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Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

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Introduction The Requirements Physical Requirements Mental Requirements Health Intangible Factors What You Can Work On Posing Styles How You Can Learn To Pose Make-up Smiling Hair Style Wardrobe Modeling The Runway Types of Modeling Fashion Editorial Fashion Runway Fashion Catalog Fashion Print Fashion Show Room Fashion Lingerie Fashion Bathing Suit Fashion Fitness Fashion Fit Fashion Tea Room Body Part Modeling Commercial Product Commercial Lifestyle Commercial Corporate Product Demonstration Trade Show Sports/Fitness Glamour Alternative Just a Body Getting Started Three Ways To Start Modeling The Web Getting There How To Find A Good Agency What To Do In Smaller Markets Checking Out A Modeling Agency The Agency Contract The Model Release Sample Model Release Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

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Conventions and Model Searches Modeling Schools Characteristics of Success Appearance Personality Intelligence Family Support Desire The Potential Pitfalls Watch Out For Rip Off Artists Example Scam Example Rip Off Mother Agencies What Can Your Mother Do Government Recognition Affects On Health The Modeling Life Three Stages of Modeling Pre-Modeling Life Modeling Stage Post Modeling You Are A Cow Go To Cattle Calls About Rejection Support Groups The Money Last of The Secrets To Success The Greatest Secret To Success

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Listing of International Modeling Agencies Listing Contents New York Seattle Houston Chicago Argentina Germany Athens Barcelona London Sydney Osaka

36 53 56 59 62 64 70 72 76 82 84

Los Angeles Dallas Toronto Brazil Chile Milan Madrid Paris Cape Town Hong Kong Tokyo

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Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

INTRODUCTION Modeling is a fascinating career, a part time job, a life of work, or a dangerous venture. The difference is in how you approach becoming a successful model. This book will provide you with the information that anyone needs to know to enter the exciting world of modeling. Modeling is a world unto itself and much more than runway or fashion modeling. Modeling includes lingerie, catwalk (runway), hands, legs head, teen, mature, glamour, advertising, editorial, and catalog and more. The faces of some of the highest paid models in the world have never been seen in a photograph or video. In fact some only “sell” their hands or feet as model subjects. Fashion modeling is the best-known niche in the international model world because of the glamour, the fashion, and the money. The term “supermodel” generally refers to a fashion or runway model. The term international supermodel is relatively new to society. No one knows exactly when the term was coined; however, it started in common usage in the 1990’s, thousands of years after the start of the profession. Models have been used to “sell” product since long before the invention of the television and even the camera. Historians know of clothiers in ancient Rome and other empiric dynasties that used human models to show their wears to affluent patrons. Models didn’t always hold the high place in society that they can today however. If Roman patrons didn’t buy the clothes worn by the model, the model, not the designer, was to blame, and the model was often tortured and killed. Models were often hired away by the patrons to serve in their households as well. THE REQUIREMENTS FOR TODAY’S MODEL PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS

For high fashion modeling there are size and "look" requirements. Model size is currently a controversy. It seems that there is considerable disagreement in the industry right now. Different fashion designers and modeling agencies have varying standards that can change with each season depending on the look of the line. In general, mainstream female high fashion models are tall, thin, young, and beautiful. The average is 5’9” to 5’11” with some stretching it from 5’8” to 6’. There are the atypical exceptions to 5’5” and 6’1”. Weight requirements are “thin”. Weights are Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

generally from 108 lbs. to 130 lbs. This can expand or contract some, however, waist maximum of 25” and maximum hips of 35 1/2”. For men muscles should not be an overbearing body feature. After all clothes don’t look good with bulging muscles changing the design of the clothes. Breast size is very important for women. The vast majority of successful international fashion models are no larger than a “B” cup. If the shot requires larger breasts the photographer can fake that easily. They cannot reduce the models breast size however. Tyra Banks is an exception to this rule with her naturally larger breasts. For women who are larger there are other opportunities in modeling rather than fashion. Incidentally it is extremely rare for an agency or photographer to ask a model to enhance their natural bust line. Pornography and some glamour work can be an exception. While there is no age requirement, most fashion models begin between ages thirteen and nineteen and if you have not made it by twenty it is over. This is not true with other types of modeling. And then there’s the model look. The industry generally seeks women who are small to medium boned, women who are fit and not buff, women with long graceful necks, square jaws, and high strong cheekbones. Eyes should be wide set, almond shaped and even, with thick eyelashes. The skin should be clear, small pored, even tones with no scars, tattoos or piercing. Lips should be medium to full and the teeth straight and white. Shoulders should be broad and squared. The long legged look is preferred. This means more legs than torso. Good posture is critical and grace is a necessity. And last but not least hair should be healthy and in good condition. Look at the current magazines to see what is popular right now. Don’t assume the same will be true next season, or even next month for that matter. MENTAL REQUIREMENTS

Fashion models and aspiring fashion models don’t have to take written tests to work. The work can be very testing however. Models who work in television often have to pass speaking tests if they have “lines” to say in a commercial. Understanding the goals of the people who hire models is essential to the success of any prospective model. Why? Team players get ahead. Prima donnas get work – for a while. Keep in mind that for every successful model there are literally thousands waiting for a turn. You can’t afford to be a prima donna unless and until you deserve it. Given equal physical attributes and knowledge, clients will choose those who are pleasant to work with versus those with an unjustified attitude. Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Until you have been in front of the camera you cannot judge what work goes into the photographs or what the model has endured to get that great shot. Models must be strong enough to endure tough conditions, repulsive environments and less than dignified surroundings at times in their careers. Just ask a swimsuit model how many times those beach shots were taken in bitter cold temperatures! A model must know and understand that being a model is very hard work! And a model must understand that there are many types of modeling besides fashion modeling. HEALTH REQUIREMENTS

A model only looks good when they are in good health and take care of their bodies. This means always getting a good nights sleep before a shoot. No one looks good with bags under their eyes (no matter how good the make up is), and no one looks good suffering from a hangover either. Drugs are a definite no no as well. The stories of wild parties and high drug use in the modeling industry are usually just rumors. No successful model would jeopardize a career just to get high. No one can look healthy when they are addicted or are a heavy user of any illegal drug. INTANGIBLE FACTORS

These factors are far more subtle and subjective that those above. Some of these are more important than others and those that are important change with the individual. It is important that a prospective model recognizes and understands that they exist. Are you photogenic? The most beautiful woman in the world, whoever she is, may not look good on camera. Likewise the camera might love some one who has less beauty quality. Obviously success as a model of any type depends on how you photograph. If you are photogenic you should already know it from the snapshots of you taken over the years. Are you a chameleon? The truth is the models that have the quality to change their look for the circumstance will generally have longer careers than those models that look the same in every photo. Are you patient? Some agents will tell you that if you don’t have patience you’ll never survive as a model. Why? If you’re good you’ll be working a lot and in that work you will have to spend a lot of time waiting. Getting ready for the shoot can by trying. Patience is definite a virtue in modeling. Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Are you graceful? Grace of movement comes from within. You are either born with it or not. It can be coached and honed. Whether you have grace or not will show up in your photographs. Are you inhibited? Fact is you can’t be too modest and succeed in modeling. In runway modeling models rarely have enough time to change outfits and worry about covering up at the same time. In fashion magazine shoots the model is going to be handled by make up people, clothing fitters armed with straight pins, and the photographer or an assistant may physically move the model into the desired pose. Are you confident? A feeling of well being or confidence is an elusive quality. It is also paramount for a successful model. If you feel fat, shy, or clumsy, or if you are just worried about a pimple that insecurity will show on camera. Are you open minded? You have to be able to work with people of every culture, religion, race, and sexual orientation. Can you grasp the big picture? If you are swept up in the moment or you tend to think that you are the center of the universe, you could be in big trouble. The model is just one part of the creative process that involves art directors, photographers, stylists, make up artists, and other crew personnel. The lack of grasp of the big picture will show up very fast and if the model tries to impose their view, it won’t be conducive to a long career in the industry. WHAT YOU CAN WORK ON Before you start taking modeling classes at your expense you might want to consider the following information. There are a number of classes that a prospective model could take that would improve the chances of gaining an agent or being a success at modeling Photographers have two choices when it comes to models, they can either pull someone off the street who looks right for their concept and not pay them much money, or the can hire a professional model and pay more money. Most opt to pay more for a professional because the shoot will go quicker and there is a marked improvement in the odds of success. A professional model can save client money by shortening the time it takes for a shoot and the quality of the images will be better (better usually meaning more sales). What does a professional model bring to a shoot that some one off the street does not? A professional attitude, the ability to express and pose, and knowledge of make-up, hairstyling, and wardrobe. These skills are what make a model worth the fees. You should know your body so you are aware of how it moves, what lines it forms, and how it can be coached into different positions. You should know yourself and your Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

emotions so you can show these to the camera and feel confident in what you are showing. One of the best ways to gain grace of movement is through dance. More agents, bookers, and casting directors recommend dance classes over any other. This is because of the multiple benefits of fitness and the awareness a dancer has of their body. If you perform dance so much the better as the experience before an audience is beneficial. Another good way to gain or perfect grace is through Yoga. Yoga teaches body awareness. Yoga may be even be better than aerobics because rather than moving fast continuously, in Yoga you move in control, slow control. Yoga also teaches breathing, focusing on ones body position, and focusing on your surroundings – allimportant to a model. We all can show emotion. Make a list of all key emotions (hate, love, anger, sadness, longing, happy, etc.) and practice those expressions in front of a mirror. After you have practiced for a while, try them on a friend and see if they can tell what emotion you are conveying. The idea is that when you are in front of the camera and the photographer wants you to look longingly into the distance you know how to do that. When you are in front of the camera lens your body and how it is positioned become a critical element in making the photograph successful. Learning how to move in front of the camera begins with some basic principles. Lines of Force - There are certain principles of design that apply to any visual art. With a model in a photograph your body works as a compositional element. All the basic rules of design apply to how you position your body. Learning basic design rules can help you understand why an arm should go one way and a leg the other way, and why when the rules are broken a whole different message is given. Non-verbal communication - Certain body positions communicate different messages. By learning these body positions and recreating them in front of the camera you can communicate a powerful message. Symbolism - This is a refinement of understanding of non-verbal communication. This is the old nature verses nurture debate. There are certain body positions that have specific meaning with in a culture context. There can be body positions that will mean something in one culture or for one group of people and mean nothing to another. What is meaningless in on culture can be a great insult in another. Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Acting versus reacting – Photographers can get the pose they need by the models acting or reacting. Acting or directional modeling -- The scene is set, direction on what is needed from the model for expression, look and pose is given to the model, and the model must provide what is needed. A model that can accomplish this is very valuable. Reactive modeling -- With this type of approach an environment is created, or external forces are applied and the model reacts to the situation. The model’s personality is important and the shot is achieved through improvisation and spontaneity. The question is whether it works or not and most of the time if it does it is usually the exception. POSING STYLES

Classic Fashion -- These poses were developed as a style up to the 1960’s. They follow good compositional design and function to make one look attractive. This is the style most used in catalog modeling. Anti-Classic or High Fashion -- A rebellion against the classic posing started with the 1960’s rebellion to look unique. This has intern become its own stylized look that is seen mostly in fashion editorial. This style breaks compositional lines and goes for distorted, awkward, deformed, and yes even ugliness. Commercial Print – Most often the pose is tied to direct non-verbal communication. An ad has an advertising message that needs to be stated and how the model is positioned carries the statement. Glamour -- This area has its own unique set of poses. It is built on classic fashion and good design and emphasizes the sensual and sexy. HOW CAN YOU LEARN TO POSE

The best suggestion is to work on posing by practicing in front of a full-length mirror and doing test shoots. To figure out what to practice look at fashion magazines to see how to stand but keep in mind most of the poses are breaking the rule and you need to be learning the rules. Look at fashion catalogs for poses. Pay attention to tilt of the head, position of the hand, and turn of the ankle. These little things can make a big difference. Just as with facial expressions your body posture can relate to an emotional word or phrase. Body posing is easy to show someone but it is hard to put in words. With both expressions and with posing it is also good to practice with props, products, and wardrobe. Props might be a floppy hat, Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

a long shawl, and a beach ball. You want to practice reacting to the prop and using the prop. The reason for doing photographs is to sell something; it is good to practice with a product that might be sold. Practice holding the product so it shows well and you don't cover the label. With fashion you are selling the clothes, practice showing important features. Show off pockets, collar, belt, how the garment moves, what ever makes the garment interesting need to have attention. Look at a lot of magazines and practice mimicking the poses in front of your mirror. This may sound childish but its not. You may discover your grace or find out you can’t do more than be a stick figure – either way doing this as practice will only help you when it is for real. MAKE-UP

Make-up is an art. If a shoot has a budget for a make-up artist and a good one is available then just sit back and let them do their magic. On a shoot without a budget for a make-up artist or in smaller markets where one is not available, it may well fall upon the model to do their own make-up. Even when you have a make-up artist it is necessary that you know of any corrective make-up you may need. There are some great books available for learning make-up. You may also find theatrical make-up classes taught at some community colleges. Don’t go to the cosmetologist at the local department store as they may be fine giving some pointers for street make-up, but make-up for photography can and is quite different. This is especially true for black and white photos. Make-up for black and white photography can get strange as color no longer matters. It is only the lightness and darkness that matters. A big part of learning make-up is just trying it in front of a mirror. Study a book or magazine then try it in front of a mirror. Eventually, you have to get in front of the camera with your make up on and see how it looks. SMILING

Use the mirror to practice your smile too. There are many different types of smiles i.e. the coy smile, the broad happy smile, the snidely smile etc. Practice going from a straight face to a smile because when and if you do get in front of the camera while there is chaos around you the photographer will say “smile” right in the middle of it. Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes


Being able to do things with your hair can be a great help. Of course it is great when you have a professional hair stylist who can do some fabulous looks and keep every hair in place, but there may not be a budget for a hair stylist. It may fall to the model to be able to do their hair. Most photographers will say that shoulder length hair is the most versatile. It can be put it up, pulled it back, combed to one side, fluffed, curled, or just left natural. Short hair locks in one look, end of story. Long hair can be fun to work with but not quite as flexible. Being able to restyle your hair can be very helpful on a shoot. Check various magazines to see what they are doing and practice in a mirror. For most modeling purposes you don't need to be incredibly creative with your hair, just able to redo it to offer several different looks. WARDROBE

In smaller markets, on lower budget shoots, and for your composite and portfolio you will need a basic working wardrobe. A range of basics would be good. You should have a business suit or wardrobe for interviews, cold calls, and modeling. As part of your wardrobe selection it is best to know about fashion. If you don’t, learn first before you start building or selecting your model wardrobe. MODELING THE RUNWAY/CATWALK.

When it comes to runway modeling you must realize one thing. You are not a human being you are a coat hanger! Your purpose when runway modeling is to display the designer’s clothes. The second thing you need to realize when runway modeling is that this is a really good opportunity to get good exposure and future bookings. The best way to learn about runway modeling is to watch professional models on the runway. Video recording a fashion runway show would be best because then you can go over it time and time again and ‘practice the walk’. Although watching these tapes many times will help, you still may miss a few important details. Here is what you may not notice just watching. Your eyes should be focused straight ahead of you looking off into the distance. Just find something on the back wall and focus on it. There will be bright lights aimed at you! Do not focus on a light unless you want to walk right over the edge of the runway. Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Your chin should be down slightly while runway modeling. The reason for this is because every one will be sitting, looking up at you. There will be many photographers taking pictures aimed up at you. So for your exposure aspect, you want to have good pictures taken of you so that they can be reused in magazines. You can then take these and add them to your portfolio. Your shoulders need to stay still as you walk. They shouldn't move. This can take a little getting used to, but will not take long. A lot of models, when learning runway modeling, tend to swing their arms way too much. Your arms should only swing as much as your body makes them. There is a small difference between men and women in the way they swing their arms. The reason for the difference is how a man takes his steps. His step will cause his whole arm to swing more while a woman's steps will cause her arms to swing more from her elbows down. Next time you watch a model runway modeling, watch and see how their lower arm is doing most of the swinging. Concentrate on keeping your upper arm in close and somewhat tight to your body. This will ensure that only the bottom half swings. Hands are surprisingly quite important while runway modeling. Always remember to have your hands open with your fingers nearly totally straightened. Not totally straight (you don't want to look like a robot), but out enough to be visible. The right leg refers to walking. Men just need to walk in a natural manner. The main point is to take long strides without making it look unnatural. Women need to also take longer strides, but they need to walk with one foot in front of the other. This causes their hips to sway, which gives their arms the proper swing. TYPES OF MODELLING It is important for a prospective model to understand two ineluctable facts. First the needs of the market determines what models are needed and second, the prospective model should understand the type of model that they want to become. By understanding the type of modeling you are interested in you can learn what the requirements are beyond those we have already mentioned and if you can meet them. Understanding the divisions in modeling can also help in avoiding a rip off. Most rip offs and bad business decisions happen when a wannabe model is thinking of one type of modeling (usually high fashion) and a scout, agent, photographer, etc. is recruiting for another. The garment and beauty product industries are large users of models. People want to see what clothes or beauty products look like on a body. High-fashion, designer-label garments, are designed for what fashion designers view as the "ideal woman." Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

In smaller markets fashion models often don't meet these measurements. It is more important the look of being tall and slender be there and that the sample clothes fit. The "look" can run from classic beauty to some extreme looks for fashion magazine editorial. If you are going to work in front of the camera you need to be photogenic and you can’t know until you do a test shoot. This doesn’t mean you need to rush out and find a photographer. If you are photogenic in snap shots that have been taken of you chances are that you will be in front of a professional photographer as well. TYPES OF FASHION MODELING

Fashion Editorial Vogue, Elle, Glamour, Cosmo, etc, and many other magazines that focus on fashion have editorial pages they must fill each month. Many of these editorial pages feature models wearing what the magazine thinks will be the next trend in fashion. Editorial work does not pay as well as other types of high fashion modeling but it is great for building a model's reputation and getting tear sheets for a portfolio. Fashion magazines are not as constrained as advertising work and they can use more extreme and special beauty models (different that the high fashion requirements) in their pages. Fashion Runway Clothing designers traditionally show their new collections twice a year (Fall and Spring) to perspective (store) buyers. As an example, the New York Ready Wear shows present from seventy to one hundred and twenty designers. Designers present these collections to a gathering of buyers by sending models down a walkway or runway. How well a model brings the clothes to life and shows important features of the garments can determine how well they sell. The designer wants to have the most ideal models show these collections. This leads to why models have to meet very strict requirements and why they get such high fees for this type of work. These young models tend to be very tall, slender and move very well in clothes. Fashion Catalog There are a lot of clothing catalogs produced. These catalogs, whether business-tobusiness, store, or direct marketing, require models to pose in the clothes they are trying to sell. Generally, catalog models are picked for a project because they represent the ideal of the market segment for which that catalog is targeted, Often times this is the classic beauty - tall, slender, healthy, and beautiful. The marketing idea is for transference, i.e. if you buy these clothes you will look as nice as the person pictured in Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

the catalog. Catalog modeling usually pays well because of the volume of photos that must be taken. Fashion Print This is fashion and beauty for print advertising. It can be display ads or collateral print materials. This is the most demanding work to get but pays the best because of usage and exclusives. These are the ads that can make or break a designer's reputation. With these ads it is very important that the concept, photo, and model work perfectly to convey the 'image' that is wanted. Fashion Show Room Modeling for buyers in the designer's show room. Models that may not have supermodel potential can make a good and steady living working the shows where buyers come to buy, rather than the coming out shows which aren’t necessarily held to sell, but show. Fashion Lingerie Because this type of modeling may be more revealing it requires very good body tone and proportions. Lingerie modeling is not pornography, not even soft porn, but there is a sensuality needed to sell lingerie. Fashion Bathing Suit Again, more revealing requires excellent body tone and a healthy look. While this type of work can be seasonal, it can also provide an excellent income. Fashion Fitness As health and fitness has moved more into the public consciousness the demand for this model type has grown rapidly. Where once everyone exercised in baggy gray sweats, fitness attire continues to evolve and become more everyday wear. Add to this all of the fitness, health, and outdoors lifestyle magazines that are on the newsstands and you have a fast growing category for modeling. Fashion Fit Fit models have the perfect proportions for a given clothing size. Garment manufactures and designers hire fit models to use to piece together new creations, see how they move, and develop their patterns. The key for a fit model is to never gain or loose an Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

inch. A clothing manufacturer may hire a fit model in a permanent salaried position. It is one type of legitimate modeling that you can see advertised in the classified section of the newspaper. Fashion Tea Room This type of model was very popular in the 1980’s in smaller markets. It still exists today. Usually it is at ladies' luncheons where models wander between tables wearing designer clothes from local fashion boutiques. This type of modeling is also being presented in bars/restaurants during peak cocktail hours. The models describe the outfit they are wearing and where to buy it. More Fashion Segmentation All of these categories can have further sub-categories for size, i.e. petite and plus, and for age, i.e., children, preteen, and mature. Petite size models usually are 5'2" to 5'6". Plus size is the same height as standard size models but size 14 -16. Mainstream models usually start around 14 years of age and go to their early twenties. Body Part Modeling Body part modeling is a special category that belongs in both fashion and commercial modeling. This is the use of just part of the body in a photograph. Often standard models that look great in full-length shots or headshots don't look so good close up. Their hands or feet may look horrible. This is where the body parts model comes in. A shoot will be set up using the standard model's face but the body part model's hands and it looks like it is just one person. Usually body part models will specialize in just one part of the body like hands, feet, legs, ears, or neck. Hand models are one type of body part model that is increasing in popularity. With hand models the look is long slender graceful hands and fingers, smooth (no wrinkles, hair or large pours), clear (no blemishes or irregular color) skin, and very good nails. The ability to pose the hand in a relaxed graceful fashion is very important. This is like a hula dancer that can tell a story with their hands and avoid "the claw" that most folks produce when their hands are put in front of the camera. TYPES OF COMMERCIAL MODELING

Commercial modeling is sort of the catch all for everything that isn't fashion and isn't glamour. It is vast and diverse. The physical requirements can vary greatly. The 'look' can be mom, business executive, scientist, glamorous beauty, etc. The pay can be Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

good but not to the level of the top fashion model and commercial models tend to find work less often. It can be an area one can work part time at their whole life. Commercial Product A photo is created to sell a product and the model is used to show how the product is used. The model may also be used to convey an image about a product. There is a lot of work for both men and women who look like medical professionals for example to sell every thing from pharmaceuticals to medial equipment. There is also the old Madison Avenue technique of selling a product by putting someone attractive by it. People stop to look at a pretty face, not at another vanilla computer box. The physical requirements and look for commercial product modeling can vary a great deal. It all depends on the image or story you are trying to tell. This is where character models are used. Commercial Lifestyle Models are used in photos showing a period of life or doing something in life. The photo might be an older couple walking on the beach and the photo is used in the advertising materials for a new retirement resort. Or a photo of a young couple playing in a park with their children and the photo is used in an ad for a life insurance company. The models are used to act out some concept or idea of life. The physical requirements, age, size, etc. can vary greatly. But most often they use the "beautiful people" in these photos rather then real folks off the street. Commercial Corporate Corporate modeling is like lifestyle only it always has a business theme. Physical requirements can vary greatly, however, usually attractive people are used, although sometimes character models are used. Product Demonstration In smaller markets this is a great way to start new models. Models stand in front of, or in a store or mall, and hand out free samples of something. The idea is they want someone attractive that people will be drawn to and will work for just a few hours or a few days. If you are young and starting out this pays better then any regular job and it can really build your confidence around people. Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Trade Show Attractive people attract attention, which is highly desired on a trade show floor. Some exhibitors hire models to hand out literature at their booths, or perform other social tasks, such as greeting, or serving appetizers. It can provide some income and gets the model in front of the public. Sports/Fitness This is a growing area in modeling. With major international sports attire companies, i.e. Nike, Reebok, etc., and an increase in publications in this field the need for models that look like they actually know what they are doing has grown. The idea is to look good and actually be proficient at the activity being photographed. This is one category that can provide a long-term career with ample opportunities for high paying jobs. Glamour Glamour modeling is modeling for photos with a sexual theme. Some are now calling this body modeling (like you have a hot body). These could be simple cheesecake or beefcake photos. They can include bikini, sexy outfits, and lingerie modeling. On the cheesecake level, photos can be used for calendars, posters, and other pin-up girl products. You can't pick up a car magazine without seeing a babe by the car or truck. There are no height or size requirements as in fashion modeling. Where fashion modeling wants you to look like a beanstalk, glamour modeling wants you to have curves like Pamela Anderson. Where fashion may want a special beauty look, glamour modeling wants traditional drop dead gorgeous; where fashion really only happens in the fashion capitals of the world, glamour happen anywhere. Alternative There is a small market for what is called either gothic or punk modeling. It is a very specialized niche. Just a Body This is where a photographer just needs someone in the shot. Most often this type of modeling occurs in outdoor tourist photography, i.e. a Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

couple looking at the lake, a man walking a trail etc. There are no requirements at all, except maybe for the willingness of the model. GETTING STARTED There is not one way to start a successful modeling career. Unlike most professions that have a set course of instructional learning, experience, and testing to follow, modeling doesn’t offer a clear path to success. THREE WAYS TO START MODELING

The three ways are (1) being discovered, (2) working with and through an agency; and (3) putting together your own marketing plan and finding work yourself. There is a school of thought that says that if a prospective model goes to a major international modeling center (New York, Paris, London, Milan, Chicago, Miami, San Francisco, Tokyo, Toronto, Germany, Los Angeles, and Brazil etc.) and if after a month of just being there are not approached or scouted by an agency, then you don’t have what it takes. There are literally thousands of successful models that were stopped on the street, or approached in a restaurant, or walking down the street etc., by model talent scouts (the legitimate variety). It happens often and regularly. One shouldn’t depend on it however. With the second and third approach you need to have the right materials to get work. The basics are snap shots, a composite card (sometimes called a Zed card), portfolio or book, maybe even a presence on the web and most important (usually) how you look. You can start with simple snap shots, as long as they are shot correctly. (See How To Find an Agency). The composite card is a single sheet of paper that has a head shot printed on one side and more photos and your vital statistics on the back. This is your basic marketing tool. You give it to photographers, art directors, casting agents and others. This gives them something they can put in their files and refer to when looking for talent. It is your sales brochure and business card all in one and it is hard to get far without it. After someone shows interest in you, they are going to want to see more photos of you. This is where your “portfolio or “book” becomes your sales tool. Your portfolio contains an assortment of photos and tear sheets showing what you have done and your "look". They all, of course, must be of excellent quality. When you're starting out its likely you won't have any tear sheets (pages from magazines or newspapers with your photos) as you haven't worked yet. As you do get work, add tear sheets to show you have done actual jobs. Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Your portfolio or book should demonstrate enough to show what you are about, but not so much as to overwhelm or bore someone. As to the format you use, keep in mind that you will be required to leave your portfolio with agents, you will also send it out and carry it in on all appointments, so it is always helpful to have multiple copies of your portfolio. Keep it balanced, keep is easy to look through and make sure it is rugged and fashionable. So what types of photos should be in your book?

