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Horses: Trust, Respect, and Team Work
Photo Courtesy of Travel Alberta/ Neil Zeller @neil_zee
An equine-assisted learning program is a ground-based horse course that builds confidence and teamwork through trust, respect, and problem solving.
“I wanted my last breath on earth to be doing something that literally changes people’s lives while working with horses in a completely different way.” Kari Fulmek, Founder and Master Instructor at Equine Connection, shares her inspiration for the equine-assisted learning programs she has offered since 2009. Glowing testimonials reflect the life-changing impact of her horse courses. According to Colin Merrick, “this learning will be remembered and retained unlike classroom sessions.”
How does it work?
With the horse as teacher, and human facilitator as interpreter, the participants work together to complete challenges or tasks. Activities are collaborative rather than competitive, with everyone working towards a common goal. A facilitator is on hand every single step of the way to assist and provide explanation (connecting experiences to behavioural profiles in an example), but most of the learning is hands-on.
“Horses have a lot to teach us!” Fulmek explains. “Herds to horses are just like teams to people. Horses have natural ‘herd behaviours’ that require trust, respect and teamwork from all members of the team.”
Participants must observe the horses carefully and listen to them in order to successfully complete each exercise. “The horses’ jobs are speaking to the clients through their bodies to help bring about the changes the human needs to make. Their feedback is honest and instant.” Just when you have one horse figured out, you may switch horses with another team, so you get more experience gaining mutual trust and respect.
Individuals, corporate teams, students, and patients can all benefit from equine-assisted learning. It is an opportunity to learn about yourself and others. When asked how horses teach, Fulmek says, “I have seen the power of how these horses have changed and touched every person who has come through my doors with a positive, move forward direction just because the horse was the one to tell them versus a human.” By: Karen Ung
Equine-Assisted Learning Outfits
Equine Connection, Carseland: equineconnection.ca Lasting Strides Equine, Delacour: lastingstridesequine.com Higher Trails, Millarville: HigherTrails.ca