensor i al . I t del i ght s th e e y e w i th i ts s h e e n a n d s m o o th c o l o r. To t ouc h si l k i t i s sum pt uous and ri c h . I ts te x tu re th a t b ri n g s w a rm th a n d wel c om e t o a hom e. Si l k i s a sy m bol of r ef i ned t ast e i n p e o p l e w h o a p p re c i a te g o o d l i v i n g a n d c l assi c v al ues. Ber ger Si l k m akes i n te ri o r w a l l s s o ft to to u c h a n d fe e l . T h e h i g h sheen f i ni sh c om pl em ent s t he pl e a s i n g a e s th e ti c s o f s o p h i s ti c a te d i n te ri o rs . All of which come alive in Berger Silk - the first luxury emulsion introduced in India. Si l k i s one of t he m ost pr em i um & L u x u ri o u s o ffe ri n g s a m o n g s t B e rg e r’ s v a s t r ange of i nt er i or em ul si os. I t em b o d i e s s h e e n , s m o o th n e s s a n d v i v i d c o l o r whi c h br i ngs al i v e t he r i c h l ux ur i o u s fe e l o f s i l k o n th e w a l l s . I t e x p re s s e s t he f i ni shi ng t ouc h f or an ex c epti o n a l l i fe s ty l e .

introduction The Ex per i enc e Si l k book i s a d e s i g n g u i d e th a t h e l p s y o u to c o l o r y o u r hom e beaut i f ul l y . Thi s books gu i d e s y o u to c o n fi d e n tl y u s e c o l o r fo r a c om pl et e i nt er i or . I nt er i or Col or i s an i m por t ant dec i s i o n i n th e h o m e . W e n e e d h a n d h o l d i n g and want t o t r y st y l e c hanges i n l i ttl e p h a s e s . I n a n e a s y m a n n e r, th e b o o k l eads y ou t o know y our per sona l s ty l e . O n c e y o u k n o w y o u r l o o k , i n e v e ry st or y , t her e i s a beaut i f ul pal et t e o f c o l o rs to c h o o s e fro m . A p a l e tte i s a r ange of c ol or s t hat go wel l t oge th e r. Y o u c a n p i c k i d e a s fo r th e w a l l s a n d ev en get c oor di nat i on hi nt s f or t h e fa b ri c s a n d a c c e s s o ri e s ! O n suc c essi v e pages t he book t a k e s y o u th ro u g h c o l o r c o m b i n a ti o n s i d e a s f or di f f er ent r oom s. St ar t wi t h a c o m fo rta b l e tw o -c o l o r l o o k ; m o v e o n to bol der i deas. F or a f i nal f i ni shi ng fl o u ri s h , p a i n t a w a l l w i th s p e c i a l e ffe c t pai nt . Si l k i l l usi ons t ex t ur es i n sh i m m e r a n d tw o -to n e d e s i g n s p e rs o n a l i z e a r oom . Ex pl or e, Ex per i m ent and Ex p e ri e n c e S i l k !

select your style The book lets us explore different design styles to help us select the one that we like. Each one of us is a drawn to a style we like in home décor. Some of us want formal sophistication. Others may want a casual look. Sometimes we may want a chic look for the bedroom and dramatic style for the dining. Think about what you want your home to look like…focus on a few words. Follow the key words to describe your look and Select your Style.


“Fresh, feminine and light filled guest room.’

“Casual warm and Indian seating area.’’


pretty poetic vibrant modern

bold elegant

traditional indian

charming historic warm

bohemian pop vivid fresh



“Bold, modern and artistic corners.’’


is this me? Chic Glam 10

Golden Glow

Sophisticated glamour. Soothing urban colors with subtle shimmer.

Classic Neutrals 34 22 Timeless and enduring. Sober restful colors which are everlasting.

Palace Life

Do not be afraid to experiment, and ask the question, ‘Is this Me?’ Do you want something, light feminine and charming‌then go for Sensual Beauty. If looking for bold, modern and vibrant rooms...Then head to the Paradox pages. Today, people do not want a completely matched look in their homes. You can decide to have a pretty and romantic bedroom and a classic kitchen. It is still the quintessential you!

Historic tradition. Mellow colors for majestic interiors.

58 Grand Living. Vivid Indian colors for Palatial style.

Paradox Sensual Beauty 46 Pretty Poetic. Pastel botanical shades for a fresh feeling.

70 Modern flair. Pulsating intense color contrast.


‘‘With the brush we merely tint, while the imagination alone produces color.’’ -Theodore Gericault.