These photos are good examples. You need a good clean headshot. This goes for your composite card as well. This headshot needs to show you - both your physical appearance and your personality. This gives a photographer clear idea of your "look". In addition have a couple of full-length shots that show your body shape. The headshot and body shots might be more technical kind of shots. The rest of the portfolio should be filled with shots with impact. Just as in any kind of advertising (which is what a portfolio is). You need to sell the client. Photos for a portfolio should usually not be done by just one photographer because many photographers develop their own particular style. If your portfolio were to be shot by just one photographer, it would only show that one style, that one way of looking at you. Although one photographer can shoot your initial composite, a portfolio needs variety. It needs to show how several different photographers see you and how they capture your look. Remember, for print models the portfolio is your major marketing tool and can often close the deal. THE WEB

Because you are reading this ebook it is likely you already know how important the Internet has become in all walks of life. It is becoming more important for a model to Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

have a web presence. Most art directors and agency personnel have Internet access. For those who are seeking models finding them online offers speed, greater selection, twenty-four hour a day access, and a significant cost savings versus open calls. If you are able to gain agency representation your photos will be on their web site. Agency sites are often password restricted. It is strongly recommended that the model have a separate web presence of their own that every one can view. For a freelance model, setting up an independent web presence is an important option and essential in distributing photos and seeking work. There are three options for setting up a presence on the web. 1. A free modeling listing site 2. Your own web site 3. An online virtual modeling agency or model listing site Paid listing sites If you are looking for a paid model listing site and you actual want to have some hope of getting work from it, consider these factors before signing up: 1. The site should be easy for someone who wants to find a model to use starting with the home page with clear directions for the model seeker (photographer, art director, and such) to follow. The sites that have a landing page cluttered with news or how models should sign up and/or stories of not so famous models make it difficult for seekers to find what they are looking for. 2. Does the site have a good search system? Many of the model listing sites let you search by size, gender, hair color, and ethnic background, but most fail to let you search by city. Ninety percent of the work for models outside of New York does not include travel money; only local models will be used. Most of these sites want you to think top casting directors from around the world are going to find you so they don't include city search. In reality these sites are useless. 3. Does the site use thumbnails (small pictures) of the models and do they load quickly? If not it’s likely that a photographer is going to wait for long downloads. 4. How easy does the site make it to contact and book the model? The key point is that if someone does respond to the web listing, you must have a plan on how to proceed. Remember most of these sites are open to the whole world, so you do not know for sure who or what might contact you. You need to work out a system to qualify clients and make sure they are legitimate. What does the site do to attract potential clients? The bulk of these sites just try to get listed on search engines and hope someone finds them. A few actually have a plan for attracting clients and a very few of those actually have budgets to do so. Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

The last and most important material is your personal appearance. It may surprise you to know that your appearance will change. You won’t look the same for an appointment with an agency or art director as you would for a cattle call, or if you visit agencies and art directors as much as you can. If a photographer or art director has looked at your composite and your portfolio they may want to take a look at you in person. They may meet with you individually or they may look and interview several models at one time (the cattle call). This is the moment when a photographer has a chance to see you and evaluate you in person. You will be evaluated on your physical features, your professional appearance, and your working relationship. From this meeting they will decide whether to use you or not. When you market yourself you must do the rounds. You will have to research your own community to see what the local opportunities are. You should be able to identify local businesses (stores, photographers, advertising companies, casting companies, etc.) that might employ models and you “cold call” them. This means you drop in and leave your composite (make sure your portfolio is close at hand just in case). Some times you can cold call by phone or via email as well. It is this work that an agency does and why you will in all likelihood at some time want to sign with an agency, even if you are successful at self-marketing. GETTING THERE

The bulk of the work in modeling is booked through modeling agencies. Therefore their front doors are your entry into the business. Do some research first to avoid wasting your time and money. You can also approach a modeling agency through their open call, by scheduling an interview, or by submitting a cover letter and photographs. Give them a call or email them and ask how they want new talent to contact them. Some models are lucky enough to have contacts in the business that help them get started. Some models are lucky enough to be discovered. One can make luck in this business. In smaller markets child models are most often used because they are an art director's, buyers, or photographer's child. Knowing someone in the business can help you get started in a modeling career. Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Modeling agencies are constantly looking for new talent. This is especially true in fashion modeling. This segment of modeling is composed mostly of young models. By the time a model is thirty, his or her fashion career is likely over. There is always a need to find the next generation of models. Modeling agency personnel photographers, art directors, and of course the "model scouts" are the ones who are out there looking. Some agencies are large enough to employ an individual whose sole job is to look for that next generation of new talent or to fill the new needs of a client. Unfortunately, ripoff organizations, web space salespeople, and scoundrels often use the term "model scout", so you should be suspicious of those calling themselves model scouts. But there are many stories of models being discovered at the mall, on the beach, or in some other public place. If you hope to start your career in modeling by waiting for the fates to smile on you, you must plan on spending a lot of time hanging out in public places. HOW TO FIND A GOOD AGENCY You may think that all the top international models have great agency representation. And you may think that if you can only get on board with a great agency your career will take off like a rocket. Wouldn’t it be helpful to know what exactly a modeling agency is and what do they really do? This is not an easy question to answer. Modeling agencies are typically small independent business with no two agencies working the same. As there has been a long-term consolidation of advertising agencies, the same is starting with agencies. This is typically seen as local agencies being purchased by large agencies. Agencies want to be easy-to-find. So, You should also be able to locate them in your local phone book or by doing a simple Internet search. Large agencies and small ones, often have a presence on the web where you can get valuable information on how the agencies operates, especially in taking on new talent. See Agency Directory. Do your homework! What should a prospective model have in hand when they approach an agency? The right information is essential. You need to research each agency of interest as to how they accept or take on new talent. Second, you need photos. If you have the money you can create a comp card with different looks to show, however, all you will really tell the agency by doing this is that you had enough money to hire a photographer. You are better off to go armed with a few nice snap shots taken with the idea of showing the real you. They should be on film, not digital if at all possible. Here are some simple rules that you should use and have whoever takes the snap shots use.

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

1. Wear simple clothing. Show off your form. Women should have pictures in shorts or form-fitting jeans and a tank top. Men should wear shorts or jeans and no shirt. 2. No makeup and plain hair. Your face should be clean and without any makeup at all. You hair should be plain and not styled. Make sure your hair doesn’t cover any part of your face. 3. Take pictures outside. Stand outside in open shade for the best results. Make sure no flash is used as in daylight it tends to flatten facial features that you want to look their best. 4. Pose. Any agency will want to see a close headshot and one full or 3/4 shot. Shoot the pictures in the vertical format (turn the camera on its side). 5. Lens and distance. The ideal is use a zoom lens in the 70mm to 105mm range. The cameraperson should move to frame the shot correctly. 6. Name and information. When you get the pictures back print you name and contact information on every picture you select. New York City, Paris, London, Milan, Tokyo, Miami, Toronto, Los Angeles, Brazil, Madrid, Barcelona, Sydney, Hong Kong, Germany, and Japan are the international capitals for models. These cities are the heart of the fashion and advertising business. The agencies in these cities compete to fill that demand with the finest talent. A lot depends on the market in which an agency operates and the owner(s) and agency personnel. Because most wannabe models know little about how the modeling business works, they are easy prey for vultures and their scams or rip offs (see Scams and Rip Offs). A modeling agency's number one purpose is to find models work, as their representative or agent. As an agent they seek and negotiate contracts of employment for the model or talent who is an independent business. For finding the model work, they take a percent of what the model makes (10% to 33%). While appearing fairly simple and straightforward it is amazing how situations vary from agency to agency and city to city. A good large agency will help manage your career and find you work. In large cities this can be split into two parts, managers and bookers. When an agency sees someone who has potential or someone who satisfies the demand, they will invest in that individual to get him/her ready for the market. They don't do this to be nice. They do it because they feel they can make money. They know the market and they will invest in a model (usually a loan against future earnings) to prepare you for that market. The manager will help you develop your "look", your modeling skills, and develop your natural talents. They will help in preparing your marketing materials for the market in which they think you will be most successful. They will have knowledge of Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

the market place and will honestly evaluate your potential for that market. They will have contacts so they can send you to photographers, graphic designers, and printers to prepare your marketing materials. The booking side is where the agency tracks down who uses models. They make the rounds to keep in touch with those who use models and provide them with composites and head sheets of their talent. They advertise, do lunches, do cold calls, and turn over rocks to find who are hiring models. They book time for models to work, give direction to get there and make sure models show up. They handle billing, collections, and complaints. A good agency finds you work and earns every cent of their commission. If and when you are in an agency like this, your job is following instructions and modeling. If for whatever reason the model isn’t marketable and profitable, the agency will cut their losses and drop the model. Keep in mind this business is full of rejections. WHAT TO DO IN SMALLER MARKETS

In smaller markets is unlikely that modeling agencies are working with big budget clients, although there are exceptions. In some cities there may be enough work that an agency can be a full time operation, however, they rarely are successful enough to pay for the development of new talent. If you are in this type of market you must provide your own marketing tools. The agency may help you with where to go to get photos, composites and training, but they can't afford to pay for it or loan you money. Further on down the ladder you find agencies in markets that are too small to support a full time modeling agency. In these markets there may be a modeling school that uses an agency as a hook. If you finish the school you get to be in the agency. Whether you can make money this way is highly doubtful however. Even in a city of a million people you may be better off marketing yourself than working with a so-so or so called agency. CHECKING OUT A MODELING AGENCY

No one can deny that the modeling industry has a mystery to it, especially regarding how one becomes a top model. Because of this there is a great deal of wiggle room in which the scam artists enjoy making millions from unsuspecting prospective models. Unfortunately there is really no easy answer to finding a legitimate agency; it requires work and diligence on your part. Be sure to check out the agencies you find with the Better Business Bureau or other business regulator to see if they have any complaints against them. Don’t be pressured Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

into signing anything right away. If they offer a contract or want you to sign up for a class, ask if you can take the contract with you and get back to them in a few days. Be sure to read the section in this book on scams and rip offs. There is no rating service for modeling agencies; there are no governmental authorities; there are no licensing organizations to tell you which agency is legitimate and which is not. Most agencies are small, independent businesses working in a very competitive market place. They are in constant flux with new ones starting, old ones merging, and some closing up shop. This makes it a real challenge to find just a legitimate agency, let alone a good agency. One method that may seem strange is to call agencies after hours. You will some times find out fast if the agency is legitimate. The modeling industry is fast paced and very competitive and business doesn’t happen during normal business hours. A good agency knows this and will provide a method for doing business after hours. This may be an emergency phone number, or by pushing a number your call is connected to live person. If they have an answering machine that tells you to call back during normal business hours, don’t, and look for another agency. THE AGENCY CONTRACT

There are generally three types of model contracts; the exclusive contract, the non-exclusive contract, and a mother agency agreement. An exclusive contract means that the agency is your exclusive representative and they get a commission on any work you do. They get this commission whether they find the work or you find it on your own. If you sign this kind of contract, be sure the agency is really going to be working for you. If they are providing a lot of guidance getting your career started and are out there beating the bushes to find work for you, this type of contract is fine. If the agency signs you just to fill space in their roster and then leaves you hanging in limbo for the length of your contract (usually one to two years) it can be a bad way to try and start a career. The non-exclusive modeling contract means that if the modeling agency finds you work, they get paid a commission. If you find work on your own you pay them nothing. You are free to sign nonexclusive contracts with other modeling agencies. This way you might have several agencies representing you at once. Don't expect the same service and help from a non-exclusive agency as an exclusive agency. In smaller markets, where you are expected to provide all of your training, portfolios, composites and other marketing materials before an agency will work with you, signing an exclusive contract is a kind of a rip-off. Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

This type of contract is used when the modeling agency knows there is not enough work locally to support any one over the long term. Their position then is to move the model on to a major market and get them signed with a major modeling agency. They may get you work locally but it is more with the idea of getting you ready for the major market. For helping prepare you and helping to place you with a top international modeling agency, they get a percent of your earnings for a long time to come. The model in essence never leaves the mother agency; they are just loaned out to the top agencies. This can be an attractive arrangement if the mother agency invests time and money in your career and gets you on with top money making agencies, but make sure you are making the right decision for you if you are offered this type of contract. THE MODEL RELEASE In modeling, there are certain legal matters of which one must be aware. One of these is the model release. At every photo session you will need to sign a model release. When a photo is taken and your image is captured, you have certain rights with regards to that photo. These generally revolve around personal privacy and commercial exploitation rights. The model release is a legal form that releases or transfers those rights to someone else. What it comes down to is the photographer, ad agency or client cannot use your pictures unless you give them permission. If you do not give your permission you do not work. Part of being a model, like being an actor, is to give up some of your privacy. You become a public figure and you expect to be compensated for this loss of privacy. If you read through the sample model release you will see it is written to cover every possible use of the photos and is written to favor the photographer/client. This is done so that a project is not tied up with having to go back and ask the model's permission for every little change that might be done. Also, the golden rule applies here - those that have the gold make the rules. So those paying you can determine what rights transfer. Keep in mind a model release covers all legal uses. Some models get concerned and think that a model release allows one to do things that are in fact illegal. Be assured, you cannot sign over those kinds of rights. Modeling is also a business where everything is negotiable. As a starting model you do not have much clout. It is pretty much ‘take it or leave it'. As your career progresses and your stature in the industry increases, more becomes negotiable. Often it is your agent that does this. The point that most often changes through negotiations on the model release is usage fees. The general model release will give you one fee for unlimited usage by the client/photographer. As your negotiation position improves you can move to where fees cover only certain types of use and for a limited period of time. For any other use or for any extended period of time you will receive additional compensation.

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There is also a modification to the basic model release that occurs when doing speculation work. In this case, a photographer teams up with a model to take some pictures for which, at some point, they both hope to find a buyer. In this case the model does not get any compensation at the time of the shoot. The model release is written for a percentage of any future sales of the images. In this case they both work on speculation and both take the risk of no return and both benefit when there are returns. With larger or better run modeling agencies, the model release will be printed on the model's payment voucher. In this case the agency will not want you signing any other model release or modifying their voucher release without getting their permission. The model release is a legal contract. If you are a minor, a legal guardian must sign the model release for you. There is often different wording used on a release for a minor that reflects the adult consenting for the minor. The following is an example of a general release. There are other versions around so the one you run into may not read like this one. But this should give you an idea of what can be included in a model release. SAMPLE MODEL RELEASE FORM

_______________________________ Model release number _______________________________ Photographer name _______________________________ Model name _______________________________ Address _______________________________ City _______________________________ Zip/ Postal Code _______________________________ Phone Number _______________________________ Email For valuable consideration, hereby received, I irrevocably consent to and authorize the use and reproduction by you, or anyone authorized by you, of any and all photographs which you have this day taken of me, negative or positive, mechanical or electronic, for any purpose whatsoever, without restriction, and without further compensation to me. All negatives, positives, video or audiotapes, electronic files, together with any prints shall constitute your property, solely and completely.

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I hereby release, discharge and save harmless the photographer, his/her representatives, assigns, employees, or any person or corporation acting under the permission of the photographer, including any firm publishing or distributing the finished product, even though the finished product may be distorted, blurred, altered or used in composite forms, in conjunction with factual or fictional text, either intentionally or otherwise and subject me to scandal, scorn, ridicule, reproach or indignity. I hereby waive any right to approve the finished photograph, or any copy, which might be used in conjunction with the finished photograph. If I am below the age of majority, (usually 18 but sometimes 21,) in the legal jurisdiction applicable to this agreement, the agreement has been signed or approved by the parent or guardian. _______________________________ Signature _______________________________ Date I hereby certify that I am the parent or legal guardian of the above named model, and for value received I do give my consent without reservations to the forgoing on behalf of him, her, or them. _______________________________ Name _______________________________ Relationship to Model _______________________________ Signature CONVENTIONS AND MODEL SEARCHES Conventions can be the safest, most time effective, cost effective, educational, inspirational, and family oriented way to see meet many reputable agents, managers and casting directors from all over the world in one place at one time. However, many types of modeling conventions exist and not all are reputable or honest. Check out their history, reputation, success stories, and the quantity and quality of the agencies attending. Study their web sites. Find out what the agencies and participants think about the event. Don’t confuse the cost of a convention with its quality. Some times they put a high price tag on it because the unsuspecting prospective model may think that because it is so expensive that it is good. Pick the convention that offers what you really need, either information, training, or actual contacts with legitimate agents and representatives. Assess the costs to you. If you have to spend a lot of money in travel to attend, it may not really be worth it to you. If it’s close or even local, then it may be a good idea. Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

You should assess what you can gain from attending a convention versus what you can gain by doing your own research and approaching agencies on your own. The most significant benefit to any convention is the ability of prospective models to reach a large number of agents in one place, at one time, and when they are definitely in the “new talent” mode. In the 1980's traveling model searches began sweeping the United States and other countries. These companies were largely out of New York and traveled around the country selling mini-conventions directly to the public. These events did not include any training. Many are now out-of-business, such as Model Search America, NYC Fame, Manhattan Model Search, and New York Model Contracts. Certainly, new events may emerge. They are categorized by "big talk," "hard sales," and heartless tactics. Worst of all, they leave many hopeful models feeling worse about themselves, rather than educated and uplifted. Many searches disparage local modeling schools or agencies and every other type of event or representation, except their own. Can this type of event help you? Again, check them out as outlined above (history, reputation, success stories, testimonials, and the Better Business Bureau. etc.). Follow your "gut feeling," and remember that this is only an introduction to the industry. Some "agencies" will travel selling pictures and composite cards. They will then offer to represent you as an agent. No reputable agency does this. It is a scam. You are paying an inflated price for photos and will soon learn that this agency on your comp cards is not a real agency at all. Don't waste your money and your trust. MODELING SCHOOLS Schools that teach modeling are one of the most highly debated subjects in the industry. It isn’t hard to imagine a young girl thinking that if she can go to school to become a doctor or lawyer why can’t she go to school and become a model. Unfortunately while good grades in school can help assure a successful career, the same is NOT TRUE of modeling schools. Katie Ford of the famous Ford Models probably said it best when she said, “a modeling school does not make you a model, it can teach you how to do makeup and how to walk gracefully, but you have to have the physical characteristics it takes to be a model.” This may be harsh, but consider that a five-foot basketball player Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

has little chance in professional basketball, or a twenty-four-handicap golfer won’t make it in to the British Open golf tournament, etc. Mr. David Grilli of Code Management says this about schools, “If you came out of a modeling school and got picked up by a big agent, chances are you could have gotten the same agent by walking in to their office without any schooling. We’ll teach everything they need to know. That’s part of the job.” CHARACTERISTICS OF SUCCESS Like any other endeavor in life there are characteristics of each human being that either allow them to pursue a modeling career or not. So what then, are the common characteristics of a successful model? #1: Appearance Both appearance and talent have one thing in common; they are largely God-given. God, your parents, and genetics gave you a striking face or a handsome figure. Of course, your gift should be honed and practiced. Great athletes have a gift, too. But none of these gifts are valuable without the hard work to perfect them. The more skills you can "bring to the table," the better. #2: Personality. Having a warm and outgoing personality can make or break a career. If you are beautiful on the outside but ugly on the inside, you will not succeed. Beautiful models are in abundance in major markets. What separates those who work from those who do not? A special "sparkle" and a warm personality will get you noticed and booked. In addition, if you are fun, non-complaining, and easy to work with on a job (including mom), your chances of getting re-booked are high. #3: Intelligence If you are a great student, that achievement usually means that you do your homework, go to class regularly, have discipline, and get along with your teachers. To an agent, they want to know, if you are booked on a job that you will be dependable, show up on time, be prepared, and get along with your employers. Good students make good models. If you are an under-achiever, work harder. The myth of the "empty headed model" is a myth indeed. #4: Family Support How much does your family want you to become a model? Do they care enough to understand the business with you? If you are a teen, will a parent or guardian travel with you to out-of-town interviews and jobs? This commitment is strongly recommended. Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

#5: Desire How much do you want to be a model? How strong is your desire and determination? Desire is the only attribute of success that you cannot do without. Desire, alone, is the largest determinant of your ultimate success. Lauren Hutton had a space between her teeth; Cindy Crawford had a mole on her face. If they had not had the desire and determination to keep trying, they would not have succeeded. POTENTIAL PITFALLS WATCH OUT FOR RIP OFF ARTISTS

The greatest majority of modeling work is booked by modeling agencies. The number one way to success is to go to the agencies in person. You need to make sure you are not going to an agency that scams unsuspecting prospective models. The fact of life is that there is literally an entire industry dedicated to getting prospective model’s money. They are also totally alien to the real world of modeling. They get their money by deceiving unsuspecting people by promising great careers or big money, but of course you must pay them first before your career takes off. Your modeling career will never happen and your money will be spent uselessly. Remember these people prey upon your hopes and dreams and they bet that you know nothing about the world of modeling and that you will make your decision based on emotion. There are in fact three types of model deceit, the scam, the rip off, and those that are just bad businesses. The common thread among them all is that will take your money in return for nothing or almost nothing. The rip-off is not illegal! Companies operating rip-off schemes make vague promises or they tout one or two models that actually succeeded in a career. Trouble is they are one or two of thousands of other prospective models whose only success was spending money. They literally tell everyone they have some type of talent, even if they don’t. The most common rip off is having you pay for signing fees and photo shoots, or modeling classes before they will work with you. There are a myriad of modeling conventions, searches, and competitions that also fit into this category.

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The bad business category includes enterprises that are trying to conduct a legitimate business, but just don't know what they are doing. They do not have the essential knowledge of the industry they need or they may be poorly located. These businesses might include someone who sets up a modeling agency in a too-small market area, or a photographer offering to shoot professional modeling portfolios but does not have the skill level to carry it off, or it might be a modeling school that should really be called a finishing school (offering classes in image enhancement, or using outdated teaching materials). One of the worst is the one model shop where through luck or other means an individual represents one successful model and can’t do anymore but rip off prospective models. These businesses may mean well but they still cost money for classes or photos that are ultimately useless. If your goal is to become a professional model, remember that all of the scams, rip-offs, and bad businesses that promise to take you to that goal are, in fact, barriers to it. You need to become adept at recognizing the warning signs. If you find any of the following warning signs, it does not necessarily mean the business is a scam operation but be sure to ask a lot of questions and be sure the business gives good answers. One thing to keep in mind is that if you are in a major modeling market there may be many exceptions to this list. Always check references! (1) Newspaper classified ads or display ads looking for any kind of model or talent (other than nude glamour modeling, i.e. models for the adult entertainment industry). Reputable modeling agencies receive plenty of would-be model inquiries so they don't need to advertise for models. If they are short of talent they will send their scouts out to public places to look for potential talent. (2) Pictures of famous international supermodels on the walls of their offices, or these models' comp cards on a wall rack. Top fashion models do not need a modeling agency in a small town. (3) Up-front fees. These could be signing fees, new account fees, evaluation fees, etc. If an agency has to charge money at the front end it means that there is not enough money at the back end. It also means that the agency probably does not have enough modeling work to be able to survive on commissions, and therefore, not enough work for a model to survive on either. (4) If they tell you they are “interested� and they need you to do a photo shoot with their exclusive photographer. Legitimate agencies will provide you with a list of photographers that you may go to on your own. Or, they have their own photographer on staff. You should be free to go to any photographer you choose. Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

A variation on this method of scamming is when they provide the photo session at no charge, then charge you a high fee for a "professional" makeup artist. (5) If they express some “interest” and they allude to an increasing interest if you will only take their classes. Again money at the front end means not enough modeling work at the back end. A combination school/modeling agency has a conflict of interest. (6) If they “guarantee you work”. Agencies are not employers. They represent you and try to get work for you. Most of the time they don't know for sure what type of job will come in or what “look” may be needed, thus there is no way a legitimate agency can guarantee you work. The best they can do and what you should expect is for them to give you an idea of their track record on placements. EXAMPLE SCAM

Typically a scammer will target small towns. They often bill themselves as a Los Angeles, New York, etc., company looking for models for TV commercials or print ads. They run ads in the local newspaper. Applicants are told to send in some personal information and a couple of snapshots. Then they contact the applicants and let them know whether or not they have the needed look. Then the would be model is signed for a commercial that pays big bucks and they are told that a test shoot is needed before the actual commercial shoot. The more sophisticated crooks will even send contracts, airline vouchers, and lots of official looking paper work (all fictitious). The company offers to cover all expenses except for a makeup artist that they require the would be model to pay for up front. The make up fee is usually $500 or more. Remember the crooks relies on the fact that the would be model knows nothing of how the industry really operates. Since they have a contract in hand, models readily send in the make up fee. Once the checks are cashed the crooks are never heard from again. EXAMPLE RIP OFF

The following quoted letter is an example from real life is a good way to tell you how a rip off works. This is an email received from a friend and real prospective model that was unprepared for the crooks and looking for help and consoling. As usual it began with a newspaper ad, a request for payment on photos and a promise of immediate work. “I really need your advice on this one. I feel really stupid now. I went to a modeling/talent agency so that I could get my singing career started. I found this agency in the paper. I didn't even go there for modeling I went there for the agent to listen to a demo tape I had done. He told me he could not do much for me in that field, but asked if I would consider modeling or doing commercials, etc. He told me I would have to take pictures and gave me a chart to look at. Three pictures cost $475. I had Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

taken a friend with me who advised me to do it, because through this I could always meet people and start my singing career. There were many other people in the office mainly teenagers and babies. They asked me how I would feel about doing a fashion show the very next weekend and that they also had a “call” for a video shoot. Now, as you know I am a bit shy and not the greatest of self-esteem, so I asked myself why would they want me for this job? They even told my girl friend that I had to break out of that and be more aggressive. Trouble is it was after I paid him that these questions ran through my head. I had never done anything so stupid and rash in my whole life. I think it was the rush of thinking I might finally go out there and sing. He didn't tell me that I needed to change anything about myself, which I personally thought was odd. He had the secretary come in and take one of the photos I brought in to FedEx it to the people making the video. They even told me that it was good that I lived where I do. They took pictures of me (I don't even know if there was film in the camera) and said I could come back in another day to take the other pictures. I was going back as scheduled, but I got stuck on the highway and did not make it on time. I called and said I would be there in 10 minutes and the secretary told me that I would have to reschedule because the agent was going to a meeting. She also jumped down my throat saying that they are a professional agency. She was pleased however, to reschedule after I had paid the fees. I rescheduled for Thursday. I had second thought and had my credit card account frozen to try and stop the payment from going through.” MOTHER AGENCIES

A mother agency is one that gets you into modeling and then soaks you for money the rest of your career because you have authorized them to do so. The agreement they offer provides that they receive a percentage of work, no matter what agency represents you, because they “started it all”. This is often the “trick” to model searches and model conventions where models are signed to the organization doing the search or putting on the convention. They will sign you to a mother agreement, then place you with a reputable agency (if you make it) and then take a cut of your income from that agency even while they do nothing more for you. Remember while a convention or model search may be very popular they are because the desire to become a successful model crosses every beautiful girls mind at some point in their youth. Modeling schools can rip you off with this type of agreement as well.

