NSG527 / NSG 527 Exam 1 (Latest 2024 / 2025): Psychopathology, Theories, & Advanced Clinical Modalities | Rated A Questions and Verified Answers 1st Principle DDP? ANSWER The Therapy must be experiential. Experiences, not words, are the "active ingredient" in the healing process. One key element is maintaining emotional Attunement with the child through PACE; being Playful, Accepting, Curious, and Empathic. 2nd Principal: DDP? ANSWER Therapy must be family-focused. Therapy opens up a child so that what the parents have to offer can get in and heal the child. It is the parents' capacity to create a safe and nurturing home that provides a healing environment. 5 good things RCT? ANSWER zest, worth, productivity,clarity, and desire for more connection Ambivalence in MI? ANSWER refers to the client's experience of conflicting thoughts and feelings about a particular behavior or change An impasse in Gestalt? ANSWER Layer of Neurosis. Impasse: Is the point at which we are afraid to change or move. Is a situation in which external support is not forthcoming and the person believes he cannot support himself Awareness Gestalt ANSWER Gestalt counseling is a form of therapy that focuses on patients becoming self-aware. Central Relational Paradox (CRP) in RCT? ANSWER The CRP assumes that we all have a natural drive toward relationships, and in these relationships we long for acceptance. change talk MI? ANSWER The MI counselor listens for and evokes the client's reasons for concern and arguments for change Commitment to dialogue. Gestalt ANSWER Contact means something deeper than just something two persons do to each other. Connection in RCT? ANSWER This gives purpose and meaning to our life yet due to our own insecurities and ideas of what we think others may find unacceptable about us, we get in the way of our relationships which leads to less fulfilling relationships
Core tenants of DDP? ANSWER At the core of Reactive Attachment Disorder is trauma caused by significant and substantial experiences of neglect, abuse, or prolonged and unresolved pain in the first two years to three years of life. These experiences disrupt the normal attachment process so that the child's capacity to form a secure attachment with a caregiver is distorted or absent. The child lacks trust, safety, and security. The child develops a negative working model of the world in which: Core Tenants of Gestalt therapy ANSWER Gestalt therapy is a way of bringing the patient into the "here and now" rather than living in the past or future orientation. A core belief in Gestalt therapy is that the client will more fully understand their own emotions and needs through a process of discovery, rather than through insight into past actions Core tenets of RCT? ANSWER 1.Theoretical assumption is people are marginalized by social injustice resulting in pain and trauma 2.Central Relational Paradox (CRP). The CRP assumes that we all have a natural drive toward relationships, and in these relationships we long for acceptance. 3.Authenticity is to be capable to bring one's real experience, feelings, and thoughts into relationship, with sensitivity and awareness to the possible impact of one's actions on others 4.mutual empathy in a supportive environment 5. mutual empowerment Core tenets of therapy existential : ANSWER Central issue is freedom and responsibility. The I-Am experience, normal and neurotic anxiety, guilt and guilt feelings, the three forms of world, significance of time, our human capacity to transcend the immediate situation. Current areas of study for rTMS? ANSWER Tourette's Syndrome, epilepsy, and treatment-resistant depression DBS is a surgery that is rarely performed for ? ANSWER OCD and Depression, limited data for efficacy of treatment DDP Core Tenants ANSWER 1. A focus on both the caregivers and therapist's own attachment strategies. Previous research (Dozier et al., 2001, Tyrell, Dozier, Teague, & Fallot, 1999) has shown the importance of the caregivers and therapists state of mind for the success of interventions. 2. Therapist and caregiver are attuned to the child's subjective experience and reflect this back to the child. In the process of maintaining an intersubjective attuned connection with the child, the therapist and caregiver help the child regulate affect and construct a coherent autobiographical narrative.
