CIT Students’ Union Magazine Volume Fifteen, Issue 1
in this issue:
• Freshers Week 23 - 27 Sept Full details inside • Start off College on the right foot with... A Good Start • Back to College Tips, Arts, Sports, Socs
. .. s r e ic f f O U S T I C
Meet the team!
and much more...
J1 USA Thousands of Memories... 2014
One J1 Summer
Early bird offer coming soon! Register online now @
T: 1850 518 472 Sayit travel, 76 Grand Parade, Cork
The Biggest night of the week...
2013 Freshers Ball OFFICIAL
@ BODEGA for one night only
th ept 2013 S 6 2 rs u h T
3 rOOm ExTrAvAGAnzA Chart, Indie & DAFT PUnK
! no DrESS CODEUn ion Tickets €8 from Students’ Doors 10pm Over 18s only… valid ag e
id required... ROAR
Check out www.facebook. com/citsu for a chance to win tick ets
Contents 4 S U Officers’ Welcome Address
CIT Students’ Union, Bishopstown, Cork. Tel: 021 433 5274 E: Web:
6 CIT SU Freshers Week
expliCIT Production, Design & Advertising Keith Brown
11 A Good Start
CIT Students’ Union President - Danny O’ Donovan VP Education - Rich McCarthy VP Welfare - Ciara O’Connor Projects Officer - Aaron Dennehy
14 Arts Office welcome
23rd - 27th Sept 2013
A new initiative to help Freshers find their way in the first weeks of college What’s on in the realm of arts in the coming month
16 CIT Societies Volunteer Abroad program
17 Back to college tips
18 Special feature the Intern
Communications Officer - Michael Linehan Entertainments Officer - Dean O’Doherty Entertainments Manager - Mick O’Mahony Advertising Opportunities CIT has almost 17,000 full and part-time students with over 1,500 staff. Why not use expliCIT to promote your business to this large audience? Copy deadlines, advertising rates and technical specifications are available from our website or upon request from the Publications Office. expliCIT magazine is published monthly by CIT Students’ Union. The views expressed in the magazine are those of their authors and are not necessarily those of CIT Students’ Union. All articles and pictures are the property of their respective owners and should not be reproduced without their permission.
We want you, We Need You!
Here in the Students’ Union we want to hear your stories about CIT events. If you have a story or article that you’d like to share and have published, we’d love to hear from you. expliCIT magazine is YOUR college magazine and reaches all CIT students. The purpose is to cover all aspects of college life including both academic and extracurricular events. In order to enhance the quality of expliCIT magazine, we need your help. If you would like to get involved with our student magazine, expliCIT, please contact Michael at or call into the Students’ Union Office.
19 Sports news
Keeping you in touch with all the various sporting opportunites at CIT
21 Wisdom of the world 22 crossword
Hard cash prize on offer. Delivered entries into the Students’ Union office
Winners of our competitions from last June:
Crossword: Caroline Kelleher, BBADM €30 BrainTeaser: Mollie O’Riordan, SC2 €50
6 Paradise Place, North Main Street Valid with coupon Mon, Tues & Weds until 31st Dec 2013
North Main Street Valid with coupon Mon, Tues & Weds until 31st May 2014
North Main Street Valid with coupon Mon, Tues & Weds until 31st May 2014
Please photocopy for re-use
Of f icerss
Exam time is when the library is utilised beyond its current maximum. With more and more students Danny O’ Donovan working part time jobs just to President keep their heads above water, CIT needs to move with the times. We 021 433 5277 will be working towards opening 086 8366608 the library as a study space seven days a week at exam time.
Dear Students,
Hi everyone! A big, friendly welcome to all those of you who are new students and a warm welcome back to everyone else. We at CIT SU have been working tirelessly over the summer to ensure that your experience here in CIT is one of significant enjoyment and benefit. A list of CIT SU goals and objectives for the forthcoming academic year and are set out as follows:
Student Union Information Management System (SIMS)
The goal of this project is to strengthen the continuity from year to year, as due to the transitory nature of the SU and officer turnover, information and projects can sometimes fall through the cracks. SIMS will support the office of President, VP Education and VP Welfare, Communications, Entertainments and Projects so that duties are Ciara O’Connor executed in an VP Welfare optimal fashion. This is to be ac021 433 5273 complished by 086 3842977 implementing an IT solution that enhances the diversity and quality of information available to the officers. It will allow the Executive to be more efficient in identifying, developing and closing projects by providing the officers with a user friendly, interactive interface which maps the political landscape within which the officers operate.
Aaron Dennehy Projects Officer 021 433 5270
Student Feedback
Protest – 1st October
Minister Quinn is looking to raise fees a future €250 while simultaneously slashing the maintenance grant on which the vulnerable depend. October 1st will see Limerick IT, IT Carlow, Waterford IT and IT Tralee land close to 2,000 students here in CIT. We will then march onwards to the city centre while adding UCC students to the overall numbers on the way. On the day the message to the Government will be that the students of this country will not be taking this lying down. There will be similar sized protests taking place in Sligo and Dublin.
Class Reps
Class Reps are responsible for organising class events such as class parties, paintballing or whatever activity your class may be into. For example, mechanical engineers may want to attend a drifting event! More importantly, Class Reps (on behalf of the class) are responsible for liaising with lectures to communicate any information that will improve the learning experience. They also act as a vital channel of communication between the student body and the SU Officers. The Students’ Union will be providing an overnight training session in a secret location where those who are elected Class Reps, will be shown the ropes.
Dean O’Doherty Entertainments Officer 021 433 5275
Students are the key stakeholders in CIT yet feedback from students on the modules they study is scarce. Continuous student feedback is essential to ensuring that quality of the student experience is constantly maintained and advanced. For this reason CIT SU will be calling for a facility that allows for college wide semester by semester feedback.
Rich McCarthy VP Education 021 433 5276 086 8038598
VP Welfare - Welfare Campaigns
The role of VP Welfare is to deliver an educational and awareness programme t h r o u g h o u t the year, which will help students to manage personal issues that they may be faced with such as sexual health, mental health, accommodation, finance, safety, bullying and addictions. VP Welfare can offer a variety of information on various welfare issues and also information on support services available to students. The VP Welfare can offer
Michael Linehan Communications Officer 021 433 5274
students plentiful information and discuss services which can support them, but it is important to state that they are in no way a counsellor. It has been a very busy summer preparing welfare campaigns. In the weeks to come we will be looking for some of you to be a part of the Welfare Crew. As part of the Welfare Crew you can help out the Students’ Union during various Welfare Campaigns, the first one being S.H.A.G. (Sexual Health and Guidance) week in October, it is going to be exciting so it is something you can look forward to. If any of you are interested in being part of the Welfare Crew, please email It is going to be an exciting year.