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Even the United States Government has recognized the need to educate the young and naïve about the pitfalls one can fall in to in seeking a career in modeling. On their web site they publish a page titled, “What they say versus what they mean”. It is important knowledge. Here are some excerpts: “What they say: We’re scouting for people with your “look” to model and act. Translation: I need to sign up as many people as possible. My commission depends on it. What they say: Your deposit is totally refundable. Translation: Your deposit is refundable only if you meet very strict refund conditions. What they say: You must be specially selected for our program. Our talent experts will carefully evaluate your chances at success in the field and will only accept a few people into our program. Translation: We take almost everyone. What they say: There’s a guaranteed refund if you are not accepted into the program Translation: Everyone’s accepted into the program. Forget the refund. What they say: You can’t afford our fees? No problem. You can work them off with the high-paying jobs we’ll get you. Translation: We demand payment, whether or not you get work. What they say: Commissions from our clients are our major source of income. Translation: Our income comes from the fees we charge you.” AFFECTS ON HEALTH

Modeling can be detrimental to ones health. Most models start their careers and go through their careers with no ill effects. Unfortunately there are some models who succumb to the many temptations that go along with the glamorous life style. In recent years weight has become an internal issue in the industry due to a model dropping dead on the runway of heart failure. The model had abused her health so that her figure was suitable for runway fashion modeling. It is best if a prospective model just lives with what she was born with. Sure one can lose a few pounds to make the grade, but losing more than is healthy is dangerous and ultimately non-productive because no human body can maintain any level of food deprivation for a long period of time. Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

The peer pressure to use illegal drugs is strong, usually for reasons of weight, but also to live through the pressure cooker that the modeling life can become. Short-term relief isn’t an adequate trade for the toll that these drugs take on the body. It’s more than weight, it’s the affects on the mind and attitude, and it’s the affect on the looks and the feelings that a model should display on cue. In short it reduces the ability of the model to be a professional. The camera cannot be fooled for long. The strongest temptation is use illegal drugs or even legal drugs and supplements to lose weight to get within the physical requirements for a model. Some models just aren’t born to be within the parameters, yet they will do almost anything to get there. Others may eventually feel the need to succumb to the temptations as an easy way to stay at the top. THE MODELING LIFE Like life, there are stages of growth in modeling. They are pre-modeling (the life of a prospective model), the modeling life (living in the industry) and post-modeling ( getting back to every day living). Each stage has its benefits and its drawbacks, its challenges, and its opportunities for success. THREE STAGES OF MODELING

Pre-modeling This is probably the most difficult stage. It isn’t easy to start upon the road to becoming a model and finish the trip. The road to success is littered with the carcasses of wanna bees. Too strong? Maybe, but not very much because the road to success is a lot of work followed by more hard effort, tons of rejections, personal disappointments, and the hazards of life amplified many times by the pressure of the modeling crucible. This stage could also be called the “go to” stage. To do it right the prospective model must go to see agencies, go to see art directors, go to see photographers, go to cattle calls, go to castings, etc., as this is how a model becomes a professional, represented by an agency, and paid. Competition is fierce. There is no end to it as every day another few thousand prospective models are born. Every day hundreds of prospective models descend on the modeling capitals of the world seeking fame and fortune. It’s like a river with two forks, one leads to a quiet harbor and the other over a towering waterfall. What makes one person succeed and another fail is intensely personal. However, both the successful and the failures must try in the same environment, the modeling life. The Modeling Stage

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When the first job comes, the work just begins. A working model can expect a myriad of dilemmas, pitfalls, and life challenges as they move up into the higher paying jobs and more success. In the modeling business, success breeds success. When a good agency, or even a top international agency, signs you, your life can change radically, sometimes for the worse or often for the better. If you’re ready for change you’ll be fine, if not the road to success can suddenly become rocky. How can life get worse with success? The modeling industry is rife with stories of models that lose it. The pressure to maintain a body look can be too much for some people. A lot of models are cigarette smokers because it helps maintain the lower weight needed to meet requirements and also to deal with the job rejections that even the most in-demand models have to cope with on a regular basis. Some (too many) models turn to illegal drugs especially cocaine and methanphetamine to relieve the pressure and maintain or lose weight. Drug usage among models is much higher than usage in the general population. Anorexia is almost the flagship disease amongst models. What’s a workday of a model like? If the “call” (time for the shooting to begin) is at ten in the morning, the model will begin to prepare by doing their personal hygiene in plenty of time before going to the studio or selected location. Once on location the most likely thing a model will do is wait. A conversation with the photographer may be called for so that the model can prepare mentally to achieve what the photographer wants. Then if there is a budget for hair and make up the model will sit and let the professionals do their work. If the model has to do her own hair and make up then that is next. It is common to have the model call before the shoot is scheduled to begin, especially if hair and/or make up may take an inordinate amount of time. One the scene is set, the model is ready, and the photographer is satisfied with what he sees, the next step is usually test shots (often Polaroids or digital photos). Fine tuning is the next step … “move your head to the left and down, slide your hand over a bit more, give me more expression”, etc. This process may take hours until the shot is just right. And here is where one of the industry’s conundrums occurs. If the model is being paid by the hour (which is often the case), the longer the shoot the more the model earns, yet the model is expected to appear and behave in such a way as to facilitate the shoot and not cause delays or extend the time necessary to get the shot. A professional model will excuse their own benefit and work towards getting the shot the photographer (and client) wants to see. It is also human nature if the shoot goes longer than planned (and

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therefore over budget) for the photographer to blame the model no matter who is responsible, if it becomes a problem. Therefore it behoves the model to be as professional as possible at all times. If the model doesn’t have a shoot or job to go to then the day is spent looking for or working towards that next job. Very often models will “volunteer” for projects to get more exposure to high paying jobs. This really isn’t working for nothing, it’s working for work. The models that just wait for notification of their next job are but a small percentage of working models. Even with agency representation a model needs to continually be looking for that next job, that next client, that first or next long-term contract. Post modeling When does this stage begin? It varies with the individual. There are models that began as very young teens and continue modeling into their advanced years (even into their eighties!). There are models that hit it big for a couple of years and then retire to a quiet life of family. Many will marry celebrities, sports stars or wealthy men that they have met while enjoying the glamorous lifestyle of successful modeling. There are models that started slow, built up speed and spent their last few years in fashion making big money and then moved into commercial and other forms of modeling. There are models that enjoyed successful careers and moved on to teaching modeling, or even representing models. And then there are models that move into acting and become stars and household names. YOU ARE A COW GO TO YOUR CATTLE CALLS

Only cows go to cattle calls. The reality is that casting calls in modeling go from a oneon-one meeting to massive numbers of models vying for one job. The person in charge can be the model booker from a magazine, an in-house casting director for a corporation, an art director from an advertising agency, the photographer or a combination of two or more of them There are seven so-called rules for cattle calls. 1. Ask your agent for as much information about the client as possible. Find out if other models you know have worked for the client. Find out who is making the casting decision and then approach them graciously. It always helps to break the ice if you say some thing like “Are you Mr. Jacobs? It’s nice to meet you. Harry at my agency sends his greetings”. 2. Always dress appropriately for the call. If there’s a style of dress required for the call meet the requirements. If there isn’t wear neat, clean, and form-fitting clothes. You should be in style but you don’t need to necessarily wear expensive clothing. Don’t hesitate to ask your agent/booker about dressing for the call.

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3. Be on time! Not only is showing up late rude, it casts dispersions on your professionalism. Travel excuses aren’t acceptable so don’t leave yourself to the mercy of others. To be sure start early. 4. Arrive with a clean face, or very little make up. Your hair should be clean but not overly styled. 5. The goal is to dazzle and give the impression that you are a consummate professional and a joy to work with. Be polite and genuinely friendly. Don’t over do it with insincere compliments. 6. Be confident. You might go to dozens of calls before you are chosen. In the face of probable rejection, you need to keep going with smile on your face. Selfconfidence is contagious. Lack of confidence shows as brightly as a lighthouse at night. 7. Emphasize with the people doing the casting. It is likely that they are very harried and under a lot of pressure to find the perfect model for the job. Make sure you have several copies of your comp card ready and have your book with you. ABOUT REJECTION

There are few professions, jobs, or situations one can think of that have as much rejection as modeling. Models are rejected by the industry or parts of it continually. It is not unusual for a model to be rejected by dozens of agencies and then find one that takes them to the heights of success. It might even be an agency or client that rejected them once or even more than once. Remember it is often a “look” that the client wants that precludes a model from the job or representation in the first place. Learn not to take rejection personally. It isn’t that you are a rotten and unlikable person, its just that they might want short hair (and you have long), they may want a slight build (and you have an athletic build), it may be that they want someone with very small breasts (and yours are too big), or it may be that they want a teen (and you’re in your forties), it may be they want someone with blue eyes (and yours are brown). Don’t be fooled by thinking that hair can be lengthened with extensions, you can diet, you can have a breast reduction, or that with make up you can look young, or with blue contacts you can have blue eyes. The camera seeks and exposes reality. SUPPORT GROUPS

A support group or mechanism is very important to successful modeling. A young girl entering the rigors of the pre-model stage should have the support of their family, especially their mother. This support should carry on at least in spirit way beyond the time the model becomes of legal age. Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

It is recommended that when starting out that you involve your family. A strong mother can prevent you from getting in to trouble or being ripped off. There are times that you definitely want your mother for guidance and support. One good example is if you are underage and asked to travel for work. A legitimate agent and client will understand the need for your mother to accompany you. In years past it was common for a model newly signed to a major agency to be shipped off to Europe or from Europe to the US to gain experience. This doesn’t happen as often today, but it does happen to those who have the look, the right attitude, and enough desire. Photo shoots don’t always happen in your hometown. You can expect to travel if you are a successful model (in demand) and while the client may not want to pay for mom’s expenses, you should out of your earnings, if they don’t or won’t. Mothers can be a real pain and a detriment to your success as well. Keep in mind that in the modeling industry the legitimate players respect professionalism. It is professional for an underage female to have their mother’s along. It is unprofessional if your mother is a “stage mother” or “studio mother”. These are not terms of endearment. They express a real problem for the professionals who don’t like to have a lot of extra headaches because mom is pushy or overbearing with you and them. Your fellow models can also be a support to the young model. They can also be the ones who lead you down the wrong path as well. Models should be very selective when making friends among fellow models. Life is life and not everyone is truthful or has your or even their best interest at heart. The application of common sense is a great help. THE MONEY

Models must pay attention to details, especially those about money. A good model can make a fine living. A good model can be flush one day and dirt poor the next too. It all depends on the ability of the person to live life successfully in one of the hardest and most rewarding careers. Modeling fees vary from city to city and job to job. Commercial models can expect to make from $50 to $250 an hour depending on the market. Fashion models can make anywhere from $100 to $250 per hour on the runway depending on the designer’s budget and the models ability. It is important to note that rates are generally higher in the major international modeling centers than they are in smaller markets. The one thing that is consistent is Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

that the agency takes their cut before they pay the model. As the client is the one who starts the payout process, if they are slow in paying, the models pay is slow in coming as well. There is no way of knowing how an individual can earn. Modeling is not a job where one should expect a regular weekly paycheck. If you can’t live with uncertainty you’ll have a hard time in modeling. Plan for ups and downs in income. Many agencies have a draw down system so that the model can pay his or her way while waiting for the client to settle with the agency, and it is not exceptional for clients to take two, three or even more months to pay up. Remember that your earnings are taxable so be sure to keep receipts from the day you start for all your outgoings connected to your work, taxis and travel expenses, make up, hair dos etc. Your agency will most likely give you advice and recommend a tax accountant, otherwise ask a model who has been working for a while if she can help. One thing that can help in this area is to have the right expectations in the beginning. You may have heard of million dollar plus contracts, or shoots where the models made hundreds of thousands of dollars. They do happen. They only happen to the very few however. A hot model will work often and their income will increase the more they work. Being hot is a fleeting thing however; so if you get there, keep your money safe for that rainy day that is in your future. Some of the best-paid and continuously paid models are not the highest glamour areas. Catalog models can make a nice and consistent living and never grace a runway or magazine cover. This occurs because of the nature of a catalog, the number of pictures required and the fact that most catalog work is done a “day rate”, rather than hourly rate. A highly sought after fashion model can make millions over a few years. A good professional model in a small market should probably think of modeling as a part time job. Another well-paid type of model is the trade show model. These models, if they are located in a convention city, can make a consistently high income as rates vary from $200 to $400 or more per day for conventions and trade shows that usually provide four straight days of work. Major manufacturers who regularly show their products at shows often hire models on annual contracts and pay their expenses to travel from trade show to trade show. Being a trade show model can also be lucrative for the aging model. Be careful about going goo goo gah gah over possible riches in modeling. Probably the most exposed models do editorial modeling and magazine covers. The surprise is that most magazine covers only pay $150 an hour to the model (and take the agency’s cut from that). One reason is that editorial exposure, particularly in high fashion magazines such as Vogue, can lead to lucrative jobs elsewhere. LAST OF THE SECRETS TO SUCCESS The most important person to a working model is the agency booker. Without a good relationship with their booker the model doesn’t get work. It’s that simple. It doesn’t do Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

much good just to sign with an agency that doesn’t get you work does it? Remember in modeling success leads to more success. When a model does a good job they are favored for the next job. If a model is cranky or a prima donna then the booker has to deal with the aftermath and may not feel like doing it again – unless it’s worth the money. A model that helps the booker by being professional at all times only serves themselves best. Your booker can be your friend, your crying towel, confidante, and even a mother or father figure. THE GREATEST SECRET TO SUCCESS If you work very hard to become a successful model you will need to learn about the industry, learn about the job, prepare your body, prepare your mind, prepare your psyche, be ready to accept more rejection than you can now imagine, be ready to meet the world – and for it all, the greatest chance of success comes from the greatest secret to your success. You!

LISTING OF INTERNATIONAL MODELING AGENCIES In the following pages we have attempted to provide a comprehensive listing of modeling agencies internationally. The accuracy of this list is not assured as change occurs frequently in the industry. We recommend that you use this list as reference only. Note the legend for how to read what categories each agency uses. LEGEND: P- print, C-commercial, F-fashion, R-runway, M-men, W-women, S-sophisticated, PL-plus, K-kids, H-hair, MU-make up, Ph-photography

NEW YORK CITY, USA ELITE MODEL MANAGEMENT 111 E. 22ND. ST. NEW YORK, NY 10010 P: 212-529-9700 Fax: 212-475-0572 email: Web: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W I PLUS MODELS 234 Fifth Avenue 510 New York, NY 10001 P: 212 213 1974 email: Web: Modeling Categories: C,P Q MANAGEMENT 180 VARICK ST. 13 fl. NEW YORK, NY 10014

P: 212-807-6777 Fax: 212-807-8999 email: Web: Contact: Jeff Kolsrud Modeling Categories: P,F,M,W REICH NY MODEL AND TALENT 23 West 26th Street Ground Floor New York, NY 10010 P: 212-725-6626 Fax: 212-725-6628 Web: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PLK Bella Agency New York 270 Lafayette Street 802 New York, NY 10012 P: 212.965.9200 Fax: 12.965.1677 email:

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Web: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,M,W Crown Models 1122 Broadway New York, NY 10010 P: +1 866 700 6547 Fax: +612 9929 3700 email: Web: Contact: Lori Denison Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R, M,W,S,PLK,H,MU Major Model Management 381 Park Ave South #1501 NEW YORK, NY 10016 P: 212-685-1200 Fax: 212-683-5200 email: Web: Contact: Katia Sherman Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W WILHELMINA NEW YORK 300 PARK AVE. SOUTH NEW YORK, NY 10010 P: 212-473-0700 Fax: 212-473-3223 Web: Modeling Categories: P,C.F,R,M,W,S,PLK Request Model Mgmt 119 W 22nd St 2nd Floor New York, NY 10011 P: (212) 924-4241 Fax: (212) 463-7274 email: Web: Contact: Gaspar Noelle Modeling Categories: P,F,W APM MODEL MANAGEMENT INC. 580 Broadway 507 NEW YORK, NY 10012 P: 212.941.9666 Fax: 212.925.2075 email: Web: Contact: Penny Basch Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W Bloom Models Mgmt 263 West 27th street 804 New York, NY 10001 P: 212 239 1665 Fax: 212 564 3007 email: Web: Contact: Marta Bukowska Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W Gotham City Model Management 357 W. Broadway 2nd Fl. New York, NY 10013 P: 212-431-0100 Fax: 212-431-6258 email: Web: Contact: Reza Mohyeddin Modeling Categories: P,W

PARTS MODELS PO Box 7529 FDR Station New York, NY 10150 P: 212.744.6123 Fax: 212.744.6129 email: Web: Contact: Dani Korwin Modeling Categories: P,C,F,M,W A.L. Models, Inc. 1011 Ave. of the Americas 3rd Floor New York, NY 10018 P: 212.997.9371/72/73 Fax: 212.997.9374 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,K About Artists Agency 1650 Broadway suite 1406 New York, NY 10019 P: 212 581-1857 Fax: 212 5811827 Contact: Renee Glicker Modeling Categories: C,F,M,W Abrams Artists Agency, Ltd. 275 Seventh Avenue 26th Floor New York, NY 10001 P: (646)486-4600 Fax: (646)486-0100 Contact: Harry Abrams Modeling Categories: F,W Access Talent, Inc. 37 East 28 Street Suite 500 New York, NY 10016 P: (212)684-7795 Fax: (212)684-8553 Contact: Linda Weaver Modeling Categories: F,W Acme Talent & Literary Agency 875 Avenue of the Americas Suite 2108 New York, NY 10001 P: (212)328-0387 Contact: Eileen Haves Modeling Categories: F,W Adams Ltd., Bret 448 West 44th Street New York, NY 10036 P: (212)765-5630 Fax: (212)265-2212 Modeling Categories: F,W Agency Christie 153 W. 27th Street Suite #705 New York, NY 10001 P: 212 255-3990 Fax: 212 255-3913 email: Contact: Christie Heinrich Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Agents For The Arts, Inc. 203 West 23rd Street 3rd Floor New York, NY 10011 P: (212)229-2562

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Contact: Carole Russo Modeling Categories: F,W

Contact: Oscar Cohen Modeling Categories: F,W

Allied Artists Management 244 Fifth Avenue # E273 New York, NY 10003 P: 212-726-3125 Fax: 212-591-6224 email: Contact: John Richard Sanchez Modeling Categories: P,C,F,M,W,K

Atlas Talent Agency, Inc. 36 West 44th Street #1000 New York, NY 10036 P: (212)730-4500 Fax: (212)730-7820 email: Contact: John Wasser Modeling Categories: P,F,W

Alterna Model and Talent Management P.O. Box 1827 New York, NY 10009 P: 917.856.8321 Fax: 9am - 5pm NY time Contact: Sherry Vail Modeling Categories: P,C,F,M,W,H,MU

AWOO MODEL MGMT., INC. 352 SEVENTH AVE., STE. 410 4th fl. NEW YORK, NY 10001 P: 212-631-7551 Fax: 212-631-7574 Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K

American International Talent 303 West 42nd Street #608 New York, NY 10036 P: (212)245-8888 Fax: (212)245-8926 Contact: Claretta King Modeling Categories: F,W Ann Steele Agency 330 W 42nd St. NYC, NY 10036 P: 212-629-9112 Contact: Ann Steele Modeling Categories: F,W

Babs Zimmerman Prods 305 E 86th St. NYC, NY 10028 P: 212-348-7203 Modeling Categories: F,W Barbizon Agency 16 Penn Plaza Suite 1205 New York, NY 10001 P: 212-239-1110 Fax: 212-967-4256 email: Contact: Jay Goldstein Modeling Categories: F,W

Ann Wright Representatives, Inc. 165 West 46th Street, New York, NY 10036 P: (212)764-6770 Contact: Ann Wright Modeling Categories: F,W

Barry Haft Brown Artists 165 West 46th Street 908 New York, NY 10036 P: (212)869-9310 Fax: (212)348-1268 Contact: Bob Barry Modeling Categories: F,W

Another Look 1009 Stuyvesant Ave Union, NJ 07083 P: 1-866-theglam email: Contact: Elysa Ross Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W,K,H,MU

Beverly Anderson Agency 1501 Broadway 2008 New York, NY 10036 P: (212)944-7773 Contact: Beverly Anderson Modeling Categories: F,W

Arcieri & Associates, Inc. 305 Madison Avenue 2315 New York, NY 10165 P: (212)286-1700 Contact: Steven Acieri Modeling Categories: F,W Artists Group East 1650 Broadway 711 New York, NY 10019 P: (212)586-1452 Fax: (212)586-0037 Contact: Robert Malcolm Modeling Categories: F,W Associated Booking Corporation 1995 Broadway New York, NY 10023 P: (212)874-2400 Fax: (212)769-3649

Berman, Boals & Flynn, Inc. 208 West 30th Street # 401 New York, NY 10001 P: (212)868-1068 Contact: Jim Flynn Modeling Categories: F,W Bernard Liebhaber Agency 352 Seventh Avenue New York, NY 10001 P: (212)631-7561 Modeling Categories: F,W BG Enterprises 88 Jewett St Providence, RI 02908 P: 401.829.0551 email: Contact: Bianca Brannigan Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Big Shots Model Management, Inc. 525 East 86th Street 1A New York, NY 10028-7513 P: 212-472-2115 Fax: 212-744-6349 email: Contact: Denise Mitchell Modeling Categories: P,C,F,W Bloc NYC 41 E 11th St. NYC, NY 10003 P: 212-905-6236 Contact: David Crombie Modeling Categories: F,W Boss Models 1 Gansevoort Street New York, NY 10014 P: 2122429111 Fax: 2122425554 email: Contact: Jason Smith Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Boutique Models Manhattan New York, NY 10014 P: 646-536-7517 Fax: 646-403-9981 email: Contact: Toni Russo Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,H,MU,PH Bruce Levy Agency 311 West 43rd Street 602 New York, NY 10036 P: (212)262-6845 Contact: Bruce Levy Modeling Categories: F,W Carl Model Management 17 W 17th St. 601 New York, NY 10011 P: (212) 675-1648 Fax: (917) 661-1740 email: Contact: Carl Shepherd Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K,H,MU, PH Carlson-Menashe Agency 159 W 25th St. #1204 New York, NY 10001 P: 646-486-3332 Contact: Jack Menashe Modeling Categories: F,W Carry Company Talent 49 West 46th Street 4th floor New York, NY 10036 P: (212)768-2793 Contact: Sharon Carry Modeling Categories: F,W Carson Organization, Ltd. 240 West 44th Street, Penthouse New York, NY 10036 P: (212)221-1517

Contact: Steve Carson Modeling Categories: F,W Carson/Adler Agency, Inc. 250 West 57th Street #808 New York, NY 10107 P: (212)307-6231 Fax: (212)541-7008 Contact: Nancy Carson Modeling Categories: F,W Citizen Model Management, Inc 244 Madison Avenue # 402 New York, NY 10016 P: 212-582-1682 Fax: 212-582-1677 email: Contact: George Brown Modeling Categories: P,F,R,M,W Claire Models @ Talent Management, Inc. 120 West Park Ave 304 Long Beach, NY 11561 P: 516-897-3703 Fax: 516-889-4889 email: Contact: Sammy Vacnin Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,PL,H,MU CLICK MODELS 129 W 27TH, PH Penthouse NEW YORK, NY 10001 P: 212-206-1616 Fax: 212-206-6228 email: Contact: Verginia Brigit Modeling Categories: P,F,R,M,W,P Code Model Management 347 5th Avenue 300 New York, NY 10016 P: 212-679-5711 email: Modeling Categories: P,F,R,W Coleman-Rosenberg 132 West 22nd Street 4th floor New York, NY 10011 P: (212)807-8344 Contact: Steve Stone Modeling Categories: F,W COMPANY MANAGEMENT 270 LAFAYETTE ST., STE. 1400 NEW YORK, NY 10012 P: 212-226-9190 Fax: 212-226-9791 email: Contact: Michael Flutie Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W Corner Stone Talent Agency 132 West 22nd Street 4th floor New York, NY 10011 P: (212)807-8344 Contact: Steve Stone Modeling Categories: F,W

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Creative Mind Studios 32 strawberry st. 1 2nd floor philadelphia, PA 19106 P: 2159223080 Fax: 2159223082 email: Contact: Ashley Fiore Modeling Categories: P,C CUNNINGHAM, ESCOTT & DIPENE 257 PARK AVE. S. # 900 NEW YORK, NY 10010 P: 212-477-6622 Fax: 212-473-1594 email: Contact: Leslie Zaslower Modeling Categories: P,C,F,M,K,W,S DBM Models, Inc. 41 Colonial Place New Rochelle, NY 10801 P: 914-636-6624 Fax: 914-636-4288 email: Contact: George Brown Modeling Categories:P,C,F,R,M,W DIRECT Model Mgmt. 240 West 35th Street, Suite 1001 New York, NY 10001 P: 212-563-1128 Fax: 212-465-1967 email: Contact: Mykola Webster Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Diva Model Management 560 Broadway # 306 New York, NY 10012 P: 212-219-1616 Fax: 212-219-2061 email: Contact: Anne Marie Modeling Categories: P,F,W DNA MODEL MANAGEMENT 520 BROADWAY 11th fl. NEW YORK, NY 10012 P: 212-226-0080 Fax: 212-226-7711 email: Contact: David Bonnouvrier Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W

Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,K,PH Douglas, Gorman, Rothacker & Wilhelm,Inc 1501 Broadway 703 New York, NY 10036 P: (212)382-2000 Fax: (212)397-0307 Contact: Barry Douglas Modeling Categories: F,W Dulcina Eisen Associates 154 East 61st Street New York, NY 10021 P: (212)355-6617 Fax: (212)355-6723 Contact: Dulcina Eisen Modeling Categories: F,W Duva-Flack Associates, Inc., 200 West 57th Street 1008 New York, NY 10019 P: (212)957-9600 Contact: Robert Duva Modeling Categories: F,W DW Model Mgmt 251 W 30 St New York, NY 10001 P: 644-485-4357 Fax: 212-594-1444 Contact: Daryl Washington Modeling Categories: F,W Earnest Mgmt 285 W Broadway New York, NY 10013 P: (212) 226-0919 Fax: (212) 226-0036 email: Contact: Ernest Williams Modeling Categories: P,F,W Eastern Talent Alliance, Inc 1501 Broadway 404 New York, NY 10036 P: (212)220-9888 Fax: (212)840-7327 Contact: Allen Flannagan Modeling Categories: F,W Echo Models 123 W. 44th Street, #9E New York, NY 10036 P: 917.568.5234 email: Contact: Ioan Serban Modeling Categories: P,F,W

Don Buchwald & Assoc 10 East 44th Street New York, NY 10017 P: (212)867-1070 Contact: Don Buchwald Modeling Categories: F,W

Element 30 E 20th St New York, NY 10003 P: 212-228-8080 Modeling Categories: F,W 1301 Massachusetts Avenue, Northwest 701 Washington, DC 20005 P: 202-333-6367 email: Contact: Dorothy Brooks

EWCR & Assoc 311 W 43rd St. NYC, NY 10036 P: 212-586-9110 Contact: Gary Epstein Modeling Categories: F,W

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Exclusive Model Management 140 Broadway Center 46th Floor New York, NY 10005 P: (646) 246-1508 email: Contact: Catherine Payne Modeling Categories: P,F,R,W Expecting Models Inc. 853 Broadway # 1520 New York, NY 10003 P: 212-473-5152 Fax: 212-473-0029 email: Modeling Categories: F,W Fit Models 124 E 40th St. #1103 New York, NY 10016 P: 212-490-1162 Modeling Categories: F,M,W FLAUNT Model Mgmt, Inc. 114 E. 32ND ST. # 501 NEW YORK, NY 10016 P: 212-679-9011 Fax: 212-679-0938 email: Contact: Gene Roseman Modeling Categories: C,F,R,M,W,S,PL FORD MODELS 142 GREENE ST. 4th fl. NEW YORK, NY 10012 P: 212.219.6500 Fax: 212-966-1531 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL, K,MU Fusion Model Mgmt 95 Morton Street New York, NY 10014 P: 212.905.3251 Fax: 212.905.3255 email: Contact: Jody Gordon Modeling Categories: F,M,W

Contact: Karen Garber Modeling Categories: F,W Gersh Agency New York, Inc. 130 West 42nd Street # 2400 New York, NY 10036 P: (212)997-1818 Fax: (212)391-8459 Contact: David Gus Modeling Categories: F,W GILCREST MODELS 443 GREENWICH ST., 4H NEW YORK, NY 10013 P: 212-591-2561 Fax: 212-925-0947 Modeling Categories: P,,F,W Gilla Roos, Ltd. 16 W 22nd St. 3rd fl. New York, NY 10010 P: 212-727-7820 Fax: 212-727-7833 email: Contact: David Roos Modeling Categories P,C,F,M,W,K Ginger Dicce Talent Agcy, Inc. 56 West 45th Street # 1100 New York, NY 10036 P: (212)869-9650 Contact: Ginger Dicce Modeling Categories: F,W Ginny Edwards: development 285 Mott Street #B8 New York, NY 10012 P: 212.431.3483 Fax: 212.431.3483 email: Contact: Ginny Edwards Modeling Categories: F,W Glamour Model Talent 525 7th Avenue 506 NYC, NY 10018 P: 212-768-9600 Contact: Bonnie Wong Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K,H,MU

Gage Group Inc., The 315 West 57th Street Suite 4H New York, NY 10019 P: (212)541-5250 email: Contact: Martin Gage Modeling Categories: P,F,W

Gonzalez Model & Talent (GMT Agency) 112 E.23rd St. Penthouse. New York, NY 10010-4518 P: 212 982 5626 Contact: Rick Gonzalez Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K

Garaon et Fille 130 W 25th St. #4 New York, NY 10001 P: 212-242-4410 Fax: 212-242-4401 Contact: Corey Powell Modeling Categories: F,W

