Exam 3 - BIOS255 / BIOS 255 (Latest 2023 / 2024) : Anatomy & Physiology III with Lab - Chamberlain
1. red bone marrow and thymus
What are the primary lymphatic organs?
2. lymph nodes, tonsils, spleen
What are the secondary lymphatic organs?
3. 15% of interstitial fluid that has been absorbed by the lymphatic vessels
What is lymph?
4. A pump such as the heart
What do lymphatic vessels lack?
5. Stretching of the vessels to open valves that allow one directional flow for lymph
What do lymphatic vessels rely on?
6. from blood that is forced out of capillaries and is not reabsorbed
Where does lymph come from?
7. macrophages, hormones, bacteria, viruses, cellular debris, cancer cells
What does lymph contain?
8. Skeletal muscle pumps
Lymphatic flow can also be produced by what?
9. When certain cells (especially leukocytes) are infect-ed with viruses, they secrete interferon proteins
What are interferons?
10. alert neighboring cells and protect them from becom-ing infected
What do interferons do?
11. Surface receptors on infected cells and activate sec-ondmessenger systems within
What do interferons bind to?
12. NK cells and macrophages
What do interferons activate?
13. 1 / 10
Destroy infected cells before they can liberate a swarm of newly replicated viruses.
What do NK cells and macrophages do?
15. A group of 30 or more globular proteins that make up powerful contributions to both innate and adaptive immunity
What is the complement system?
16. It completes the action of an antibody
Why is is named "complement" system?
17. the liver
Where are complement proteins mainly synthesized by?
18. Circulate in the blood in inactive form and are activat-ed in What do complement proteins do? the presence of pathogens 19. inflammation, immune clearance, phagocytosis, cytol-ysis
Activated complement contributes to pathogen destruction by what methods?
20. A local defense response to tissue injury of any kind, What is inflammaincluding trauma and infection tion? 21. limiting the spread of pathogens and destroying them, What is the genremove debris from damaged tissue, and initiate tis-sue eral purpose of inrepair flammation? 22. Redness, swelling, heat, pain
What are the 4 cardinal signs of inflammation?
23. Any molecule that triggers an immune response 2 / 10
What are antigens? 24. Venoms, toxins, food molecules, component of bacte-rial cell What are examples that can trigmembranes, and viruses ger antigens? 25. Small regions of a large antigen molecule that stimu-late immune responses
What are epitopes?
26. To small to be antigenic in themselves
What are haptens?
27. can trigger an immune response by combining with a host What can haptens macromolecule and creating a complex that the body do? recognizes as foreign 28. cosmetics, detergents, industrial chemicals, poisonivy, animal dander, and penicillin
Examples of haptens?
29. Employs antibodies that do not directly destroy a pathogen, but marks it for destruction
What is humoral immunity?
30. extracellular viruses, bacteria, yeast, protozoans, tox-ins, venoms, and allergens
What is humoral immunity effective against?
31. Plasma cells (B lymphocytes)
Humoral immunity antibodies are produce by what?
32. Plasma cells, b cells, and helper t cells
What cells are involved with humoral immunity?
33. Prevents pathogens from adhering to epithelia and penetrating underlying tissues. Provides passive immunity to the newborn
IgA antibody
34. Activates B cells by antigens
IgD antibody 3 / 10
35. Stimulates cells to release histamine and other medi- ators IgE antibody of inflammation and allergy, important in imme- diate hypersensitivity reactions 36. Secondary immune response, complement-fixation activity. Crosses placenta and confers temporary immunity on the fetus
IgG antibody
37. Part of the antigen receptor, occurs in blood, plasma,and lymph. Primary immune response, very strong agglutinating and complement-fixation abilities
IgM antibody
38. T cells develop surface antigen receptors and are capable of recognizing antigens presented to them (immunocompetent)
What is positive selection of T cells?
39. T cells must not react to self-antigens presented to them, develop self-tolerance
What is negative selection of T cells?
40. 2%
What percent of T cells "graduate" from the thymus?
41. They wait to encounter an antigen, they are ready to be "activated" to "fight"
When T cells migrate to secondary lymphatic organs and tissues what happens?
42. Red bone marrow
where do B cells become immunocompetent?
43. Bone marrow
B cells go through the same process as T cells but in which location?
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Synthesize antigen surface receptors, divide rapidlyand produce immunocompetent clones
What do self-tolerant B cells do?
45. vaccination exposes a person to a specially prepared microbial stimulus, in a form that does not cause the disease. This then triggers the immune system to pro-duce antibodies and lymphocytes to protect the per- son upon future exposure to that microbe. The degreeand length of protection vary.
Describe the immune system response when you are vaccinated
46. Factors that affect oxygen unloading from hemoglo-bin Describe factors that affect oxygen are CO2, PO2, PH, and temp. In active tissue CO2 unloading from heincreases because the muscles are using more ATP,the moglobin. How are temperature increases, the PH goes down because active muscles release lactic acid, and the PO2 the factors differdecreases because the muscles need more oxygenfor ent in active tisATP. sues? 47. PO2, CO2, PH, temp
What are the factors that affect oxygen unloading from hemoglobin?
48. PO2 decreases, CO2 increases, PH decreases, temp increases
How do factors change in active tissues?