Mental Health
This year Mental Health is taking high priority with lots of various initiatives aimed at promoting positive Mental Health and to get students talking about their Mental Health. This is something that affects every one of us and it is important that we look after ourselves and others around us. Look out for Please Talk logo
and events, Mental Health Reform, See Change, Pieta House and various campaigns and events on campus. This year we are also hoping to achieve the Suicide Aware Amber Flag award and start drafting a Mental Health Policy for CIT. So keep watch because there will be a lot going on. Remember, everyone here in the Students’ Union are here to support you so if you have any problems or just want a chat, feel free to call up to us or contact us. We wish each and every one of you the best of luck in the coming year and can’t wait to meet you all. Danny, Ciara and Rich
Dear Student, On behalf of Melbourn Residents Association and its elected committee I would like to welcome you back to CIT for the forthcoming academic year. I would like in particular to extend a special welcome to the first year students who are commencing their 3rd level education and wish them well in their chosen fields. CIT is part of the wider Bishopstow n Community and is viewed accordingly by the residents of Melbourn . In this regard the standard principles of good behaviour respe ct for neighbour and property are part of the civic spirit that is expected of everybody who makes up the local community. There currently is and has been for some time a very good relationship between the students of CIT and the residents of Melbourn. Our Liasion Officer Deirdre Buckley has played a very active role in this regard and has worked to ensur e that both parties are informed, and kept up to date with activ ities that are relevant to both sides. Finally it is my wish and the wish of all Residents in Melbourn that the relationship that currently exists betw een the Students of CIT and the Residents of Melbourn conti nues. Both parties have a role to play in this. Wishing you success for the future, Yours sincerely, Kieran Kelly Chairperson Melbourn Residents Association.
Help the crew! A call out for CIT Students’ Union Entertainments Crew Qualities needed Weekly Hours Extras A re you free (daytime) between Enthusiastic and honest Be asked to sell tickets during · · Good people skills · Freshers 12.30pm and 1.30pm Tuesday and and Rag Week. · Be able to have fun Thursday? · Professional re you free (night time) between The Rewards · A11pm · Team player and midnight Tuesday and basis · Adaptable · Volunteer Thursday? FREE Admission to all SU Events · · Looks good on your re you free (morning time) CV · Abetween · Make a positive contribution 8.30am and 9.30am to · CIT life. Tuesday and Thursday? Experience preferable but not essential as full induction training will be provided Contact Dean: or call into the Students’ Union Office on 1st floor, Student Centre.
We will operate a rota system - no need to worry if you only want to do some of these hours.
2013 Freshers Week
23rd - 27th Sept 2013
Monday 23rd September –
@1pm Nexus, Student Centre All you lovely ladies, ten to be exact, will have the chance to find love or at least a free meal. Maybe “Bog Boy”, fond of nature could be your thing; alternatively you may be impressed by CIT’s finest feen who is fond of himself. Maybe a “Sexy Sailor” or a “CIT Superhero” could be your thing. The ladies mightn’t even like any of them. It’s going to be a howl either way, kicking off Freshers’ Week 2013 in pure style ‘boi’. Tuesday 24th September –
@1pm Nexus, Student Centre This fine ‘boi’ comes to CIT for the first time to help out the running of S.H.A.G Bingo. He is pure daycent at everything. What is SHAG bingo you ask? Well it is bingo, with a twist. Get a full Line and expect to hear “I’M RIDDLED”. A full house could be a case of shouting out “GET ME TESTED”. Add in games like “Brigitte Jones Big Knickers” or “Get them off”, and you get the picture. It is going to be both funny and lewd with the doctor in the house and you’d never know you might get a shift. Wednesday 25th September –
@ 1pm Nexus, Student Centre Bank of Ireland are taking to the road and coming to CIT on Wed 25th during Freshers week as part of our Campus tour. We’re inviting you and your friends to join us for the BOI buzzer game, music, freebies and much more. Watch out for some ‘local sporting heroes’ who may be visiting during the day. Thursday 26th September –
@1pm Nexus, Student Centre Adrian Knight is one of Ireland’s foremost comedy hypnotists. He has delighted and excited audiences for more than fifteen years, playing to packed shows, entertaining tens of thousands of people every year. He returns to CIT after an absence of five years. In 2012 alone, more than seventy - thousand people bought tickets to see Adrian Knight perform his comedy show, including three sell-out nights at the new Millennium Forum in Derry. As one of the funniest shows on the road in Ireland today, this two hour show is a case of anything goes.
2013 r F eshers Week
mon 23
sepT 2013
SeiSi-un Mor
TickeTs on sale now from The sU. once They’re gone, They’re gone!
where’s the craic? outside the city and within the county includes... bus, entertainment and finger Competely Newfood Venue,
Overs 18s only - Age ID and Student ID required.
A FurBuses leave ciT at 2pm ther Craic Back at ciT at 7pm approx 2013 Freshers Week
weds 25Th sepT 2013
SeiSi-un Mor
TickeTs on sale now from The sU. once They’re gone, They’re gone!
where’s the craic? a competely new venue, further craic! includes... bus, entertainment and finger food Buses leave ciT at 2pm
Overs 18s only - Age ID and Student ID required.