Grace del Marco Models 350 Fifth Ave 3110 New York, NY 10118 P: 212-629-6404 Fax: 212-629-6403 email: Contact: Dee Edelstein Modeling Categories: P,F,W

Garber Talent Agency 2 Pennsylvania Plaza, 1910 New York, NY 10121 P: (212)292-4910


Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

P: 212-598-1003 Fax: 212-779-3493 email: Contact: Vicki Sasso Modeling Categories: P,C,F,M,W,S,PL

Philadelphia, PA 19103 P: 215 546-7973 Fax: 215 546-6970 email: Contact: Jim Alden Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,

H.V. Quenzer Agency NYC 545 Eighth Ave ste 401 New York, NY 10018 P: 866-726-1313 email: Contact: Richard Wagner Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL

HWA Talent 220 E 23rd St. NYC, NY 10010 P: 212-889-0800 Contact: Patty Woo Modeling Categories: F,W

Hadley Enterprises, Ltd., Peggy 250 West 57th Street 2317 New York, NY 10107 P: (212)246-2166 Fax: (212)756-2418 Contact: Peggy Hadley Modeling Categories: F,W Hanns Wolters International Inc. 10 WEST 37TH STREET New York, NY 10018 P: (212)714-0100 Fax: (212)695-2385 Contact: Hanns Wolters Modeling Categories: F,W Harden-Curtis Associates 850 Seventh Ave 405 New York, NY 10019 P: (212)977-8502 Contact: Mary Harden Modeling Categories: F,W Hartig-Hilepo Agency, Ltd. Fifth Avenue 820 New York, NY 10019 P: (212)929-1772 Fax: (212)929-1266 Contact: Michael Hartig Modeling Categories: F,W HBM Model Management 15 Penn Place #OF2 New York, NY 10001 P: 212-563-3313 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,K Henderson/Hogan Agency Inc., 850 Seventh Avenue 1003 New York, NY 10019 P: (212)765-5190 Fax: (212)586-2855 Contact: Jerry Hogan Modeling Categories: F,W

ID MODEL MANAGEMENT 137 Varick St. 401 NEW YORK, NY 10013 P: 212.941.5858 Fax: 212.941.5776 email: INFO@IDMODELS.COM Contact: Paolo Zampolli Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Identities Models 244 Fifth Ave L257 New York, NY 10001 P: 212-391-1770 email: Contact: Kenneth Pritchard Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,H,ML,PH Ikon New York 140 West 22nd Street # 2D New York, NY 10011 P: 212-691-2363 Fax: 212-691-3622 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL IMAGES MGMT. 30 E. 20TH ST. 6th floor New York, NY 10003 P: (212) 228-0300 Fax: (212) 228-0438 email: Contact: Kathy Geraghty Modeling Categories: P,F,W IMG MODELS 304 PARK AVE. S., PH NORTH NEW YORK, NY 10010 P: 212-253-8882 Fax: 212-253-8883 email: Contact: Ivan Bart Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S

Hommes/Femmes Model Mgmt 45 W 21st St. New York, NY 10010 P: 212-937-1531 Fax: 212-937-1532 Contact: Jean Jacques DuBane Modeling Categories: F,W

Ingber & Associates, 274 Madison Avenue, 1104 New York,, NY 10016 P: (212)889-9450 Contact: Carole Ingber Modeling Categories: F,W

HUNK P.O. Box 15822

Innovative Artists, Talent & Literary Agency 235 Park Ave S New York, NY 10011

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

P: (212)889-9450 Contact: Richie Jackson Modeling Categories: F,W Int'l Creative Mgmt 40 W 57th St NYC, NY 10019 P: 212-556-5600 Fax: 212-556-5665 Contact: Boaty Boatwright Modeling Categories: F,W IXMA 65 w. 55 st. 2 New York City, NY 11623 P: +45 2420 3202 email: Contact: Michael Simonsen Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W,S Jan Alpert Model Mgmt 333 E 55th St. New York, NY 10022 P: 212-223-4238 Fax: 212-223-9244 Contact: Jan Alpert Modeling Categories: F,W JC MODEL & TALENT MANAGEMENT 1263 BERLIN TURNPIKE BERLIN, CT 06037 P: 860-828-7577 Fax: 860-828-5927 email: JCASAHTFD@AOL.COM Contact: TINA KINIRY Modeling Categories: P,C,R,M,W,K,ML,PH Jones Model & Talent Management 462 West 142nd Street Second Floor South Hamilton Heights, NY 10031 P: 917-251-2812 Fax: 212-925-7463 email: Contact: Christopher Jones Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,ML,PH Jordan, Gill & Dornbaum Talent Agency 150 Fifth Avenue, 308 New York, NY 10011 P: (212)463-8455 Fax: (212)691-6111 Contact: Robin Dornbaum Modeling Categories: F,W KARIN MODELS 6 West 14th Street 3rd Floor NEW YORK, NY 10011 P: 646-638-3330 Fax: 646-638-2123 Modeling Categories: P,F,W,P,H,ML Kazarian/Spencer & Assoc 162 W 56th St NYC, NY 10019 P: 212-582-7572 Contact: Cyntha Kazarian Modeling Categories: F,W

Kemcy International 247 West 35 Street New York, NY 10001 P: 212-643-2300 Fax: 212-947-7134 email: Contact: K Westbrooke Modeling Categories: P,F,M,W,S Kerin-Goldberg Associates 155 East 55th Street New York, NY 10022 P: (212)838-7373 Contact: Charles Kerin Modeling Categories: F,W KIS Promotions PO BOX 211 D.C., MD 21202 P: 443-604-8464 Fax: 410-224-7790 email: Contact: Lana Rae Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,,H,MU Kma Associates 11 Broadway #1101 New York, NY 10004-1303 P: (212)581-4610 Fax: (212)581-4610 Contact: Kivi Martin Modeling Categories: F,W KMAX2 Entertainment 853 Broadway Ste. 1516 NYC, NY 10003 P: 212.358.5287 email: Contact: Tina-Marie or Josie Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,K Krasny Office Inc., The 1501 Broadway 1303 New York, NY 10036 P: (212)730-8160 email: Contact: Gary Krasny Modeling Categories: P,F,W Lally Talent Agency 630 Ninth Avenue # 800 New York, NY 10036 P: (212)974-8718 Contact: Dale Lally Modeling Categories: F,W Lantz Office 200 West 57th Street # 503 New York, NY 10019 P: (212)586-0200 Modeling Categories: F,W Larner, Lionel Ltd. 119 West 57th Street # 1412 New York, NY 1001 P: (212)246-3105 Contact: David Barison Modeling Categories: F,W

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

LBH Assocs Inc. 1 Lincoln Plz. NYC, NY 10023 P: 212-501-8936 Fax: 212-877-8647 Modeling Categories: F,W Legacy Management 1170 Brodway # 309 N. Y., NY 10001 P: 212-481-4043 Modeling Categories: F,W Lindeau Models 150 E 49 St N. Y., NY 10017 P: 212-759-8404 Contact: Robert Linder Modeling Categories: F,W Link Model Mgmt Pier 62 @ Chelsea Piers # 203 New York, NY 10001 P: 212-366-4400 Fax: 212-366-4190 Contact: Duane Scorpio Modeling Categories: F,W M Model Management 352 7th ave 4th floor New York, NY 10001 P: +1.212.631.7551 Fax: +1.212.631.7574 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W MADISON MODELS 84 WOOSTER ST., 4TH FL. NEW YORK, NY 10012 P: 212-941-5577 Fax: 212-941-5559 email: Contact: Edward Pesch Modeling Categories: P,F,R,W MAGNIFICENT MODELS, INC. 120-53 SPRINGFIELD BLVD. QUEENS, NY 11411 P: 718-978-6020 Fax: 718-977-2395 email: Contact: Dave Claiman Modeling Categories: P,C,F,W Margaret Models 570 Fifth Ave N. Y., NY 10001 P: 212-532-6005 Modeling Categories: F,W Marilyn Model Management 300 Park Avenue South 2nd floor New York, NY 10010 P: + Fax: + email: Modeling Categories: P,F,R,W

Max Model Management 281 W 39th St N. Y., NY 10018 P: 240-744-3867 Contact: Stefan Modeling Categories: F,W MAXX MEN 30 E 20TH ST. 6th fl. NEW YORK, NY 10003 P: 212-228-0278 Fax: 212-228-0438 Contact: Kristy Fishback Modeling Categories: F,M,W MCDONALD/RICHARDS MODEL MANAGEMENT 156 FIFTH AVENUE 222 NEW YORK, NY 10010 P: 212-684-9800 Fax: 212-684-7293 email: Contact: Gary Bertalovitz Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,P,K MEGA MANAGEMENT 594 BROADWAY, STE. 507 NEW YORK, NY 10012 P: 212-334-5800 Fax: 212-334-9164 Modeling Categories: P,C,F,W,K,H,MU,PH Model Management Group 841 Broadway 500 New York, NY 10003 P: 212-253-8353 Fax: 212-253-8355 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,P,K Model Service Agency 570 Seventh Ave 700 New York, NY 10018 P: 212-944-8896 Fax: 212-944-8899 email: Contact: Susan Levine Modeling Categories: P,F,W NEXT MANAGEMENT 23 WATTS ST. NEW YORK, NY 10013 P: 212-925-5100 Fax: 212-925-5931 email: Contact: Laura Faith & Milie Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Nicolosi & Co., Inc. 150 W 25th St. NYC, NY 10001 P: 212-633-1010 Contact: Jeanne Nicolosi Modeling Categories: F,W Norman Reich Agcy 1650 B'way NYC, NY 10019

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

P: 212-399-2881 Fax: 212-591-4457 Contact: Norman Reich Modeling Categories: F,W

P: 212-997-1785 Modeling Categories: F,W

Nouvelle Talent Management, Inc. 20 Bethune Street 3B New York, NY 10014 P: (212)352-2712 Contact: Toni Sipka Modeling Categories: F,W

Port City Models & Talent, Inc 305 Commercial St 304 Portland, ME 04101 P: 207.415.4015 Fax: 831.604.9387 email: Contact: Caron Bryan Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K,H,MU,PH

OHM Mgmt 1133 B'way # 910 N. Y., NY 10001 P: 212-989-6395 Fax: 212-989-6860 email: Contact: Taede Mathis Modeling Categories: F,M,W

Primo Max Talent 45 hiway 46 east Totowa, NJ 07512 P: 973.472.3663 email: Contact: Ronnie CARAFIELLO Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,H

Online Models 276 Fifth Ave N. Y., NY 10001 P: 212-532-5923 Fax: 212-779-3497 Contact: Margrit Matulka Modeling Categories: F,W

PRODUCT MODEL MANAGEMENT INC. 240 W. 35TH ST. 1001 NEW YORK, NY 10001 P: 212-563-6444 Fax: 212-465-1967 email: Contact: Michael or Christy Modeling Categories: P,F,W,K

ORB 130 W 56th St 4M New York, NY 10019 P: 212-957-2862 Fax: 212-957-3015 email: Contact: Tony Luffredo Modeling Categories: P,F,W

Professional Artists Unltd. 321 West 44th Street New York, NY 10019 P: (212)247-8770 Contact: Sheldon Lubliner Modeling Categories: F,W

Oscard Agency, Inc., Fifi 110 West 40th Street #17 New York, NY 10018 P: (212)764-1100 Contact: Fifi Oscard Modeling Categories: F,W

R & L Model & Talent Mgmt. 203 W 23rd St. 400 NYC, NY 10011 P: (212) 935-2300 Fax: (212) 935-0920 email: Contact: Roger Talley Modeling Categories: P,C,F,M,W,S,PLH

Pantera Meg,The Agency 1501 Broadway 1508 New York, NY 10036 P: (212)278-8366 Fax: (212)278-8367 Contact: Meg Pantera Modeling Categories: F,W

Radioactive Talent Inc. 350 Third Ave NYC, NY 10010 P: 917-733-4700 Contact: Ken Franklin Modeling Categories: F,W

Paradigm, A Talent & Literary Agency 200 West 57th Street 900 New York, NY 10019 P: (212)246-1030 Contact: Richard Schmenner Modeling Categories: F,W Peter Beilin Agcy 230 Park Ave. NYC, NY 10169 P: 212-949-9119 Contact: Peter Beilin Modeling Categories: F,W Plus Models 49 W 37th St NYC, NY 10018

Rage! Model Management 352 7th avenue 1215 new york, NY 10001 P: 212-631-7564 Fax: 212-947-5069 email: Contact: darrin jiggetts Modeling Categories: P,F,R,M,W,H,MU Richard Astor Agency 250 West 57th Street 2014 New York, NY 10107 P: (212)581-1970 Fax: (212)581-1980 Contact: Richard Astor Modeling Categories: F,W

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Richard Bauman & Assocs. 250 W 57th St. NYC, NY 10107 P: 212-757-0098 Fax: 212-489-8531 Contact: Mark Redanty Modeling Categories: F,W Rick Miller Agency 22 W 21St N. Y., NY 10010 P: 212-242-8783 Fax: 212-242-8736 Contact: Rick Miller Modeling Categories: F,W Rouge Model Management 21 West PH #B New York, NY 10006 P: 917-217-4448 email: Contact: Byron \ Modeling Categories: P,F,R,W Sames & Rollnick Associates 250 West 57th Street # 703 New York, NY 10107 P: (212)315-4434 Fax: (212)582-0122 Contact: Mary Sames Modeling Categories: F,W Schiowitz/Clay/Rose, Inc. 165 West 46th Street 1210 New York, NY 10036 P: (212)840-6787 Contact: Josh Schiowitz Modeling Categories: F,W Schuller Talent, Inc. aka NEW YORK KIDS 276 Fifth Avenue, 10th Floor New York, NY 10001 P: (212)532-6005 Fax: (212)779-3479 Contact: Margaret Matuka Modeling Categories: F,W See Management, Inc. 307 Seventh Avenue Suite 1607 New York, NY 10001 P: 212-255-2500 Fax: 212-255-2020 email: Contact: John Shegda Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,H,MI Silver, Massetti & Szatmary East,Ltd. 145 West 45th Street, #1204 New York, NY 10036 P: (212)391-4545 Fax: (212)354-4941 Contact: Charles Silver Modeling Categories: F,W SPA Models & Talent One Avenue at Port Imperial 1328 West New york, NJ 07093 P: 201-974-1182 email: Contact: Russ Downs Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K,H,MU, PH Stone Models 304 Park Ave S NYC, NY 10010 P: 212-460-8544 Fax: 212-460-8543 Contact: Brandon Daw Modeling Categories: F,W Strain & Associates, Inc.,Peter 1501 Broadway 2900 New York, NY 10036 P: (212)391-0380 Fax: (212)391-1405 Contact: Peter Strain Modeling Categories: F,W Stylist by M 352 7th ave,4th fl 414 New York, NY 10001 P: 212.631.7557 Fax: 212 631-7574 email: Contact: Tameka McDuffie Modeling Categories: F,W,H,M Subzero Model Management NY 115 west 30th st 503 New York, NY 10001 P: 12129472230 Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W SVM New York 13 Crosby Street Suite 301 New York, NY 10013 P: 212-966-7727 Fax: 212-966-7998 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W T MODEL MANAGEMENT 91 5TH AVE. 3rd floor NEW YORK, NY 10003 P: 212-924-0990 Fax: 212-645-4940 Contact: Annie Veltri Modeling Categories:P,F,M,W,H,UM Talent House Agency 311 W 43rd St. NYC, NY 10036 P: 212-957-5220 Contact: Dave Bennett Modeling Categories: F,W Talent Representatives,Inc. 20 East 53rd Street New York, NY 10036 P: (212)752-1835 Fax: (212)752-7558 Contact: Honey Raider Modeling Categories: F,W TALENTED MANAGERS 65 West 90th Street 7D

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

New York, NY 10024 P: 212-579-2432 Fax: 212-579-2432 email: Contact: Michael Farkas Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W The Bethel Agency 311 W 30th St. NYC, NY 10036 P: 212-664-0455 Contact: Lewis Chambers Modeling Categories: F,W The Cameo Agency 683 Main Street 1 Waltham, MA 02451 P: (781) 647-8300 Fax: (781) 647-8303 email: Contact: Lynda St.James Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,K The Luedtke Agency 1674 Broadway 7A New York, NY 10019 P: (212)765-9564 Contact: Penny Luedtke Modeling Categories: F The Lyons Group 505 Eighth Ave 1400 N. Y., NY 10018 P: 212-239-3539 Fax: 212-239-4221 email: Contact: Michael Lyons Modeling Categories: P,C,F,M,W,K The Montgomery Group 350 7th Avenue, Suite 1606 New York, NY 10001 P: 212 643 6692 Fax: 212 643 6693 email: Contact: Ernest Montgomery Modeling Categories: H,M,PH THOMPSON MODEL & TALENT MGMT. 50 W. 34TH ST. 6C6 NEW YORK, NY 10001 P: 212-947-6711 Fax: 212-947-6732 email: Contact: Kim Thompson Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K TOPMODEL PLUS, INC. 3500 South Dupont HWY Div Artists Dover, DE 19901 P: +1.646.234.4287 Fax: +1.347.368.2212 email: Contact: Ndeye, Jasmine George Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,H,M, PH

VNY Model Management LLC 928 Broadway 801 new york, NY 10010 P: 212.206.1012 Fax: 212.206.3655 email: Contact: Lana Winters Modeling Categories: P,F,R,M,W William Morris Agency 1325 Sixth Ave NYC, NY 10019 P: 212-586-5100 Fax: 212-246-3583 Contact: Jeff Hunter Modeling Categories: F,W WOMEN MODEL MGMT 199 LAFAYETTE ST. 7th floor NEW YORK, NY 10012 P: 212-334-7480 Fax: 212-334-7492 email: Contact: Barbara Modeling Categories: P,F,W Writers & Artists Agency 19 West 44th Street 1000 New York, NY 10036 P: (212)391-1112 Contact: Philip Carlson Modeling Categories: F,W LOS ANGELES, USA Pulse Management 818 sw third ave. suite # 1471 Portland, OR 97204 P: 888.727.6569 email: Web: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,K LITE LOS ANGELES 345 N. MAPLE DR. # 397 BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90210 P: 310-274-9395 Fax: 310-278-7520 email: Web: Modeling Categories: F,W Epitome Model Management 6380 Wilshire Blvd 200 Los Angeles, CA 90048 P: 3237828590 Fax: 3237828593 email: Web: Contact: Ryan Kelly Modeling Categories: P,C,F,M,W,K M Models International 1800 Century Park East 6th floor Los Angeles, CA 90067 P: (877) 713-4359 Fax: (310) 284-3715

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Web: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Q MANAGEMENT 8618 W. 3rd Street LOS ANGELES, CA 90048 P: 323-205-2888 Fax: 323-205-6920 email: Web: www. Modeling Categories: P,F,M,W,H,M A. K. A. Talent Agency 6310 San Vincente Blvd # 200 LA, CA 90048 P: 323-695-5600 email: Contact: Mike Abrams Modeling Categories: C,F,W Above the Line Agency 9200 Sunset Blvd, W Hollywood LA, CA 90069 P: 310-895-6115 Contact: Rima Greer Modeling Categories: F,W Abrams Artists Agency 9200 Sunset Blvd 1130 Los Angeles, CA 90069 P: 310-859-0625 Fax: 310-276-6193 Contact: Harry Abrams Modeling Categories: F,W Abrams, Rubaloff & Lawrence 8075 W 3rd St LA, CA 90048 P: 323-935-1700 Modeling Categories: F,W Acme Talent & Literary 6310 San Wincente Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90048 P: 323-954-2263 Contact: Adam Lieblein Modeling Categories: F,W Action Agency 8424 Santa Monica Blvd Suite H West Hollywood, CA 90069 P: 323-654-5104 Fax: 323-654-8059 Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,H,MU Agency For Performing Arts 9200 Sunset Blvd 9th Fl Los Angeles, CA 90069 P: 310-888-4200 Fax: 310-888-4242 Contact: Joanne Johnson Modeling Categories: F,W Agency West Entertainment, Talent Agency 6255 W Sunset Blvd #908 Hollywood, CA 90028 P: (323) 468-9470 Fax: (323) 468-0867 Contact: Sheila Morrow Modeling Categories: F,W

Alice Fries Agency 1927 Vista Del Mar Ave Hollywood, CA 90068 P: 213-464-1404 Contact: Alice Fries Modeling Categories: F,W Amatruda Benson & Assoc., Talent Agency 9107 Wilshire Blvd 500 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 P: (310)276-1851 Fax: (310)276-3517 Contact: Kimberly Gola Modeling Categories: F,W Amsel, Eisenstadt & Frazier 5757 Wilshire Blvd #510 LA, CA 90036 P: 213-939-1188 Fax: 213-939-0630 Contact: Fred Amsel Modeling Categories: F,W Artists Agency 10000 Santa Monica Bvld LA, CA 90067 P: 310-277-7779 Fax: 310-785-9338 Contact: Jim Cota Modeling Categories: F,W Artists Grp 10100 Santa Monica Blvd #2490 LA, CA 90067 P: 310-552-1100 Contact: Robert Malcolm Modeling Categories: F,W Artists Mgmt West 8306 Wilshire Blvd #7004 Bev Hills, CA 90211-2382 P: 310-550-0028 Fax: 310-550-7730 Contact: Patrick Baca Modeling Categories: F Ayres, Talent Agency 1826 14th Street 101 Santa Monica, CA 90404 P: (310)452-0208 Contact: Jo Ayres Modeling Categories: F,W Badgley/ConnorKing 9229 Sunset Blvd #311 LA, CA 90069 P: 310-278-9313 Contact: Jeralyn Badgley Modeling Categories: F,W Baier/Kleinman Int’l 3575 Cahuenga Blvd West #500 LA, CA 90068 P: 323-874-9800 Modeling Categories: F,W Baldwin Talent, Inc 8055 West Manchester Ave 550 Santa Monice, CA 90293 P: (310)827-2422

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Contact: Lyn Baldwin Modeling Categories: F,W Baron Entertainment, Inc 5757 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90036 P: (323)936-7600 Fax: (323)936-8600 Contact: Rod Baron Modeling Categories: F,W Blake Agency, The 1327 Ocean Avenue Suite J Santa Monica, CA 90401 P: (310)899-9898 Fax: (310)899-3858 Contact: Merritt Blake Modeling Categories: F,W Bloc Talent Agency, Inc 5225 Wilshire Blvd 311 Los Angeles, CA 90036 P: (323)954-7730 Contact: Brenda Filuk Modeling Categories: F,W BMG MODEL 5455 Wilshire Blvd #1110 Los Angeles, CA 90036 P: 323-692-0900 Fax: 323-692-1722 Contact: Melissa Chapman Email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,K,H,MU,PH Bresler-Kelly 11500 W Olympic Blvd #510 LA, CA 90064-1524 P: 310-479-5611 Fax: 310-479-3775 Contact: Sandy Bresler Modeling Categories: F,W Buchwald Talent Group, LLC 6300 Wilshire Blvd 910 Los Angeles, CA 90048 P: (323)852-9555 Modeling Categories: F,W Buzz Halliday & Assoc 8899 Beverly Blvd #715 LA, CA 90048 P: 310-275-6028 Contact: Buzz Halliday Modeling Categories: F,W C’ La Vie Talent Agency 7507 Sunset Blvd #201 Los Angeles, CA 90046 P: +1 (323) 969-0541 Fax: +1 (323) 969-0401 email: Contact: Particia De Niro Modeling Categories: P,F,W CAA-Creative Artists Agcy 9830 Wilshire Blvd Bev Hills, CA 90212 P: 310-288-4545 Contact: Steve Alexander Modeling Categories: F,W

Carlos Alvarado Agency 8455 Beverly Blvd #406 LA, CA 90048 P: 213-655-7978 Contact: Mona Lee Schilling Modeling Categories: F,W Cassel Management 3575 Cahuenga Boulevard West #120 Los Angeles, CA 90068 P: 310.892.6842 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,M,W,K

Cassell-Levy 843 N Sycamore Ave LA, CA 90038 P: 323-461-3971 Contact: Leanna Levy Modeling Categories: F,W Castle-Hill Talent Agency 1101 S Orlando Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90035 P: (323)653-3535 Contact: Leigh Castle Modeling Categories: F,W Champagne / Trott Model Management 9250 Wilshire Blvd. 303 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 P: 310.275.0067 Fax: 310.275.3131 email: Contact: Francine Champagne Modeling Categories: P,C, F,R,M Chasin Agcy 8899 Beverly Blvd #716 LA, CA 90048 P: 310-278-7505 Fax: 310-275-6685 Contact: Tom Chasin Modeling Categories: F,W Chateau Billings Talent & Model Agency 8489 West Third Street 1032 Los Angeles, CA 90048 P: 323 801 2216 ext 3216 or 323 692 9668 Fax: 775 251 8986 email: Contact: Jessica Biscardi Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K Chateau Billings Talent Agency 5657 Wilshire Blvd., 200 Los Angeles, CA 90036 P: (323)965-5432 Contact: Guy Chateau Modeling Categories: F,W Choice Talent Film & Model Mgmt. 855 North Freedom Blvd. 3 Provo, UT 84604 P: 8014273356 Fax: 8888781591 email:

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes Contact: Aaron Yun Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,LP,K,H,MU,PH

Contact: Kim Harris Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,K,H,MU,PH

Circle Talent 433 N Camden Dr 400 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 P: 310-285-1585 Modeling Categories: F,W

Coppage Company, The 5411 Camellia Ave North Hollywood, CA 91601 P: (818)980-8806 Contact: Judy Coppage Modeling Categories: F,W

CMT Talent 8344 1/2W 3rd St LA, CA 90048 P: 323-658-7072 Contact: Biron Garrett Modeling Categories: F,W

Cosden Agency,The 129 W Wilson Street 202 LA, CA 90068 P: 949-574-1100 Contact: Robert Cosden Modeling Categories: F,W

CNA MODELS 1875 CENTURY PARK EAST, STE. 2250 LOS ANGELES, CA 90067 P: 310-556-4343 Fax: 310-556-4633 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,W

Craig Agcy 8485 Melrose Pl #E LA, CA 90069 P: 323-655-0236 Contact: Sid Craig Modeling Categories: F,W

CNC 2000 10530 Wilshire Blvd Suite 316 LOS ANGELES, CA 90024 P: 323-634-0475 Fax: 323-634-0519 email: AMODEL2000@AOL.COM Contact: Sunny Chae Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,K Coast to Coast Tlnt Grp 3350 Barham Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90068 P: 323-845-9200 Web: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W,K Colours Model & Tlnt 8344 1/2 W 3rd St LA, CA 90048 P: 213-658-7072 Fax: 213-658-7074 Contact: Bruce Heller Modeling Categories: F,W Commercial Talent 9157 Sunset Blvd #215 LA, CA 90069 P: 310-247-1431 Contact: Sheila Di Marco Modeling Categories: F,W Contemporary Artists 1317 5th St #200 Santa Monica, CA 90401 P: 310-395-1800 Contact: Ronald Leif Modeling Categories: F,W Cool Blue Talent 3625 West Teco Ave Suite 10 Las Vegas, NV 89118 P: 702-207-2500 Fax: 702-454-2002 email:

Craig Dorfman & Associates 9200 Sunset Blvd #800 LA, CA 90069 P: 310-858-1090 Contact: Craig Dorfman Modeling Categories: F,W CUNNINGHAM, ESCOTT & DIPENE 10635 SANTA MONICA BLVD., STE. 135 LA, CA 90025 P: 310-475-2111 Fax: 310-475-6146 Contact: Paul Doherty Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K Dale Garrick Int’l 8831 Sunset Blvd #402 LA, CA 90069 P: 310-657-2661 Contact: Dale Garrick Modeling Categories: F,W DDK 9740 Wilshire Blvd #203 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 P: 310-274-9356 Contact: Abby Girvin Modeling Categories: F,W DDK, Talent Representatives 3800 Barham Blvd, #303 Los Angeles, CA 90068 P: (310)274-9356 Modeling Categories: F,W Diverse Talent Group, Inc 1875 Century Park East 2250 Los Angeles, CA 90067 P: (310)201-6565 Fax: (310)201-6572 Contact: Chris Nassif Modeling Categories: F,W Don Buchwald & Assocs 6500 Wilshire Blvd #2200 LA, CA 90048 P: 213-655-7400

