The Prehistoric Passport You can find all the info you need to plan your trip or circle tour of Montana’s Dinosaur trail on Facebook at MontanaDinoTrail. The map of the museums is online at
Many of the smaller museums on the Montana’s Dinosaur Trail have locally discovered fossils, and many even offer free admission. Those include the dinosuar museum in Havre, which is adjacent to a native buffalo jump site, making for an amazing two-for-one experience.
Two Medicine Dinosaur Center in Bynum, like the Great Plains Museum, is close to the Canadian border, and offers public dino digs running from half-day programs up to a twoweek long Paleo Training Course. By Allen Gibson
The Prehistoric Passport is a fun “tool”. Use it to unearth the primordial treasures of the Montana Dinosaur Trail. The passport describes the extraordinary dinosaur displays, exhibits and activities found at each of the trail’s 14 facilities in 12 Montana communities. Each passport includes Fun Fossil Facts, a section for field notes and space for the official “Dino Icon”; stamps that verify the passport owner has visited each trail facility. Once you’ve collected all 14 unique “Dino Icon”; stamps from the trail facilities, you’ll receive a gold seal, a certificate of completion and an exclusive Montana Dinosaur Trail Prehistoric Passport T-Shirt specifically designed for those who complete the trail. The Prehistoric Passport is available at each trail facility for $5.00 or purchase your Passport online for only $7 (Incl. shipping) Questions? Call the Prehistoric Passport Main Office at 406-449-8644 or write to
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