NSG527/NSG 527 Midterm Exam (Latest 2024 /2025) Psychopathology, Theories, & Advanced Clinical Modal

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NSG527 / NSG 527 Midterm Exam Review (Latest 2024 / 2025): Psychopathology, Theories, & Advanced Clinical Modalities | Rated A Questions and Verified Answers - Wilkes A key element of RAD is PACE and PLACE ANSWER therapist: playful, accepting, curious, empathetic caregiver: playful, LOVING, accepting, curious, empathetic A neurotransmitter is placed in the chest surgically. Infection could arise from the placement of this device. ANSWER DBS A primary goal of RCT ANSWER is to create and maintain Mutually-Growth-Fostering Relationships, relationships in which both parties feel that they matter. Another important tenant of RCT is for the counselor to provide mutual empathy in a supportive environment. However, this mutual empathy might emotionally affect the counselor because ANSWER since detachment can interfere with the therapeutic relationship attachment theory ANSWER the development and consequences of the child-caregiver relationship Authenticity is ANSWER to be capable to bring one's real experience, feelings, and thoughts into relationship, with sensitivity and awareness to the possible impact of one's actions on others. (Therapist need to be authentic) central relational paradox ANSWER concept of relational cultural therapy Core tenet of dyadic therapy ANSWER parent-child relationships influence child development DARN acronym for recognizing change talk ANSWER Desire, Ability, Reason, Need, Can DDP is primarily ANSWER existential DDP therapy ends when: ANSWER therapist and parents see the child developing attachment security within family AND family members can continue process of being emotionally available and intersubjectively connected without help of the therapist

dyadic therapy founder ANSWER Michael Hughes PhD Dyadic therapy mainly deals with what problem ANSWER experiential approach to trauma and its effect on children eigenwelt ANSWER personal/private world Existential founders; ANSWER May, Yalom, van Deurzen-Smith, Frankl existential therapy ANSWER focused on the human search for meaning in existence, emphasizing individuality and choice existential therapy founders ANSWER Key figures: Viktor Frankl, Rollo May, and Irvin Yalom Existential Therapy is loosely defined and the main value is: ANSWER * self-awareness. Each person creates his private world. Umwelt, mitwelt are some of the descriptions of the modes of the world. Resistance is a signal to change responses. gestalt therapy ANSWER *Basic goal = self support, deals with awareness. Here and Now. Taking responsibility for ones own actions enhancing awareness gestalt therapy founder ANSWER fritz (Frederick and laura?)pers and Paul Goodman goal of gestalt therapy ANSWER self support, acceptance of peers, awareness of present moment Goals of therapy for DDP: ANSWER emotional development, relationship repair, accepting comfort, increased reflective functioning toward self, increasing awareness of inner lives of others, increasingly coherent and organized autobiography, imitation (seeks guidance from caregivers), self discovery. Growth Fostering Relationships is a fundamental and complex process of active participation in the development and growth of other people and the relationship that results in mutual development; such a relationship creates growth in both people. __________________ and

_______________ are the core of growth-fostering-relationships. ANSWER Mutual empathy and mutual empowerment In RAD the child develops a negative working model of the world in which: ANSWER adults are hurtful, world is chaotic, the child experiences no effective influence on the world, the child attempts to rely only on hisself, the child feels overwhelming shame, defective, bad, unlovable, and evil In RAD the therapy must be ANSWER experiential In RCT,all of the involved parties with healthy relationships experience what is known as the Five Good Things. These are: ANSWER 1) a desire to move into more relationships, because of how a good relational experience feels; 2) a sense of zest, or energy; 3) increased knowledge of oneself and the other person in the relationship; 4) a desire to take action both in the growth-fostering relationship and outside of it; 5) an overall increased sense of worth. In RTC, there are Five Good Things we experience in healthy relationships: ANSWER a. A desire to move into additional relationships because of how good we think they are b. A sense of energy c. A knowledge of oneself and other in the relationship d. A desire to work on growth within and without the relationship e. An increased sense of worth In this therapy the patient and the therapist work toward mutuality. ANSWER Relational-Cultural Therapy Intervention used in Dyadic therapy (acronym) ANSWER PACE - playfulness, acceptance curiosity, and empathy mitwelt ANSWER *being with others or the social world - public world motivational interviewing key elements ANSWER *client centered, MI spirit (collaboration, autonomy), change talk, sustain talk, resistance Non-invasive way to stimulate nerve cells in areas of the brain. It is cost effective and a non-drug outpatient treatment administered under the supervision of a physician. It does not require sedation and patients can drive home after treatment. Typical course of TX is five days per week