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Contact: Julia Buchwald Modeling Categories: F,W Don Gerler Agency 3349 Cahuenga Blvd W # 1 LA, CA 90068 P: 213-850-7386 Contact: Don Gerler Modeling Categories: F,W Dragon Talent Inc 8444 Wilshire Blvd Penthouse Los Angeles, CA 90211 P: (323)669-1272 Contact: Robin Harrington Modeling Categories: F,W EBS Los Angeles 3000 W Olympic Blvd 1435 Santa Monica, CA 90404 P: (310)449-4065 Modeling Categories: F,W Edwards & Associates, LLC.,Talent Agency 655 North Central Los Angeles, CA 91206 P: (323)964-0000 Fax: (323)964-0210 Contact: Rosemary Edwards Modeling Categories: F,W Elle Chante Agency 231 W 75th St LA, CA 90003 P: 323-750-9490 Contact: Sergio Montenegro Modeling Categories: F,W Encore Nationwide, Inc 2772 Artesia Blvd 204 Redondo Beach, CA 90278 P: 310-793-9596 Fax: 310-793-9242 email: Contact: Heather Gettings Modeling Categories: F,M,W Events & Promotions Talent Agency P.O. BOX 28275 San Diego, CA 92198 P: 858-748-6358 x16 Fax: 858-748-5197 email: HR@EVENTS-PROMOTIONS.COM http://WWW.EVENTS-PROMOTIONS.COM Modeling Categories: P,C,F,M,W Evolve Talent, Talent Agency 3435 Wilshire Blvd 2700 Los Angeles, CA 90010 P: (213)251-1734 Contact: Jonathan Elliott Modeling Categories: F,W EWCR & Associates 280 S Beverly Dr #400 Bev Hills, CA 90212 P: 310-278-7222 Contact: Gary Epstein Modeling Categories: F,W

Ferrar-Media Assoc 8430 Santa Monica Blvd #220 LA, CA 90069 P: 213-654-2601 Contact: Tony Ferrar Modeling Categories: F,W Flick East-West Talents Inc 9057 Nemo St #A LA, CA 90069 P: 310-271-9111 Fax: 310-858-1357 Contact: Tina Kiratsoulis Modeling Categories: F,W Ford 8826 Burton Way Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, CA 90211 P: (310) 276-8100 Fax: (310) 276-9299 Modeling Categories: R,M,W,PL,K Foxx, Gwyn Talent Agency 6269 Selma Ave 18 Los Angeles, CA 90028 P: (323)467-7711 Modeling Categories: F,W Freed, Barry Company 468 N Camden Dr Beverly Hills, CA 90210 P: (310)860-5627 Contact: Barry Freed Modeling Categories: F,W Gage Group 14724 Ventura Bvld LA, CA 90069 P: 310-905-3800 Contact: Martin Gage Modeling Categories: F,W Geddes Agcy 8430 Santa Monica Blvd #200 W Hollywood, CA 90069 P: 213-848-2700 Contact: Ann Geddes Modeling Categories: F,W Gersh Agcy Inc 232 N Canon Dr Bev Hills, CA 90210 P: 310-274-6611 Contact: Phil Gersh Modeling Categories: F,W GILLA ROOS WEST 3800 BARHAM BLVD., STE. 303 LOS ANGELES, CA 90068 P: 310-274-9356 Fax: 310-274-3604 Modeling Categories: P,C,F,M,W,S,K Gone Hollywood Inc 5455 Wilshire Blvd ste 2103 Los Angeles, CA 90036 P: 323-841-2255 Fax: 818-718-0587 email: Contact: Tatiana Katryne Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,WH,MU,PH

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Greene & Assoc 526 N Larchmont Blvd #201 LA, CA 90004-1300 P: 323-960-1333 Contact: Michael Greene Modeling Categories: F,W H.V. Quenzer Agency LA 2331 Westwood Blvd, suite 143 Los Angeles, CA 90064 P: 888-956-6966 email: Contact: Melvin Baker Modeling Categories: P,C,F,RM,W,S,PL Contact: Bill Nychay Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W L A Talent 7700 Sunset Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90046 P: (323)436-7777 Fax: (323)436-7755 email: Contact: Heinz Holba Modeling Categories: F,W

Halpern & Assoc 12304 Santa Monica Blvd #104 LA, CA 90025 P: 310-571-4488 Contact: Joanne Halpern Modeling Categories: F,W

L.A. MODELS 7700 Sunset Blvd. LOS ANGELES, CA 90046 P: 323-436-7700 Fax: 323-436-7755 email: Contact: Heinz Holba Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K

Hicks Photography and Management Group 14184 Firestone Blvd. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 P: (562) 921 7770 Fax: (562) 921 7770 email: Contact: Heather Dickey Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K,H,MU,PH

Lenz Talent Agency 1591 E. Desert Inn Rd Las Vegas, NV 89109 P: 702-733-6888 Fax: 702-731-2008 email: Contact: Tena Houser Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W

Identitieswest Talent Agency 6605 Hollywood blvd #212 Los Angeles, CA 90028 P: 323 856 0023 Fax: 323 856 0021 email: Contact: Laury Smith Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL

LW1 Inc 8383 Wilshire Blvd Bev Hills, CA 90211 P: 213-653-5700 Fax: 213-655-0909 Contact: Sean Robinson Modeling Categories: F,W

Int’l Creative Mgmt 8942 Wilshire Blvd Bev Hills, CA 90211 P: 310-550-4000 Fax: 310-550-4108 Contact: Kristen Jones Modeling Categories: F,W

Mari Smith Presents 101 State Place D Escondido, CA 92029 P: 760-745-1627 Fax: 760-432-8746 email: Contact: Sandi Smith Modeling Categories: P,C,M,W,MU,PH

Judith Fontaine Agency 205 S Beverly Dr Beverly Hills, CA 90012 P: 310-471-8631 Modeling Categories: F,W Kiser Models 37348 Laramie St. Palmdale, CA 93552 P: (661) 285-2535 Fax: (661) 285-6405 email: Contact: Steve Kiser Modeling Categories: P,F,R,W KnockOut Talent 536 Via de la Valle D Solana Beach, CA 92075 P: 619-479-0772 Fax: 858-777-5671 email:

McCarty Talent, Inc. 400 - N. Glenoaks Blvd. Burbank, CA P: 818 - 556-5410 Fax: 800 - 494-7587 email: Contact: Cody Garden Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W MEDIA ARTISTS GROUP 6404 WILSHIRE BLVD., STE. 950 LOS ANGELES, CA 90048 P: 323-658-5050 Fax: 323-658-7871 Contact: Raphael Berko Modeling Categories: C,F,M,W,S,PL Michelle Gordon & Assoc 260 S Beverly Dr #308

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Beverly Hills, CA 90212 P: 310-246-9930 Contact: Michelle Gordon Modeling Categories: F,W ModeLinque Models and Talent 9595 Wilshire Blvd Suite 900 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 P: 310.300.4047 email: Contact: Natalie Chastukhina Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,K Ms. Fitness速 Modeling Agency Box 2490 White City, OR 97503 P: (541) 830-0400 Fax: (541) 830-0400 email: Contact: Joseph Botta Modeling Categories: P,C,F,W,PH Network International Models & Talent 8730 wilshire blvd. 250 beverly hills, CA 90211 P: 310-855-0166 Fax: 310-855-0187 email: Contact: Patrik simpson Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K,H,MU,PH NEXT MANAGEMENT 8447 WILSHIRE BLVD. 301 BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90211 P: 323-782-0010 Fax: 323-782-0035 email: Contact: Malik Modeling Categories: P,F,M,W,H,M NOUS MODEL MANAGEMENT 117 N. ROBERTSON BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CA 90048 P: 310-385-6900 Fax: 310-385-6910 email: Contact: Kenya Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W Peak Models & Talent 25852 McBean Parkway 190 Valencia, CA 91355 P: 661-294-1100 Fax: 661-294-9311 email: Contact: Natasha Duswalt Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL PRIVILEGE TALENT AGENCY 9229 SUNSET BLVD., STE. 414 LOS ANGELES, CA 90069 P: 310-858-5277 Fax: 310-858-5267 Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W

SAS Studio 3432 Via Oporto Newport Beach, CA 92663 P: 949-723-4401 Fax: 949-723-4414 email: Contact: Shaun Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,K,H,MU,PH Sirena Models 12400 Ventura Blvd. 136 Studio City, CA 91604 P: 818-232-7341 Fax: 818-232-7343 email: Contact: Charlotte Wild Modeling Categories: P,F,R,M,W,S,PL Soloway-Grant-Kopaloff & Associates 6399 Wilshire Blvd #414 LA, CA 90048 P: 323-782-1854 Fax: 323-782-1877 Contact: Arnold Soloway Modeling Categories: F,W STEEL MODELS 489 S Robertson Blvd 104 Beverly Hills, CA 90211-3637 P: 310-278-1961 Fax: 310-276-8406 email: Contact: Kurt Clements Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W The Austin Agency 6715 Hollywood Blvd #204 LA, CA 90028 P: 323-957-4444 Contact: John Lyons Modeling Categories: F,W Trademark Models速 662 Ash ave. San Diego, CA P: 619 425-FILM (3456) Fax: 619 425-3456 email: Contact: Rique Monroy Modeling CategoriesP,C,F,R,M,W,H,MU, X.E.G. International Santa Monica, CA 90004 P: 6047246858 or 310 email: Contact: Brad Cook Modeling Categories: P,C,F,M,W,S SEATTLE, USA TCM Models 2200 6th Ave. 530 Seattle, WA 98121 P: 206-728-4826 Fax: 206-728-1814

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

email: Web: Contact: Terri Morgan Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL ABC 10415 N.E. 37TH CIRCLE, LINBROOK BLDG 4 Seattle, WA 98033 P: 425-822-6339 (ext 10 Fax: 425-822-5457 email: Contact: David Van Maren Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M.W.S.K ABC management 3829 NE Tillamook Portland, OR 97212 P: 503-249-2945 Fax: 503-249-7429 email: Contact: Keri Murphy Modeling Categories: P,C,F,,M,W,PL.K Actors Group 3400 Beacon Ave. South Seattle, WA 98144 P: 206-624-9465 Fax: 206-624-9466 email: Contact: Tish Lopez Modeling Categories: P,F,W ALLAN INTTERNATIONAL MODELS 436 BERNARD AVE #32 KELOWNA, V1Y 6N7 Canada P: 250 861-5262 Fax: 250 860-2030 email: Contact: Lori McCormack Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K,PH Amir DiMior Management 800 5TH AVE 101-372 Seattle, WA 98014 P: 323-878-2368 email: Contact: Kingdomchild Music Producers, Dancer/Choreo Modeling Categories: F,W Barbizon of Seattle 1501 4th Ave #305 Seattle, WA 98101 P: 206-223-1500 Fax: 206-624-7091 email: Contact: Lemora Sheegog Modeling Categories: P,F,W CNC 2000 1424 4th Avenue 4th Fl Seattle, WA 98101 P: 206-613-0420 Fax: 206-613-0424 email:

Contact: Marina Furuta Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K EPM 1242 State Ave Ste I PMB 164 Marysville, WA 98270 P: 360-653-4751 Fax: 530-686-7904 email: Contact: Dan Shaw Modeling Categories: P,C,M,W Heffner Management 1601 FIFTH AVE., STE. 2301 Seattle, WA 98101 P: 206-622-2211 Fax: 206-622-0308 Modeling Categories: P,F,M,W,PL John Robert Powers 720 Olive #920 Seattle, WA 98101 P: 206-903-6900 Fax: 206-903-0302 email: Contact: Hank Ritter Modeling Categories: P,F,W Kids Team 512 Malden Ave E Seattle, WA 98112 P: 206-860-8688 Contact: Michelle Marshall Modeling Categories: F,W Kim Brooke Grp Model/Talent Mgmt 2044 Eastlake Ave E Seattle, WA 98102 P: 206-329-1111 Fax: 206-328-5177 email: Contact: Kimberly Brooke Modeling Categories: P,F,W Mode Models 319 SW Washington St. 305 Portland, OR 97204 P: 503.227.6633 Fax: 503.243.5327 email: Contact: Darren Dyck Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,H,MU SEATTLE MODELS GUILD 11809 7th Avenue 608 SEATTLE, WA 98101 P: 206-622-1406 Fax: 206-622-8276 email: Contact: Kristy Meyers Modeling Categories: P,F,R,MW,SPL,K,H,MU The ModelBox 1904 - 3rd Ave Suite 922 Seattle, WA 98101

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

P: 206-332-9911 Fax: 206-285-4403 email: Contact: Geoff Lagonoy Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K,H,MU Topo Swope Talent Agency 1932 1st Avenue, 700 Seattle, WA 98101 P: (206)443-2021 Modeling Categories: F,W What’s New, Inc 1424 4th Ave 4th Fl Seattle, WA 98101 P: 206-467-4972 Fax: 206-467-4976 email: Contact: Sunny Chae Modeling Categories: F,W

DALLAS, USA A&M Entertainment 1716 Valley View Lane Dallas, TX 75061 P: (516) 620-1216 Fax: (516) 620-1212 email: Contact: Sheri Watts Modeling Categories: P,C,F,M,W Barbara Walsh Agcy 4501 Wildwood Rd Dallas, TX 75209 P: 214-351-5920 Contact: Barbara L. Walsh Modeling Categories: F,W Barbizon School 12700 Hillcrest Rd #142 Dallas, TX 75230-2009 P: 972-980-7477 Fax: 972-934-0941 Contact: Edward Beakey Modeling Categories: F,W BOWIE MODEL MANAGEMENT 615 NORTH GOOD LATIMER 2 DALLAS, TX 75024 P: 214 515 0549 Fax: 214 515 0296 email: Contact: Samuel Charles Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,K Campbell Agency 3906 Lemmon Ave #200 Dallas, TX 75219 P: 214-522-8991 Fax: 214-522-8997 email: Contact: Nancy Campbell Modeling Categories: P, F,W

Cherie Eaton Ltd 8720 Fawn Dr Dallas, TX 75238 P: 214-644-5744 Contact: Cherie Eaton Modeling Categories: F,W CLIPSE MODEL MANAGEMENT, INC. 3624 OAKLAWN AVE. 300 DALLAS, TX 75219 P: (214) 520-6150 email: Contact: Ty Kilinc Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,K,H,MU D Model Management 3210 Main Street 322 Dallas, TX 75063 P: 214.760.7432 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,PL,K,H Dallas Model Group 12700 Hillcrest Rd #143 Dallas, TX 75230 P: 214-980-7647 Fax: 214-934-0941 Contact: Stephanie Beakey Modeling Categories: F,W Fashion Seminar & Model Mgt 11450 Audelia Rd. Suite 194 Dallas, TX 75243 P: 214-503-1578 Fax: 775-942-6889 email: Web: Contact: Dea McDaniel Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W, K,H,MU Fashion Theatre Dallas 3511 Hall #114 Dallas, TX 75219 P: 214-219-3300 Fax: 214-219-3302 Modeling Categories: F,W FHASHONMODELOS MEXICO 20 DE NOVIEMBRE #133RINCON DE ROMOS,AGS CENTRO AGUASCALIENTES MEXICO, 20400 Mexico P: 465) 9510701 Fax: 465) 9510330 email: YURIXI@HOTMAIL.COM Contact: ANTONIO GUZMAN Modeling Categories: C,F,M,W,K Girlco Model Management, Inc. 11144 Ables Lane Studio B Dallas, TX 75062 P: 972-620-7786 Fax: 972-620-7786 email: Contact: Brenda Mclean Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W,S,H,MU

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

H.V. Quenzer Agency 3026 Mockingbird Lane #237 Dallas, TX 75205 P: 214-450-2027 email: Contact: Hansel von Quenzer Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Horne Agency, Inc., The 4420 West Lovers Lane Dallas, TX 75209 P: (214)350-9220 Modeling Categories: F,W Jam! Model & Tlnt Ctr 11551 Forest Central Dr #222 Dallas, TX 75243-3915 P: 214-221-4683 Fax: 214-221-0642 Contact: Kathy Schwartzbach Modeling Categories: F,W John Casablancas Modeling Center 5702 S. Staples D-3 Corpus Christi, TX 78413 P: 361-986-9539 Fax: 361-986-9541 Contact: Juan Ortiz Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,K KD Studios 2600 Stemmons Frwy #117 Dallas, TX 75207 P: 214-638-0484 Fax: 214-630-5140 Contact: Michael Modeling Categories: F,W KIM DAWSON AGENCY 1645 Stemmons Freeway Suite# B DALLAS, TX 75207 P: 214-638-2414 Fax: 214-638-7567 email: Contact: Dan Hollinger Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K,H,MU Mary Collins Agency 2909 Cole Ave #250 Dallas, TX 75204 P: 214-871-8900 Fax: 214-871-8945 email: Contact: Mary Collins Modeling Categories: P,F,W Girlco Model Management, Inc. 11144 Ables Lane Studio B Dallas, TX 75062 P: 972-620-7786 Fax: 972-620-7786 email: Contact: Brenda Mclean Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,WSH,MU

PAGE PARKES MODELS REP 3303 LEE PARKWAY 205 DALLAS, TX 75219 P: 214-526-4434 Fax: 214-526-6034 email: Contact: Nancy Christopher Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,H,MU Rody Kent & Assocs POB 140857 Dallas, TX 75214 P: 214-827-3418 Fax: 214-827-2429 Contact: Rody Kent Modeling Categories: F,W Savvy Mode Management PO Box 147 Oklahoma City, OK 73101 P: 877-307-4039 Fax: 877-853-1732 email: Contact: Aisha Williams Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K Sebastian Fashion Model Management 11166 Ables Ln. Suite G Dallas, TX 75229 P: (972) 241-9600 email: Contact: Sebastian Green Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K,H,MU THE CAMPBELL AGENCY 3906 LEMMON AVE., STE. 200 DALLAS, TX 75219 P: 214-522-8991 Fax: 214-522-8997 Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K,H,MU The Clutts Agency 3000 Carlisle #204 Dallas, TX 75204 P: 214-999-0099 Fax: 214-999-0103 Contact: John Clutts Modeling Categories: F,W HOUSTON, USA A&M Entertainment Inc. 13280, Northwest Fwy. Suite F 328 Houston, TX 77040-6003 P: +1 (516) 620-1216 Fax: +1 (516) 620-1212 email: Contact: Keetria Garner-Chambers Modeling Categories: C,F,R,M,W A&M Entertainment Inc. 13280, Northwest Fwy. Suite F 328 Houston, TX 77040-6003 P: +1 (516) 620-1216 Fax: +1 (516) 620-1212 email:

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Contact: Keetria Garner-Chambers Modeling Categories: C,F,R,M,W Actors & Models of Houston 7887 San Felipe #227 Houston, TX 77063 P: 713-789-4973 Fax: 713-789-6163 Modeling Categories: F,W Actors Etc, Inc 2620 Fountain View #210 Houston, TX 77057 P: 713-785-4495 Fax: 713-785-2641 email: Contact: Denise Coburn Modeling Categories: P,F,W Barbizon of Houston 5433 Westheimer Rd #300 Houston, TX 77056 P: 713-850-9611 Fax: 713-850-8229 Contact: Gail Barry Modeling Categories: F,W Black Ink Model & Artist Management 2000 Bagby Street 15403 Houston, TX 77002 P: 713-526-3610 Fax: 713-526-3620 email: Contact: Aggie Hemmat Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,H,MU,PH Chris Wilson's Studio for Actors 2506 South Blvd Houston, TX 77098 P: 713-520-1991 Fax: 713-520-1993 Contact: George Brock Modeling Categories: F,W FIRST MODELS & TALENT 5433 WESTHEIMER AVE., STE. 310 HOUSTON, TX 77056 P: 713-850-9611 Fax: 713-850-8229 Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PLO,K,H,MU Inter-Media Model & Tlnt Agcy 2727 Kirby Dr Houston, TX 77098 P: 713-807-8222 Fax: 713-807-0055 email: Modeling Categories: F,W Lawrence Williams 3009 Prospect Ave Houston, TX 77004 P: 713-520-1367 Modeling Categories: F,W Mayo-Hill Schl of Modeling 7887 San Felipe #127 Houston, TX 77063

P: 713-789-7340 Fax: 713-789-6163 email: Modeling Categories: F,W NEAL HAMIL AGENCY 7887 SAN FELIPE 227 HOUSTON, TX 77063 P: 713-789-1335 Fax: 713-789-6163 email: Contact: BJ Shell Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K,H,MU PAGE.713 2727 KIRBY DR., PH HOUSTON, TX 77098 P: 713-807-8222 Fax: 713-807-0055 Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K,H,MU Premiere Promotions 8580 Katy Frwy. Suite 104 Houston, TX 77024 P: 713-699-9858 Fax: 713-695-2353 email: Contact: Stephanie Talafuse Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W,MU Sherry Young/Mad Hatter Model/Talent 2620 Fountainview 212 Houston, TX 77057 P: 713-266-5800 Fax: 713-266-2044 email: Contact: Michael Young Modeling Categories: P,F,W Young Agency, Sherry 2620 Fountain View #212 Houston, TX 77057 P: (713)266-5800 Modeling Categories: F,W TORNONTO, CANADA ELITE TORONTO 477 RIchmond Street West 301 Toronto, Ontario M5V3E7 Canada P: (416) 369-9995 Fax: (416) 369-1929 email: Web: Contact: Alecia Bell Modeling Categories: P,C,F,RM,W,SPL,H,MU AAA Funny Face Vancouver BC Vancouver, V6P 4J5 Canada P: 123456789 email:

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes Contact: Maggie Smith Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K,H,MU Andersonia 12 Ruit avenue Toronto, Canada P: 416-967-1964 Fax: 416-977-1964 email: Contact: Steven Anderson Modeling Categories: P,C,F,W,PH Cameo Models 51 Albert St. Waterloo, Canada P: 519 885 0919 Fax: 519 885 3435 email: Contact: Joan Heaton Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,K

Carolyn's Model & Talent Agency Ltd. 2104 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, M4N2y4 Canada P: 416 544-0232 Fax: 905 542-8887 email: Contact: Lindsey Macdonald Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K Davis Inc. Model and Talent 4 Scarboro Cres 4 Toronto, Canada P: 416 892 1340 email: Contact: luan davison Modeling Categories: P,C,F,M,W DC Model Management 96 spadina ave. Toronto, NA m5v2j6 Canada P: 416 306 0039 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W DWM Management 9 Davies Ave 207A Toronto, M4M 2A6 Canada P: 416-850-3728 Fax: 416-850-3727 email: Contact: Oronde Grier Modeling Categories: P,C,M,W

Eleanor Fulcher International 615 Yonge Street 200 Toronto, M4Y 1Z5 Canada P: 416-922-1945 Fax: 416-922-1874 email: Contact: C. Connell Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,K Flare Modelling Inc. - F.M.I. Agency 200 Davis Drive Suite 2 Newmarket, Ontario, L3Y 2N4 Canada P: 905-898-1149 Fax: 905-898-1147 email: Contact: Tracee Chambers Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,K GIBSON 113 front street east Toronto, m5a 4s4 Canada P: 416.361.9979 Fax: 416.361.6045 email: Contact: david arnold Modeling Categories: P,C,F,M,W GrooveLuv Model Management 440 Laurier Ave. W., Suite 200 Ottawa, Ontario, K1R 7X6 Canada P: 613-788-3793 xt:6793 Fax: 613-321-0326 email: Contact: Barbara & Joedee Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W ICON Model Management Inc. The Fashion Building, 130 Spadina Avenue Suite 402 Toronto, Canada P: 416-504-4266 Fax: 416-504-7034 email: Contact: R. Paradisso Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,S,K Just Models Inc 901 Yonge Street 200 Toronto, ON M4W3M2 Canada P: +1.416.961.7888 Fax: +1.416.961.8788 email: Modeling Categories: F,M,W K.R.B. Models & Talent Agency 10B Shehyn Lane Ottawa, K2G 4Y3 Canada P: 613-228-0334

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Fax: 613-727-8297 email: Contact: Karina Benditkis Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,K Kristy Michelle 410 Giles Blvd. West 302 Windsor, N9A 6H6 Canada email: Contact: Kristy Michelle Modeling Categories: P,F,R,W La Cite Models 2005 Sheppard Ave. E, Suite 120 North York, Canada P: 416-773-1010 Fax: 416-773-1011 email: info@lacitemodels Contact: Jaque Perasien Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,PL,K

Models International Management 256 Elgin St. Ottawa, K2P 1L9 Canada P: 613.236.9575 Fax: 613.236.9607 email: Contact: Julie Pellerin Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K,H,MU Moro Model & Talent Management Inc. 14 Widmer Street Toronto, Canada P: 416-340-7399 Fax: 416-340-0532 email: Contact: Tara Bates Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,K RAYMOND TALENT 34A - 2755 LOUGHEED HWY SUITE 206 PORT COQUITLAM, BC, V3B 5Y9 Canada P: 604-468-4160 Fax: 604-468-0944 email: Contact: Shelley Raymond Modeling Categories: F,W,P,K Rocky's Kidz 146 Shuter Street, Main Floor Buzzer #1 Toronto, Ontario, M5A1V9 Canada P: 416-862-7625 email:

Contact: Rocky Stone Modeling Categories: P,C,K Styles International 1018 Finch Ave 218 Toronto, M2J 3L5 Canada P: (416) 661-5557 or (416)885-0531 Fax: (416) 293-5764 email: Contact: Dave Reid Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K,H,MU,PH Suga Eye International 20 Maud st. B2 Toronto, Canada P: 416.203.2450 Fax: 416.203.2833 email: Contact: Ains Ellis Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W,H,MU The Cassidy Group 5212 Sackville Street Suite 200 Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 1K6 Canada P: 902路492路4410 Fax: 902路492路4411 email: Contact: Lara Cassidy Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W W M Models 19 Charlotte Street Suite 403 Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H5 Canada P: 416-593-7904 Fax: 416-593-9890 Email: wmmodels@on.aibn,com Contact: Tara Mateus Modeling Categories: P,F,R,M,W, CHICAGO, USA ELITE CHICAGO 58 WEST HURON CHICAGO, IL 60610 P: 312-943-3226 Fax: 312-943-2590 email: Web: Modeling Categories: P,F,R,M,W Talent Group 1228 W. Wilson Ave. Chicago, IL 60640 P: 312-561-8814 Fax: 312-728-5896 Web: Contact: Brian Boden Modeling Categories: F,W 3rd Coast Artists 641 W Lake ST # 402 Chicago, IL 60661

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

P: 312-707-8700 Fax: 312-707-8515 Contact: Pam Modeling Categories: F,W

email: Contact: Arthur Copeland Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K,H,MU,PH

Ambassador Talent Agents 333 N. Michigan #315 Chicago, IL 60601 P: 312-641-3491 Contact: Susan Sherman Modeling Categories: F,W

Divine Models & Talent, Inc. 7 Ionia SW 230 Grand Rapids, MI 49503 P: (616) 774-9906 Fax: (616) 774-9907 email: Contact: Coleen Downey Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,PL,K,H,MU

ARIA TALENT 1017 W. WASHINGTON 2c CHICAGO, IL 60607 P: 312-850-9671 Fax: 312-226-5523 Contact: Chris Twarowski Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,H,MU

Emilia Lorence, Ltd 325 W Huron ST #404 Chicago, IL 60610 P: 312-787-2033 Fax: 312-787-5239 Modeling Categories: F,W

ARLENE WILSON MODEL MGMT. 430 W. ERIE ST. 210 CHICAGO, IL 60610 P: +1 (312)-573-0200 Fax: +1 (312)-573-0046 email: Contact: Dan Deely Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K,H,MU Baker and Rowley 1327 W. Washington Blvd. Suite 5C Chicago, IL 60607-1914 P: (312) 850-4700 Fax: (312) 850-4300 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,R,M,W,K BMG Models 456 North May Chicago, IL 60622 P: +1.312.829.9100 Fax: +1.312.829.6698 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Chosen Management 58 W. Huron #10 Chicago, IL 60610 P: 312 274 1868 Fax: 312 274 1862 email:, Contact: David Love Stephen Hall Modeling Categories: M CLASSIC MODEL & TALENT MGMT 225 W. WASHINGTON, STE. 2200 CHICAGO, IL 60606 P: 312-419-7192 Fax: 312-419-7151 Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K,H,MU Copeland Unlimited 1981 E. 32nd St 2nd Fl. Lorain, OH 44055 P: 440 225 0801