Freshers week
Timetable 2013 Monday 23 September - Kindly sponsored by: Student Services Company and Four Star Pizza. 10am Market Stalls outside Student Centre 12pm DJ PAT D in the Nexus Student Centre 12-4pm RED FM Live Broadcast from outside the library 12pm Mountain Dew promo outside Student Centre giveaways, skateboarding demos 1pm PULL DA FRESHER in the Student Centre - wanna date and a free meal? 2 - 6pm SEISIUN MOR @ Venue outside the city, inside the county – Ticket €6 from SU - over 18s only- Age ID and Student ID required 9pm til late Keep It Local @McCarthys Bar and Bistro Adm €2 up to 10pm, €5 afterwards. 2 floors open. Over 18s only- Age ID and Student ID required Tuesday 24 September - Kindly sponsored by: Wagamama Market Stalls outside Student Centre 10am 12pm DJ MC Fleming in Nexus Student Centre - Win VIP free passes to Tuesday Skint night 12pm WAGAMAMA Chopsticks Challenge in Nexus Student Centre - win a year’s free food 1pm Live Music Bangers and Crash Percussion Duo with Clare O’Keeffe and Alex Petc in Rory Gallagher Theatre - Adm free 1pm Freshers *S.H.A.G GAMES and BINGO with THE SPERM DOCTOR in the Student Centre 10.30pm Official Freshers Week Tuesday SKINT at The Savoy – Adm €6 until 11.30 / €8 after 11.30 - over 18s only – BOTH valid Age ID and Student ID required. Wednesday 25th September Kindly sponsored by: Bank of Ireland 10am Market Stalls outside Student Centre 10am-5pm Poster Sale in the Nexus Student Centre 12pm DJ MC Fleming in Nexus Student Centre - Win Freshers Ball tickets 1pm BOI Road Show in Student Centre…Try out the Buzzer Game, lots of giveaways 2 – 6pm SEISIUN MOR 2 @ Venue outside the city, inside county – Ticket €6 from SU - over 18s only - valid Age ID required. Thursday 26th September Kindly sponsored by: Bank of Ireland 10am Market Stalls outside Student Centre 10am-5pm Poster Sale at the Nexus Student Centre 12pm DJ Pat D in Student Centre - Win FRESHERS BALL tickets 1pm Live Music with Walking on Cars in Rory Gallagher Theatre - €3 for students, €5 for staff. 1pm Hypnotist ADRIAN KNIGHT in Student Centre 10pm Official Freshers Ball @ Bodega featuring DAFT PUNK tribute (3 room event) - Tickets €8 - over 18s only… valid age ID required (garda ID/passport) *S.H.A.G stands for Sexual Health and Guidance
Back at ciT at 7pm approx
Offering students quality and value for over 20 years
The Student Services Company Limited provides all Catering & Retail Services in the Institute. We would like to welcome back all Students and Staff after the summer and hope that you had an enjoyable break. We look forward to looking after your catering and retail needs for the coming semester. We have been busy while you were away. Check out Our New Food Court. Our Mission is to provide the best service possible in our outlets, giving value for money to all our customers here in CIT. Watch out for the Special Offers which will be available on an on-going basis. These will be advertised in screens located along the main corridor.
Food Court
Open 8.15am to 9.00pm, Mon to Thurs Open 8.15am to 2.30pm, Friday
Breakfast Served From 8.15am to 11.00pm Lunch Served from 12.00pm to 2.30pm Evening Meal from 3.30pm to 7.00pm
In our Food Court we provide budget conscious, freshly prepared full meals and snack services • Breakfast Specials • Student Special • Roast of the Day • Muffins • Pastries • Grab & Go Sandwiches • Minerals • Snack items Check out the Menu Board daily
The Hub
(Located by Food Court) Open 8.15am to 3.45pm, Mon to Thurs Open 8.15am to 4.00pm, Fri • Handmade, Barista Speciality Coffees • Tasty Snacks • Ice Cream
Snack Bar
(Located by Food Court) Open 9.30am to 2.30pm At our Snack Bar Sandwiches are made to Order using the finest of ingredients. • Meal Deals • Doorstep Sandwiches • Panini’s • Filled Bagels • Filled Rolls/Baps • B/Fast Rolls • Warm Chicken Rolls All at a Competitive Price
An Siopa
(Located by Food Court) Open 8.15am to 7.00pm, Mon to Thurs Open 8.15am to 1.30pm, Fri • Stationary • Newspapers • Phone Credit • Snacks • Hot & Cold Beverages
Nexus Market
(Located in the Student Centre) Open 8.00am to 5.00pm, Mon to Thurs Open 8.00am to 4.00pm, Fri Mini Market is our Main Retail Outlet and a supplier of a wide variety of services • Hot Food Deli • Sandwich Bar • Groceries • Lottery • Newspapers • Stationary • Books • College Merchandise
(Located in the Student Centre) Open 8.00am to 3.00pm We are available to cater for your specific requirements • Personalised Service • Speciality Coffee • Scones & Pastries • Daily Luncheon Specials • Wide variety of Made to Order Dishes or Choose from our Hot Counter • Deli Counter
Look out for regular special offers in all areas
Keep your college clean The Atrium, Nexus and Common Room are self cleaning areas. Please help us by placing all litter into the recycle/waste bins
Calling All Students TO THE OFFICIAL
For the cheapest prices on cit campus!
O f f ic e S h o p A4 Pad A3 envelope Wallet A4 envelope Wallet Acetate calculator cds correction Fluid cue cards dVd + rW dividers - 10 part
0.80 0.80 0.40 0.10 11.00 1.00 0.50 0.80 0.80 0.30
2013/ 14
goggles - Protective 2.50 glue stick 0.50 graph Pads 1.40 hardback copy 1.40 lab coat 11.00 leaverarch File 1.40 Pen 0.20 Pencil 0.20 Poly Pocket (single) 0.05 Poly Pockets (Box of 100) 2.50
Pocket display Book Presentation Folder Project Book - divider reinforcements ring Binder rulers science Book spiral Pad 160 pg spiral Pad 320 pg usB - 8gb
Bus TickeTs student commuter & Provincial Bus Tickets Phone crediT Mobile Phone credit Available PhoTocoPying FAciliTy copy cards €1.00
1.90 0.50 3.50 0.90 0.90 0.30 1.90 1.20 2.20 7.50
savIng money
Open 8.30am to 5.15pm, Monday to Friday during term
Thurs 26th Massive Celebration!
Live Trad Music from 6pm? Competitions to WIN Pints and merchandise! Bar Games galore
Important College Dates 2013-14 Semester One Day 09-13 16 19 19 23-27 26 10 15-17 18/21/24 28 31 11-14 05 10-12 14-20 20
Month September September September September September September October October October October October November December December December December
Semester Two Day 02-04 27 10-14 24-27 13 17 27 01 10 10 14-22 5 6-8 10
Month January January February February March March March April April April April May May May
Event Registration & Induction Semester 1 Begins Back To College Bash Clubs & Societies Day CIT SU Freshers Week CIT SU Freshers Ball Class Rep Training Trip CIT SU S.H.A.G. Week CIT / CSM / CCAD Conferrings Bank Holiday Halloween Bash CIT SU Positive Mind & Body Week CIT SU Christmas Bash CIT SU Destress Week Examinations Christmas Holidays Event Examinations Semester 2 Begins CIT SU RAG Week CIT SU Safety Week CIT SU Elections Voting Day St. Patrick’s Day CIT SU Student Raceday Close of Noms for Class Rep Awards Spring Break Bash Union Council Class Rep Awards Easter Break Bank Holiday CIT SU Exam Destress Week Semester 2 Exams
Start off e h t n o e g e l l o c right foot by Niamh Hayes – A Good Start Project Team Member
ook at you, you’re in college! Congratulations, it is a great achievement to be here and the next few years are going to be some of the best ones of your life. With college life comes a whole new range of responsibilities and a sense of independence. While this will be a hugely positive experience for most of you, in some occasions this new found sense of freedom can go all wrong for those who choose to abuse the power. What do I mean you ask? I mean that some people take things just that little step too far and this step can land people in a whole lot of trouble.