Chic Glam Chic Glam is for those seeking sophisticated glamour for urban homes. The look is one of quiet luxury with understated lavishness. The furniture and furnishings are exquisitely finished. A play of textures gives the glamour quotient. Polished wood contrasts against quality textiles. Finishing touches are the shimmer of a chandelier and mother of pearl accents in accessories. The colors in this scheme are muted grey tones of familiar hues of pink, teal and wine. Tender Grey, Whispering Wisteria, Diamante and Crystal River. Though subdued in color, the style is scintillating because of the sparkling touches. Chic glam colors can be used for indulgent spaces; Romantic bedrooms and smart dining rooms. The hushed colors are a wonderful backdrop for living room lounges, allowing conversation to flow!


Bottom two lines are call out colors. The shades depicted in the book are indicative only, due to the limitations of printing technology. For a closer match kindly refer the Experience Silk Shade card.


A color Diamante behind the velvet headboard and shimmer of chandelier makes the bedroom glamorous.

Chic Crystal River brings together the textures of crystal, mirror, ceramics and cushions in this living room.

In this gracious living area neutral wall color Arable gives sophistication to the ambience.


Pink Rose


Purple Moss

24002(880) Pink Rose



Desert Sand



Conversations sparkle around the dining table with Pink Rose Illusions as a wall backdrop. Metallica Silver Fire

Maze Autumn

Gently Raining

Good Fortune

Chic Glam Silk Illusions

The shades depicted in the book are indicative only, due to the limitations of printing technology. For a closer match kindly refer the Metallica Interior & Exterior Shade card.


Classic Neutrals Classic interiors are for those seeking a look that is timeless and enduring. When we talk of classics, it is something that will never go out of style. For this interior look, you will see forms and shapes that are formal yet easy to live with. Furniture that is familiar, furnishings that are tasteful and accent pieces that range from the traditional to the modern. Classic Neutrals colors are tints and shades of grey and beige. A restful rhythm with neutral colors like Summer White, Basic Beige, Bamboo Grove and Clean Khaki, gives a natural life to the classic interior. Neutral colors go with everything. They create clutter free bedrooms and quiet study corners. They work as modernist background colors for dining and living rooms.


Bottom two lines are call out colors. The shades depicted in the book are indicative only, due to the limitations of printing technology. For a closer match kindly refer the Experience Silk Shade card.


A modern bedroom, in timeless contrast of dark wood, crisp linen against classic Gentle Dawn.

A quiet corner is restful. The wall color in Caramel Mist creates a familiar atmosphere.

The dining setting will never go out of style. The earthy colors of Rich Tan make the room contemporary yet rustic.



Grey Silver


14002(880) Maze Moonrock



Sunset Orange


Maze Moonrock

Maze Moonrock

Gentle Dawn

Clean khaki

Clean khaki

In this tasteful breakfas nook, a subtle texture in Maze Autumn on the featured panels brings in a natural rhythm.

Classic Neutrals Silk Illusions

The shades depicted in the book are indicative only, due to the limitations of printing technology. For a closer match kindly refer the Metallica Interior & Exterior Shade card.


Glowing Golds Glowing Gold for artistic homes that want to capture the splendor of an era. There is an emphasis on luxury and artistry through materials used in the interior. Heritage pieces take center stage and are the focus of the room. There is a glow of light, a gleam of metal and an array of treasured collections. Deeply rooted in history, yellows are also suited for contemporary living. Colors are softest like Mango Cupcake to deep earthy shades of Wild Grass and Rich Chocolate. The warm and mellow colors make the interiors look majestic. The walls of living areas, dining rooms, and verandahs are the canvas against which everything is showcased.


Bottom two lines are call out colors. The shades depicted in the book are indicative only, due to the limitations of printing technology. For a closer match kindly refer the Experience Silk Shade card.


Mango Cupcake casts a golden glow in the room and brings a heritage panel center stage.

Mellow tone of Daisy Heart makes this a comfortable area to sit in.

The four poster bed is majestic in the center of the room against Winter Grass walls.


Dazzling Yellow



21503(880) Inferno



Baby Pink



A patina of distress gold gives a warm textural contrast to this cozy dining nook. Inferno

Maze Nova


Daisy Heart

Glowing Golds Silk Illusions

The shades depicted in the book are indicative only, due to the limitations of printing technology. For a closer match kindly refer the Metallica Interior & Exterior Shade card.