3. Sharing of subjective experiences. 4. Use of PACE and PLACE are essential to healing. 5. Directly address the inevitable mis-attunements and conflicts that arise in interpersonal relationships. 6. Caregivers use attachment-facilitating interventions. 7. Use of a variety of interventions, including cognitive-behavioral strategies DDP focuses on what stage in Maslow? ANSWER It focuses on Maslow's safety and security stage in his hierarchy of needs model Dialogue is lived Gestalt ANSWER Dialogue is closer to action rather than words. "Lived" stresses the enthusiasm and closeness of doing. Directive in MI? ANSWER refers to the use of specific strategies and interventions that may facilitate the client's movement toward exploration Disconnect in RCT? ANSWER occurs when mutual empathy and mutual empowerment do not occur. This may be acute, chronic, or traumatic. Eigenwelt- ANSWER own world existential therapy Empty chair technique gestalt ANSWER The patient is asked to sit in a chair and an empty chair is placed in front of him/her. He/She is instructed to imagine that a person that is significant to him/her is sitting in the empty chair. The patient is asked to have a discussion with the "person" sitting in the empty chair. Essential to understanding DDP therapy in theory and technique is ? ANSWER Erickson's stages of development and Maslow's hierarchy of needs Existential Persons responsible for developing ANSWER in US Rollo May, Irvin Yalom; in UK Emmy van Deurzen-Smith; Victor Frankl Existential therapy is based? ANSWER personal relationship between client and therapist, stresses personal freedom, and values self-awareness and is concerned with what it means to be fully human. Existential therapy rests on six key propositions ANSWER 1) We have the capacity for self-awareness. (2) Because we are basically free beings,
we must accept the responsibility that accompanies our freedom. (3) We have a concern to preserve our uniqueness and identity; we come to know ourselves in relation to knowing and interacting with others. (4) The significance of our existence and the meaning of our life are never fixed once and for all; instead, we re-create ourselves through our projects. (5) Anxiety is part of the human condition. (6) Death is also a basic human condition, and awareness of it gives significance to living. First visit rTMS? ANSWER Mapping Five Principles of MI? ANSWER :1) express empathy, 2)develop discrepancy, 3)avoid argumentation, 4)roll with resistance, and 5)support self-efficacy FOCUS OF DDP? ANSWER DDP is a family-focused approach to therapy that incorporates well-researched principles such as a focus on relationships, attunement, intersubjectivity, and sensitive responsiveness. Focus of Existential therapy ANSWER therapists focus on patient's subjective experience; exploring themes such as mortality, meaning, freedom, responsibility, anxiety, and aloneness as these relate to a person's current struggle. focus of therapy Gestalt? ANSWER Self-delusion is the reason for inauthenticity: living not based on the real facts about oneself in the world brings to feelings of fear, guilt and concern. Gestalt therapy gives the patient authenticity and meaningful responsibility. Becoming aware, the person can choose and arrange his existence with a meaningful approach. Focus of therapy-MI? ANSWER client-centered therapy, using techniques to help patients resolve their ambivalence that prevents them from realizing their personal goals. Four characteristics of dialogue Gestalt ANSWER 1. Inclusion, in which the therapist puts him- or herself, as much as is possible, into the experience of the client. The therapist does not judge, analyze, or interpret what he or she observes. 2. Presence refers to the therapist expressing his or her observations, preferences, feelings, personal experience, and thoughts to the client. 3. Commitment to dialogue allows a feeling of connection (contact) between the therapist and the client.