Respect your neighbours – put yourself in their shoes
Some of you will have moved out of home and will be living in Bishopstown or the surrounding areas. These areas are places where elderly people are growing old, where families are rearing their children, where working people live to avoid the hustle and bustle of the city. You are moving into the area with them and you need to learn to respect that. In your first couple of weeks you should call into your neighbours and introduce yourselves. They will appreciate this and if you are ever in trouble or in need of anything, you would be surprised at how handy it is to know the person over the fence. If you make initial contact with them early on, they will also be more likely to be understanding about you having some friends over – always warn them though! If you are having a house gathering, make sure you only invite people you know and can trust, keep the noise down and try and be out of the house before 11pm so that your neighbours can get some sleep. Avoid having after-parties as you can be sure that some annoyed neighbour will call the Gardaí and the Gardaí have every right to confiscate your student card.
If this happens you will be called before the college authorities in order to get it back. Why put yourself in that situation?
Treat the area like you would your own including property, buses etc.
The above statement speaks for itself. Don’t abuse anyone’s property just like you don’t abuse your own. If using public transport, respect it. Gardaí in the area don’t take to vandalism lightly and you will find yourself in front of the courts before you know it.
Choose your college friends wisely
Your college friends are more than likely the friends you will have for the rest of your life so it’s okay to be picky. You will be spending a lot of time and doing a lot of things with them over the next few years so avoid those who are going to lead you down the stray path. Believe it or not, you are never too old to fall under the spell of peer pressure.
Drink Responsibly – know the one that’s one too many
This new sense of freedom is great. Nobody is over your shoulder watching how many nights a week you’re going out or keeping an eye on how much you’re drinking. It is all fun and games until you drink the one that’s one too many and you find yourself being kicked out of the club, stumbling around the streets of Cork, throwing up in someone’s doorway, getting stuck in the middle of a punchup, or worse! You ‘ll need to learn to look after yourself or else you are leaving yourself open to the mercy of the city. Neither the bouncers nor the Gardaí will have any compassion for you. Be wise and look after each other.
Avoid situations which are likely to turn out bad – don’t put yourself in danger
Never leave yourself open to vulnerability. The world can be a scary place and not everyone is as nice as you nor can you trust everyone. People may offer you drugs; strangers may invite you back to their place; there are a huge range of situations you are going to find yourself in throughout your college life. Use your common sense in any of these situations. You never know what sort of trouble you can land yourself in.
Know the law and respect members of the force
Get to know what’s right and wrong in the eyes of the law. You may think that urinating on the street is okay but the Gardaí will have you shipped off to the station before you know it. You’re better off being over-cautious if anything.
College should be about creating a positive experience for yourself and one that you will remember for all the right reasons
Positive experiences and opportunities are endless once you enter the third level education world. You can do whatever you want to do, you can be whoever you want to be, but at the end of the day, the success at gaining these opportunities and experiences is in your hands. If you get in trouble with the law you will seriously lessen the list of possibilities – you may not be able to go to America to do the J1 you always dreamed of; you may not get the Visa for Australia or New Zealand that you were planning on getting once you finish up college. Why risk all those things? Remember you are the creator of your own future and success – be responsible.
Welcome to , a new academic & social induction programme for our first year students, who have just started here in CIT. over the next seven weeks, will bring together student services and academic departments to provide a wide range of activities to help our first years make the transition into third-level education a little bit easier. The activities that will be taking place will range from academic workshops to fun-filled social events and well-being talks, all which fit under the theme of the week. While the programme is aimed at first year students, all activities are open to all of the student body, so if you see something that interests you, pop along and join in. Looking forward to meeting you all along journey, the Marco, Niamh & Sophie Student Project Team 2013
Checklist Don’t call your lecturer Miss, Sir or Mammy. You are no longer in a school – it is ok to call people by their first names!
Get to know your lecturers, Class Co-Ordinators and Head of Department. Having a good working relationship with them will benefit your studies greatly.
Bring a lunch box... it will save you money in the long run. Register for your electives by… 11th of October.
If the course isn’t for you then contact your Head of Department by 31st of October. You will be entitled to a 85% refund of the fees you have paid.
If you don’t contact your Head of Department before you leave... if you return to third level education next year you will have to pay FULL Tuition fees.
Learn how to use blackboard
If you lose or find something, head to the Caretakers Office by the Main Corridor – this is where the lost & found is located. Lockers are available in some departments and work on a first come first serve basis. Find one early and put your own lock on it so that it remains yours for the Semester.
There is very limited parking in CIT so hop, skip, jump, walk, run, cycle or take the bus. Not only are they cheaper means of transport, they will get you here quicker as you won’t have to queue in traffic. They’re also better for the environment – added bonus!
Get home from town safe by getting the Students’ Union Nitebus for only €2!
Keep track of your mycit e-mail... all official notifications from the college are sent out by e-mail.
Don’t make noise when you’re in the library. There are plenty of other spots where you and your mates can have a chat.
Get to know your way around the campus early, and find where all the services are located. It will be handy to know in times of need.
Clean up after yourself in the canteen (unless you’re bringing your mammy with you, in that case she can do it!)
For the tea lovers out there, bring in your own teabags and you’ll save nearly a whole euro each time!
Be nice to one another – we want a super fun, happy, positive environment here in CIT.
Let your voice be heard. Elect a Class Rep by Friday 4th October to ensure your class needs are taken care of.
We’re all here to make your experience in CIT a positive one. If you have any questions, problems or issues – Just Ask!
