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Over to you...

Over to you...

Welcome to the second issue of The Explorer ! Thanks for all your feedback on the magazine so far, we’re delighted you enjoy reading it as much as we love creating it.

Last month I was lucky enough to visit Lebanon. I’ve been longing to visit since the country reopened to visitors – and it certainly didn’t disappoint! I was reminded how much travel truly makes you appreciate and understand, at least a little better, other cultures and other people. After a few years deprived of travel, we now appreciate even more how it reaffirms the common things that bind us all together – something Emma Thomson talks about so eloquently in Seize the Day (page 4).

We always enjoy hearing about your travel stories and the joy and excitement of discovering new places or revisiting favourites with friends old and new. Reading about the friendship between Brian, Zsar Zsar and Celia (Over to you, page 38) made our hearts sing! So please keep sending us your feedback, travel stories and any suggestions for what you’d like to see and read in future issues.

Lastly, we’re delighted to launch the Explore Foundation this month. It’s something we’re extremely proud of, as a way of better supporting the communities and people in the places we travel to. You can read more about it on page 16.

Happy reading and happy travels!

Michael Edwards Managing Director, Explore Worldwide

Explore today, don’t wait for tomorrow, says travel writer Emma Thomson.

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