2021 Experience Western Adventures and Cowboy Trails

Page 36

Experience Alberta Open Farm Days

In the hilarious Hollywood movie, City Slickers (you should

toast? Quite possibly the same farm! That beer you had at the

see it), a trio of stressed-out city boys embark on a comical

brewpub yesterday evening? You get the idea.

cattle drive to find themselves. And, you guessed it, in the end, through much adversity - including nasty storms, stampedes,

And, with over 100 farms and various businesses participating,

and trailside calf birthing emergencies – the main characters

the opportunities and the variety of these “connections” are

(Billy Crystal and Daniel Stern steal the show) have an amazing,

substantial. From dude ranches to fruit wineries - and every-

life-changing experience. Everything that is truly important is

thing in between - the experiences are going to be interesting

put into proper perspective. The catalyst? The great outdoors

and eye opening. And they can have a dramatic and positive

and ranching ways, of course!

impact on how you live. What do you choose to buy.

In many ways, Alberta Open Farm Days - a late-summer,

Sadly, many people – especially city slickers, will never pull a

weekend-long opportunity for city slickers to visit farms and

carrot out of the dirt, wipe it clean, and crunch the goodness of

connect with various agricultural enterprises - strives for some-

the ground from where it came. It puts a different spin on food;

thing similar. True, you may not have an opportunity to help

to see it, taste it, pure and completely unprocessed. And it’s the

a calf enter the world during your experience (although, you

simple experiences like this that make the Alberta Open Farm

never know!), you are guaranteed to have a ton of fun and

Days an event you want to mark on your calendar.

learn plenty of things about stuff you really should know. Stuff that, whether you realize it or not, you are deeply connected

Since its inception in 2009, the Alberta Open Farm Days has

to. These farms, ranches, and ag-tourism operators are the

grown substantially. In the first year only a few participated.

places, and the people that truly sustain our society.

Province-wide, over 100 farms and ag-tourism operators will open their doors to the public. And it’s grown to include not

The milk you dumped on your cereal this morning...Yes,

just farms and ranches, but restaurants, craft breweries, winer-

indeed that came from a dairy cow. The butter you put on your

ies, distilleries, tour operators, and culinary events.

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