If you are looking for any college supplies head to the Students’ Union for the best prices around! 13
WELCOME FROM THE ARTS OFFICE… The Arts Office is delighted to welcome you to a new year at CIT. A jam-packed programme of arts events and activities will take place across the campuses of CIT during the first Semester – live music, exhibitions, performances, and even a miniCarnival in The Nexus Hall on October 9th in association with We hope you have time to enjoy it all! To keep up to date with the full programme and latest news, or to get in contact with the Arts Office, see the brand new CIT Arts + Culture website Join the website newsletter for regular updates, invitations, and ticket giveaways. Find CITArtsOffice on Facebook, and you won’t miss anything.
Blackrock Castle Observatory, Castle Road, Blackrock Astronomy research centre, interactive science exhibits, special events, regular programme of lectures, presentations, and discussions at the frontiers of modern science.
For full details, listings and directions to the venues, just go to
In the first Semester we have some great gigs and special events lined up for you in association with – and a fantastic mini-carnival on the way on October 9th too…
Here’s a taster of what is in store:
Lords Of Strut Sarah Morey, Arts Officer
For anyone new to CIT, here is a quick introduction to the Arts and Culture venues and facilities across the campuses of CIT… CIT Cork School of Music – Curtis Auditorium, Stack Theatre, Ground Floor Concourse Recitals and performances by students, graduates, and leading international musicians, drama and theatre, exhibitions and more, in this world-class building on the banks of the Lee. Rory Gallagher Theatre, Bishopstown Campus Live music, theatre, presentations, talks, films. James Barry Exhibition Centre, Bishopstown Campus Exhibitions of visual art, photography, sculpture, ceramics, sp ecial events, conferences, and more. CIT Crawford College of Art & Design, Sharman Crawford Street Exhibitions, installations, talks, workshops, performances, evening classes. CIT Wandesford Quay Gallery, Wandesford Quay. Full programme of high profile exhibitions by leading national and international artists and craftspeople, graduates and professionals, with regular events like film screenings, artist talks, discussions, and performances.
– Dates to be announced. Check
Cork’s own street comedy heroes, and recently crowned champions at the Street Performance World Championship – bring their show The Street to the streets of CIT… “Destiny is written on the dance floor… and we know how to read!”
This is character comedy parodying celebrity culture - two wannabe celebs, Famous Seamus and Sean-Tastic, will do anything to try and be famous. Satire, surrealism and silly comedy with flashes of surprising acrobatic skill and dance routines makes Lords of Strut, bright, tight and incredibly funny live entertainment!
“This is circus like you have never seen it before. In the air, on their backs and with very little clothing.”
OCT 9th - Mini-Carnival
The Nexus Hall, Student Centre, CIT Bishopstown Campus. Think entertainment, candyfloss, and old fashioned fun!!! Presented as part of the programme. Full details will be announced soon - To find out first, join the newsletter at, and follow CITArtsOffice on Facebook.
Cork Culture Night 2013
Friday 20th September FOR FURTHER DETAILS AND LINKS FOR ALL EVENTS, see Or www.culturenight. ie/event-region/cork-city/
The eighth annual Culture Night takes place on Friday, 20th September. 34 regions, towns and cities around Ireland will programme an eclectic mix of cultural and artistic endeavour. The FREE lively late-night national event will include live music, dance, theatre, spoken word, literature, visual art, traditional and Irish contemporary culture, interactive tours, workshops and exhibitions. CIT is proud to be part of this national celebration, and will participate through exhibitions, tours, talks, and performances in venues across the city
Walking On Cars - Freshers Week!
Rory Gallagher Theatre 26th September, 1pm. Presented as part of the programme. The outstanding Walking On Cars, from the Dingle Peninsula, are creating sounds as beautiful and dramatic as the landscape that envelops them. With songs reflecting both the isolation and consolation of Dingle, Walking on Cars are building a growing fanbase with their stunning live performances.
Outside In: The Art of Inclusion
12 Sept – 26 Oct Crawford Art Gallery, Emmet Place, Cork 12 Sept – 26 Oct The Atrium, City Hall 19 – 26 Oct CIT Wandesford Quay Gallery, Cork 9-26 Oct Outside In: The Art of Inclusion is major exhibition of national and international professional artists with intellectual disabilities who work in supported studio settings, aiming to bring to public awareness the richness and variety of artistic practice created by artists who work in supported studio settings, often placed at the margins of society, but who are making an increasingly important contribution to the contemporary art world. This unique, collaborative project is the outcome of a partnership between the Crawford Art Gallery, CIT Crawford College of Art & Design, Mayfield Arts Centre/Newbury House and Cork City Council. Creativity Explored (San Francisco), HAI (New York), Kunstwerkplaats (Amsterdam), Rocket Artists (Brighton) and Kcat (Kilkenny), St Raphaels (Youghal), Glasheen Artists Studio Group (Cork) and Cùig (Mayfield, Cork) will present an extensive international collection of truly invigorating work that highlights the talent of these artists. The exhibition will be accompanied by a publication, discussions and workshops with participating artists, aiming to connect with a diverse audience through the Crawford Gallery’s access and outreach programme and CIT Crawford College of Art & Design’s academic programme.
Bangers and Crash Percussion Duo
with Clare O’Keeffe and Alex Petcu Presented as part of the and Freshers Week programme.Sept 24-26th, venues to be announced. Check Brace yourself as two of Ireland’s finest young percussionists, Clare O’Keeffe and Alex Petcu, take to the stage and provide a spectacular showcase of the incredibly rich world of percussion. They will play on everything from bongos, toms and darabukas, to marimbas, gongs and more, performing works written especially for two percussionists, This will include Minoru Miki’s “Marimba Spiritual”, Nebojsa Zivkovic’s “Trio PerUno” and Matthias Schmitt’s “Ghanaia”
CIT Cork School of Music
Times: 18:00 – 23:00 Tours at 18:00, 18:30, 19:00. Concert at 20:00. Cost: FREE Public guided tours of the award winning building of the CIT Cork School of Music will be given at 6:00, 6:30 and 7:00 p.m. At 8 p.m., in the Curtis Auditorium, a free live concert of classical and contemporary music will feature a variety of performers and instruments. Come and experience the buzz of live music in this state-of-the-art Auditorium!
CIT Wandesford Quay Gallery
Time: 19:00 – 20:00 Cost: FREE From 14th September - 5th October. Open Wed-Sat, 10am – 6pm Artist Maud Cotter will give a talk about her exhibition currently in the gallery - a solution is in the room. With a long and successful career in Ireland and internationally, Cotter has continually expanded the boundaries of her practice and the materials she uses.