ETA, Inc 7558 S Chicago Ave Chicago, IL 60619 P: 312-752-3955 Fax: 312-752-8727 Contact: Joan P. Brown Modeling Categories: F,W

facestation inc. modeling & casting agency 339 South Broadway St. Green Bay, WI 54303 P: 920-606-6768 email: Contact: Sara Privett Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K,H,MU FORD 641 W. LAKE ST. 402 CHICAGO, IL 60661 P: 312-707-9000 Fax: 312-707-8515 email: Contact: Bob Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M, W,S,PL, H Geddes Agency 1633 N Halsted St #400 Chicago, IL 60614 P: 312-787-8333 Fax: 312-787-6677 Contact: Elizabeth Geddes Modeling Categories: F,W Harrise Davidson Talent Agcy 65 E Wacker Pl #2401 Chicago, IL 60601 P: 312-782-4480 Contact: Harrise Davidson Modeling Categories: F,W HYPE MODEL MANAGEMENT 954 W. WASHINGTON 5 CHICAGO, IL 60607 P: 312-243-8547 Fax: 312-243-8571 email: HYPEMODELS@AOL.COM

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

http://WWW.HYPEMODEL.COM Contact: BRUNO ABATE Modeling Categories: P,F,R,M,W,H,MU IMPULSE TALENT AGENCY 111 N. 56TH ST. #204 Lincoln, NE 68504 P: 402-464-4000 Fax: 402-464-4000 email: Contact: Kristin Ondrak Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K,H,MU,PH Industry Model Management 213 W. Institute Place 505 Chicago, IL 60610 P: 312.649.0697 email: Contact: Jill Peterson Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,K Jaffa Models International 3162 North Broadway Suite 2 Chicago, IL 60657 P: 773.880.8010 Fax: 773.880.8050 email: Contact: Jaffa Robert Odum Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL JBM Management & Assoc 7305 S Eberhart Ave Chicago, IL 60619 P: 773-684-1768 Fax: 773-723-7256 email: Contact: Brian Matthews Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K John Robert Powers 27 E Monroe St #200 Chicago, IL 60603 P: 312-726-1404 Fax: 312-726-8019 Contact: Joseph Durkin Modeling Categories: F,W Lily's Talent Agency 5962 N Elston Ave Chicago, IL 60646 P: 312-792-1366 Fax: 312-792-0939 Contact: Lynay Vaduski Modeling Categories: F,W MEN MANAGEMENT AGENCY 1040 N. Delaware Street Number 42 Indianapolis, IN 46202 P: 317-457-4134 Fax: 317-882-1229 email: Contact: Jeff Rider Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W

Millennium Model Management 1100 E Woodfield Rd 140 Schaumburg, IL 60173 P: 847-619-1231 Fax: 847-619-1326 email: Contact: Bryan Swisher Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K ML Int’l Models 162 N Franklin St #410A Chicago, IL 60606 P: 312-849-9190 Fax: 312-849-9508 Contact: Lucy Ning Modeling Categories: F,W Nat'l Talent Assocs 6326 N Lincoln Ave Chicago, IL 60659 P: 312-539-8575 Modeling Categories: F,W Nouvelle Talent Mgmt POB 578100 Chicago, IL 60610 P: 312-944-1133 Fax: 312-915-0319 Contact: Ann Bordalo Modeling Categories: F,W PREMIERE MODEL & TALENT MGMT 27 E. MONROE ST., STE. 200 CHICAGO, IL 60603 P: 312-726-8089 Fax: 312-726-8019 email: SMATTHEW@PREMIEREAGENCY.COM Modeling Categories: P,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K Salazar & Navas, Inc 760 N Ogden Ave #2200 Chicago, IL 60622-5868 P: 312-666-1677 Fax: 312-666-1681 Contact: Myrna Salaza Modeling Categories: F,W Seek Model & Talent Search 14 N Peoria #7G Chicago, IL 60607 P: 312-633-9911 Fax: 312-633-9922 Contact: Paula Palm Lewis Modeling Categories: F,W Shirley Hamilton, Inc 333 E Ontairo 302B Chicago, IL 60611 P: 312-787-4700 Fax: 312-787-8456 email: Contact: Lauri Hamilton Modeling Categories: P,F,W STEWART TALENT 58 WEST HURON CHICAGO, IL 60610 P: 312-943-3131

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Fax: 312-943-5107 Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K,H,MU The Rock Agency 214 North Henry Street Suite 205 Madison, WI 53703 P: 608-238-6372 Fax: 608-238-6325 email: Contact: Raquel Repka Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K,MU BRAZIL Azure Models Rua Castro Alves 373 Porto Allegre, Brazil P: +(5513) 332-5445 Contact: Debora Vieira Modeling Categories: P,F,W Diesel Model Management Miguel Tostes, 647 #203 Porto Alegre, RS 90430 Brazil P: 51-333-5862 Fax: 51-330-7349 email: Modeling Categories: F,W DM Agency Rua Des.Vieira Cavalcante 854 Merces Curitiba, Brazil P: +5541 336 5363 Fax: +5541 336 5363 Contact: Agy Campos Modeling Categories: P,F,W Elite Av Ataulfo de Pavia 706 Leblon, Rio de Janeiro, 22440 Brazil P: 21-511-3437 Fax: 21-259-5047 Modeling Categories: F,W MEGA MODEL AGENCY NITEROI Rua Tupiniquins, nº 01, São Fransico Niterói - Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil P: (005521) 2612-3484 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,M,W,K Elite Rua Sampaio Vidal 1096 São Paulo, SP 01433-001 Brazil P: 11-816-4355 Fax: 11-210-6019 Modeling Categories: F,W

Ford Rua Bento de Andrade 421 JD Paulista São Paulo, CEP 04503-011 Brazil P: 11-884-5920 Fax: 11-884-0466 Modeling Categories: F,W L'Equipe Rua Brigadeiro Luis Antonio 4605, Jardim Paulista São Paulo, SP 01401-002 Brazil P: +5511-3885.1055 Fax: +5511-3885.1055 email: Contact: Lica Kohlrausch Modeling Categories: P,F,W LAGENCE INTERNATIONAL SCOUTING RUA MARIZEIRO 538 SAO PAULO, 04928000 Brazil P: +5511 5517 6346 Fax: +5511 5517 6346 email: JUNIORPELICANO@LAGENCE.COM.BR http://WWW.LAGENCE.COM.BR Contact: JUNIOR PELICANO Modeling Categories: F M9 Model Agency Rua Abilio Soares,530 São Paulo, 04005002 Brazil P: 3052 2837 Fax: 3052 2252 email: Contact: Hilda Ivo Modeling Categories: P,C,F,M,W,K,H,MU Major Model Agency Rua Cubatao, 309 Paraiso Sao Paulo, 04013-041 Brazil P: 55(11) 3057-3666 Fax: 55(11) 3057-3666 email: Contact: Ney Alves Modeling Categories: C,F,R,M,W,PH Marilyn Agency Rua Ibiapinopolis 55 Jd Paulista São Paulo, 01457-030 Brazil P: +5511 3819 05 09 Fax: +5511 3819 34 66 email: Contact: Zeca Modeling Categories: P,F,W Mega Rua Franz Schubert 184 Jd Europa São Paulo, 04571 Brazil P: +5511 3816 7675 Fax: +5511 3816 7191

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Contact: Marcus Panthera Modeling Categories: P,F,W MIXED MODEL MANAGEMENT R.Natingui, 1342 Pinheitos São Paulo, 05443-002 Brazil P: (11) 3814-8882 Fax: (11) 3814-8882 email: Contact: Ney Alves Modeling Categories: C,F,R,M,W Next Mgmt Rua Funchal #573 I Andar São Paulo, 04551-060 Brazil P: +5511 866 5678 Fax: +5511 829 7210 Contact: Brigit Nunez Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Off R. Ofélia, 278, Pinheiros/SP São Paulo, CEP 05423/100 Brazil P: 11-936-0041 Fax: 11-571-0168 Contact: Liao Tao Ming Modeling Categories: F,W Setting Model Agency Rua Cuba 161 São Paulo, 01436 020 Brazil P: 55 11 30622526 Fax: 55 11 30622526 email: Contact: Antonio Barros Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W SKIN MODELS SC LTDA Rua Joaquim Antunes, 489 Pinheiros Sao Paulo, Brazil P: 5511-30884699 Fax: 5511-30884699 email: Contact: Marcelo Fonseca Modeling Categories: P,C,F,M,W,S,PL,H,MU Success Model Mgmt Rua Antonio Bento 410 São Paulo, SP 01432-000 Brazil P: 11-884-8101 Fax: 11-884-9719 Contact: Arthur Colirri Modeling Categories: F,W Taxi Av São Gabriel 564 Itaim, São Paulo, SP 01435-000 Brazil P: 11-887-9755

Fax: 11-885-8286 Contact: Astrid Façanha Modeling Categories: P,F,W Vegue Models Rua Canário, 1,100 São Paulo, 04521-005 Brazil P: 11-5092-9011 Fax: 11-533-2143 Modeling Categories: F,W Wanted Talent Brazil Rua Dr. Edilberto Luis Pereira da Silva, 31 Sao Paolo, SP, 13083- Brazil P: +55.11.6847-7344 Fax: +55.11.6847.7124 email: Contact: Stanly Hiwat Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W Wanted Talent Brazil Rua Dr. Edilberto Luis Pereira da Silva, 31 Sao Paolo, SP, 13083- Brazil P: +55.11.6847-7344 Fax: +55.11.6847.7124 email: Contact: Stanly Hiwat Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,H ARGENTINA A Model Management Riobamba 927 Buenos Aires, 1116 Argentina P: 54 11-4811-1670 Fax: 54 11-4811-1670 email: Contact: Agostina Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W CHICS Models Amenabar 2765 3rd. Floor Santa Fe, 3000 Argentina P: 540342154342788 email: Contact: Alex Forni Modeling Categories: C,F,M,W,PH CV Models Santa Fe 2682 Buenos Aires, Argentina P: 4825-9988 Fax: 4825-1245 email: Contact: Diego Ventrice Modeling Categories: C,F,M,W,H,MU

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

DIG Models Ugarteche 3296 2B Buenos Aires, Argentina P: 54 11 4804-7906 email: Contact: Pam Bertrand Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Dotto Models Arenales 1942 4-B Buenos Aires, Argentina P: +5411 4 814 0887 Fax: +5411 4 814 3626 email: Contact: Monica Dotto Modeling Categories: P,F,W Elencos Juan Gutierrez 3821 Buenos Aires, 1060 Argentina P: +5411 4804 8600 Fax: +5411 4806 6085 email: Contact: Juan Martin Aduriz Modeling Categories: P,F,W

P: +5411 4801 9266 Fax: +5411 4801 9266 Contact: Riccardo Pineiro Modeling Categories: P,F,W South American Models Concepcion Arenal 3425 4º 36 Buenos Aires, Argentina P: 54.11.4553.7860 Fax: 54.11.4554.5891 email: Contact: Rosario Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W South American Models Concepcion Arenal 3425 4º 36 Buenos Aires, Argentina P: 54.11.4553.7860 Fax: 54.11.4554.5891 email: Contact: Rosario Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W

CHILE FASHION MODELS AGENCY CARACAS 99 BUENOS AIRES, Argentina P: 0054-9223-6813491 / 0054-911-40295760 email: http://WWW.THENEWWAVEGROUP.COM Contact: ALFREDO ARGUESO Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K,H,MU,PH Ford Av. Santa Fé 1339, Piso 3 Buenos Aires, 1059 Argentina P: 11-4815-3565 Fax: 11-4816-7509 Modeling Categories: F,W MGA Models Araoz 2566 Floor 2 B Buenos Aires, 1425 Argentina P: (5411)5787-0931 Fax: (5411)5787-0931 email: Contact: Christian Ponce Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Ricardo Pineiro Libertad 753 Buenos Aires, 1012 Argentina P: 11-4374-3439 Fax: 11-4375-4424 Modeling Categories: F,W Riccardo Pineiro Models Pte. J.E. Uriburu 1630 Buenos Aires, 1114 Argentina

ELITE CHILE ISIDORA GOYENECHEA 3621 202 SANTIAGO, Chile P: 56-2-3315914 Fax: 56-2-3315915 email: Contact: Ofelia Memoli Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Elite Chile Isidora Goyenechea 3621 Of. 202 202 Santiago-Chile, Chile P: 56-2-3315914 Fax: 56-2-3315915 email: Contact: Ofelia Memoli Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Elite Models Don Carlos 3269, Las Condes Santiago, Chile P: 2-334-7036 Fax: 2-234-3455 Modeling Categories: F,W Slogan Av. Julio Prado 1174 Santiago, Chile P: +5622 255351 Fax: +5622 255351

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Contact: Lis Del Rio Modeling Categories: P,F,W GERMANY Andrea Lion Models Hartungstrasse 8 Hamburg, 20146 Germany P: +49 40 53 301 885 Fax: +49 40 53 301 886 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Body & Soul Werderstrabe 39 Hamburg, 20144 Germany P: +49-40-41-2091 Fax: +49-40-410-4748 email: Contact: Pia Kohles Modeling Categories: F,W Dante models Bovestrasse 52 Hamburg, 22043 Germany P: +494088155810 Fax: +494088155811 email: Contact: Robert Zillmann Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,M,PH E-Models Management Juliusstrasse 12 Hamburg, 22769 Germany P: +49-(0)40-43091944 Fax: +49-(0)40-43091945 email: Modeling Categories: F,W Face Wandsbeker CH. 117 Hamburg, 22085 Germany P: 40-200-9797 Fax: 40-200-4521 email: Modeling Categories: F,W Kunstlerdienst Hamburg Nagelsweg 9 Hamburg, 20097 Germany P: 40-24-85-0 Fax: 40-24-85-1457 Modeling Categories: F,W Louisa Models Hamburg Feldbrunnenstr 24 Hamburg, 20148 Germany P: +49-40-414-40100 Fax: +49-40-414-40222 email: Contact: Louisa Minckwitz Modeling Categories: F,W M4 Mgmt Schl端terstrasse 54 A

Hamburg, 20146 Germany P: +49-40-4132-360 Fax: +49-40-4132-3616 email: Modeling Categories: F,W Mega Kaiser Wilhemstrasse 93 Hamburg, 20355 Germany P: +49-40-355-2200 Fax: +49-40-355-22022 email: Contact: Ted Linow Modeling Categories: F,W Model Contact Borsteler Bogen 27 Hamburg, 22453 Germany P: +49-40-533-8885 Fax: +49-40-553-8886 email: Contact: Frank Sadowski Modeling Categories: F,W Model Mgmt Hartungstr 5 Hamburg, 20146 Germany P: +49-40-44-0555 Fax: +49-40-450-0885 email: Contact: Heidi Gross Modeling Categories: F,W Model Team Schl端terstrasse 60 Hamburg, 20146 Germany P: +49-40-414-1037 Fax: +49-40-414-1036 email: Modeling Categories: F,W Modelwerk Rothenbaumchaussee 5 Hamburg, 20148 Germany P: +49-40-44-7929 Fax: +49-40-44-7910 email: Contact: Claudia Midolo Modeling Categories: F,W Network Milchstrasse 8 Hamburg, 20148 Germany P: +49-40-441-451 Fax: +49-40-457-114 email: Modeling Categories: F,W Okay Models Ost-West-Str. 63 Hamburg, D-20457 Germany P: +49-40-37-85000 Fax: +49-40-37-850010 email:

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Contact: Margrit Fedorow-Berndt Modeling Categories: P,F,W

Contact: Beatrice Herbold Modeling Categories: F,W

on1 Model Management Lietzenburgerstr.83 Berlin, 10719 Germany P: +49.30.31102590 Fax: +49.30.31102599 email: Contact: Jeannine Lehnert Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W

Josye & Friends Modelmanagement Robert-Stolz-Straße 9 Düsseldorf, 40470 Germany P: 0040-211-6356731 Fax: 0049-211-6415808 email: Contact: Josiane Santos Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W

Place Barmbeckerstrasse 152 Hamburg, 22299 Germany P: +49.40.4607960 Fax: +49.40.46079611 email: Modeling Categories: F,M,W

Kunstlerdienst Saonestr 2-4 Frankfurt, 60528 Germany P: 69-6670-0 Fax: 69-6670-459 Modeling Categories: F,W

Promod Model Agency Barmbeker Str 136 Hamburg, 22299 Germany P: 40-471-0000 Fax: 40-471-0002-2 email: Contact: Andreas Sabina Modeling Categories: F,W TALENTS Mühlenkamp 31 Hamburg, 22303 Germany P: +49-40-271-047 Fax: +49-40-271-041 email: Modeling Categories: F,W Top Models Hasselbrookstrasse 113 Hamburg, 22089 Germany P: +49.40.2004360 Fax: +49.40.205004 Modeling Categories: F,W Wolf Models gurlittstrasse 24 Hamburg, 20099 Germany P: +49-40-41-33-19-0 Fax: +49-40-41-33-19-41 email: Contact: Wolf Lück Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W East West Models Launitzstrabe 12 Frankfurt, 60594 Germany P: 69-610-9310 Fax: 69-610-93131 Modeling Categories: F,W Frankfurt One! Hamburger Allee 45 Frankfurt, 60486 Germany P: 69-975-8750 Fax: 69-975-8757-5

Metropolitan Schwindstrabe 7 Frankfurt, 60313 Germany P: 69-9740-1330 Fax: 69-9740-1333 Modeling Categories: F,W S’MS (Seeber) Darmstädter Landstr 320 Frankfurt, 60598 Germany P: 69-685-005 Fax: 69-689-7282 email: Modeling Categories: F,W AgenturFive Richard-Strauß-Straße 24 München, 81677 Germany P: +49 (0)89 41 80 41 41 Fax: +49 (0)89 41 80 41 11 email: Contact: Joseph Mitterlechner Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K,H,MU,PH AgenturFive Richard-Strauß-Straße 24 München, 81677 Germany P: +49 (0)89 41 80 41 41 Fax: +49 (0)89 41 80 41 11 email: Contact: Joseph Mitterlechner Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K,H,MU,PH Brigitte Models Leopoldstrasse 27 Munich, 80802 Germany P: +49.89.74502840 Fax: +49.89.74502841 email: Modeling Categories: F,M,W,S,PL Brodymodels Herzogstr. 15 Stuttgart, 70176 Germany P: +49 711 6151580 Fax: +49 711 6151581 email:

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes Contact: Markus Brodbeck Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL Cawi Models Schwanthalerstrasse 13 Munich, 80336 P: +49.89.557995 Fax: +49.89.55028913 email: Modeling Categories: F,W Harry's Model Management Widenmayerstrasse 46 Munich, 80538 Germany P: +49.89.3600000 Fax: +49.89.3617067 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Kult Model Agency Adelheidstrasse 8 Munich, 80798 P: +49.89.2737470 Fax: +49.89.27374757 email: Modeling Categories: F,M MaD COMPANY People.Models.Actors.Artists Am Wasser 158 Zurich, 8049 Switzerland P: +41 1 342 44 22 Fax: +41 1 342 44 40 email: Contact: Zaruhi Takfor Modeling Categories: P,C,F,M,W,S,H,MU Major Model Management Hesseloherstreet 9 Munich, 80802 Germany P: +49.89.3888730 Fax: +49.89.3888732-0 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Modern Models Wasserburger Landstrasse 133 Munich, 81827 Germany P: +49.89.20238804 Fax: +49.89.20238805 email: Modeling Categories: F,W,S,PL Munich Models Siegfriedstrabe M端nchen, 80803 Germany P: 89-389-9830 Fax: 89-389-98333 email: Contact: Susanne Maushake Modeling Categories: F,M,W PS Model Management holzstr. 12

Munich, 80469 Germany P: +49892919230 email: Modeling Categories: F,M,W Sport-Model Kastanienallee 4 Berlin / Munich, 10435 Germany P: +49 30 68809552 Fax: +49 30 68809553 email: Contact: Erik M端ller Modeling Categories: P,C,F,M,W,K Ohmstr 5 M端nchen, 80802 Germany P: 89-3883-7730 Fax: 89-3883-7733 email: Contact: Heide Themlitz Modeling Categories: F,W Vivi竪nne models Schmellerstr.8 Munich, 80337 Germany P: 0049-89-72468930 Fax: 0049-89-72430379 email: Contact: Sascha A. Babel Modeling Categories: P,F,M,W Zoommodels Kmety Gy. Str. 20. Budapest, 1063 Hungary P: +36209351920 email: Contact: nemes balint Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,H,MU,PH MILAN Fashion Model Mgmt Via Monte Rosa 80 Milano, 20149 Italy P: +39-02-48-08-62-22 Fax: +39-02-481-91-64 email: Contact: Lorenzo Pedrini Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Tomei Future Via Voghera, 25 Milano, 20144 Italy P: +390(2) 833 0101 Fax: +390(2) 833 01030 email: Modeling Categories: P,F,R,M,W 1 Plus 1 Via Bainsizza 4 Milano, 20123 Italy P: +39-028-58-31-74-43 Fax: +39-02-58-31-78-29

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

email: Modeling Categories: F,W

P: 2-280-40045 Fax: 2-280-01132 Modeling Categories: F, W

Admiranda Model Agency Piazza Cincinnato 4 Milano, 20124 Italy P: 2-29-52-48-13 Fax: 2-204-61-16 Modeling Categories: F.W

D' management Group 13 Via Foercella Milan, 20144 Italy P: +39.02.894.21377 Fax: +39.02.894.21468 email: Modeling Categories: P,F,R,M,W

Admiranda Model Agency Piazza Cincinnato 4 Milano, 20124 Italy P: 2-29-52-48-13 Fax: 2-204-61-16 Modeling Categories: F,W Aextra Group Cascina Beretta , 4/B Vimercate, 20059 Italy P: ++39/039/60.80.449 Fax: ++39/02/700423833 email: Contact: Giorgio Missaglia Modeling Categories: C,F,W,PH Beatrice Models Via Vicenzo Monti 47 Milano, 20123 Italy P: +39-024-69-25-99 Fax: +39-024-98-93-45 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Black & White via pistoia 29 Roma, 00182 Italy P: 0039 6 7027043 Fax: 0039 6 7029398 email: Contact: gianluca giusto Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K,H,MU,PH Christian Jacques Via Voghera 11 Milano, 20144 Italy P: +39-02-581-07440 Fax: +39-02-581-13677 email: Modeling Categories: F,W CiPE Via Tortona 76 Milano, 20144 Italy P: 2-423-89-14 Fax: 2-47-13-67 Modeling Categories: F,W Clan Int’l Models Ripa Ticinese 93 Milano, 20143 Italy P: 2-89-40-35-69 Fax: 2-837-55-67 Modeling Categories: F,W Connection Fashion Group Via Accadenia 40 Milano, 20131 Italy

Das Models Milano Via San Marco n.31 Milan, 20121 Italy P: + 39 02 65 55 536 Fax: +39 02 62 02 75 82 email: Contact: Adriana Da Silva Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Elite Models Via S Vittore 40 Milano, 20123 Italy P: 2-46-75-21 Fax: 2-481-90-58 Modeling Categories: F,W Eye for I Model Mgmt Via Guerrazzi, 1 Milano, 20145 Italy P: 2-34-5471 Fax: 2-3454-7222 email: Contact: Patricia & Guiseppe Piazzi Modeling Categories: F,W Fashion Elite Model Agency 8, delle Muse rome, 00192 Italy P: +39 06 45439566 Fax: +39 06 45439567 email: Contact: Andrea Pellegrini Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,K,H,MU,PH First Via Eustachi 12 Milano, 20129 Italy P: 2-294-04882 Fax: 2-295-20813 Modeling Categories: F,W Flash Models Mgmt Via Tortona 14 Milano, 20144 Italy P: +39-02-837-30-10 Fax: +39-02-837-22-21 email: Contact: Alberto Righini Modeling Categories: P,F,W Four Men Mgmt Via Voghera 25 Milano, 20144 Italy P: 2-837-3010

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Fax: 2-837-2221 Modeling Categories: F.W Funny Type 2 Trovarobe Via Aurelio Saffi 11 Milano, 20123 Italy P: 2-43-90-672 Fax: 2-49-84-525 Contact: Franco Trinchinetti Modeling Categories: F,W Future Men Via Voghera 25 Milano, 20144 Italy P: 2-833-0101 Fax: 2-8330-1029 Modeling Categories: F,W H2O Piazzale Baiamonti, 4 Milan, 20154 Italy P: +39.02.6200.4226 Fax: +39.02.6200.4227 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W Ice Via G.G. Mora 2 Milano, 20123 Italy P: 2-894-20675 Fax: 2-894-92171 Modeling Categories: F,W ICE MODELS VIA DEL CARAVAGGIO 3 MILANO, KS 20144 Italy P: + 39 2 43437201 Fax: + 39 2 43437222 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Int’l Model Mgmt Via G. Rossini 8 Milano, 20122 Italy P: 2-762-32888 Fax: 2-762-32820 Contact: Marcella Galdi D’Aragona Modeling Categories: F,W John Casablancas Via Forcella 13 Milano, 20144 Italy P: 2-581-03107 Fax: 2-581-03108 Modeling Categories: F,W Joy Models Via San Vittore, 40/42 Milano, 20123 Italy P: 2-48-00-27-76 Fax: 2-48-02-25-98 email: Contact: Maristella Becucci Modeling Categories: F,W Level Model management valhall oslo/milan, Italy

P: +47 92261652 email: Contact: henrik hverven Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W LooK Now Model Management Via Soresina, 12 Milan, 20144 Italy P: ++39-02-48020126 Fax: ++39-02-4981586 email: Contact: Paul Kopp Modeling Categories: P,F,R,W Look-Now Via A. da Giussano, 16 Milano, 20145 Italy P: +39-02-48-02-01-26 Fax: +39-02-498-15-86 email: Contact: Mario Rescio Pauk Kopp Modeling Categories: F,W M.R. Models Management viale Montello, 14 Milano, 20154 Italy P: +39 02 349 349 65 Fax: +39 02 345 2226 email: Contact: Gianluca Causa Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,PH Major Model Mgmt 2, Via Seprio Milano, 20149 Italy P: +39-02-4801-2828 Fax: +39-02-4819-4081 email: Contact: Guido Dolci Modeling Categories: F,W Milano4models v. oldofredi 51 Milano, 20100 Italy P: 0269000012 Fax: 0269000012 email: Contact: Alessandro Lofoco Modeling Categories: P,C,F,W,H,MU,PH MOB Models Mgmt Srl Via Illirco 8/12a Milano, 20133 Italy P: 2-70-00-16-32 Fax: 2-71-44-32 Contact: Joyce Yuille Modeling Categories: F,W Model Group Management Srl V.le Tinusia 39 angolo via Franchetti Milano, 20124 Italy P: +39.02.6570669 Fax: +39-02-657-0760 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Names Piazza Arcole 4 Milano, 20143 Italy P: +39-02-8941-0075 Fax: +39-02-8940-8561 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W Next Milan Via Monte Bianco, 53 Milano, 20149 Italy P: +39.02.439.0566 Fax: +39.02.439.0871 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W One Up Via Marcona 24 Milano, 20129 Italy P: 2-7611-0043 Fax: 2-7000-5387 Modeling Categories: F,W Pepea Model Management Via Solari #11 Milano, 20144 Italy P: +39-02-8942-0135 Fax: +39-02-8942-9371 email: Contact: Gio Barbieri Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W Petit Model Via Alberto Mario 25 Milano, 20149 Italy P: 24-98-36-78 Fax: 24-98-31-96 Modeling Categories: F,W Planet Model Mgmt Corso Sempione 8 Milano, 20154 Italy P: 2-345-37153 Fax: 2-345-37150 Modeling Categories: F,W