4. Dialogue is active and can be nonverbal as well as verbal. It can be dancing, song, words, or any modality that expresses and moves the energy between the therapist and the client. Function of the therapist Gestalt ANSWER the interaction between therapist and client is an ever changing dialogue marked by straightforward caring, warmth, acceptance, and self-responsibility. functions of the Gestalt Therapist? ANSWER The Gestalt therapist is occupied with involving the client into dialogue rather than by means of manipulation aimed to reach certain therapeutic goal. The signs of this contact are simple caring, warm attitude, approval and self-responsibility. As therapists lead patients to certain aim, the clients cannot be responsible for their development and self-support. Functions of therapist Existential: ANSWER "fellow traveler" "we are all in this together" someone just like us who has no judgment or opinion about our existence Gestalt core tenets of therapy? ANSWER 1. Existential dialogue is an important part of methodology in Gestalt therapy. It demonstrates the existential perspective on relationship. Relationship develops out of contact. 2.Gestalt therapy assists patients to build up their support for preferred contact or withdrawal. 3. The Gestalt therapist is occupied with involving the client into dialogue rather than by means of manipulation aimed to reach certain therapeutic goal. Gestalt Goal of therapy ANSWER The goal of Gestalt therapy is to raise clients' awareness regarding how they function in their environment (with family, at work, school, friends). The focus of therapy is more on what is happening (the moment-to-moment process) than what is being discussed (the content). Awareness is being alert to what are the most important events in clients' lives and their environment with full sensorimotor, emotional, cognitive, and energy support. Support is defined as Goal of existential therapy: ANSWER assist clients in their exploration of the existential "givens of life", how these are sometimes ignored or denied, and how addressing them can ultimately lead to a deeper, more reflective and meaningful existence. To expand self-awareness, to increase choice potentials, to help clients accept responsibility for choosing, and to help the client experience authentic existence. Goal of therapy MI? ANSWER To elicit behavioral change by guiding patients in exploring their behaviors and addressing their ambivalence
Guiding in MI? ANSWER refined form of the naturally-occurring communication style of guiding when helping someone to solve a problem How many surgeries in DBS? ANSWER 2 separate surgeries to place electrodes in brain How rTMS works bio mechanically? ANSWER induces a magnetic field that produces an electrical field in the brain that then causes nerve cells to depolarize, resulting in the stimulation or disruption of brain activity. Inclusion in Gestalt therapy ANSWER This is immersion into the experience of the person without judgment, analysis or interpretation while maintaining a sense of one's detached, independent presence at the same time. Isolation in RCT? ANSWER This is the major source of human suffering and is usually accompanied by immobilization which prevents movement back into a relationship after disconnect. Key concepts gestalt therapy? ANSWER acceptance and personal responsibility, awareness of the present, and dealing with the impasse (the point at which there is an experience a sense of being paralyzed, do not have external supports available to them, and are challenged to get into contact with their frustrations and accept whatever it is) MINT ? ANSWER Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers mutual empathy in RCT? ANSWER in a supportive environment. However, this mutual empathy might emotionally affect the counselor since detachment can interfere with the therapeutic relationship Non-invasive way to stimulate nerve cells in areas of the brain? ANSWER rTMS OARS in MI? ANSWER asking Open-ended questions, Affirming the positives, using Reflective listening, and Summarizing
PACE- in DDP? ANSWER -(playfulness, acceptance, curiosity, and empathy)- The primary approach is to create a secure base in treatment. Part of the brain has been found to have low activity in depressed patients? ANSWER dorsolateral prefrontal brain cortex Patients are given a total of ? different treatments and each treatment lasts between ?-? minutes in rTMS? ANSWER 30 treatments for 30-45 minutes PERSONS RESPONSIBLE FOR DEVELOPING Dyadic Developmental Therapy ANSWER : Dr. Daniel Hughes Arthur Becker-Weidman Persons responsible for developing motivational interviewing? ANSWER William Miller and Stephen Rollnick Persons responsible for developing Relational Cultural Therapy? ANSWER Jean Baker Miller persons responsible for the development Gestalt therapy: ANSWER Frederick Perls and Laura Perls PLACE in DDP? ANSWER (Playful, Loving, Acceptance, Curious, and Empathic). At home using principles that provide safe structure and a healing PLACE predominantly an experiential therapy and focuses on the what and how of behavior, the here and now, and on unfinished business of the past, not the why of behavior with a goal of moving from environmental support to self-support. ANSWER Gestalt therapy Presence in Gestalt therapy ANSWER The Gestalt therapist opens him or herself up to the patient. Remarks, fondness, feelings, private experience and opinions are expressed on a regular basis, sensibly, and with discrimination. The therapist shares her perspective by modeling phenomenological reporting, which aids the patient's learning about trust and use of immediate experience to raise awareness. RCT compliments ? ANSWER The social justice movement. Mental health professionals can explore sex role socialization, power, dominance, marginalization, and subordination and the effect on the mental health and relational development of all people.