CIT Architecture Factory
Time: 18:00 – 21:00 Cost: FREE Open night and exhibition of this year’s ‘vertical project’ which brings students together from the Interior Architecture and Architectural Technology courses in teams tasked with problem-solving interesting Architectural challenges. The Architecture Factory is one of the latest additions to CIT’s built environment, and is an outstanding example of repurposing an existing industrial building for educational use.
CIT Blackrock Castle Observatory
Time: 18:00 – 22:00 Cost: FREE Take a journey back in time at Blackrock Castle for Culture Night 2013 and explore the history of the 400 year old fortification with new history exhibits within the Science Centre. Discover Cosmos at the Castle and also the wonders of the night sky with guided stargazing (weather dependent) in association with the Cork Astronomy Club.
Outside in: The Art of Inclusion
Extended opening times for Culture Night Crawford Art Gallery: 10:00 – 22:00 The Atrium, Cork City Hall: 09:00 – 23:00 Cost: FREE The exhibition continues to 26th October, and also takes place in CIT Wandesford Quay Gallery from 9th October. See individual venues for opening times.
Europe, Africa, India, Nepal, Vietnam and Thailand; CIT recipients of Volunteer Abroad funding travelled far and wide this past summer to bring their skills to enhance the lives of communities around the world. The good news is that the Volunteer Abroad programme is set to continue for another year, with the information evening to take place in the Bishopstown campus on the evening of November 12th. A date for the diary for those looking to keep their options open for Summer 2014. Many of the students who have undertaken a volunteer project have described it as the experience of their lives and recommend that anybody who is considering it should take the plunge and research a project to suit their strengths. The volunteer abroad programme aims to facilitate students who wish to volunteer by offering scholarships, which cover the cost of flights and the volunteer programme, and also bursaries to the value of â‚Ź500. Further information will be circulated to the students mycit email address during semester 1. The programme is open for application from all full time registered students.
Looking to borrow a good read for free?
he Societies Grab A Book facility might just be what you are looking for. The new book section is located in the Societies office, 1st floor Student Centre and is available for any CIT student and staff member to borrow a book for up to three weeks.
The books are pre-loved and have been donated by others as recommended reads. The selection of books available include autobiographies, thriller, crime, history, sci-fi, romance and modern fiction. These are the books that you won’t be able to find in the main Library building and good reads include The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Stieg Larsson; Long Walk to Freedom Nelson Mandela; or a classic John Grisham crime A time To Kill. The full list will be available to view on line or just call to the societies office and grab a book that you think might challenge, entertain or stimulate your mind. We are adding to the Grab A Book library all the time, if you do have a book that you think deserves to be shared with others we would be delighted to add it to our selection. For queries please email:
Back to
By Ciara O’Connor
o you are back to college after what was hopefully a nice enjoyable summer with some great weather which is unusual for Ireland. I hope you have had time to relax and are all ready for the new college year. A new academic year can be a great time to kick some bad habits and start fresh. If you are a smoker, maybe consider taking this chance to give it up. You might decide to pace your drinking a bit more this year, cut back on drinking or give it up completely. It might just be eating healthier, but at the end of the day, it is up to you. You will find a lot of information on these topics in the VP Welfare office within the Students’ Union if you are trying to kick some bad habits or else there is a lot of information online.
Here are a few of my tips for healthy living: • Most importantly the message is look after yourself. • For some of you this may be your first time living away from home and cooking for yourself may be a new concept. Yes convenience and fast foods may be easy and tempting but don’t base your diet around these for the sake of your health and your pocket - these foods can be expensive. • Always eat a breakfast (it will help you concentrate in early morning lectures) • Bring a packed lunch to college (you will save money) • Try and eat three varied meals a day (mix of nutrients makes for a balanced diet) • Bulk Buy (it’s cheaper and you can freeze or share with housemates) • Plan for days when you are too tired to cook (freeze portions) • Limit alcohol consumption As well as eating healthy it is also important to keep active. Not only do you keep fit and healthy but it can make you feel more relaxed and de-stressed.
It can be as simple as going for a walk, a kick around with your friends, or even better, getting involved with a sports club or society in college, which is also a great way to get to know other students. From your first week of college it is very tempting to go out every night. While it is great to socialise and enjoy yourself, try to take it easy. Pace yourself and limit your alcohol consumption. That way you save money and avoid a hangover the next morning in a lecture which is never nice. CIT launched our very own online alcohol intervention programme, e-PUB, in 2012 to help you understand your drinking habits and lists services which may be of use to you. Find CIT e-PUB at CIT or on the CIT SU website. Try it out.
As well as eating healthy it is also important to keep active. Not only do you keep fit and healthy but it can make you feel more relaxed and de-stressed.