Milano, 20123 Italy P: +39-02-499-6446 Fax: +39-02-48-00-55-08 email: Contact: Marina Bullock Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Run Show Mgmt Via Voghera 25 Milano, 20144 Italy P: 2-8330-1050 Fax: 2-8330-1053 Modeling Categories: F,W Run Show Mgmt Via Voghera 25 Milano, 20144 Italy P: 2-8330-1050 Fax: 2-8330-1053 Modeling Categories: F,W Toledo Jet Model Booking Corso Lodi 5 Milano, 20135 Italy P: 2-55-19-47-14 Fax: 2-55-19-47-84 Modeling Categories: F,W TOP MODEL Via G: Dorso 75 Bari, 70100 Italy P: +393382080508 Fax: +393382080508 email: Contact: Enrico Devito Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W

Trinchinetti Franco 11 Via Aurelio Saffi Milano, 20123 Italy P: 2-46-14-87 Fax: 24-98-45-25 Contact: Franco Trinchinetti Modeling Categories: F,W

Plus 4 Women 14 via Del Lauro Milan, 20145 Italy P: +39.02.8699.8307 Fax: +39.02.8057.034 email: Modeling Categories: F,W

Vipermodels Via Sabotino 4 Milan, 20000 Italy P: +39.02.5832.8224 Fax: +39.02.5843.6140 email: Modeling Categories: P,F,W

PREMIERE MODEL MANAGEMENT Via Cozzi, 3 Milan, 20125 Italy P: +390266108290 Fax: +39026437055 email: Modeling Categories: P,F,R,W

Vision Milano Model Management via teodosio 85 Milano, 20131 Italy P: +39 02 28970414 Fax: +39 02 28040530 email: http://under construction Contact: Valery or Daniel Modeling Categories: P,F,R,W

Riccardo Gay Model Mgmt Via Revere 8/10

VOGUE MODEL Via Antenna , 25 Capezzano Pianore, Camaiore, FLORENCE , ITALY, 55040

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

P: + 39 - 328-4919120 Fax: + 39 - 584 - 916410 email: Contact: STEVEN PASCALE Modeling Categories: F,M,W,H,MU,PH VOGUE MODEL via antenna ,25 Capezz.Pianore Camaiore, ( luc, Italy P: + 39 - 328-4919120 Fax: + 39 - 584 - 916410 email: Contact: STEVEN PASCALE Modeling Categories: F,R,M,W,S,H,PH Want Model Mgmt Via Borgonuovo, 10 Milano, 20121 Italy P: 2-290-6631 Fax: 2-290-14477 email: Contact: Nicolas Fiani Modeling Categories: F,W Why Not Model Agency Via Zenale 9 Milano, 20123 Italy P: +39-02-485-331 Fax: +39-02-481-8342 email: Contact: Kristen Kotik Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Women Piazza Arcole 4 Milan, 20143 Italy P: +39.02.8941.0075 Fax: +39.02.89408561 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W ATHENS X-RAY MODELS 26, Vasileos Constantinou Ave. 5th Floor Athens, 116 35 Greece P: 30 (01) 7292172-4 Fax: 30 (01) 7292175 email: Web: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Ace Model Management Makrigianni 3 Athens, 11742 Greece P: +30.210.9226200 Fax: +30.210.9244636 email: Contact: Christina Foussiani Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Action Models Ferekidou14-16 Athens, 11636 Greece

P: +30.210.7518080 Fax: +30.210.7512047 email: Contact: Dotte Klingstroum Modeling Categories: F,W Alice Models 70, Kiprou Str. Glyfada Glyfada, 16674 Greece P: 1-968-1730-5 Fax: 1-968-1730-5 Contact: Mario Vrakas Modeling Categories: F,W Bookers 45 Patriarkhou Ioakim St Athens, 10676 Greece P: 1-729-5050 Fax: 1-729-5053 Modeling Categories: F,W Elena Models 22 Vassileos Georgiou B Athens, 10635 Greece P: 1-722-3384 Fax: 1-724-5382 Modeling Categories: F,W Fashion Cult Models 5 Iperidou Str & Nikis #1 Athens, 10558 Greece P: 1-322-1301 Fax: 1-322-8281 email: Contact: Christi Vivi Modeling Categories: F,W Image Management- I'M 6 Haritos str. Athens, 10675 Greece P: +30.210.7298420 Fax: +30.210.7298421 email: Modeling CategoriesP,C,F,R,M,W NbP 4, Othonos str., Maroussi-Athens, 15122 Greece P: +30 10 6148089 Fax: +30 10 6148072 email: Contact: Savina Gogou Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W New Model Vouliagmenis Av. 70 Argyroupoli, Athens, 16452 Greece P: +30.210.9966234 Fax: +30.210.9952128 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K Nothing but People Othonos street, 4 Maroussi, Athens, 15122 Greece P: +30.210.6148089 Fax: +30.210.6148072

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Planet Models Soudias 71 Kolonaki Athens, 11521 Greece P: 1-725-8024 Fax: 1-725-8025 Contact: George Kutulias Modeling Categories: F,W Prestige Mgmt Group Ltd 154 Syngrou Ave Athens, 17671 Greece P: +30.210.924.4552 Fax: +30.210.924.5596 email: Contact: Nikos Voglis Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W

Fax: 91-532-29-51 email: Contact: Kim Modeling Categories: F,W Eclipse Mgmt Apolonio Morales 10 Madrid, 28036 Spain P: 91-345-6080 Fax: 91-345-4954 Modeling Categories: F,W Eclipse Mgmt Apolonio Morales 10 Madrid, 28036 Spain P: 91-345-6080 Fax: 91-345-4954 Modeling Categories: F,W,

Twins 11, 25th Martiou St, Halandri Athens, 15232 Greece P: 1-685-6200 Fax: 1-685-6201 Modeling Categories: F,W

Exclusive Management General Oraa 70 Madrid, 28006 Spain P: +34.91.564.74.96 Fax: +34.91.564.05.28 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,RM,W,K

Twins Models Agency 11, 25 Martiou Str. Halandri, Athens, 15232 Greece P: +30.210.6856200 Fax: +30.210.6856201 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,K

FASHION FACE C/Virgen de los Peligros, 9 -2º izq. Madrid, 28013 Spain P: +(34) 91-532 57 40 Fax: +(34) 91- 521 63 82 Email Modeling Categories: F,M ,W


Helena Babecka Models Francisco Silvela 19 Madrid, 28028 Spain P: 91-309-1257 Fax: 91-309-1257 Modeling Categories: F,W Hollywood O’Donnell, 27, bajo dch Madrid, 28009 Spain P: 1-576-11-11 Fax: 1-576-75-50 Modeling Categories: F

Avenue Génova, 23,4º Madrid, 28004 Spain P: +34-91-308-29-34 Fax: +34-91-308-30-03 Modeling Categories: F,W Chic Models C/ Virgen de los Peligros, 9 3º Izquierda Madrid, 28013 Spain P: + 34 91 521 59 24 Fax: + 34 91 521 59 25 email: Contact: Helene Lalouette Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,H,MU,PH Colors Monte Esquinza 10 Madrid, 28010 Spain P: +34-91-319-0192 Fax: +34-91-319-7308 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Delphoss Sagasta, 4, 2º izq Madrid, 28004 Spain P: 91-521-73-73

ISASI, Agency & School Encarnacion 10 bajo dcha Madrid, 28013 Spain P: 91-541-60-07 Fax: 91-541-90-43 Contact: Rosa Isasi Modeling Categories: F,W K-One Caracas 23, 2° piso Madrid, 28010 Spain P: 91-319-8199 Fax: 91-319-4724 Contact: Marilyn Clark Modeling Categories: F,W L'Agence models Rua Almeida e Sousa n21-A Lisboa, 1350-006 Portugal P: 351213932702

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Fax: 351213932709 email: Contact: Vitor Roque Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,K,H,MU Magic Monte Eaquinza 24 Madrid, 28012 Spain P: 91-319-2300 Fax: 91-310-4841 Modeling Categories: F,W Maroe Management Contact: Raquel Troch Modeling Categories: F,W Francina Rda. General Mitre, 170, ático 2° Barcelona, 8006 Spain P: +34-93-212-56-26 Fax: +34-93-418-29-59 email: Contact: Francina Diaz Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W

C/ Princessa No. 31, 7 Madrid, 28008 Spain P: +34-91-548-2767 Fax: +34-91-541-7378 email: Contact: Francisca Hernandez Beriguete Modeling Categories: F,W

Group Paseo De Gracia 67 Pral 1ª Barcelona, 8008 Spain P: 93-488-26-62 Fax: 93-488-02-32 email: Contact: Astrid Modeling Categories: F,W

Stars Agency Pza De España, 18-4 of. 16 Madrid, 28008 Spain P: 91-541-96-90 Fax: 91-542-96-57 email: Contact: Bernardo Gil Nazabal Modeling Categories: F,W

IIbiza-faces c/de la Vila 20 Sant Josep (Ibiza), 07830 Spain P: 0034 971 800 144 Fax: 0034971800144 email: Contact: Benjamin de Wolff Modeling Categories: P,C,F,M,W,K

UNYK MODEL MANAGEMENT GRAN VIA 54 9º2 MADRID, 28013 Spain P: 34915479187 Fax: 34915474872 email: Contact: jose herrera Modeling Categories: P,C,F,M,W,K

ICON MANAGEMENT Valencia 284 Barcelona, 08007 Spain P: +34934675750 Fax: +34934675817 email: Contact: Andreu Urbano Sánchez Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S


J.M.A. Models Calle Europa 8 Barcelona, 8028 Spain P: 93-490-9744 Fax: 93-490-9747 Modeling Categories: F,W

Elite Models Rambla Catalunya 81,4 2a Barcelona, 08008 Spain P: + Fax: + email: Contact: Lori Evans Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W EMBASSY MODEL AGENCY MARTI D´ARDENYA, 3, 1-1 TARRAGONA, 43003 Spain P: +34 977240895 Fax: +34 977240432 email: Contact: DAVID SUBIRATS Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Fleming Models Calvet St. #30, atico. Barcelona, 08021 Spain P: +34 93 209 99 02 Fax: +34 93 200 92 56 email:

JMA C/ Europa 8 - 3º 1ª Barcelona, Spain P: +34 934 909 744 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K La Agencia 449, Diagonal Av Barcelona, E-08036 Spain P: +34-93-444-30-00 Fax: +34-93-444-30-01 email: Contact: Santiago Lopez-Guix Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K M management Paseo de Gracia, 108 - atico BARCELONA, 08008 Spain

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

P: +34 932004000 Fax: +34 932004001 email: Contact: David Subirats Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S Magic Salvador Espriu 59 Barcelona, 8005 Spain P: 93-225-3935 Fax: 93-225-2741 Modeling Categories: F,W Natasha’s Av Diagonal 469, 6º, 2º Barcelona, 8036 Spain P: +34 93 4500268 Fax: +34 93 4335579 email: Contact: Natasha Gounkeritch Modeling Categories: P,F,W Paula’s Models Riera de San Miguel, 55 Barcelona, 8006 Spain P: 93-217-04-94 Fax: 93-217-26-00 Modeling Categories: F,W SALVADOR MODEL AGENCY DIAGONAL AVENUE 403 2º4ª BARCELONA, 08008 Spain P: ++34.93.416.00.06 Fax: ++34.93.415.39.50 email: Contact: ANA MILLS Modeling Categories: P,C,F,M,W,K Teresa Gimpera Avda Diagonal, 433, 3º, 2ª Barcelona, 8036 Spain P: 93-414-37-02 Fax: 93-202-07-42 Modeling Categories: F,W Traffic Diagonal 403 Barcelona, 08000 Spain P: +34-93-414-0268 Fax: +34-93-414-6830 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W View Paseo de Gracia 37 2nd floor Barcelona, 08007 Spain P: +34.932.720.999 Fax: +34.932.157.157 email: Modeling Categories: F,W

Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W PARIS Absolu 50 rue Etienne Marcel Paris, 75002 France P: +33-1-44-76-58-90 Fax: +33-1-44-76-58-91 email: Contact: Paul Hagnauer Modeling Categories: F,W Absolu 50 rue Etienne Marcel Paris, 75002 France P: +33-1-44-76-58-90 Fax: +33-1-44-76-58-91 email: Contact: Paul Hagnauer Modeling Categories: F,W Agence Profil 11-13, rue des Arquebusiers Paris, 75003 France P: + 33 1 40 29 04 04 Fax: + 33 1 42 78 23 88 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Agent Double 16, rue Chappe Paris, 75018 France P: +331 42 52 79 43 Fax: +331 42 55 80 93 email: Contact: Anne-Christine Fernandes Modeling Categories: P,C,F,H,MU,PH Angels Models 34 Fbg Saint Honore Paris, 75008 France P: +33 1 42 68 24 44 Fax: +33 1 42 68 29 99 email: Contact: Laurent POUTEAUX Modeling Categories: P,F,R,M,W Bananas Mambo 9 rue Duphot Paris, 75001 France P: +33-1-40-20-02-03 Fax: +33-1-40-20-41-20 email: Contact: Patricia Cadiou-Diehl Modeling Categories: F,W Best One 98, Bis Blvd Haussmann Paris, 75008 France P: 1-44-69-28-90 Fax: 1-44-69-28-91 Modeling Categories: F,W

Lincoln 12, Bajos 2a Barcelona, 08006 Spain P: +34.93.416.0017 Fax: +34.93.416.0737 email: Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Bout'Chou 22, rue Brey Paris, 75017 France P: + email: Modeling Categories: F,W,K City Models 21 rue Jean Mermoz Paris, 75008 France P: 1-53-93-33-33 Fax: 1-53-93-33-34 Contact: Frederika Levy Modeling Categories: F,W Click Models 27 rue Vernet Paris, 75008 France P: +33-1-47-23-44-00 Fax: +33-1-47-20-31-15 email: Contact: Gisele Modeling Categories: F,W Contrebande 48 rue Saint-Anne Paris, 75002 France P: 1-40-20-42-20 Fax: 1-40-20-42-21 email: Contact: Eric Perceval Modeling Categories: P,F,M,W Crystal Model Agency 9 rue Duphot Paris, 75001 France P: +33-1-42-61-98-98 email: Contact: Renee Dujac-Cassou Modeling Categories: F,W Elite 8 bis rue Lecuirot Paris, 75014 France P: +33-1-40-44-32-22 Fax: +33-1-40-44-32-80 email: Contact: Gerald Marie Modeling Categories: F,W

email: Modeling Categories: F,W Idole 3, rue du Cirque Paris, 75008 rance P: 1-53-96-06-00 Fax: 1-53-96-06-01 email: Contact: Michel Jouneau Modeling Categories: F,W IMG Models 16 Ave de L’Opera Paris, 75001 France P: 1-55-35-12-00 Fax: 1-55-35-12-01 email: Contact: Jeni Rose Modeling Categories: P,F,W Karin Models 9 ave Hoche Paris, 75008 France P: 1-45-63-08-23 Fax: 1-45-63-58-18 Contact: Jean-Luc Brunel Modeling Categories: F,W L’Agence de Mannequins 30, rue D’Astorg Paris, 75008 France P: 1-53-30-20-00 Fax: 1-53-30-20-05 Modeling Categories: F,W Madison Models Femmes 4 avenue Hoche Paris, 75008 France P: 1-44-29-26-36 Fax: 1-47-63-44-04 email: Contact: Vincent Peter Modeling Categories: F,W Marilyn Agcy 4 rue de la Paix Paris, 75002 France P: +33-1-53-29-53-53 Fax: +33-1-53-29-53-00 email: Contact: Chantal Selati Modeling Categories: F,W

Eskimo Model Management Int Rue 18 Balard Paris, 75015 rance P: +33 680 894820 Fax: +43 699 38994470 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W

Men of Karin 9 ave Hoche Paris, 75008 France P: 1-45-63-33-69 Fax: 1-45-63-17-71 Contact: Corinne Hemmerdinger Modeling Categories: F,W

Frimousse 8, rue de Ponthieu Paris, 75008 rance P: + Fax: +

Metropolitan Models 7 Bd des Capucines Paris, 75002 France P: +33-1-42-66-52-85 Fax: +33-1-42-66-48-75 email:

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes Contact: Michel Levaton Modeling Categories: F,W MGM 4, rue de La Paix Paris, 75002 France P: 1-53-29-53-39 Fax: 1-53-29-53-02 Modeling Categories: F,W Models Hotel de Retz, 9 rue Charlot Paris, 75003 France P: 1-40-29-47-47 Fax: 1-40-29-47-46 Modeling Categories: F,W Nathalie Modeling Agency 10 rue Daubigny Paris, 75017 France P: +33-1-44-29-07-10 Fax: +33-1-44-29-07-11 email: Contact: Nathalie Cros-Coitton Modeling Categories: F,W Next-Paris 188, rue de Rivoli Paris, 75001 France P: 1-53-45-13-00 Fax: 1-53-45-1301 Contact: Lorenzo Pedrini Modeling Categories: F,W Paris 30 24 rue Vieille du Temple Paris, 75004 France P: 1-42-77-22-79 Fax: 1-42-77-56-49 Contact: Nathalie Modeling Categories: F,W People 11, rue Richepense Paris, 75008 France P: +33-1-55-35-09-90 Fax: +33-1-55-35-09-95 email: Modeling Categories: F,W PH One 50 rue Etienne Marcel Paris, 75002 France P: 1-44-76-58-70 Fax: 1-44-82-73-24 Contact: Franรงois Thomas Modeling Categories: F,W Profile 11, rue des Arquebusiers Paris, 75003 France P: 1-40-29-04-04 Fax: 1-42-78-23-88 Modeling Categories: F,W Publibest 9, Bis Blvd Haussmann

Paris, 75008 France P: 1-44-69-28-86 Fax: 1-44-69-28-85 Modeling Categories:F,W Rebecca 33 rue du Petit Musc Paris, 75004 France P: +33-1-44-61-84-20 Fax: +33-1-44-61-84-21 email: Contact: Rebcca Gillard Modeling Categories: F,W Roxane Model Agency 25, rue de Ponthieu Paris, 75008 France P: +33-1-44-95-84-51 Fax: +33-1-44-95-84-69 email: Modeling Categories: F,W Silvestre Model Men 70, Blvd Sebastopol Paris, 75003 France P: 1-44-54-18-18 Fax: 1-44-54-18-19 Modeling Categories:F,W Slides 9, rue Duphot Paris, 75001 France P: +33-1-42-61-18-08 Fax: +33-1-42-61-90-47 email: Modeling Categories: F,W Sport Models 48, rue Sainte Anne Paris, 75002 France P: + Fax: + email: Modeling Categories: F,M,W Stockholm 2 13, rue du Quatre Septembre Paris, 75002 France P: +33-1-55-35-02-64 email: Modeling Categories: F,W Success 11 rue Arquebusiers Paris, 75003 France P: 1-42-78-89-89 Fax: 1-42-78-80-02 email: Contact: Olivier Bertrand Modeling Categories: P,F,W Vision Mgmt 11, rue des Aquebusiers Paris, 75003 France P: +33-1-44-54-94-00

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Fax: +33-1-42-78-17-67 email: Modeling Categories: F,W Viva Models 15 rue Duphot Paris, 75001 France P: +33-1-44-55-12-60 Fax: +33-1-44-55-12-62 email: Modeling Categories: F,W Wanted Talent Paris 3, rue Lincoln Paris, 75016 France P: +33145610195 Fax: +33145611474 email: Contact: Philippe Bednarek Modeling Categories: W Women 7 Bd de la Madeleine Paris, 75001 France P: + Fax: + email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W LONDON, ENGLAND Models 1 12 Macklin Street Covent Garden, London, WC2B 5SZ United Kingdom P: +44 (0)20 7025 4900 Fax: +44 (0)20 7025 4901 email: Modeling Categories: P,VG,T,M,E,H,MU ABSOLUTE MODEL MANAGEMENT Suite 401, 302 Regent Street London, W1B 3HH United Kingdom P: 020 7580 4242 email: Contact: Geoff Cox Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,H,MU,PH Angels Model & Promotion Agency Kingswood House, 12 Shute End Wokingham, Berkshire, RG40 1BJ United Kingdom P: +44 (0) 118 977 4970 Fax: +44 (0) 118 989 3115 email: Contact: Lucinda Havart-Simkin Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S Assassin Mgmt 2 Marshall St London, W1V 1LQ United Kingdom P: 171-534-5400 Fax: 171-534-5401

Contact: Ian Modeling Categories: F,W Bernice 'Bunny' Fildes Casting 50/60 Wigmore St London, W1 United Kingdom P: 171-935-1254 Modeling Categories: F,W BIZZYKIDZ BIZZY HOUSE, 73A MAYPLACE ROAD WEST, BEXLEYHEATH, DA7 4JL United Kingdom P: 0208 3032627 Fax: 0208 3032730 email: Contact: DEBI CLARK Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,K Bookings 27A Pembridge Villas studio 6 London, W11 3EP United Kingdom P: +44.20.7229.9198 Fax: +44.20.7229.4567 email: Contact: Patti Carling Modeling Categories: F,M ,W Bruce & Brown London Kids 216 Canalot Studios, 222 Kensal Rd London, W10 5BN United Kingdom P: 181-968-5585 Fax: 181-964-0457 Modeling Categories: F,W Bscene - The Agency 38 Clarendon Street Dublin 2, Ireland P: 00353 1 6719410 Fax: 00353 1 6713618 email: Contact: Sean Montague Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S, PH CAPE London 9 The Sydney Building, 81-83 Southgate Road London, N1 3JS United Kingdom P: +44(0)207 288 0888 Fax: +44(0)207 226 9325 email: Contact: Alex J Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,PL,H,MU,PH Central Casting Ltd 162 Wardour St London, W1 United Kingdom P: 171-437-5680 Modeling Categories: F,W Childsplay 1 Cathedral Street London, United Kingdom P: 020 7403 4834 Fax: 02074031656 email: Contact: Bob Tuthill Modeling Categories: F,M,W,K

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Childsplay Models Ltd 1 Cathedral London, SE1 9OE United Kingdom P: 171-403-4834 Contact: Wendy Lee Modeling Categories: F,W

Freddie's 122 Brompton Rd London, SW3 1JE United Kingdom P: 171-225-0888 Fax: 171-591-4705 email: 100622, Modeling Categories: F,W

Close Models 2b Seagrave Road London, SW6 1RR United Kingdom P: +44 20 7385 2234 Fax: +44 20 7385 1888 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W

Gavin's Models 11 Old Burlington St London, W1X 1LA United Kingdom P: 171-629-5231 Fax: 171-439-7234 Contact: Gavin Robinson Modeling Categories: F,W

Crawfords 6 Brook Str. London, W1S 1BB United Kingdom P: +44.20.7629.6464 Fax: +44.20.7355.1084 email: Contact: N. Young Modeling Categories: F,W Dreams Agency 2-5 Old Bond St, Standbrook House London, W1X 3TB United Kingdom P: 171-278-0020 Fax: 171-278-0020 Contact: Deborah Hillaire Modeling Categories: F,W Eastern Models UK 52 Blucher Street (Lonsdale House) Birmingham, B1 1QU United Kingdom P: 0121 616 5147 Fax: 0121 616 5148 email: Contact: Khalid Ali Modeling Categories: P,C,F,M,W Elite Premier 40-42 Parker St London, WC2B 5PQ United Kingdom P: 171-333-0888 Fax: 171-323-1221 Contact: Carole White Modeling Categories: F,W ENJMODELS 1 malvern road 1 UK, NW6 5PSUnited Kingdom P: 44-2032040265 Fax: 44-2032040265 email: Contact: hawa ndiaye Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,H,MU,PHG F.M. 122 Brompton Rd. Knightsbridge, London, SW3 1JE United Kingdom P: +44.20.7225.1355 Fax: +44.20.7581.2113 email: Modeling Categories: F,W

Geoff Wootten Mgmt Int'l Hse, 2/4 Wendell Rd London, W12 9RT United Kingdom P: 181-749-7387 Fax: 181-749-6342 Modeling Categories: F,W GoodFellas 122 Brompton Rd London, SW3 1JE United Kingdom P: 171-584-9974 Fax: 171-591-0238 Contact: Barbara Fisher Modeling Categories: F,W Harbour & Coffey 5 Sedley Pl 3rd Fl London, W1R 1HH United Kingdom P: 171-499-5548 Fax: 171-499-0884 Contact: Gillian Coffey Modeling Categories: F,W Hazel Singer, Casting Dir 1 Newcastle Hse, Luxborough St London, W1M 3LF United Kingdom P: 171-935-9049 Modeling Categories: F,W Hughes Models 12+ 67a Franciscan Road London, SW17 8DZ United Kingdom P: +44 (0)20 8672 8494 Fax: +44 (0)20 8672 8494 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,W,S,PL ICM MODELS 60 Poland Street London, W1F7NT United Kingdom P: +44 (0) 207 851 1888 Fax: +44 (0) 207 851 1881 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W IMA Models Freepost MID 24245 London, E1 1BR United Kingdom P: 00 44 79 0443 1883 Fax: 00 44 79 7120 4983 Contact: Richard Parker Modeling Categories: C,F,R,M,W

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

IMG London Bentinck House , 3-8 Bolsover Str. London, W1P 5RB United Kingdom P: +44.20.7580.5885 Fax: +44.20.7580.5868 Contact: Jonathan Phang Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W Impact Model Management Suite 401, 302 Regent Street London, W1B 3 HH United Kingdom P: 020 7580 4242 email: Contact: Geoff Cox Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,MU Int'l Creative Mgmt Ltd 76 Oxford St London, W1N 0AX United Kingdom P: 171-636-6565 Fax: 171-323-0101 Modeling Categories: F,W Int'l Model Agcy 2 Hinde St London, W1M 5RH United Kingdom P: 171-486-3312 Fax: 171-487-3124 Modeling Categories: F,W Int’l Model Mgmt Ltd 421 Heathmans Rd London, SW6 4TJ United Kingdom P: 171-610-9111 Fax: 171-736-2221 Contact: Karston Modeling Categories: F,W Isis 11-19 Smiths Court 1st Fl. London, W1V 7DP United Kingdom P: +44 20 7494 9949 Fax: +44 20 7494 2663 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W JB Agcy Stonehill Mansion Flat 7 London, SW16 United Kingdom P: 181-677-5151 Fax: 181-769-9567 Modeling Categories: F,W Julia Lisney Casting 501 A Battersea Park Rd London, SW11 4LW United Kingdom P: 171-223-0293 Contact: Julia Lisney Modeling Categories: F,W Juliet Adams Child & Adult Model & Talent Agency 19 Gwynne House Challice Way, London, SW2 3RB United Kingdom P: +44 (0) 208 671 7673 Fax: +44 (0) 208 671 9314 email:

Contact: Juliet Adams Modeling Categories: P,F,M,W,K Kids London 67 Dulwich Rd. London, SE24 ONJ United Kingdom P: +44 207 924 9595 Fax: +44 207 924 9766 email: Modeling Categories: F,W,K Kings 101 Ladbroke Grove London, W11 1PG United Kingdom P: 171-221-5567 Fax: 171-221-6720 Modeling Categories: F,W Little Red Dog Model Agency PO Box 433 Cambridge, CB1 3YL Great Britain P: +44 (0)1223 521 846 email: Contact: Andrea Castillo Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,K Lucie Clayton 4 Cornwall Garden London, SW7 4AJ United Kingdom P: 171-581-0024 Fax: 171-589-6963 Modeling Categories: F,W M & P Management PLC 3-4 Bentinck Street London, W1U 2EE United Kingdom P: +44.20.7224.0560 Fax: +44.20.7224.0655 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W Magik management Unit B4a, Bow Technopole, 153-159 Bow Road London, E3 2se United Kingdom P: ++44 (0)208 981 0885 email: Contact: Michelle Morris Modeling Categories: P,C,F,W,H,MU Magik Models Unit B17 Bow House 153-159 Bow Road London, United Kingdom P: ++(0)208 980 3232 email: Contact: Michelle Morris Modeling Categories: P,C,F,W,S Matthews & Powell Mgm’t 104-112 Marylebone Lane London, W1M 5FU United Kingdom P: 171-224-0560 Fax: 171-224-0655 Contact: Mignon Matthews Modeling Categories: F,W