refers to the parent creating a healing environment by being playful, loving accepting, curious, and empathic? ANSWER PLACE Relational Cultural Therapy demonstrates ? of relationships? ANSWER Primacy of relationships Risks from DBS procedure? ANSWER • Allergic reaction to the DBS parts, Difficulty concentrating, Dizziness,Infection, Leakage of cerebrospinal fluid, which can lead to headache or meningitis,Loss of balance,Reduced coordination, Shock-like sensations,Slight loss of movement, Speech or vision problems,Temporary pain or swelling at the site where the device was implanted,Temporary tingling in the face, arms, or legs Risks of DBS? ANSWER It is surgery so infection, etc. rTMS Uses high intensity magnetic impulses that activate brain cells in the ? ANSWER dorsolateral prefrontal brain cortex Side effects reported rTMS? ANSWER headaches, seizures are rare Support Gestalt ANSWER anything that makes contact with or withdrawal from with the environment possible, including energy, body support, breathing, information, concern for others, and language. Sustain talk MI? ANSWER while also accepting and reflecting perceived disadvantages of change Terms related to process existential ANSWER umwelt (natural world), mitwelt (public world), eigenwelt (private world), uberwelt (ideal world); logotherapy- Frankl, teaches that meaning in life cannot be dictated but can only be discovered by searching in our own existential situation The advantages of rTMS over ECT ? ANSWER General Anesthesia is not needed,it is an outpatient procedure, it requires less energy, the simulation is specific and targeted, and convulsion is not required The existential therapist strives to understand the client's ? world? ANSWER Subjective
The key aspect of this existential therapy? ANSWER is the belief that you are capable of making choices about who you want to be. The Phobic layer Gestalt? ANSWER An avoidance of psychological pain. "I'm fine, I'm fine." (Similar to Denial) The Phony layer Gestalt? ANSWER Reacting to others in unauthentic or patterned ways: every day, casual interaction or "small talk." the therapist and parent deepen the therapeutic alliance through their genuineness as they convey their intersubjective experience of the child, his strengths and vulnerabilities. Correspondes to what? ANSWER Within PACE the world around in existential therapy? ANSWER Umwelt There are the Central Relational Paradox and Mutually Growth Fostering Relationship concepts in the Therapy? ANSWER The client experiences mutuality with the therapist. top dog VS. Underdog- gestalt ANSWER This is a game that an individual play to avoid the anxiety that he encounters in his environment. Top dogs are those factors which the individual has desire to meet because of social norms and standards. For example, a person might say "I should be on time" or "I should study hard and get good grades". Underdogs are the opposite of top dogs. They are excuses that the individual uses to explain why those demands should not be met. two terms relevant to RCT therapy? ANSWER Mutuality and emotional impact-the therapist and the patient learn from each other as the process moves forward. types of theory Gestalt therapy ANSWER highlights more the process (what is taking place) and not the content (what is said about it). The stress is on what is happening, considered and felt right now rather than on what took place, might, could or should happen. Types of theory MI? ANSWER optimistic and humanistic Comes from the Transtheoretical Model of Change What are the 5 Principles of DDP? ANSWER 1st Principle: Therapy must be experiential
2nd Principal: Therapy must be family-focused. 3rd Principal: The trauma must be directly addressed 4th Principal: A comprehensive milieu of safety and security must be created. 5th Principal: Therapy is consensual and not coercive What TYPE OF THEORY is DDP? ANSWER It is based on the attachment theory, that the parent-child relationship highly influences the development of the child. with world in existential therapy ANSWER Mitwelt Yalom's four "givens of existence" ? ANSWER the inevitability of death, freedom and its attendant responsibility, existential isolation, and finally meaninglessness