Wisdom of the World
The Intern
That Little Piece of Paper
o you’re a student studying an IT related course and suddenly you realise “Whoa this is not what I signed up for!” I’m a 3rd year BIS student so trust me I’ve been there. I can still remember the surge of panic that hit me while sitting through my first ever programming lecture. Foolishly I thought that BIS was essentially a degree in Business Studies with a little bit of high level background knowledge on what is going on in the Tech world. I was wrong, oh so very wrong. Needless to say first year was a disaster. Not only did I finish the year with five repeat exams on my plate but I also had my mind fully set on either switching courses or dropping out altogether. I was frustrated, unmotivated and honestly hated the course. Switching courses wasn’t an option because I would have not only wasted a full year of college fees which my mother and father had generously provided, but I would also be hit with paying full tuition fees for the first year of my alternative course. How could I possibly expect my parents, who were both out of work at the time to foot the bill? At the time I was working part-time in a second-hand shop. It was a very handy job for me and I can’t say I was ever unhappy in there but one day I kind of realised that I didn’t want to be earning minimum wage for the rest of my life, which would be a very possible outcome if I decided to drop out of college altogether. Reluctantly I decided to bite the bullet and spend the summer studying to get through the repeats and into 2nd year. I finished 3rd year and achieved a first class honours average, and I’ve also completed a paid placement in one of the most exciting Technology Start-ups in the world helping prevent online fraud, and hopefully I have secured a job for when I have completed my degree. At this stage I have completely converted to the Tech world. What could possibly be more exciting than working in the fastest changing industry in the world? So if you are one of those panicking and thinking of dropping out of an IT course, here are a number of things you should consider before making any hasty decisions. • A degree is essential these days – Gone are the days when you can walk into a relatively good job without one. We are in the midst of a recession where employers have all the power and are becoming increasingly selective in the recruitment process. Dropping out of college completely is insane, chances are if you do get a job it will be minimum wage, if even! That piece of paper, (no matter how little it might actually mean you know), is what will have you earning the big money. • Either way you will have to work hard – I’ll be honest, college is hard work and often a lot of stress, and particularly in IT courses which accounts for the huge drop out rates. The reality that I had to face myself and that everyone will inevitably face is that for the rest of your life you
will encounter stress and challenges in the working world. Have you ever seen how hard a person behind the bar in a nightclub works on a Saturday night? They are run off their feet from the moment they arrive in the door and what can be more stressful than dealing with customers who are for the most part too drunk to see. My point is stress is inevitable, challenges are inevitable and hard work is inevitable. Wouldn’t you much rather do your hard work in a comfortable office, a relaxed culture, an exciting industry and for a hell of a lot more money? • The Technology industry is booming – There has never been a better time for you to be in an IT course than right now, especially in Ireland. It is estimated that there are between 3,000 and 5,000 job vacancies in the Tech Industry right now. The tech giants of the world like Google, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter have all decided to locate in Ireland. This skills shortage means that as soon as you have an IT related degree you are instantly more valuable than many other graduates who don’t have any technology background. Even the jobs in Sales, Marketing and other departments within these Tech companies will ideally want their candidates to have an IT background to understand their products and strategies, so you are at a huge advantage if your degree involves IT. • Just because you are in an IT course does not mean you will be coding for the rest of your life – I have never been good at programming in college and I know that it would take me a lot longer than some to get good at it. Unfortunately I don’t think and solve problems in the way that a developer would. I wish I did, but I don’t. However, I am willing to put up with working that extra bit harder to get through the programming modules in college. Right now I’m working in Project Management and you’d think that coding would be of no value to me, but you would also be highly wrong. Especially in a Tech start-up, project management often means being the bridge between developers and the business functions within the team. Thus a basic understanding of coding is essential for me to be able to understand Developer language and effectively manage and communicate with them regarding customer and product issues. So many businesses are now moving from bricks to clicks so even for traditional business roles within organisations a technical knowledge is essential and by having it you are making yourself more valuable than someone with just a business degree. The benefits of having an IT related degree are yours for the taking. I know it is a daunting task to try and turn things around if you have previously resigned yourself to dropping out of your course or if you have a stack of repeat exams that you don’t even know how to begin to tackle. Here are some of the rules and things I tried to tell myself that summer two years ago that I had to spend studying:
• Force interest in the modules you are studying – In an interesting TED presentation by Amy Cuddy, she introduces the wise phrase – “Don’t fake it til you make it. Fake it til you become it”. This is one of the most important pieces of advice I can give to anyone who is trying to turn things around in college. Fake an interest in technology. Force yourself to read tech blogs, to look at programming tutorials and to read as much as you can about the module you are studying. It is hard at first and it requires a big commitment but before you know it you will actually start to become competitive in your approach to learning more, getting higher grades, doing better in exams and before you know it you will genuinely start to like what you are doing. I can honestly say I am living proof of this because I couldn’t imagine myself being happier in a different course. • Look at the positives – Even if the thought of writing line after line of code doesn’t have you trembling with excitement, there are so many benefits to what you are doing. As I have stated earlier, everybody will face the reality of the working world and not everyone will like their job. Maybe you won’t if you work in the Tech industry, but I bet you’ll like the idea of earning a good salary. Apart from just money, building a good career can help you to find a sense of achievement, which proves to employers in other sectors that you are capable of hard work and overcoming challenges. It is essential to keep yourself on the right track, that you often take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Find your own positive reasons why you are working towards this and keep them in mind. • Don’t be afraid to take on other Interests – Spending 100% of your time in front of the computer and the books will get you nowhere. If you were capable of that level of interest in your course you would not be in this position in the first place. Instead it is wise to find other hobbies and interests as a release from your studies. That summer I decided to turn things around I also began a fitness regime, got into a relationship, kept up my part-time job and on top of all this I don’t ever miss a party! The reality is that the less time you have the more productive you will become. The important thing is to strike a balance. This will only help increase your interest in your course when you actually are studying and the time constraints will help to stop you from procrastinating. Hopefully this advice will help others from making the huge mistake that I nearly made. If you are lucky enough to be studying a course related to technology, please realise how lucky you are. Thankfully I did before it was too late. (Michael Linehan was a project manager at Trustev as part of his 3rd year work placement. His project work has been flawless, his office gardening responsibilities – not so much)
By: Michael Linehan
Sports Scholarships 2013/2014 Allocated for the pursuit of excellence in Sport
Scholarships are awarded to students who display a high level of achievement, commitment and dedication to their chosen sport. Scholarships are awarded across a wide range of sports and a significant number of these are reserved for first year students.
CIT SU presents
Freshers Soccer
Tournament 6-a-side (Max 8 players) €2 per player
Deadline for entry 1.30, Fri 20th Sept
Closing date for Applications 5:00pm, 1st October 2013 Application Forms are now available from CIT Sports Office, 1st Floor, Student Centre.
1st Prize €120 (plus Freshers Ball Tix)
2nd Prize €60, 3rd Prize €30, 4th Prize €30 Go to Sports Office to collect and drop forms, 1st Floor Student Centre For further details contact Eric 086 7816710 E:
Please ‘Like’ CIT Soccer Facebook page for all upcoming soccer events
Limited places. get forms in ASAP
Membership is open to full-time students only (no public members allowed). There’s something to suit everyone, so join up. Membership is free. Club training times are available on Sports & Societies Day (19th Sept), on the weekly “Whats on”, CIT Sports Department Facebook page or by calling to the Sports Office.
Table Tennis Canoeing Powerlifting Athletics Badminton Basketball – Men’s Basketball – Ladies Boxing Racquetball Mountain biking/Cycling Golf NMCI Sub Aqua Hockey Equestrian Karting Kickboxing
MMA – Mixed Martial Arts Tennis Darts Pool Volleyball Rock climbing Taekwondo Rowing Sailing Surfing Swimming For more information on any of the above clubs please contact 021-433 5767 19
CIT’s own, Lorcan McLoughlan
Classic quotes
I always said there’s no better city to be living in than Cork if Cork are in the All-Ireland final Seán Óg hAilpín speaks to ahead of the clash aginst Clare This man couldn’t take, for even a month, a small portion of what he had dished out for more than a decade Cuyahoga County Prosecuter Timothy Mc Ginty speaks about Ariel Castro who committed suicide one month into a life sentence for the kidnappings, rape and beatings of three women.