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Maverick 134 Lots Rd London, SW10 0RJ United Kingdom P: +44.20.7823.3585 Fax: +44.20.7823.3586 email: Modeling Categories: F,W MCM Fashion 338 Euston Road London, NW1 3BT UK United Kingdom P: 207-748-3190 Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W Model Frontiers 124 Sloane Str. London, SW1X 9BW United Kingdom P: +44.20.7225.2250 Fax: +44.20.7591.1650 email: Modeling Categories: F,W Model Plan 4 Golden Square 4th Fl London, W1F 9HT United Kingdom P: +44 20 7287 8444 Fax: +44 20 7287 2555 email: Contact: Sue Sammon Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Modelcomp kent house 1a st albans, MI al1 3xf United Kingdom P: 01727456985 email: Contact: sarah cole Modeling Categories: F,W Models direct Central studios,150-162 Kings street,Norwich London, NR1 1QH nited Kingdom P: 08705010101 email: Contact: SUZY O'CONNOR Modeling Categories: C,F,R,M,W,K,MU Models Hype Innovation Center, 49 Oxford Street, Leicester, LE1 5XY nited Kingdom P: 0116 2078916 Fax: 0116 2078918 email: Contact: Susan Baxter Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K,H,MU,PH Models One 471-473 King's Rd London, SW10 0LU nited Kingdom P: 171-351-1195 Fax: 171-376-5821 Contact: Mark Evans Modeling Categories: F,W Models Plus 82A Belsize Rd

London, NW6 4TG nited Kingdom P: 171-624-5045 Fax: 171-328-0177 Modeling Categories: F,W Models With Attitude 222 Kensal Rd London, W10 5BN United Kingdom P: 181-964-1013 Fax: 181-964-5397 Modeling Categories: F,W MPA 307 Holdenhurst Road Bournemouth, BH8 8BX United Kingdom P: 01202 393193 Fax: 01202 301156 email: Contact: Harvey Hawkins Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K,H,MU Mugshots Ltd 32 Old Compton St London, W1 United Kingdom P: 171-437-9245 Fax: 171-437-0308 Modeling Categories: F,W Nevs Agency Regal House, 198 Kings Rd 2nd FL London, SW3 5KP United Kingdom P: +44.20.7352.4886 Fax: +44.20.7352.6068 email: Contact: Elvie Modeling Categories: P,F,R,M,W Next London 175-179 St. John’s St London, EC1 V4LW United Kingdom P: +44.20.7251.9850 Fax: +44.20.7251.9851 email: Contact: Antonio Vinciguerra Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Ordinary People 8 Camden Road London, NW1 9DP United Kingdom P: +44 (20) 7267 7007 Fax: +44 (20) 7267 5677 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,M,W,S,PL,K Oriental Casting Agcy 34 Grafton Ter London, NW5 United Kingdom P: 171-485-9338 Contact: Niell Toland Modeling Categories: F,W Oxygen Model Management 21 Duke Str. 2nd floor London, W1U 1LB United Kingdom P: +44.20.7487.5538 Fax: +44.20.7224.0795 email:

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W Paradise Springs Modelling Agency 153 Richmond Road Ilford Essex, IG1 1JT United Kingdom P: +44 7900 881 942 Fax: +44 870 131 4562 email: Contact: Chris Rock Modeling Categories: F,M,W,K,H,MU,PH Premier Model Agcy 40-42 Parker St London, WC2B 5PQ United Kingdom P: +44.20.7333.0888 Fax: +44.20.7323.1221 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W Profile Model Management 1-4 Langley Court, Covent Garden London, WC2E 9JY United Kingdom P: +44 20 7836 5282 Fax: +44 20 7497 2255 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W Pure Models 267 Fishguard Way Docklands London, E16 United Kingdom P: 02074765611 email: Contact: Dan Donnelly Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W,S,H,MU,PH

P: +27.21.422.4650 Fax: +27.21.422.4654 email: Modeling Categories: F,W BASE MODEL AGENCY HILL HOUSE, 43 SOMERSET ROAD, GREEN POINT 5TH FLOOR CAPE TOWN, 8005 South Africa P: +27-21-4182136 Fax: +27-21-4182135 email: Contact: NEAL VINCENT Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S Beau Monde 66 Strand St 6th Fl Cape Town, 8000 South Africa P: 21-419-6664 Fax: 21-419-8394 Modeling Categories: F,W Boss Models CPI House, 220 Loop Str. Capetown, 8001 South Africa P: +27.21.424.0224 Fax: +27.21.423.6967 email: Modeling Categories: F,W Candy's Model & Talent 10 Waltham Way Meadowridge, Cape Town, 7800 South Africa P: +27.(0)83.2746.595 email: Modeling Categories: ,W

Real People 181 Kings Rd London, SW3 United Kingdom P: 171-351-1624 Fax: 171-823-3356 Modeling Categories: F,W

48 Ocean View Dr. Three Ancor Bay, Cape Town, 8005 outh Africa P: +27.21.439.2360 Fax: +27.21.439.2360 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W

Rhino Management / model 1 oak Porch House, 5 Western Raod, Nazeing, Essex Greater LONDON, EN9 2QN United Kingdom P: 01992 893259 Fax: 01992 893259 email: info@rhino-management,com Contact: Kevin Sands Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,H, MU

Sovereign Quay 324 Capetown, 8005 outh Africa P: +27.21.425.6200 Fax: +27.21.425.2636 email: Modeling Categories: F,W

CAPETOWN, SOUTH AFRICA 18 Below 11 Woodgate Rd. Plumstead, Cape Town, 7800 South Africa P: +27.21.761.8143 Fax: +27.21.762.0848 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,W,K 3D Model Agency 84 Shortmarket Street 1st floor Capetown, 8001 South Africa

Faces 13 Parksig Bldg, Durban Rd. Bellville, Cape Town, 7530 outh Africa P: +27.21.948.8322 Fax: +27.21.949.8191 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,M,W First Option Models Studio G5, Victoria Junction, Prestwich St Cape Town, 8001 outh Africa P: 21-418-4347 Fax: 21-418-4525 Contact: Marsha/Margie Modeling Categories: F,W

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Frimousse 22A Napier Str. Cape Town, 8001 South Africa P: +27.21.975.0771 Fax: +27.21.975.7694 email: Modeling Categories: F,W

M1 Management Hill House, 43 Somerset Rd. 6th floor Green Point, Cape Town, 8005 South Africa P: +27.21.425.8228 Fax: +27.21.425.8220 email: Modeling Categories: F,W

Fusion Models 15 Varneys Rd. Green Point, Cape Town, 8005 South Africa P: +27 (0)21 439 0304 Fax: +27 (0)21 439 0303 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W

Max Models 9 Hopeville St, Gardens Cape Town, 8001 South Africa P: 21-462-4910 Fax: 21-462-4915 email: Contact: Lyn Maxwell Modeling Categories: F,W

G3 Models, Victoria Junction Prestwich St, Green Pt Cape town, 8001 South Africa P: 21-419-1101 Fax: 21-425-2790 email: Contact: Anton Gouwsventer Modeling Categories: P,F,W

Model Network Rodene Studios, 16 Bloem Str. 5th fl. Cape Town, 8001 South Africa P: +27.21.422.2667 Fax: +27.21.422.2677 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W

Ice Model Management 8 Huguenot Ave., Oranjezicht Capetown, 8001 South Africa P: +27.21.465.8655 Fax: +27.21.465.8650 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Icons Model Agency 30 Brunswick Road Tamboerskloof, Cape Town, 8001 South Africa P: +27 (0)21 426-4686 Fax: +27 (0)21 426-4688 email: Modeling Categories:P,C,F,R,M,W Kidz Casting Agency 11 Empire Ave. Hout Bay Cape Town, 7806 South Africa P: +27.21.790.3830 Fax: +27.21.790.7861 email: Modeling Categories: F,W,K Kidz Inc Old Castle Breweries, 6 Beach Rd. Woodstock, Cape Town, 7945 South Africa P: +27.21.447.5441 Fax: +27.21.447.5446 email: Modeling Categories: F,W,K Loox Agency International Hiddingh Village, 10 Hiddingh Ave. loft 223 Oranjezicht, Cape Town, South Africa P: +27.21.465.7148 Fax: +27.21.465.7163 email: Modeling Categories: F,W

Model Team 28 Scott St Gardens Cape Town, 8000 South Africa P: 21-465-0480 Fax: 21-465-0481 email: Modeling Categories: F,W Mulligan's Models 28 Scott St, Greenpoint Cape Town, 8001 South Africa P: 21-439-0304 Fax: 21-439-0303 Contact: Sharon Mulligan Modeling Categories: F,W New Faces South Africa Top Floor Doverhouse, 42 Orange Street, Gardens Cape Town - South Africa, South Africa P: +27 21 424 0062 Fax: +27 21 424 0743 email: Contact: Helene Theron Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Oops Models 28 Marine Drive office 3 Paarden Eiland, Cape Town, 7405 South Africa P: +27.21.510.7844 Fax: +27.21.510.7845 email: Modeling Categories: F,W Original Cape Talent Minolta House, Fir Str. A304 Observatory, Cape Town, 7925 outh Africa P: +27.21.448.7069 Fax: +27.21.448.7068 email: Modeling Categories: F,W OUTLAWS MODEL AGENCY 11 WESSELS RD

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

CAPETOWN, 8005 South Africa P: +27 21 4393999 Fax: +27 21 4343130 email: Contact: ROD ZANE GALLOCHER Modeling Categories: P,C,F,M,W Public Image 24 Burg Street 6th floor Cape Town, 8001 South Africa P: +27.21.426.1412/6 Fax: +27.21.426.1619 email: Modeling Categories: F,W Redstar 33 bellevue street, higgovale cape town, 8001 South Africa P: +27 21 423 0120 email: Contact: G Mather Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,PH Sands Casting Agcy POB 246, 8040 Camps Bay Cape Town, South Africa P: 21-234-567 Fax: 21-438-8648 Contact: Sybil Sands Modeling Categories: F,W Scout Models 60 Empire Ave., Hout Bay Cape Town, South Africa P: +27.21.790.5229 Fax: +27.21.790.0947 email: Contact: Metka Zurman Modeling Categories: F,W Sorella Model Management 16 Cobern Street Cape Town, 8001 South Africa P: 27 21 425 6686 Fax: 27 21 421 9980 email: Contact: Gavin Miller Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Steed's Kids Model Management 47 2nd Ave., Belgravia Estate Athlone, Cape Town, 7761 South Africa P: +27.21.638.4593 Fax: +27.21.637.4873 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,W,K Storm Models The Storm Bldg., 212 on Buitengracht, Bo-Kaap Capetown, 8001 South Africa P: +27.21.423.0000 Fax: +27.21.423.3383 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W The Model Company 86 Hout Street Cape Town, 8001 South Africa

P: +27.21.422.4881 Fax: +27.21.422.5008 email: Contact: Lynne Keene Modeling Categories: F,W Topco Models 7/9 Bree St, Touchstone Bldg 2nd Fl Cape Town, 8001 South Africa P: 21-419-6162 Fax: 21-419-6165 email: Contact: Vimmie Modeling Categories: F,W Zero Models 12 Greenpoint Mews, Green Pt Capetown, 8005 South Africa P: +27-21-434-5744 Fax: +27-21-434-3077 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,,R,M,W SYNDEY, AUSTRALIA Bella Model Management level 1, 3/35 East Esplanade Manly NSW, 2095 Australia P: 61 02 8966 9390 Fax: 61 02 8966 9390 email: Contact: Chelsea Bonner Modeling Categories: P,C,W,PL BIGgals Models PO Box 175 Terrey Hills, Australia P: 61 2 9450 2228 Fax: 61 2 94502210 email: Contact: Darrianne Donnelly Modeling Categories: P,C,F,PL Bodyworx Models International po box 160 berkeley 2506 Wollongong, 2502 Australia P: 02 4274 5040 Fax: 02 4274 5090 email: Contact: nikki anshaw Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,K Chadwicks Level 10162 Goulburn Str. Darlinghurst, Sydney, NSW 2010 Australia P: +612.9261.0795 Fax: +612.9261.0797 email: Modeling Categories: F,W Chic model Management 44 Roslyn Gdns Elizabeth bay, Sydney, NSW 2011 Australia P: +612.9326.9488

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Fax: +612.9326.9921 email: Modeling Categories: F,W hot coffey PO BOX 244 Cronulla NSW, 2230 Australia P: 02 9544 4912 Fax: 02 9544 4916 email: Contact: Lisa Coffey Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,H,MU Model Generation, The 17 Langley Str. Darlinghurst, Sydney, NSW 2010 Australia P: +612.9332.1777 Fax: +612.9380.7530 email: Modeling Categories: F,W Scene Model Management Suite 201271 Cleveland str. Surry hills, Sydney, NSW 2010 Australia P: +612.9318.2500 Fax: +612.9318.2526 email: Modeling Categories: F,W Shelley's Model Management 204 Crown Str. Darlinghurst Sydney, NSW 2010 Australia P: +612.9332.3755 Fax: +612.9332.3855 Modeling Categories: F,W HONG KONG, CHINA Andy Models 22 Fung Fai Terrace, G/F, Block A Happy Valley, Hong Kong, China P: 2893-6939 Fax: 2572-2682 Modeling Categories: F,W Cal Carrie’s Model Agency 18A Redana Centre, 25 Yiu Wa Street, Casuseway Bay Hong Kong, China P: 852-2543-3380 Fax: 852-2543-3830 email: Contact: Chris Cho, Ivy Chng, Joey Cheu Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W Calcarries Ltd 18A Redana Center, 25 Yiu Wa Street Causeway B Hong Kong, China P: (852) 2543-3380 Fax: (852) 2543-3830 email: Contact: Chris, Ivy, Joey, Hugo Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Catwalk Prods Ltd Rm 1603 Tung Wah Mansion, 199-203 Hennessy Rd

Wanchai, Hong Kong, China P: 2598-0663 Fax: 2598-9719 Modeling Categories: F,W Da Silvas Mannequin Ltd 38 Wyndham Street, 3/F, Win Hing House, Central, Hong Kong, China P: 2882-2312 Fax: 2882-3220 Contact: Elaine Woon Modeling Categories: F,W Element Models Ltd. Unit 902, 9/F., Onfem Tower, 29 Wyndham Street, Central, 852 Hong Kong P: 852 2736 0601 Fax: 852 2736 0605 email: Contact: Gush Szeluk Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,K Elite Model Mgmt Suite 901, Workington Tower, 78 Bonham Strand Sheung Wan, Hong Kong, China P: 2850-5550 Fax: 2851-3384 email: Contact: Michel Lu Modeling Categories: F,W Hong Kong Genesis Room 1001, Jupiter Tower, 9 Jupiter Street, North Point, Hong Kong P: +852 2219 9313 Fax: +852 2219 9303 email: Contact: Terence Wong Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Irene's Models, 105-111 Thomson Rd, Harvard Comm. Bldg, Flat B #14F Wanchai, Hong Kong, China P: 2891-7667 Fax: 2838-4840 email: Contact: Irene Lau Modeling Categories: F,W Modelink Ltd Flat A, 10/F, Winner Comm. Bldg. 401-403 Lockhart Hong Kong, China P: +852.2572.0300 Fax: +852.2572.0029 email: Modeling Categories: F,M,W,K Models Int'l LTD 1401 Beverly House, 93-107 Lockhart Rd Wan Chai, Hong Kong, China P: 2529-6183 Fax: 2865-2381 email: Contact: Candy Chan Modeling Categories: F,W

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Murine Flat B, 8/F,Ko's House, 577 Nathan Rd, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China P: +852.2740.9059 Fax: +852.2783.7930 email: Modeling Categories: F,M,W,K

Select-Eve 1-2-2-200 Umeda Kita-Ku, Osaka, 530-0001 Japan P: 06-344-6346 Fax: 06-344-6295 Contact: Agnes Okajima Modeling Categories: F,W

Network Model Management 52-58 Tanner Rd, 1A Yalford Bldg, North Point, Hong Kong, China P: 2565-6349 Fax: 2565-6926 Modeling Categories: F,W

Trouver 802 1-12-8 Shinmachi Nishi-ku Osaka, 550 Japan P: 66-538-3398 Fax: 66-538-3298 Modeling Categories: F,W

New Face 1F, No 62, Wellington Str. Hong Kong, China P: +852.2536.9911 Fax: +852.2526.6788 email: Modeling Categories: F,M,W

Visage, Inc 1-2-2-200 Umeda Kita-Ku, Osaka, 530 Japan P: +816 63481855 Fax: +81663481858 email: Contact: Keiko Hara Modeling Categories: P,F,W

SCREEN Ops. Rm. 6, 13/F, 343 Des Voeux Road West, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China P: 852 2104 2700 Fax: 852 2104 3292 email: Contact: Ean Tang Modeling Categories:P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K,H,MU Signal 8 Model management 9B Kai Wah Bldg., 68-70 Wellington str. Central Central, Hong Kong, China P: +852.2523.1025 Fax: +852.2884.9082 email: Modeling Categories: F,M.W Solar Image 18 Harbour Rd, 3202 Central Plaza Wanchai, Hong Kong, China P: 2827-1333 Fax: 2827-0128 Modeling Categories: F,W OSAKA, JAPAN Cosmopolitan Model Asahi Plz Umeda, #714, 4-11 Tsuruno-cho Kita-ku, Osaka, 530-0014 Japan P: 06-359-5067 Fax: 06-377-3040 email: Contact: Eriko Kita Modeling Categories: F,W Forza Inc 1032, 1101, Sugawara-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka, 530-0046 Japan P: 06-311-3255 Fax: 06-311-3257 email: Contact: Mika Hirayama Modeling Categories: F,W

Zem Model Management 1-2-2-2000, Umeda Kita-ku, Osaka, 530-0001 Japan P: +81.663.415.252 Fax: +81.663.411.907 Contact: Tamiko Chiba Modeling Categories: F,W TOYKO, JAPAN Activa Takagi Heights, 7-8-4 Minami Aoyama Minato-ku Tokyo, 107 Japan P: 3-5464-7322 Fax: 3-5469-9052 Modeling Categories: F,W Adesso 302.4-5-7 Yoyogi,Shibuya-ku Tokyo, 151-0053 Japan P: +81.3.3378.8086 Fax: +81.3.3378.8084 email: Modeling Categories: F,W Agence Presse 5-6-6-6F Maison Blanche I, Minamiaoyama Tokyo, 107-0062 Japan P: +81-3-3406-6771 Fax: +81-3-3406-5081 email: Contact: Toshiyaka Nakahara Modeling Categories: P,F,W Amazone Models #403 HarajukuCoop, 1-14-14 Jingumea Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan P: +81-3-3423-0644 Fax: +81-3-3423-6753 email:

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Contact: Maki Odajima Modeling Categories: F,W Avenue 1 Co Ltd M Bldg. 5F 7-9-7, Akasaka Minato-Ku, Tokyo, 1070052 Japan P: 03-5570-1168 Fax: 03-5570-1154 Contact: Sawa Saito Modeling Categories: F,W Axelle Root Higashiazabu Bldg. 10F,3-4-18 Higashiazabu Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0044 Japan P: +(81)-33-5821212 Fax: +(81)-33-5826430 email: Contact: Keiko Kyomoto Modeling Categories: P,F,W Be Natural 3-3-14 Sendagaya Shibuya-ku Tokyo, 151 Japan P: 3-5770-7627 Fax: 3-5770-1276 Modeling Categories: F,W

Contact: Junko Shimazaki Modeling Categories: P,F,W Esprit Models 1-32-12-1508 Higashi Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150-0011 Japan P: +81.3.3400.6733 Fax: +81.3.3400.6780 email: Modeling Categories: F,W Evviva, Akasaka Tokyu Bldg 5-F, 2-14-3 Nagatacho, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo, 100-0014 Japan P: 03-3502-4721 Fax: 03-3502-4720 email: Contact: Suga Kotake Modeling Categories: F,W Faces Guild Modeling Agcy 1-8-13 Nishi-Azabu Minato-Ku, Tokyo, Japan P: 03-3475-0152 Fax: 03-3475-5687 Contact: Paula Shioi/ Hiroshi Nagumo Modeling Categories: F,W

Bellemodels Inc 4-6-3-405, Akasaka Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107 Japan P: +81.3.6229.1544 Fax: +81.3.6229.1545 email: Modeling Categories: F,W

Folio 8F 1-10-11 Higashiazabu Minato-Ku, Tokyo, 106-0044 Japan P: +813 3586 6481 Fax: +813 3505 2980 email: Contact: Yumi Sakai Modeling Categories: P,F,W

Bravo Models 3-1-25 NishiAzabu 701 Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0031 Japan P: +81-3-3746-9090 Fax: +81-3-3746-9901 email: Contact: Shoko Arai Modeling Categories: P,F,W

Friday Model Agcy Star Plz Aoyama 901, 1-10-3 Shibuya Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo, 150-0002 Japan P: 03-3406-1487 Fax: 03-3406-1456 email: Contact: Nikki Ohta Modeling Categories: F,W

Cinq Deux Un Co Ltd Al Bergo Nogizaka, Akasaka #508 Minato-Ku, Tokyo, 107-0052 Japan P: +81-3-3402-8445 Fax: +81-3-3402-8687 email: Contact: Yumi Modeling Categories: P,F,W

Gallery Inc 6-2-13-801 Minamiaoyama Minato-Ku, Tokyo, 107 Japan P: 03-3486-4755 Fax: 03-3486-4757 Contact: Tomoko Takeshi Modeling Categories: F,W

Discovery Kawashima Bldg.9F, 3-10-9, Kitaaoyama Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0061 Japan P: +81.3.5469.8870 Fax: +81.3.5469.8850 email: Modeling Categories: F,W Donna, Inc #503 1-7-9 Jinnan, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150-0041 Japan P: +813 3770 8255 Fax: +813 3770 8266 email:

Gap Models 3-10-7 Minami Aoyama Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107 Japan P: 03-3478-0611 Fax: 03-3478-6088 Contact: Angela Sylvester Modeling Categories: F,W Gunn’s, Villa Hata 204 6-13-11 Jingumae Villa Hata 204Shibuya-ku Tokyo, 150 Japan P: +81-3-5485-9229 Fax: +81-3-5485-8767 email: Modeling Categories: F,W

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Ice Model Mgmt Itoyama Tower 124, 3-7-18, Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108 Japan P: 3-5440-6160 Fax: 3-5440-6158 Modeling Categories: F,W Image Japan Shin-Nogizaka Bldg1-15-14 Minami Aoyama Minato-Ku, Tokyo, 107-0062 Japan P: +81-3-3403-4110 Fax: +81-3-3403-4662 email: Contact: Yoshiko Akasaka Modeling Categories: F,W J Planning Co Ltd 3-2 Sakuragaoka Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo, 150 Japan P: 033-770-9831 Fax: 033-496-6112 Modeling Categories: F,W Japan Fashion Model Center 3-9-1 Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku Tokyo, Japan P: 3-3408-8833 Fax: 3-3408-8298 Modeling Categories: F,W John Robert Powers 4-1 Kio-Cho, New Otani Hotel Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan P: 3-3221-2980 Fax: 3-3221-2685 Contact: Hajime Shimizu Modeling Categories: F,W K&M Promotion Co Ltd 3-40-2 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku Tokyo, 150 Japan P: 03-3404-9429 Fax: 03-3403-6675 Modeling Categories: F,W Kirara Japan Model Mgmt, 401 St Rope Minami Aoyama 6-3-14 Minami Aoyama Minato-Ku, Tokyo, 107 Japan P: 03-5466-8802 Fax: 03-5466-8821 Contact: Suzuyo Fukuda Modeling Categories: F,W L’Homme & La Femme 2-1-5 Higashyama Megaro-ku, Tokyo, 153 Japan P: 03-5721-6006 Fax: 03-5721-6007 Modeling Categories: F,W Okazaki Models 5-3-25 Minamiaoyama, Minato-ku Tokyo, 107-0062 Japan P: +81.3.3407.4711 Fax: +81.3.3407.44554 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W

Parfe, 204 Harajuku Apartments 201 Harajuku Apartments 1-14-31 Jingumae Shibuya-ku Tokyo, 150-0001 Japan P: +81-3-3478-5576 Fax: +81-3-3478-5895 email: Modeling Categories: F,W Pueblo Models 303 Oen Mansion 55-7, Motoyoyogi Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo, 151-006 Japan P: 03-3468-1051 Fax: 03-3468-1038 Contact: Yoko Kishino Modeling Categories: F,W Samurai Inc. 5-19-12-4F Hiroo Shibuya Ku Tokyo, Japan P: +81-90-2749-1732 Fax: +81-3-3442-8833 email: Contact: Dwayne Petit Modeling Categories: F,W Satoru Model Mgmt Belaire Gardens 5A,4-2-11 Jingumae Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo, 150 Japan P: 03-3475-0555 Fax: 033-408-7211 Contact: Sachiko Onishi Modeling Categories: P,F,W Society of Style Toyokawa Bldg, 4F 8-12-13 Ginza Chuo-Ku, Tokyo, 104 Japan P: 03-3542-7907 Fax: 03-3542-7909 Modeling Categories: F,W Studio Silverleaf N2 E3 Marta Bl. 6 Sapporo, Japan P: 011-210-7556 email: Contact: Eric Nance Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W,S,PL,K,H,MU,PH Super Wing Model Agency, MAT 401, 1-13-4 Higashi, Shibuya-ku Tokyo, 150 Japan P: 3-3797-6277 Fax: 3-3797-6347 Modeling Categories: F,W Tateoka Office Rm. 403 6-34-14 Jingumae Shibuya-ku,Tokyo, 150 Japan P: +81-3-5466-2902 Fax: +81-3-5466-2904 Contact: Saeko Tateoka Modeling Categories: P,F,W Team Inc, Akasaka Tokyu Bldg 5-F, 2-14-3 Nagatacho Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, 100-0014 Japan P: 03-3502-4711

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

Fax: 03-3502-4715 email: Contact: Suga Kotake Modeling Categories: F,W Tycoon Modeling Agency 4-6-6 3F, Komazawa, Setagaya-ku Tokyo, 154-0012 Japan P: +81.3.5486.8721 Fax: +81.3.5486.8722 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,M,W Urban Agcy Co Ltd 9-5-26 Akasaka Minato-Ku, Tokyo, 107 Japan P: 03-3475-0453 Fax: 03-3475-0529 email: Modeling Categories: F,W Voice Model Management PH TanakaTamuracho Bldg, 2-12-15 Shibashi Minato-K Tokyo, 105-0004 Japan P: +81-3-5251-5688 Fax: +81-3-5251-5689 email: Modeling Categories: P,C,F,R,W Women, Belaire Gardens 5A 4-2-24 Jingumae Shibuya-ku Tokyo, 150 Japan P: 3-3475-6050

Fax: 3-3408-7211 Modeling Categories: F,W World Top 2-1-4 Ebisuminami, PS Heights, #3-F Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo, 150 Japan P: 03-3719-7751 Fax: 03-3719-8980 Contact: Hiromi Tashiro Modeling Categories: F,W Y.O. Models 5-4-24 Minami-Aoyama, #302 Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0062 Japan P: +81-3-5467-0260 Fax: +81-3-5467-0263 email: Contact: Takashi Endo Modeling Categories: F,W Yoshie Inc 302 K's Apt, 4-30-22 Taishido Setagaya-Ku, Tokyo, 154 Japan P: 03-5481-2224 Fax: 03-5481-5832 email: Contact: Yoshie Furuya Modeling Categories: F,W Zucca Model Agency RaffinĂŠ Tomigaya 6F, 2-20-1 Tomigaya Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 151-0063 Japan P: 03-3465-5851 Fax: 03-3465-4871 Contact: Kumiko Ueno Modeling Categories: F,W

Model Girl Beauty Tips and Tricks To Create Beautiful Eyes

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