for four to six weeks. ANSWER TMS therapy OARS technique for MI ANSWER open-ended questions affirmation reflection summarization One of the core tenets of RCT is the Central Relational Paradox (CRP). The CRP assumes that ANSWER we all have a natural drive toward relationships, and in these relationships we long for acceptance. However, we come to believe that there are things about us that are unacceptable or unlovable. Thus, we choose to hide these things; we keep them out of our relationships. In the end, the connections we make with others are not as fulfilling and validating as they otherwise might have been. RCT compliments which movement? ANSWER social justice - sex roles, power, dominance, marginalization, subordination and mental health of all people RCT defines Connection as an interaction between two or more people that is mutually empathetic and mutually empowering. It leads to "five good things"; ANSWER zest, worth, productivity, clarity, and desire for more connection. Reactive attachment disorder ANSWER a disorder marked by an inability to form attachments with caregivers Relational Cultural Therapy demonstrates the ANSWER Primacy of relationships Relational cultural therapy founder ANSWER Jean Baker Miller Relational cultural therapy is based on: ANSWER feminist movement and multicultural changes in psychology Resistance is a signal to ANSWER change responses Risks from DBT procedure: ANSWER • Allergic reaction to the DBS parts • Difficulty concentrating • Dizziness

• Infection • Leakage of CSF, can lead to h/a or meningitis • Loss of balance • Reduced coordination • Shock-like sensations • Slight loss of movement • Speech or vision problems • Temporary pain or swelling at the device site • Temporary tingling in the face, arms, or legs technique for gestalt therapy ANSWER empty chair and impasse The daily stimulation of the ___________ ______________ ____________ causes the area to become more active and release neurotransmitters deeper into the brain known as the limbic system. These areas of the brain control mood and depression. ANSWER dorsolateral prefrontal cortex The five general principles of MI are: ANSWER 1) express empathy, 2)develop discrepancy, 3)avoid argumentation, 4)roll with resistance, and 5)support self-efficacy The MI counselor is accepting and reflecting perceived disadvantages of change called: ANSWER sustain talk The MI counselor listens for and evokes the client's reasons for concern and arguments for: ANSWER change talk The two terms relevant to RCT therapy. ANSWER Mutuality and emotional impact Therapy that believes in the here and now and focuses more on the Therapeutic relationship between the client and the therapist. The goal is to get the client to become more authentic. ANSWER Gestalt therapy Therapy that looks at the factors of death, freedom, loneliness, and meaninglessness each carry a degree of anxiety which may be normal or neurotic. Realizing some anxiety is necessary to live, we want to avoid the type of anxiety causing such a degree of fear we may be paralyzed. Living in the now uses all of our past coping strategies and requires good insight to make appropriate changes to reduce the anxiety and transcend fear. ANSWER Existential Therapy

This is considered a last line treatment for OCD and depression due to the invasive nature and risk of complications. ANSWER DBT This therapy looks into the experiential approach to trauma and its effect on children. We will learn the five principles guiding this type of therapy. In all of these approaches, the therapeutic relationship is paramount to help the client. ANSWER Dyadic therapy uberwelt ANSWER being-with-the-spiritual or over world (ideal world) umwelt ANSWER *a shared vision of nature - natural world 2 Relational Cultural Therapy concepts: ANSWER Central Relational Paradox and Mutually Growth Fostering Relationship 4 givens of existence (Yalom) ANSWER 1. Death: a core existential conflict is the tension between the awareness of the inevitability of death and the wish to continue to be. 2. Freedom and responsibility. Freedom from an existential perspective refers to the complete lack of any external structure to life. He believed that there is a conflict between the groundlessness and randomness of our universe, and a wish for ground and structure. 3. Isolation. We enter this world alone, and we must leave it alone. Yalom thought that another existential conflict was between our innate awareness of our absolute isolation and our desire for continued contact with others and our need to be part of a larger whole. 4. Meaninglessness. Man is, by design, a meaning-seeking creature. But Yalom believed that a fourth existential conflict arises for man because he has been thrown into a universe that has no meaning. 5 Principles of DDP for RAD: ANSWER PACE, family focused, trauma is directly addressed, milieu of safety and security must be created, therapy is consensual. 9 core tenants of RCT ANSWER 1. People grow through and toward relationship throughout the lifespan. 2. Movement toward mutuality, rather than movement toward separation, characterizes mature functioning.

3. Relational differentiation and elaboration characterize growth. 4. Mutual empathy and mutual empowerment are at the core of growth-fostering relationships. 5. In growth-fostering relationships, all people contribute and grow or benefit; development is not a one-way street. 6. Therapy relationships are characterized by a special kind of mutuality. 7. Mutual empathy is the vehicle for change in therapy. 8. Real engagement and therapeutic authenticity are necessary for the development of mutual empathy.

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