Noelle timere The Latin expression ‘Don’t be afraid’ were the final words of late poet laureat Seamus Heaney to his wife Marie through a text message.
Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.
Rebels will fight another day
Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900)
This is becoming a habit. For the second year in a row, the All-Ireland hurling final will go to a replay after Clare and Cork played out a 0-25 to 3-16 draw that made the spine tingle and left the head in a spin. In front of 81,651 rapt spectators at Croke Park, Clare corner-back Domhnall O’Donovan surged forward in injury-time to score his first ever point in a Clare jersey. All square. Come back and do it again in three weeks. “It was everything we had worked for,” said Clare manager Davy Fitzgerald. “Our dreams were on the line. The only time we were behind in the whole feckin’ game. I mean, I could not believe it, that we were behind. Because I didn’t think we deserved to be. And when he got it . . . hats off to him.”
Welcom!e Back
€9.99 up to 3 toppings
It would have been desperately harsh on Clare to have lost out on the back of it. But Clare’s inability to plunder any goals was what kept Cork in the game. Every time they looked to stretch clear, Jimmy Barry-Murphy’s side pulled them back. Second-half goals from Conor Lehane, Anthony Nash and Pa Cronin meant that Cork did almost enough to steal JBM’s team an All-Ireland against the head. But not quite! The replay is set for Saturday, September 28th, at 5pm, which will make it the first All-Ireland final to be played under lights. Go on the Rebels!
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T&C: *Up to three toppings. Please mention offer when ordering. Only with valid student ID. Not valid with any other offer. Valid for a lmited time only and at participating stores.
Whether you have just arrived on campus at CIT or have been a student here for some time you are probably aware that college can be a very exciting time in your life. Have you ever considered the effect your drinking can have on you and others? Or even the amount it may cost you in a year? Why not try e-Pub! e-PUB is a personal online BARometer to one’s alcohol consumption. The CIT e-Pub is an interactive web survey that allows CIT students to enter information about their drinking patterns and receive feedback about their use of alcohol. • Takes 6-7 minutes to complete • It is anonymous and self-guided • Requires no face-to-face contact time with any CIT staff members. Complete the CIT e-Pub survey and see the results for yourself! On completion of the survey you will be provided with a list of support services in Cork Institute of Technology and the wider community. e-PUB is an evidence based website and is not sponsored or supported by the drinks industry, so you see the REAL effects and facts of your alcohol consumption. Click on the following link for theCIT e-PUB survey:
5 Chicken Fillets 5 Pork Chops 5 Chicken Kebabs 5 Beef Burgers
Wilton Shopping Centre Tel: 021 434 5866
CAREERS & EMPLOYABILITY FAIR 2013 Date: Wednesday, 2nd October 2013 Time: 11am – 2.30pm Location: Nexus, Student Centre, Bishopstown Campus
What will you see at the Fair?
1. EMPLOYERS – Find out about jobs & future opportunities. 2. DEDICATED EMPLOYABILITY CLINIC – Get advice on enhancing your Employability Skills & preparing for the world of work. 3. CIT POSTGRADUATE OPTIONS – Check out further study options in CIT. 4. VOLUNTEERING OPTIONS – Look at voluntary work in Ireland & abroad. 5. TRAVEL INFORMATION – Pick up information on spending the summer abroad or taking a year out after college.
GOOD NEWS: There are options for the future and this event will help you in deciding what to do next! MORE INFORMATION: Contact the CIT Careers & Counselling Service on (021) 4335772.
Crossword uzzle #16 by Dave Fisher ( sponsored by
18 21
24 28
30 35 40
33 38
41 42
32 37
43 49
ck then
36. "___ Miserables" Class: 10. Many, manyMobile Tel:
h. or Ukr., once
38. Moves slowly
Down 1. Motel employee 2. Ethnicity 3. Go by air? 4. Grand, e.g. 5. Employ 6. Stitch up 7. Cut and __ 8. Element of many Bruce Willis films 9. It may be pierced 10. Many, many moons 13. Most populous country 18. Behave 20. ___ de Triomphe 22. Not pos. 23. Come down hard 24. Completed 25. Group of whales 26. Lincoln and Homer’s dad 27. Simple wind instrument 29. Close 32. Expected 35. __-see event (It’s not to be missed) 36. “___ Miserables” 38. Moves slowly 39. Animation frame 41. “__ My Guitar Gently Weeps” 44. Radio tuner 45. Advantage 46. Cheer 47. Driver’s need 48. Breakfast drinks 50. Newsman Rather 51. Comedian Philips
Prize: €30. Deliver completed entries to the SU shop.
Winner from last May’s issue last semester is: Caroline Kelleher, BBADM
Have you elected your class rep?
he Dukes of d" spinoff
urt call
Across 1. “__ Doubtfire” 4. Crescent point 8. Flight formation 11. Battery size 12. Away from port 13. “See you later!” 14. Here, in Quebec 15. The latest 16. Warning device 17. Hold up 19. Peacock’s pride 21. Worried 25. Sidekick 28. Light-weight boat 30. Award bestowed by Queen Eliz. 31. Roam (about) 33. Larry King employer 34. Transfer 37. Achieve 40. “__ Over The Rainbow” 42. Charge 43. Church leader 47. “The __ Must Be Crazy” 49. __ fixe (obsession) 52. Altar vow 53. “Leaving On __ Plane” Peter, Paul & Mary hit 54. Genie holder 55. Back then 56. Lith. or Ukr., once 57. “The Dukes of Hazzard” spinoff 58. Court call
13. Most populous country 18. Behave
39. Animation frame 41. "__ My Guitar Gently Weeps"
20. ___ de Triomphe e tuner Your nc Radio e differe44. face Not pos.
el employee
45. Advantage put youdown rse lf 46. 23. Come hard for d now! Cheer 24.war Completed
by air?
25. Group of whales
nd, e.g.
26. Lincoln and Homer's dad
h up
and __
ment of many Willis films
ay be pierced
27. Simple wind Be instrument You!
47. Driver's need 48. Breakfast drinks
Register online at: or fill out the form at the Students’ Union office, Student Centre.
50. Newsman Rather 51. Comedian Philips
29. Close 32. Expected 35. __-see event (It's not to be missed)
All reps must be elected and strictly one per class group is allowed, unless group exceeds 40
Keep it local Featuring
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