Sensual Beauty Pretty and poetic this theme infuses homes with freshness and infinite charm. Home that is simply beautiful and filled with loving details. Charmingly coordinated with floral prints, curvy sofas and cozy corners. Floral bouquets, lace and trims, fine china and graceful artifacts are all the elements that make up this lovely interior. Pastel botanical shades of Spice Pear, Garden Inspiration and Old Rose are a delicate blend. The colors are powdery and soft filling a home with elegance and beauty. Fresh and light filled, these colors are lovely for rooms where you want a sense of renewal and radiance. Bedrooms, children’s areas kitchen and breakfast rooms.


Bottom two lines are call out colors. The shades depicted in the book are indicative only, due to the limitations of printing technology. For a closer match kindly refer the Experience Silk Shade card.


Early morning light fill a guest bedroom that looks heavenly with walls in Beryl.

A graceful welcome awaits visitors in a charming hallway painted in a pastel floral color Spiced Pear.

Green walls are a palatable backdrop to this fine feast in an elegant buffet area.




Butter Mint

23107(880) Butter Mint

Crystal Green


Black Diamond



A grand dining room is made more intimate and charmin with a rose colored textured walls. Maze Nova

Maze Flora

Coral Beige


Sensual Beauty Silk Illusions

The shades depicted in the book are indicative only, due to the limitations of printing technology. For a closer match kindly refer the Metallica Interior & Exterior Shade card.


Palace Life To be indulged and live the extravagant life at an Indian palace is the stuff of dreams. Sumptuously furnished homes with notable historic character hold together the traditions of a family. In a fast paced life, families with refined taste like a beautiful residence that reflects their desire for gracious luxury. Palace Life interiors; express themselves in flamboyant color. Orange spice, Bright Wine and Fuschia Flash combine to create an exotic atmosphere. Berger Silk may be used at home for rooms that are statements and for entertaining spaces. Silken walls of living rooms, dining areas and bedrooms,are enriched by these jewel tones.


Bottom two lines are call out colors. The shades depicted in the book are indicative only, due to the limitations of printing technology. For a closer match kindly refer the Experience Silk Shade card.


Dusty tones and contrasts of Cameroon Rose define the alcoves in this seating area.

Elegantly embellished furniture and fine art is given a contemporary background of Bright Wine color.

The regal flourish of luxuriant accent color makes a gracious home take on new-age sophistication.


Shy Pink




Shy Pink





Maze Autumn

Maze Flora4

Moroccan Velvet

Midnight Mauve


Traditions of a family are showcased against a patina of textured walls and trim that frame the past.

Palace Life Silk Illusions

The shades depicted in the book are indicative only, due to the limitations of printing technology. For a closer match kindly refer the Metallica Interior & Exterior Shade card.


Paradox For those who live life in full color. Dramatic pieces, staged color. Intense pulsating spaces with a mix of vibrant colors. This look captures an edgy India modern style. Today people do not want a completely matched look in their homes. A scene is set and staged with effect. Strong furniture pieces, ornamental cushions, mirrors and over scaled accessories make it a curtain raiser. Just as in a theatre, the colors are bold, vivid and stand out. Like distinct characters, clashing colors call out joyfully. A happy mix of blues, greens, yellows and a dash of purple make a noteworthy performance. Sheer drama, this is a palette to make an entrance grand. Bedrooms become playhouses and living rooms theatrical settings.


Bottom two lines are call out colors. The shades depicted in the book are indicative only, due to the limitations of printing technology. For a closer match kindly refer the Experience Silk Shade card.


A sitting area corner is called to attention painted with a trendy bold color of Scuba Blue.

Sumptuous silken bedroom pulsates with electric blue walls painted an Enchanted Evening.

A scenes is set and staged against a backdrop of Gold Field. Sculpted accessories and art stand out as strong characters.


Tea Green


Lemon Grass

40310(880) Haiku

Fresh Mint


Prussian Blue



Maze Moonrock


Enchanted Evening


Artful textures paint masterful strokes in this paradoxical room with retro style room. With bohemian chic.

