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Discover the vibrant charm and authentic stories of Tennessee through the eyes of its most influential storytellers! Join forces with the 2023-2024 class of Experience Tennessee Influencers and Ambassadors, boasting a combined following of over 600,000 on Instagram and 265,000 on TikTok Together, you can amplify your local businesses, showcase intriguing attractions, and highlight unforgettable events
Collaborating with the South Central Tennessee Tourism Association, you can craft compelling itineraries and gigs designed to drive engagement and fuel economic growth in your community Get ready to move the needle, make a significant impact, and let the world Experience Tennessee like never before!
$20 per Influencer costoffollowers $5 per hard post/reels $2 per story per 1k followers
3 included$10 per location per Influencer
AdvertisingCommitment:Theadvertiseragreestopurchaseadvertisingasoutlinedintheproposal andunderstandsandagreesthatalladvertisingdollarsarenon-refundable regardless ofcampaignperformance PrintDates:Advertiseracknowledgesthatprintdatesmentionedintheproposalaretentativeandaretobeconsideredastargetsonlyandnotasguaranteed dates TheCompanyreservestherighttomodifyorpushbacktheprintdatesatitssolediscretion TheAdvertiserwillbeinformedaboutanysuchchangesasandwhentheyoccur Artwork Specifications:Advertisermustprovideallartworkforadvertisementsataresolutionof300dpi,andineitherJPEGorPNGformat Thedimensionsmuststrictlyadheretothosedetailedin themarketingdeck Anydeviationmayresultinthenon-acceptanceoftheartwork ContentOwnership:Theadvertiserwarrantsandrepresentsthatallimagesandmaterialsusedinthe advertisementsareeitherlicensedtotheAdvertiserorarethepropertyoftheAdvertiser TheAdvertiserisresponsibleforensuringthelegalityofallcontentandimagesincludedintheir advertisements,includingsecuringnecessarypermissionsorlicenses TheAdvertiseragreestoindemnifyandholdharmlesstheCompanyfromanyclaims,damages,orliabilitiesarising fromthecontentoftheAdvertiser'sadvertisements
All After Jack Guides will be available in print and digital format with 100k targeted impressions over the life of the advertising campaign (Print, Digitial Marketing, Influencers & Ambassadors)
Guides will be a part of a quarterly email marketing campaign specifically to Tennessee Whiskey Tail participants that have not visited the Jack Daniel Distillery Digital copies will be provided in each of these email blasts
After Jack Guides will be a focus item for the Lynchburg Welcome Center staff to hand out to guests Guides will also be placed at select welcome centers along the paths
Advertisers will be placed on any routes that run through their communities, or near them. Sponsoring DMOs' branding will be used for the communities listed on the maps
Experience Tennessee Ambassador's Highlight will support each piece as it is released
All After Jack Guides will be placed on the Experience Tennessee "Virtual Brochure Rack" under "Things to do" on ExperienceTN.com
After Jack Combo Guide will be placed on Virtual Brochure Rack Posters (min 250)
Guides will be mailed and emailed with inquiries about the region and visiting Jack Daniel's Guide breakdowns throughout the year on Experience Tennessee's social media platforms including the Lynchburg, Tennessee socials.
Guides will be available at the Experience Tennessee Mobile Welcome Center for Events