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Drumheller Downtown
the top of the last wooden tipple in Canada. What’s a tipple? A processing plant where coal is sorted, stored, and loaded into trains. Don a hardhat and a headlamp to follow in the historic footsteps of miners in the Tunnel Tour. A challenging hike up through the inclined conveyor tunnel takes you to the mine entry set high in the Badlands. If you don’t want to travel under your own steam, take a ride on Linda, the 90-year-old electric locomotive on a surface tour around the mine site. atlascoalmine.ab.ca
East Coulee School Museum The East Coulee School Museum is an 11 room schoolhouse built to educate children from the local coal mining families. After operating as a school from 1930-1971, it was transformed into a museum focusing on school days and home life during the coal mining era of the Drumheller Valley. ecsmuseum.ca
Sixth Annual Badlands Boogie The East Coulee Truss Bridge is the last one of its kind in Western Canada. This railroad and pedestrian bridge has been featured in movies and music videos. It is now threatened to be destroyed. In order to raise money to stave off this demolition, the 6 th Annual Badlands Boogie featuring over 30 volunteer bands will be held on the September long weekend in 2020. facebook.com/Badlands-Boogie-888570684580048
Red Deer River Adventures They rent kayaks and canoes for self-guided trips on the Red Deer River and surrounding area. They also offer guided tours ranging from 2 hours to a full day, taking you through an area of the river to learn about the region’s history. You’ll also see the site where the first Albertosaurus dinosaur was discovered. reddeerriveradventures.com
The Little Church Its claim to fame is it has seated 10,000 worshippers - 6 at a time. First erected in 1968 by local contractor Trygve Seland, in cooperation with the Ministerial Association, it was then rebuilt in 1991 by inmates of the Drumheller Institution. It is located at the intersection of North Dinosaur Tr and Murray Hill Rd just west of the famous Royal Tyrrell Museum. It offers an intimate setting for worship and meditation in the midst of vast natural beauty. travelalberta.com/ca/listings/drumhellers-little-church-4518
Experience Downtown Drumheller
The World’s Largest Dinosaur Step right up and see “The World’s Largest Dinosaur” in the heart of Drumheller. Literally step right up, 106 steps to be exact. This fibreglass and steel model T. rex stands 26.3 m high and 46 m in length, approx 4.5 times bigger than a life-sized T. rex. At the top, a viewing area in the mouth of the dinosaur can hold between 8 and 12 people at a time. worldslargestdinosaur.com
Valley Doll Museum and Gift Shop & Jungling Works At the Valley Doll Museum and Gift Shop, over 1000 enchanting antique and vintage dolls are displayed. See valleydollmuseum.com. At Jungling Works, Debra cites a friend’s challenge to share, rather than hoard, her photographs of the natural beauties in and around Drumheller as the inspiration for the amaing fashion accessories and home décor items digitally printed with these images featured in her store. junglingworks.com.
The Canadian Badlands Passion Play Performed over 3 weekends in July, is one ofCanada’s largest outdoor theatrical events. Attendees are carried back 2000 years to witness the dramatic portrayal ofthe life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. All within an acoustically superb natural amphitheatre. The numerous volunteer actors and musicians performing this play race over hills in a set that would challenge a mountain goat, all while delivering their lines with aplomb. canadianpassionplay.com
Fossil World Dinosaur Discovery Centre It is a hands-on museum for kids offering three main activities: 1) Fossil Dig - Dig up a dinosaur and take home a real fossil; 2) Mineral Mine - Take home a vial of real minerals while learning to identify the minerals; and, 3) Wall Climb - a 25 ft wall climb using an auto belay guided by an instructor. The museum features ten new animatronic dinosaurs, including a 7 m tall full motion animatronic T. rex. Check the website for dates when it is open. fossilworld.com