Paradox Silk Illusions

The shades depicted in the book are indicative only, due to the limitations of printing technology. For a closer match kindly refer the Metallica Interior & Exterior Shade card.


silk luxury emulsion Whites


Blues & Teals


Yellow Greens


Beiges & Tans


Reds & Pinks


The shades depicted in the book are indicative only, due to the limitations of printing technology. For a closer match kindly refer the Experience Silk Shade card.


silk illusions Chic Glam

Classic Neutrals

Glowing Golds

Sensual Beauty

Palace Life

Dazzling Yellow




Shy Pink


Tea Green



Lemon Grass


Pink Rose



Purple Moss


Grey Silver




Butter Mint









Crystal Green




Fresh Mint


Desert Sand


Sunset Orange


Baby Pink


Black Diamond




Prussian Blue



Maze Moonrock

Coral Beige

Metallica Silver Fire

Maze Autumn



Gently Raining

Maze Moonrock

Gentle Dawn

Good Fortune

Maze Moonrock

Clean Khaki


Maze Nova

Daisy Heart

Maze Flora


Maze Autumn

Moroccan Velvet


Maze Flora4

Midnight Mauve

Maze Moonrock


Enchanted Evening

Silk Illusions are special effect paints in textures or metallic finishes. The unusual wall finishes become a special feature in a room.

The shades depicted in the book are indicative only, due to the limitations of printing technology. For a closer match kindly refer the Metallica Interior & Exterior Shade card.



AREAS OF APPLICATION Plastered surfaces, concrete walls, fiber board, asbestos, gypsum board and false ceiling.

APPLICATION TOOLS Roller Brush RECOMMENDED DILUTION Brush application: 40-50% by volume. Roller : 25-30% by volume. Deep shades from N base to be applied without dilution. APPLICATION DETAILS Surface Preparation: Remove all dirt, loose paint, flakes using wire mesh. Cover fine cracks with putty, large cracks may need cement work. Allow sufficient time for the putty/cement work to dry. Priming: Apply one coat of BP Cement Primer/ BP White Primer suitably diluted and dry it overnight. Top Coat: Mix well. Dilute with potable

water and apply with brush or roller. Allow it to dry for at least 6-8 hours or overnight depending ambient temperature, humidity and surface conditions. Apply second coat only when the first coat is dry. Care must be taken to not over dilute the paint. TECHNICAL PARAMETERS Coverage :140-160 sqft/lt/2 coats depending on shade, quality of surface preparation and application condition Surface Dry: 15-25 min at 60% RH, 25OC Hard Dry :6-8 hours Flash Point: water based paint, hence non-flammable. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Low VOC No added lead, Chromium (VI), Mercury.

Silk Smooth

Silk Luxury Emulsion is an interior wall paint designed to give your walls a durable premium, rich high-sheen appearance. It is formulated with 100% acrylic emulsions and anti-fading pigments together with bio-resistant additives that makes the paint film highly scratch resistant & prevents growth of fungus & algae for a extended period of time. The paint film retains the fresh glossy new look longer.

Silk Illusions Illusions Metallica is a super premium water based,100% Acrylic metallic paint which can be Applied by brush/roller. UNIQUE FEATURES 1. Non blackening water based metallic finish. 2. Tintable - Two direct bases that can be tinted in the coor Bank machine to provide you with hundreds of metallic shades. 3. Can be used on interior and exterior surfaces, A result of the high quality components used in the formulation. DILUTION RATIO For best result dilution is not necessary. However, for roller/ design applications maximum of 250ml of water may be added per litre of Metallica.

COVERAGE Direct application- 160 sq ft/tr/coat Illusions design application- 500 sq ft/tr/ coat Metallica design application - 70 sq ft/tr/ coat RECOMMENDED USAGE AREAS Interiors: Behind flat TV Screen, screen, staircase area, common passage, lobby, the walls behind beds, drawing room foyer, under arches, false, ceiling, pillars. Exterior: Pillars, pyramidal constructions, sloping roofs, sloping tiled roofs, borders, insets, projections, Windows Instance.

POINTS TO NOTE 1. Ensure that not more than 4% colorants, by volume are added to the formulation. 2. Metal Application - Can be applied after priming with Red Oxide or Zinc Chromate primer. 3. Wood Application Can be applied after printing with wood primer. 4. Direct Application for Cement/Plaster/ POP/ Putty Surfaces- For perfect finish, surface should be prepared- For perfect finish, surface should be prepared with illusions sealer as undercoat followed by two coats of recommended base coat. The mesmerizing mĂŠlange of texture and colors in Silk Illusions are created to captivate. To make you hold your breath even as you stare at myriad designs on the walls.

Silk Illusions

Silk Luxury Emulsion


BERGER PAINTS INDIA LIMITED Berger House, 129 Park Street, Kolkata 700017 PH : 2229 9724-28, 2229 6005-06 TOLL FREE : 18003458800 FAX : 91-33-2249 9729/9009

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