49. When you inhale, the diaphragm contracts and pulls down Explain how preswhich increases the thoracic volume. This de- creases the sure gradients cause intrapulmonary pressure, and the atmos-pheric pressure is the flow of air into and out of the lungs. greater. So air flows in the lungs. When you exhale the How arethe pressure diaphragm relaxes and push- es up which decreases the thoracic cavity volume. This increases the intrapulmonary gradi-ents created? pressure and the atmospheric pressure is lower so air flows out of thelungs.43q 50. When you exhale the diaphragm relaxes and pushesup: the thoracic volume decreases and the intrapul- monary pressure increases 5 / 10
During exhalation what happens to the thoracic vol-
ume and intrapulmonary pressure? 51. When you inhale the diaphragm contracts and pulls down: During inhalation what happens to the increasing thoracic volume and decreasing inthoracic vol- ume trapulmonary pressure and intrapul- monary pressure? 52. To the right
Does the decrease in pH (increase in hydrogen) shift the curve to the left orright?
53. To the left
Does an increase in pH (decrease in hydrogen) shift the curve to the left or right?
54. At the level of the lungs (alveoli) exchange of gases External respiration 55. At the level of the rest of the body exchange of gases Internal respiration 56. one cycle of inhalation whereby air is moved into the lungs, and one cycle of exhalation whereby air isexpelled from the lungs
Respiratory cycle
57. Breathing (inhaling and exhaling)
58. inhaling
59. exhaling
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Gas diffuses down their own gradients until the partial pressure of each gas in the air is equal to its partial pressure in the blood
What happens during alveolar gas exchange?
61. The process of carrying gases from the alveoli to the systemic tissues and vice versa
What happens during gas transport?
62. 98.5% bound to hemoglobin 1.5% dissolved in plasma
Oxygen transport
63. 70% of CO2 becomes carbonic acid/bicarbonate ions23% Carbon dioxide transport bound to proteins (hemoglobin) 7% dissolved in plasma 64. Total atmospheric pressure is the sum of the contributions of the individual gases
dalton's law
65. the separate contribution of each gas in a mixture
Partial pressure
66. PO2 = 40 mmHg PCO2 = 46 mmHg
Partial pressure of O2 and CO2 in deoxygenated blood
67. PO2 = 95 mmHg PCO2 = 40 mmHg
Partial pressure in oxygenated blood
68. The amount of air inhaled and exhaled in one cycle during quiet breathing
Tidal volume
69. The amount of air in excess of tidal volume that can be Inspiratory reserve volume inhaled with maximum effort 70. Amount of air in excess of tidal volume that can be exhaled with maximum effort
Expiratory reserve volume
71. Amount of air remaining in the lungs after maximum Residual volume expiration. The amount that can never be voluntarily exhaled 7 / 10
72. The amount of air that can be inhaled and then exhaled with maximum effort. The deepest possiblebreath. (VC = ERV + TV + IRV)
Vital capacity
73. The maximum amount of air that can be inhaled aftera normal tidal expiration (IC = TV + IRV)
Inspiratory capacity
74. Amount of air remaining in the lungs after a normaltidal expiration (FRC = RV + ERV)
Functional residual capacity
75. Maximum amount of air the lungs can contain (TLC =RV Total lung capacity + VC) 76. Multiply tidal volume by respiratory rate Ex. person has tidal volume of 500 mi per breath and12 breaths per minute 500 x 12 = 6000 mi/min or 6L/min
Calculating minute respiratory volume (MRV)
77. Diaphragm flattens out, making thoracic cavity larger Quiet inspiration 78. Pulls ribs up and out elevating sternum
External intercostals
79. Erector spinae, sternocleidomastoid, pectoralis ma-jor, pectoralis minor, serratus anterior, and scalenes
Forceful inspiration
80. Relaxation of diaphragm return to smaller size
Quiet expiration
81. Internal intercostals and abdominal muscles contract Forced expiration 82. Relaxed quiet breathing tidal volume 500 mi and respiratory volume 12-15 bpm
83. primary generator of respiratory rhythm (12 BPM)
Dorsal respiratory group
84. Modifies the rate and depth of breathing, receives in- Ventral respiratory fluences from external sources (plays a role in forceful group breathing) 8 / 10
85. Modifies the rate and depth of breathing, adapts breathing to special circumstances such as sleep, exercise, vocalization, and emotional response
Pontine respiratory group
86. thyroid cartilage
adam's apple
87. Ease with which the lungs can expand, compliance is reduced by degenerative lung disease in which the lungs are stiffened by scar tissue. Compliance islimited by the surface tension of the water film insidealveoli
Pulmonary compliance
88. secreted by great cells of alveoli disrupts hydrogen bonds between water molecules and thus reduces thesurface tension 89. premature babies lacking surfactant are treated with artificial surfactant until they can make their own 90. serous membrane that cover lungs
Infant respiratory distress syndorme Visceral pleura
91. Adheres to mediastinum, inner surface of the rib cage, Parietal pleura and superior surface of the diaphragm 92. space between pleurae containing serous fluid
pleural cavity
93. Reduction of friction, creation of pressure gradient, compartmentalization
What are the function of pleurae and pleural fluid?
94. When it is time to activate an immunocompetent T cell, When are antigen it can't recognize antigens on its own. presenting cells required? 95. T lymphocytes with CD4 surface glycoproteins, helperand regulatory T cells
CD4 cells
96. "Effectors" of cellular immunity; carry out attack on enemy cells
cytotoxic T cells or "killer T cells"
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97. Play a central regulatory role in innate, humoral, and Helper T cells cellular immunity recognize antigen fragments dis- played by APC's with MHC-II proteins
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